Resident evil 8: village
- Moreau’s Area
- Stronghold
- House Beneviento
- Женщина-кукла
- Urias Strajer
- Операционная
- Ворота в крепость
- Общая могила и Сад
- Heisenberg
- Heisenberg’s Factory
- Underground (Mines)
- Шахта дробилки
- Мельница Отто
- Chris
- Lady Dimitrescu
- Трофей каннибала на мельнице Отто
- Материнская дверь, Кухня и Спальня
- Урьяш – бой с боссом
- Village 2nd Visit
- Miranda
- Сокровище под крепостью
- Кабинет
- Moreau
- Village
Moreau’s Area
In the village you can now use the key to go through the gate leading South from where the Duke is. Follow the small river running down the middle area to a wall of green goo, which you can damage to destroy and proceed further. Break the next one to climb a ladder and get into the area with the windmill. Go inside and down the stairs all the way and down the lift.
In the next area go down the tunnel to the left with the tracks on the floor, then up the stairs and squeeze through the gap to obtain the after a cutscene.
Go back the way you came, then a left and then immediately right to go up some stairs. Hit the wood where the yellow tape is to make a path going forward, then follow it to the end of the area where there is a house building by a tree. Inside the building on the left you can grab the .
Go back the way you came again and take a right when back in the first area to get outside. Follow the path to the end where you can use the on the boat in the water, then drive it through the two tunnels. After the cutscenes you will be on a dock in the water, follow the path to the pumphouse building. Continue out the other side and down the path towards the windmill. Using the crank on this one breaks it, so continue down the ladder inside this windmill.
In this next section, you traverse the water-filled area over submergible platforms that the transformed Moreau will continually swim through trying to get you. Wait for him to go by before going on platforms. To get to the next set of buildings you need to break some supports to drop platforms, and you do this on the tower by also shooting the yellow taped part on the left with a gun from that side.
Go through the building and push down the first cart, then drop to the area with the switches. You need to pull these switches to temporarily raise platforms in the water to progress. First use the BLUE and the ORANGE to get across to the other building, where there will be all three colors of switches. In here you want to quickly pull them in the order GREEN, BLUE, ORANGE, then pull the ORANGE switch you run by as you quickly get to the end.
The next part is a long section of the submergible walkways. First get to the middle platform as Moreau will flop down on all of them, then when he leaves quickly run to the end before he drops them again.
Follow the path where you will push down a cart to get back to the central building, which now has a second cart to push down allowing you to progress. Pull the switch to lift a boat out of the water, then go through the middle and quickly break the goo that appears to get out of the boat before Moreau destroys it. Drop the ladder so you can climb it, and you will now be on top of another windmill. Interact with the to obtain it.
You first need to go around and interact with the ladder section on the ground, then you can go back to the gears and use the to stop the windmill. Climb up to the top and use the zipline to get back to the first windmill, then use the on it to get power running in the pumphouse. Go inside and interact with the console, then complete the light puzzle to get the switch working (the solution on the side is rotated to the right).
Use the switch to drain the water, then go out the door to the right and follow Moreau into the next area.
In the village follow the signs Heisenberg has placed to lead you to the stronghold. This will lead you through a large number of Lycan on your way to the end of the area to obtain the flask. In these areas, you don’t actually need to kill any to progress, only if they’re in your way (or if you feel like killing them).
The first section once you reach the end you need to pull two levers to open the metal gate. They are reached by the stairs on the left, and the ladder on the right.
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Continue through the doors and go up the stairs. In the next section you follow the path up, then there is a zipline you can interact with to get over to the other side of the area and continue along the path. At the top you just need to get through the door behind the group of Lycan that appear, then go back down the stairs to continue.
House Beneviento
Follow the linear path to the end where you reach a door. Interact with the drop slot and choose to place the from your inventory into the slot. Continue down the path and enter the house. Go through the door at the back of the main room, then down the hallway to the left and down the next elevator. Follow the hallway to the end, and interact with the flask sitting on the doll.
All your weapons are now gone, and you need to solve a series of puzzle to get out of the area. First, you need to interact with the large doll on the table to get some items to proceed. Interact with the right shoulder and move your hands to pull a section off, obtaining the . (You can skip this step if you want to save time).
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Next go around the other side and interact with the left leg, pulling it off to obtain a .
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Finally, interact with the left hand to pull off the . (You can skip this step if you want to save time).
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Use the on the nearby door, then interact with the sink twice, the second time selecting the from your inventory, which makes Ethan wash it off, obtaining the . Go into your invetory and inspect the ring to get the code 052911. Use this code on the paddle on the door you entered the doll room from to get back out into the hallway.
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Go down the hallway and into the first door on the left. Interact with the music box, then use the to open it. You now need to move the slots the cylinders are in to make the music box work. Use the scratches you can see on the cylinders to get them in the correct order. When you successfully match them you obtain .
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Go back into the doll room and interact with the mouth of the doll, moving it all the way obtain. When prompted use select the to obtain the .
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Go back down the hallway again all the way to the end where you enter a study. Interact with the hanging film, then select the out of your inventory to place it on the stand. Interact with the stand again and move them into the order based on the clue on the paper to the left. The correct order is: Bear, Book, Rose, Music Box, Ring. Play the movie, then a door on the other side of the room opens.
Go into the wall and grab the from the doll on the right. Use them to cut the bandages blocking the path. Follow the hallway to the end, unlocking the door which gets you back into the room with the sink.
Go over to the large doll again, using the to cut the bandages on the torso to obtain the .
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Now in this room go down the hallway to the left where there is a door with a picture on it. Interact with it and place the , then interact with the other to spots. Change the top left to the bird pointing to the right with wings going left (press once), then the bottom one to the three closed eyes (press twice).
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Follow this passage to the end and then climb to the bottom of the well to find a .
Go back to the prior room and start going down the hallway until you see the baby. You will now need to avoid the baby while progressing. Go back to the doll room and wait behind the table until the baby enters the room, then go around the opposite side of the table that it starts going to chase you (can also take the path through the other hallway too). Go all the way to the end of the hallway to the elevator and use the on the breaker box to obtain the .
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Go into the study and back through the spot in the wall into the hallway, then to the doorway on the left where you can place the to open it.
Go to the end of this new hallway to the bedroom, then interact with the box on the wall to obtain the .
Go back down the hallway you came through again until you here the baby chasing you again, then turn around and go back into the bedroom and hide under the bed. Wait for it to enter the room and start moving around the bed, then you can crawl out the front and run down the hallway. You need to go left and take the long way back to the elevator through the doll room because the right path is blocked.
Interact with the fuse box and place in the , then quickly get inside the elevator when it opens and push the button to close the door and go back upstairs.
Посреди комнаты на столе лежит кукла-женщина в натуральную величину. Что делать с ней:
- Осмотрите ее левую ногу. Исследуйте конечность вверх по голени, пока рука Итана не окажется на колене. Отсоедините ногу и достаньте из колена заводной ключ.
- Осмотрите левую руку куклы и снимите окровавленное кольцо.
- Осмотрите бинтовую повязку на груди. Ее можно разрезать чем-то острым.
- Посмотрите фотографию на столе.
- Осмотрите рот куклы. Внутри что-то лежит. Чтобы достать это, нужен специальный инструмент.
- Осмотрите левый глаз куклы. На глазном яблоке нарисовано изображение ворона, летящего направо.
- Осмотрите правое плечо. Проследуйте до плеча и отсоедините руку. Внутри лежит серебряный ключ.
- Осмотрите и отсоедините правое предплечье. Внутри руки есть металлический предмет, на котором изображено три закрытых глаза.
Urias Strajer
You now have another boss fight with Urias Strajer. As the name would imply this one is similar to the one you fought as Ethan, but much stronger and with armor on its face which means that is off the table for damage. Its back is exposed and shooting it there does deal more damage, but it generally doesn’t leave it exposed for very long. After a while you will start being able to call in airstrikes on it, which is the best way to kill it quickly. Avoid its attacks in the same way you did against the one as Ethan and call in airstrikes when you can.
After it’s dead. take the newly opened path. After a cutscene continue down the path until you reach a lab, then interact with the door at the back.
After more scenes you will be back playing as Ethan. When you are back in the central village area grab any supplies you need, then follow the path to the “Ritual Site”.
Вернувшись в литейную, идите через комнату на север. Двигайтесь по коридору к переключателю и откройте дверь.
Справа от вас будет ящик с патронами для снайперской винтовки. В операционной возьмите отмычку слева у входа. На столе слева есть несколько светошумовых снарядов.
У двери на юго-западе убейте солдата и заберите с каталки патроны для пистолета. Пройдите через дверь, которая открылась после монстра, обыщите чемодан. Там лежит Длинный ствол (М1851 «Борец») – улучшение для револьвера.
Слева найдите диктофон и активируйте его, чтобы услышать голосовую заметку от Гейзенберга.
Ворота в крепость
Продолжайте двигаться дальше. Внутри найдите кучу бочек. Заберите мину, леи и обломки металлолома из ящиков.
Поднимитесь наверх правой (южной) стены и идите по ней против часовой стрелки, уничтожая оборотней-лучников по мере движения.
Наверху заберите патроны для пистолета и боеприпасы для дробовика из ящика. Слева вы найдете еще патроны для дробовика.
Подойдите к двери на восточной стене. Слева есть ящик с патронами для дробовика. Идите дальше по лестнице в северо-западном углу и заберите патроны для снайперской винтовки.
Прежде чем потянуть рычаг, разложите вокруг себя мины. Также установите несколько на лестнице. Как только вы попробуйте взяться за рычаг, на вас побежит толпа оборотней. Во время сражения не забудьте, что внизу стоят бочки со взрывчаткой. Используйте их, чтобы быстрее убить монстров.
Расправившись с оборотнями, потяните рычаг и идите на другую сторону двери. Там есть второй рычаг. Снова отбейтесь от монстров, соберите все, что с них выпало, и идите внутрь крепости.
Общая могила и Сад
Дойдите до общей могилы и продолжайте двигаться вперед через подвесной мост. По дороге нет никаких предметов, которые можно собрать.
В конце пути вы попадете на круглую площадку со странной могилой по центру. Идите к двери. Справа от дверей будет табличка, на которой написано:
«Отдай свои воспоминания».
Это подсказка. Вам нужно вложить в отверстие фотографию Мии с Розой. Войдите внутрь, доберитесь до лифта и поднимитесь наверх. Потом идите по дороге к дому Беневиенто.
Прежде чем войти в дом, поверните налево от парадной двери. Спустившись с лестницы, вы найдете козий оберег за решетчатой оградой.
The first part of the Heisenberg fight you are driving around the vehicle you are on, using it to attack the Heisenberg. You can block melee attacks the same way you normally, then shoot either a machine gun or a cannon at the boss. To deal damage you need to shoot the red glowing points located on either or his arms and one at his base. If you’re trying to avoid damage you should shoot the points only using the machine gun, then use the cannon when he starts moving to attack you because it staggers him and interrupts his attacks. The fight while on the vehicle basically doesn’t change, just keep shooting the glowing red points as they appear.
After enough damage is dealt he will knock you off the vehicle and you will be on foot. You now need to continue damaging him with normal weapons by shooting him in the face. Avoid attacks by staffing to the side or moving close to him, and keep damaging him until the fight ends.
Heisenberg’s Factory
WARNING: If you have anything else you need to do in the village or other areas you can get back to you need to do it now before going to the factory. Once you go there you proceed to the end of the game.
Back in the village you can return to the area by the Duke and place the four flasks into the chalice. Once all four are placed you obtain the .
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Take the chalice over to the “Ritual Site”, the area with the large statues that you came through after exiting the castle and place it in the middle of the stone circle. This moves the middle platform down and allows you to walk across the bridge leading to the factory.
Follow the path into the factory and through the rooms. Interact with the curtain in the final room and you will have a talk with Heisenberg. After the cutscenes you will be running around from an enemy, just follow the linear path down the hallway, then drop into the chute on the right side when you reach the dead end.
Follow the path out of the area you drop into, pulling the grate off the vent at the end to proceed. Follow the path and you will end up in an area where you can find the Duke in a large elevator. To continue, go through the door to the right of him. When you reach the room with the metal door you should see a red light on it. Throughout the factory, you can find these on doors or machinery, and you either knife or shoot them to destroy them, opening doors or stopping machinery.
Follow the linear path through the dark room until you reach the room with the casting machine, which is the main tool used to progress in the factory. First, go down the path to the left, following the linear path into a room with a large case where you can obtain the .
Go back to the casting room and use this in the machine to obtain the , which you then use on the spot in the wall to the right to continue.
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Follow the path through the next room with the machinery. If you want to stop the pistons to get by easier you can shoot the red lights, or just time running underneath them (you take damage if they swing down when you are under them, but also damage the enemies that way). Continue through the rooms and up the stairs to another metal door with lights on it. Inside here is another case that contains the .
Go back two rooms where there is a door you can go through that leads directly back to the casting machine, where you can use the to obtain the . Take this and use it on the machine you ran by when getting the mold which then allows you to turn the generator on.
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The door to the left of the stairs you went up before is now open, and you can continue through there. In the room with the Soldat walking around on the lower floor you need to go upstairs where there will be a metal door that has 5 lights on it to break. Go through the next area and again go to the second level, where you will again find another 5 light door. This leads back to the dark room you came through at the start where you can now interact with a switch to lower a platform to proceed.
In the next hallway will be another 5 light door, leading to an area where you are again attacked by Sturm and need to run away down the hallway. Go through the doors at the end and you will be back in the main open factory area, where you can pull a switch to activate the elevator the Duke is on, raising it to your floor. You can now use this to go up and down between these two floors if you needs.
Take the ladder up, then follow the linear path through some tubes and a mineshaft area, where you can crouch into a vent in the wall in the room with the large drill in the middle. Go through the door on the other side to a room with a huge turbine at the top. To proceed up through this turbine you need to shoot the 4 red lights located on it. 1 directly in the middle then 3 around the outer rim. After you shoot all 4 it stops, and you can climb a ladder at the top to continue.
After going through another hallway you will reach a long room with another turbine at the end. To avoid dying you need to shoot the light in the middle while being sucked towards it.
Go through where the turbine was, and walk along the pipes to the right that lead along the wall. At the end of them there is a ladder you can climb leading to a hatch. Go up the elevator, and in the next room there is a case that contains the . Go through to the next area, where you are again out in the main open factory and there is another switch you can pull to bring the elevator up here, which is actually required to progress.
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Take the elevator back down the B4, then go through the area leading to the casting machine, which will now be dark and have more enemies in it. Use the on the machine to obtain , then go back and take the elevator back to B1 so you can use the key on the nearby door to continue.
Underground (Mines)
After the scenes, you will be handcuffed and running away from the Lycans chasing you down. Follow the largely linear path, breaking the boards in your way when needed. When you drop into the large square room with the door at the end you will need to avoid the spike roller to continue. To do so, turn around and face the direction you entered the room from, and the spot to hide will be in the right-hand corner. Wait for the spike roller to move all the way towards you and you will be free from the handcuffs, then follow the path out of the area and you will be back where the switch was. After pulling it, follow the path through into the castle.
Шахта дробилки
Идите на западную сторону от лифта Герцога и поднимитесь по лестнице. Двигайтесь по пути к следующей металлической лестнице, после чего спуститесь вниз.
Разбейте ящик и заберите с него патроны для дробовика. После сверните налево (на юг) в туннель. Поверните на первом повороте налево, подберите траву, самодельную взрывчатку и порох.
Вернувшись в главный проход, идите по нему до комнаты с гигантским буром по центру. Перед тем, как войти в помещение, поищите над вашей головой клетку для птиц и заберите из нее патроны для дробовика.
Заходите в помещение, убейте вампиров-рабочих, осмотрите сверло и заберите огромный и простой кристаллы с его основания. В шкафу на востоке (слева) возьмите отмычку.
Теперь пролезьте сквозь вентиляционное отверстие и спуститесь по лестнице.
Оказавшись внизу, обернитесь. Там есть дыра в стене. Взорвите ее с помощью самодельной взрывчатки и соберите два огромных кристалла, желтый кварц и вивианит. Потом выходите из комнаты и проходите в ворота в конце коридора.
Мельница Отто
Вернитесь на кладбище и следуйте указателям Гейзенберга. Они указывают, что Итану нужно идти на северо-запад. Используйте ключ с 6-крылым эмбрионом, чтобы открыть ворота и пройти вперед. Перед крытым туннелем сверните налево. В траве вы увидите табличку, указывающую путь к мельнице Отто.
Идите по тропинке до реки. Поверните направо (на восток) и двигайтесь вверх по течению. Под мельницей есть козий оберег.
Вернитесь к разрушенному мосту и продолжайте идти на север. Разломайте ящик в сарайчике справа и возьмите немного лей. Сломайте замок на воротах, заберите мясо со свиньи, обломок кристалла, монеты и мину.
Заходите внутрь мельницы. Идите по коридору до главной комнаты здания.
After some cutscenes, you will now be playing as Chris. Follow the linear path through the forest for another cutscene, then you will need to start moving into the village. This part is relatively linear, you are just following the path through the village that you should know by now, killing or avoiding the Lycans in your way until you reach the village center that now has a giant wooden cross in it. Here you now need to use the laser pointer to mark it three separate times to destroy it. After each marking, you need to wait a minute before you can mark again, and will have a wave of enemies spawned on you. You can try to kill them or just avoid them because they are all instantly killed the next time you mark the cross. After it’s destroyed take the new path down.
Lady Dimitrescu
After interacting with the coffin you will start the boss fight against Lady Dimitrescu. She has mutated into a giant dragon-like creature, and you are fighting her on a tower. The basic idea for the fight is to shoot her still “normal” torso part on the back of the dragon to do the most damage. Keep backing up for this first section, avoiding lunges from the dragon. If you are doing this knife only, the basic idea is just to get behind her and keep hitting the back leg of the dragon, because it can’t do anything when you’re behind it until it turns around. If she flies away and hovers in the outside of the area, you can shoot her body to stagger her, causing her to drop onto the tower for a short period where you can get in more damage.
When she days the dialogue line “More blood” the fight will progress to the second part, where you are put on a stairwell higher up the tower. Don’t try to damage her right now, just make your way up to the top floor of the tower. She will fly around outside the tower, then drop into the middle with you, where you just need to keep putting damage into her until she dies.
When the fight is over, go to the altar at the front of the room and pick up the to leave the area.
Трофей каннибала на мельнице Отто
Войдя в помещение, вы сразу услышите характерные звуки и увидите того, кто их издает. На противоположном углу комнаты находится громадный монстр, такой, какого вы уже видели возле могилы Беневиенто, когда забирали сокровище.
Чтобы убить монстра, вам придется водить его по помещению, прячась за стеллажами, и стрелять в него с дробовика и кидать самодельную взрывчатку.
Но есть альтернативный вариант:
Сделайте так, чтобы монстр вас заметил.
Выходите из комнаты через дверь, в которую вы вошли.
Ждите несколько секунд, открывайте дверь и посмотрите наверх.
Наверху будет платформа
Монстр, после того, как вы вышли из комнаты, запрыгнет на нее.
Выстрелите 1 раз с пистолета вверх, чтобы привлечь внимание монстра.
Он подойдет к краю платформы и вам нужно выстрелить в него.
Повторяйте эти действия до тех пор, пока чудовище не умрет.. Этот способ подойдет тем, кто не хочет рисковать жизнью главного героя и не любит опасные бои
Этот способ подойдет тем, кто не хочет рисковать жизнью главного героя и не любит опасные бои.
После смерти каннибала входите в помещение, поднимитесь на платформу по лестнице и заберите Большой кристальный топор.
Далее осмотрите всю комнату, соберите боеприпасы для дробовика, пистолета, снайперской винтовки и фугасные снаряды. Разбейте на большой двери три замка и войдите на кухню, где лежит мясо, обломки металла и трава.
Направляйтесь к двери на северо-востоке помещения. Идите по коридору до стола, на котором стоит шкатулка с трофеем каннибала – Ангел отца Николая. Справа осмотрите полки и соберите порох, леи и патроны для пистолета.
Выходите через дверь на улицу. На вас нападет несколько оборотней. Убейте их и идите к крытому туннелю.
Материнская дверь, Кухня и Спальня
Выйдя из кабинета через туннель, вы пройдете по коридору и откроете вторую дверь в медицинскую комнату (которая рядом со шкафчиком, где вы прятались). Вернитесь назад к материнской двери и установите барельеф с ребенком, чтобы открыть проход.
Спуститесь по лестнице и войдите в первую дверь слева. Обойдите кухонный стол и выйдите в коридор с другой стороны. Идите вперед и поверните направо. Вы попадете в спальню. В южном углу комнаты заберите предохранитель для электрощитка.
Возвращайтесь обратно, но будьте осторожны – возле материнской двери на вас снова нападет то странное существо с голосом ребенка.
Бегите в спальню через кухню и прячьтесь в шкафу. Также можно спрятаться под кроватью. Сидите тихо и ждите, пока монстр уйдет.
Урьяш – бой с боссом
Двигайтесь по туннелю вниз от печатной машинки. Спрыгните на площадку, и в этот момент заиграет зловещая музыка. Сейчас начнется бой с боссом. Вам придется много бегать, чтобы избежать огромного урона и проверить ниши в стене. Там будут боеприпасы и полезные предметы, а именно (начиная с правой стороны от красной двери по часовой стрелке):
- Патроны для пистолета.
- Лекарство.
- Две самодельные взрывчатки.
- Еще боеприпасы для пистолета.
- Патроны для винтовки.
- Патроны для дробовика.
Чтобы обмануть Урьяша, используйте столбы в качестве преграды. Бросайте в него всю взрывчатку и мины, которые есть в инвентаре. Если эти боеприпасы закончатся, стреляйте из дробовика или гранатомета.
Вся суть боя с Урьяшем заключается в избегании его ударов и пряток за столбами. Периодически он будет вызывать на арену нескольких оборотней. Убейте их в первую очередь, а после добейте Урьяша. После смерти он уронит Кристальный молот.
Расправившись с боссом, выходите с арены через красную дверь на юго-западе, которая была ранее заперта.
В начале прохода вы увидите много кристаллов. Сбейте их все и соберите. Среди них будут как обычные кристаллы, так и ценные экземпляры – кварц и вивианит.
Village 2nd Visit
Break the lock on the door, then follow the path to a scene with the Hag. After it is finished, open the chest on the table to obtain the . Use it on the gate, then follow the path back into the village. After some explanation from the Duke, you need to go back into the village to the house with the red chimney. The gate to the southeast of the statue in the “Maiden of War” area is now open and you can go through that area. Follow the path to the gate with the “Do Not Enter” sign and break the lock, then go into the building on the left. The cabinet at the end has a combo lock on it that uses the code 070408, and inside you can find the M1911 Handgun as well as the .
Go back and use the jack handle on the jack under the tractor to lift it and get through to the next area. Take your next two rights to a spot with a gate where you can use the , then climb the ladder on the next building which is the one with the red chimney you were looking for. Go inside and open the chest on the table, which contains a key piece you examine, combing it to obtain the .
Return to the Duke, and you will now be able to go through the door to the north side of the area the Duke is in.
Now all you have left is Miranda, the final boss of the game. She stays mostly human-shaped for the entire fight, so you deal damage by just shooting her in the head or body. After some time she will start changing forms, switching to one with a number of large spider legs carrying her around, then one where she flies in the air. In the spider form, you avoid her the same when she’s on the ground, then if she jumps to a higher platform you need to start running around the room to avoid when she tries to jump down on to you. When she flies around she will sometimes dive at you, or summon either one large or three small brown orbs that float over her head. You can shoot these balls to destroy them, but if you don’t they will light on fire and be shot towards you. She will then rotate through these three forms during the fight.
If a number of black pillars appear out of the ground and a large brown orb in the middle you need to hide behind one of the pillars. The orb in the middle will light on fire and start sending small flaming orbs outward that damage you if you aren’t behind a pillar.
Sometimes the entire area will darken making it hard to see. When this happens Miranda will hide in the darkness in normal form, and you need to find her when she appears and attack her to allow you to see normally again.
After enough damage is dealt she will grab you and hold you in place, while summoning a large brown ball above her. You need to quickly shoot this ball to blow it up and damage Miranda. Once you have successfully done this she will start attacking you while still held in place, and you need to keep damage her to kill her and end the fight.
This concludes our Resident Evil Village Walkthrough.
More Guides:
- Resident Evil 8 Village Wiki & Strategy Guide
- Resident Evil 8 Village Collectibles Guide
- Resident Evil 8 Village All Treasure Locations & Solutions
- Resident Evil 8 Village All Cooking Ingredient Locations
- Resident Evil 8 Village How to Unlock Infinite Ammo Cheats
- Resident Evil 8 Village Trophy Guide & Roadmap
« PrevResident Evil 8 Village Wiki & Strategy GuideNext »Resident Evil 8 Village All Collectible Locations (Goats, Files, Recipes, Outhouses, Windows, Weapon Parts)
Сокровище под крепостью
Спуститесь по лестнице вниз и сверните налево. Там вы найдете сокровище крепости Гейзенберга – Тарелка Гульельмо.
Далее сверните направо и плывите на лодке до следующего причала. Но вместо того, чтобы подниматься по железной лестнице, идите налево в туннель.
В камерах вы найдете патроны для пистолета/дробовика, самодельную взрывчатку, реагент, фото неуловимой рыбы (мы ее уже нашли), леи и документы с отчетом о результатах экспериментов.
На выходе из тюремных камер на вас нападет несколько вампиров. Разберитесь с ними и поднимайтесь по лестнице в конце дороги назад наверх. Она выведет вас на кладбище Старого города возле церкви.
Вернитесь к Герцогу, продайте ценные вещи, закупитесь и сохранитесь на печатной машинке.
На этом тринадцатая часть гайда по прохождению Resident Evil 8: Village завершена.
Возьмите пинцет, вернитесь в кукольную мастерскую и достаньте изо рта куклы фрагмент кинопленки. Теперь идите вместе с ней в кабинет – комнату справа от лифта.
На столе лежит записка. Прочитайте ее. На ней написано:
«Наша счастливая семья
Лучший друг Розы во всем мире.
Ей очень нравится эта сказка.
Самое важное для нас на этом свете.
Подарок на свадьбу от бабушки.
Доказательство вечной любви от Итана ко мне».
Теперь осмотрите проектор и подставку с фрагментами кинопленки. Чтобы решить эту головоломку, вам нужно разместить фрагменты кинопленки в правильном порядке.
По порядку слева направо:
- Изображение обезьянки.
- Книжка со сказкой «Деревня теней».
- Изображение маленькой Розы.
- Изображение музыкальной шкатулки.
- Изображение руки с обручальным кольцом.
Сделав все правильно, воспроизведите фильм. После этого за стеллажом откроется проход. Войдите внутрь и поверните в проходе направо. Возьмите у куклы на полке ножницы.
Now you fight Moreau in this drained area. Like Lady Dimitrescu the best way to damage him is by shooting his “normal” body that is located in the mouth of the giant fish part. Keep backing away and shooting it when you can, watching for when he lunges or spews goo at you.
After enough damage is dealt he will climb onto the top of one of the buildings. When he does this you want to quickly get underneath one of the covered areas marked with the yellow cords and paint. Moreau will start spewing goo into the air, which comes down as rain that damages you if you aren’t in one of the covered areas. This also spawns goo blocking the paths around the area which you have to destroy if you want to move to other spots during the fight.
After that, he comes down again and you can keep damaging him like normal. Depending on how long the fight goes for he may go on the rooftops again, in which case you just hide again under the covered areas.
Once he is defeated follow the newly opened path into the tunnel which leads to the room you originally saw Moreau in when you obtained the flask. Grab the key piece off the table, then examine it to combine it and obtain the key. You can use it on the near gate, then head back to the village.
Ethan wakes up at the wreck of the vehicle he was being transported in. Follow the linear path through the forest (don’t worry about the flashlight being pointed at the ground, this is only for the first part of the game). When you reach a building go inside and through to the basement and open the cabinet at the end, then turn around and go back out of the building and continue following the linear path.
Continue following through path through the village until you enter a house again and pull back a curtain to meet your first village resident. They give you a weapon, then you end up in the basement and can continue following the linear path. After the next scenes end you will have your first enemy encounter. Deal with the Lycan, then go inside the house it came out of and into the pantry to pick up , then use them to open the gate in the yard.
Go into the house in front of you then upstairs and grab the handgun ammo off the shelf. This starts the large Lycan ambush that you need to deal with. Go back downstairs and move the shelf in front of the door, then one enemy will appear inside the house that you need to deal with. The growling outside will subside and you can move the shelf and go back out the front door, then follow the blood trail on the ground into the next building. Once you enter the Lycan will start attacking again, and you need to drop down the ladder to the lower area and go out into the next village area.
Here you have to survive for a period of time before the game progresses. You can barricade yourself in another house for a while, then climb up on the roof if needed. You need to wait until after Urias appears (the big Lycan with the hammer) then run down the path with the water in the middle through the buildings to trigger the end of the ambush, where you will be shot with an arrow then all the Lycan leave.
After the scene with the Hag, you need to find two crests to get through the gate to the castle. The first one, the is located in the nearby church. After grabbing the crest, continue through the Fallow Plot to the building at the end. Climb through the window, then over the wall, and open the gate. After more scenes go up to the front door of the house. When you are in the first room of Luisa’s house you will just need to hang out for a bit, then follow her into the next room. After more scenes, you will be in the garage. Go into the other room into the kitchen and open the green drawer to pick up the , then rotate and exam it to obtain the .
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Go back into the prior room and use the on the hut in the front of the yard to obtain the .
Go back through the Fallow Plot and to the gate past the church. Place the in the left spot, and the in the right spot, rotated to match the image on the rest of the gate.
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Follow the path through the gate, then pull the switch to the right of the door in the next area.