Unearthly excavation


The Aurora company logo

Frostbite consists of a very large outdoor area filled with several «Aurora» company shipping containers, the Slosh-O-Matic, What-A-Load Disposal Bins bin dispenser, and Incinerator. On either side of this area are two underground tunnels leading to separate rooms. The first is a small office/laboratory filled with desks, boxes, solar flares, and two Mining Explosives. There is also an inaccessible door to the right of the room. The second tunnel leads to a larger underground ice-cave. This cave contains the Vendor and three open «ice boxes», two of which hold the mangled remains of mutant species.

Main Area

Underground Laboratory

Underground Cave

Map Key

  • WAL = What A Load Disposal Bins dispenser
  • Slosh = Slosh-O-Matic
  • LW = Laser Welder
  • PID = Personal Identification Device
  • SA = Stacking Area
  • Punch = Punchomatic
  • BB = Big Banger radio

Level-Specific Objects

Some maps may contain unique crates and barrels that are not found anywhere else. This is simply done for design purposes as these new objects are meant to fit with the theme of the level, regardless sometimes they follow certain rules different than the objects found on any map.


Contains three crates not found on any other level. One of them is a new recolor of the metal crate while the other two are a recolor of the white cardboard boxes, depicting the Aerospace Sanitation Inc. logo instead of Omnicorp. These crates are stacked on orange-colored stacking areas.

Metal crate (light)

Cardboard box (brown)

Cardboard box (brown)

Core Sample

Contains two crates not found on any other level. One of them is another recolor of the metal crate while the other has a completely new design with caution labels on its side and top. These crates are stacked on red-colored stacking areas.

Metal Crate (red)

Sample Crate

House of Horror

Contains two crates not found on any other level. They are more simpler reskin of the white and brown cardboard boxes, containing less designs and no branding logos. These crates are stacked on orange-colored stacking areas.

Cardboard Box (beige)

Cardboard box (beige)

The Vulcan Affair

Contains two new crates and three new barrels. The crates are made of wood and come in two different shapes: Cuboid and rectangular cuboid. The barrels are almost counterparts to the three metal barrels in the base game, they contain the following warnings: Explosive and high radiation, poison and hazardous, flammable. The crates are stacked on orange-colored stacking areas, while the barrels go in yellow-colored stacking zones.

Wooden crate

Wooden crate

Explosive barrel

Poison barrel

Flammable barrel

Tips and Trivia

The «Teleport to the furnace» tactic

  • The player can use «Teleport to the furnace» tactic in this level. This tactic requires one of the teleporters being stationed in front of the furnace. With this, the materials teleported via that teleporter will teleport straight to the furnace, making the job much easier.
  • The teleporter pads will occasionally malfunction (much like every other device in the game). When a teleporter malfunction occurs, a duplicate copy of the source material is created in-place and no teleport occurs.
  • The broom has an unique function in this level; it can be used to sweep up crystal dust to form them into small crystals that can be picked up by hand.
  • Take care when handling crystallized body parts; they can shatter on impacts, scattering crystals and crystal dust.
  • Teleporter malfunctions can be used to create more teleporters. See for further details.
  • This level makes several references to the Half-Life video game series.
    • Several characters are mentioned: Dr. Ellis Vance/Eli Vance, Dr. Zack Kleiner/Isaac Kleiner, Walter Bennet, Dr. Arne Magnusson, Dr. Stanley Rosenberg/Rosenberg (his first name being coined by a now defunct Half-Life mod), Dr. Simmons, Dr. Richard Kellar/Richard Keller and Dr. Gina Cross.
    • Several gameplay and story elements are also referencing the series:
      • the Resonance Cascade scenario.
      • the mini teleporter from Half-Life 2, which were tested on a cat with disastrous consequences.
      • the crystal sample discovered in the «Border World» by a survey team from Anomalous Materials.
      • the Lambda class teleporters refer to the Lambda Complex teleporter in Half-Life.
      • the Gluon Gun.
      • the Magnusson Device.
  • This level also makes a few references to the science fiction book and TV series The Expanse.
    • Dr. Lawrence Strickland and Juliette Mao are both characters from the series.
    • The Proto-Molecule also refers to the series, with the same blue color, self-conscious and morphing abilities as well as its infection and spread.

Виртуальная уборка – занятие увлекательное

Каждая из девочек поздно или рано начинает примерять на себя роль хозяйки. Это является еще одной из причин, по которой сегодня востребованы игры про уборку. Виртуальная уборка может многому научить юных хозяюшек. В игровой форме девочки получают здесь ответы на многочисленные вопросы и учатся хорошему даже не подозревая об этом. В настоящей жизни они не будут долго думать с чего начать: сначала расставят по местам вещи, следом подметут или пропылесосят, вытрут пыль, а затем уже вымоют пол. И все это благодаря обычной компьютерной игре.

В реальном мире наведение порядка скорее является необходимостью, чем развлечением. Не смотря на это игры про уборку увлекательны и интересны. Ну где еще доведется привести в порядок комнату настоящей принцессы, в которой накануне побывал недоброжелатель в поисках какой-нибудь ценной вещицы? К тому же нужно здесь будет не только мусор убрать, а еще и нужные вещи разложить по местам, а то даже корона и та валяется под ногами в груде всякого хлама.

Расставить все по местам, протереть зеркала, избавиться от мусора, пропылесосить мягкие пушистые ковры, вот оно занятие для любительниц чистоты.
Интересно убирать виртуальный мусор девочкам разных возрастов. Ведь иногда только таким образом можно отыскать какие-либо из затерявшихся нужных вещей, а за это еще и бонусы дополнительно получить. Игры подобного плана полностью положительны, ведь приобретенные навыки, девочки начинают переносить в реальную жизнь.

Для наведения порядка можно так же выбрать детскую площадку, кухню, пляж или бассейн. Здесь тоже может быть интересно

Геймплеи здесь устроены таким образом, что любители чистоты вынуждены будут четко соблюдать последовательность действий и определять важность и предназначение тех или иных предметов. Так, к примеру, при уборке кухни вряд ли удастся выбросить в мусорное ведро чашку или вилку, их необходимо будет сложить в раковину, а затем вымыть

А вот осколки или обертка от продуктов улетят в ведро запросто. Не получиться и к мытью пола приступить раньше, чем весь мусор с него будет убран.

Игры Уборка — это еще и логические аркады, ведь многие игры этого жанра сводятся к поиску предметов. Согласитесь, что собираясь на вечеринку, нужно взять с собой только самое необходимое, а его еще найди попробуй в общей массе нужных вещей. К тому же и беспорядок здесь творческий. Выбрасывать в мусор ничего не нужно, а вот собраться по человечески и в грязь лицом не ударить, это да. В таком случае на помощь приходят всевозможные подсказки внизу экрана и табло со временем. Именно там и будут перечислены те предметы, без которых на вечеринке делать нечего

С каждым уровнем задача будет усложняться, зато в процессе игры внимание можно потренировать, а заодно и узнать, что с собой на настоящую вечеринку брать нужно, чтобы время провести насыщено и интересно

В некоторых из игр, напротив, нужно заняться уборкой грандиозного погрома, оставшегося после вечеринки. Тут придется перемещать предметы с места на место до тех пор, пока не определишь точно, где именно та или иная вещь находилась изначально. Только в случае верно принятого решения предмет зафиксируется на игровом поле и перестанет перемещаться. В противном случае можно очень долго искать то заветное место, куда нужно поставить вазочку, положить расческу или повесить ключ.


In the game, players take up the role of janitors working for , who are required to clean up blood and body parts from the bloody aftermath of a level. To ‘complete’ a level, players must clean up all the viscera, blood, bullet holes, and Trash in the level to an acceptable amount. To accomplish this, players are equipped with a mop, their gloved hands, and the sniffer device, which allows them to pinpoint the nearest object that must be removed. In certain levels, players may also use the shovel , laser welder, and broom to aid in this task. Players are also provided with a Personal Data Assistant (or «PDA» for short), which allows them to take notes on anything they may find in a level, or review the level’s brief message.

When a level has been cleaned to what the player deems acceptable, they must then use the Punchomatic to exit the current level to the Office, where they are either directly given a score as is the case with Multiplayer mode, or are given several ending messages corresponding to how well the previous level was cleaned. 

In «Speedrun» mode, the Office system is replaced by instant feedback on the Punchomatic. Players can view completion percentage, and choose to punchout or return to cleaning.

Viscera Cleanup Detail’s multiplayer system permits up to 32 players on one server at any given time, however this may cause significant lag for most users. 

One of the many available Janitor skins.

Certain levels of Viscera Cleanup Detail also include several empty First Aid Stations which must be restocked with first-aid supplies obtained from a vendor within the level to obtain a perfect score. 

The Janitor the player takes the role of in game is randomly generated from a list of several skins. The player’s age is also randomly set. 

Every level of Viscera Cleanup Detail contains a Slosh-O-Matic, which provides the player with water-filled buckets to clean their mop in and occasionally to place very small objects such as bullet shells, a What A Load Disposal Bins machine, which dispenses large biohazard bins for the player to place medium-sized objects in, and an incinerator, which is used to dispose of all undesired objects, including bins and buckets. Certain levels may also include a vendor, a large piece of machinery which will dispense various objects as selected by the player.

It is possible to spread blood and other messes (both human and alien) by dropping debris, spilling used buckets, or simply by the player tracking blood on the bottom of their boots. Because of this, some amount of care and planning is necessary to avoid re-cleaning the same area multiple times. It should be noted that the player cannot track soot on their boots.

Many levels of Viscera Cleanup Detail may be considered too large to complete in one session. Because of this, Viscera Cleanup Detail includes a manual save function and an autosave function that if enabled, will save the game automatically at intervals set by the player in the options menu between 0 (meaning the game will not autosave) and 20 minutes.

Viscera Cleanup Detail has a total of 85 Steam achievements to unlock (across all DLCs). 50 in the base game; 10 from House of Horror DLC; 10 from The Vulcan Affair DLC; 13 from Santa’s Rampage; and 2 from Shadow Warrior.

Viscera Cleanup Detail also includes a level editor (‘Unreal Development Kit,’ or ‘UDK’, often nicknamed ‘RUST’) and a Steam Workshop page allowing players to create custom levels and messes, and then share them with other Viscera Cleanup Detail players.

Data Logs

Date: 03/08/2184Time: 08:16 GSTIdentification: Dr. Richard CarpenterTitle: Lead Researcher

Brrrr, another cold day on this wretched moon. Well, I guess I better leave a report.Ahem, we’ve unearthed 3 lifeforms in the ice so far. Early evidence suggests bipedal physiology, but there’s some strange morphology that has Dr. Blair very intrigued indeed.Tests indicate the ice to be well over 23,000 years old.I guess the orbital survey team was right after all. I’m sure they’ll be pleased, and why not? They don’t get to live down here…I’ll continue my analysis after the specimens have been thawed.

Date: 03/08/2184Time: 19:57 GSTIdentification: Dr. David ChildsTitle: Biologist

I’ve been put in charge of cataloging the samples before storing them in the cryo fridge.It’s truly amazing how much material there is in these specimens, I swear there wasn’t this much matter when we took them out of the ice and thawed them.I’ll store the samples as requested, but first I’ll weigh every sample. When I’m done, I’ll weigh them again and compare my results.If I’m right, this could be a huge breakthrough! Enough even to perhaps silence Dr. Blairs constant self righteousness.

Date: 04/08/2184Time: 13:24 GSTIdentification: Dr. Keith BlairTitle: Lead Biologist

I’ve been studying the samples from our discovery for 26 hours straight, and I’m even more fascinated now than when I started.The cells don’t appear to be dead, which is remarkable considering they’ve been in the ice for countless years.The organism, which at first appeared humanoid has begun changing. I’m not sure what the hell it’s doing on to be honest, but it is most peculiar.

Date: 16/08/2184Time: 11:44 GSTIdentification: Col. MacReadyTitle: Ice Cold Killer

Primary Objective:Rescue any remaining employees and secure the samples.Secondary Objective:Reduce whiskey intake…————————-Contact with an Arctic Institute base on the ice moon Gallileo-5 has been lost. We’re sending you down to secure their investment and rescue anyone still alive. Make your way to the storage rooms and collect any viables samples. We’re being paid good money for this operation, so make sure the samples are intact! Just grab whatever looks important and get out. Good luck.

Level Briefings


Given the nature of what occured at this department, we will keep this curt; clean up the residual fallout of the incident, or you shall find yourself in some very dark waters indeed..See to it that the organic evidence, the failings of security ‘personel’ and the various «writings» are all scrubbed vigourously from existence!I suggest, with utmost surety, that you do not in any way, however slight, disobey your instructions..

Respawn Brief

It would seem a former colleague of yours has perished on the work-site under strange circumstances.Therefore we are sending you in to replace them.You are to take over the operation, and ensure the facility be sanitized without delay!Make no mention of what you find. A lack of discretion will incur a harsh penalty.Remember that you are under evaluation, and failure to perform an adequate cleanup will reflect very negatively on your record.Caution is also advised, as unconfirmed reports suggest remaining employees may be potentially hostile.

Tips and Trivia

  • Frostbite is a massive reference to the classic 1982 horror movie, The Thing, which takes place in an Antarctic research outpost. In this movie, scientists find a 100,000 year old extraterrestrial frozen in the ice, which eventually revives itself, killing numerous workers.
    • PIDs can be found with the surnames Carpenter, Childs, Palmer, Dr. Blair, and Nauls. John Carpenter was the director of the movie, and the other names are direct references to characters from the movie. Even their «roles» in the level are similar, based on the Notes and Data Logs found around the map.
    • Similarly, the Mission Log addresses a Col. MacReady. The protagonist of the movie was R. J. MacReady, played by Kurt Russell.
    • There is a small cage/kennel in the underground science lab. In the film/storyline, the sled dogs in the kennels were the first to become infected.
    • Fire is the only effective weapon against the creature in the film. This may explain why most of the barrels found on the map are red flammable ones, and a seemingly burnt pile of corpses is found near the second tunnel entrance.
  • A body only reachable via the J-HARM

    There is a body hidden on top of a shipping container near the Slosh-O-Matic. The J-HARM is required to reach this area.

  • There is a Laser Welder in the second tunnel, but there are no bullet holes or lightning scars to repair anywhere on the map. The welder can be used to incinerate larger objects before disposal, but is otherwise unnecessary for achieving a perfect score for the level.
  • There are two large digital message boards, one over each tunnel:
    • WARNING: Containment Failure! All personnel remain on site and do not attempt to breach quarantine or security will open fire! The lifeform cannot be allowed to escape! More lives than your own may depend on your compliance.
    • ATTENTION: All personnel are to present themselves for blood screenings by no later than 1400 hours. Failure to comply will result in immediate confinement and possible termination. Thank you for your understanding.
  • In Frostbite, all digital screens, Data Logs, and the Punchomatic feature a snowflake theme (also seen in Cryogenesis) instead of the usual logo.
  • Objects thrown outside of the level are very slowly destroyed, as if in a furnace. Trash can be safely disposed of by throwing it over the fences, but gibs and explosives will leave splatters and scorch marks that cannot be cleaned.

Сюжетная линия

Симулятор уборщика довольно странная, но точно не банальная игра. В ней вам придется работать уборщиком, который будет отмывать все территории фирмы от мусора, крови, грязи, патронов и даже убитых тел. Здесь постоянно происходят какие-то перестрелки и сражения, а вам после всего этого нужно убирать. И делать это тщательно, чтобы в следующей баталии и следа не осталось от кровавых пятен. Игра научно-фантастическая и все локации в ней напоминают космос. Но где конкретно находится главный герой, нам не говорится. Занимайте свободную нишу космического санитара и начинайте работать вдвойне быстрее и увереннее. Вымывайте комнаты, занимайтесь чисткой огромных помещений, вылизывайте стены и делайте все это до прихода начальства и его банды. За отменную работу вам будут платить и довольно хорошо. А за полученные деньги можно будет купить улучшения для себя и усовершенствовать собственного главного героя. И, таким образом, он станет работать еще лучше и быстрее, чем раньше. Если вам станет скучно, то вы с легкостью можете пригласить в игру друзей и поиграть вместе с ними, покорив этот космический мир своей блистательной уборкой. Человечеству не раз еще придется бороться с инопланетными цивилизациями, а вы будете за ними убирать. Но сначала у вас есть возможность даже за этим всем проследить. Вы, как дворник, обязаны все убрать и вымыть до максимальной чистоты. Стоит сказать, что времени довольно мало и оно ограничено, а вот локаций очень много. Так что не медлите, а начинайте работать прямо сейчас. Хватайте швабру, ведро с водой и моющим средством, и принимайтесь работать. Вместо вас никто не сделает эту работу, так что не ленитесь. Тем более вы получаете за это шикарное вознаграждение. Скачайте торрент Симулятор уборщика — весьма странной, но довольно интересной игры.

The Vulcan Affair DLC Achievements

Image Achievement Description Notes/Tips
Audacious Oddities Find all the unique Collectibles in the Vulcan Affair and return them to your office
Blood in the Water Go for a swim with Sharks
Cat-astrophe Using an orbital beam weapon, destroy the symbol of your most hated overlord; cats!
Death From Above Get turned into mist by an orbital beam weapon
Double-Oh Dumbass Foolishly activate the Death Ray
Lair Care Clean the entire Vulcan Affair level
Locked In Lock another player inside a holding cell where they belong Can only be earned in a multiplayer session
Orbital Bang-bardment Allow the Banger to ascend to its rightful place among the heavens through the use of an orbital beam weapon
Teeth for Tunes Bring about the unfortunate meeting of Double-Oh Banger and Shark
We’re Gonna Need a Bigger Tank Feed the ever hungry Sharks 500 items they can either devour or destroy

Secondary Objectives

The employee of the month award hanging on a wall.

Each level has one or more Stacking Areas — designated locations for the player to place the crates and barrels found scattered throughout the level. In some levels there are also stacking areas for medical waste, wet-floor signs, and cryogenic storage containers. Stacking areas are marked by a painted outline on the floor with a word indicating the type of object to be placed there. Different paint colors are used to indicate the type of object to gather. Most commonly it is light-orange or yellow for crates and boxes, a lighter yellow for wet-floor signs, blue for barrels, and green for medical waste or containers. However, because colors can vary by level, it is highly recommended that the player always read text written on the paint line itself to learn what should be stored in which area, rather than relying on colour. Painted lines may sometimes be difficult to read or partially obscured or «weathered» by the environment.

Although stacking items is not needed to obtain an acceptable score, it is counted as bonus points toward the player’s score, much like filling out the Punchout Reports.

Doing an acceptable job plus utilizing all stacking areas can theoretically earn the player the Employee of the Month Award in the Office, even if the cleanup job itself was not at 100%. Earning the Employee of the Month Award unlocks a Steam achievement for the Player. Earning the Award twelve times, unlocks the «Employee of the Year» achievement.

Level Briefings


This dreary research and storage facility has a long record of minor psychological incidents due to the isolation and cold, but even so, details regarding the events that decimated the facility are sketchy at best.An extra-terrestrial organism is suspected to be involved, however, the junior recon team is certain it no longer poses a threat..Already there are multiple conglomerates interested in acquiring the installation and collected data once you have executed your sanitation duties.Work diligently, and with speed, as the facility is expected to be ’’swept’’ over via orbital bio-bomb to ensure security.Good day.

Respawn Brief

Unreliable intel suggests a former colleague of yours has perished, possibly due to the sub-zero temperatures.We have officially listed them as KIA.Whatever the case may be, we expect you to replace the deceased with due haste.Ensure the installation is clean and orderly as quickly and efficiently as possible.Use caution when working near your other technicians, they have not yet been ruled out as potential suspects…

House of Horror DLC Achievements

Image Achievement Description Notes/Tips
House of Honor Clean the entire House of Horror level
Lost in Space and Time Get consumed by an inter-dimensional crack in space-time Walk into the portal in the basement of the log cabin. (You will be killed.)
Back From Whence It Came Destroy the Bad Banger Throw the Bad Banger into the Woodchipper, portal, or cabin fireplace. The radio can also be destroyed with tools like the Laser Welder, which can be brought via the Janitor’s Trunk.
Not Quite A Lumberjack Destroy 200 items in the woodchipper
Bad Dreams on Helm Street Collect the clawed glove and return it to your office In one of the second floor rooms.
Harroween Collect the white mask and butcher knife and return them to your office In the garage.
Never Put It On Collect the ring and return it to your office Found next to a body by the iron gate.
The Shimmering Collect the axe and return it to your office Stuck in the bathroom door on the second floor.
Thursday the 12th Collect the mask and machete and return them to your office The machete is stuck in a tree in the first wooded area (next to the iron gate) with the mask hanging off of it.
Wicked Unliving Collect the chainsaw, boomstick, cursed hand and the evil book and return them to your office The gun and hand are in the cabin (the hand is behind a crate on the bookshelf), the chainsaw is in the cabin cellar, and the book is on the underground altar.

Other Uses

Two unusable mops in their niche in the Office.

Using the mop on or near an object will push the object away from the impact point, so some degree of care must be taken to keep from inadvertently knocking objects over or sending them flying in an unpredictable direction.

Using the secondary trigger (right-click by default) will cause the player to swat with the mop, hitting walls or objects with much greater force. This method will not remove any mess, but it can be used to «sweep» small objects together (in the absence of a Broom).

The mop may be used to free objects stuck in tight spaces or partially clipped in the level’s geometry.  The force of the mop may affect objects on the other side of a solid wall, cleaning mess or freeing stuck objects.  (This is particularly useful in Uprinsing, where objects may become wedged under desks.)  Either trigger (left- or right-click) may be used for this purpose.

Types of Stacking Areas


Crate stacking areas are marked with the word «Crates» and outlined with an orange painted border. All types of crates and cardboard boxes shown below count for orange crate areas.

Metal Crate (dark)

Metal Crate (light)

Black metal crate

Yellow crate

Orange crate

Round crate

Cardboard box (white)

Cardboard box (white)

Cardboard box (brown)

Cardboard box (brown)

Medical Crates

Medical Crate

Medical Crates are unique in that they have their own, separate stacking area. Medical Crate areas are marked with the word «Crates» and outlined with a green painted border (whereas all other crate areas have orange borders). Green painted crate areas accept only medical crates, and medical crates only count in green crate areas. If no green crate area is present, medical crates will award no bonus points, and can be ignored.


Barrel stacking zones are marked with the word «Barrels» and outlined with paint that is blue or bright yellow. Barrels must always be placed upright (whether inside a stacking area or not), or the player will receive a minor penalty and related Ending Message. Barrels not stacked upright in a barrel stacking area do not give bonus points.

As of v1.092, the only level in which there are multiple barrel stacking zones of different colors is Unearthly Excavation. In this level, only yellowish biohazard barrels should be stacked in the yellow zone, and only blue barrels should be stacked in the blue zone. Barrels of any type may be stacked in Bob’s secret area. In all other levels there is only one barrel stacking area, or all barrel stacking areas are outlined in yellow. Thus, all barrels can be placed in these areas.

Two new barrels were introduced with the v1.092 update: yellow barrels that are similar to blue barrels, and green metal acid barrels. These new barrels appear only in The Office (where there are no stacking areas) and Uprinsing (where there is only one stacking area for all barrels).

Blue barrel

Yellow barrel

Biohazard barrel

Explosive barrel

Acid barrel

Medical waste

Medical waste box

A Medical waste stacking area is found only in Caduceus, though medical waste boxes can be found in other levels. The stacking area in Caduceus is marked with the word «Med-Waste» and painted a bright neon green paint.

Medical waste boxes are square green boxes with black covers on top and bottom. One side reads «Medical Waste» and the other side reads «Biohazardous Material». The other two sides have a biohazard symbol.

Cryogenic storage canisters

Cryogenic storage canister

Cryogenic storage canister stacking areas are only found in Cryogenesis and Evil Science, though the objects themselves can be found in other levels. The stacking areas are marked with the word «Nitrogen» (confusingly enough) and painted dark blue.

Failure to stack cryogenic storage canisters in Cryogenesis will result in a penalty, as stacking the canisters in that level is not optional. In Evil Science, stacking them is optional.

Cryogenic storage canisters do not need to be stacked in barrel stacking areas, as they give no bonus points there.

Wet-floor signs

Wet-Floor sign

A wet-floor sign stacking area is found only in Evil Science, though wet-floor signs themselves can be found in other levels, and are dispensed by many vendors. The wet-floor sign stacking area in Evil Science is marked with the word «Signs» and is outlined by bright yellow paint. Eight wet-floor signs must be stacked to receive full bonus points. (Note that this is fewer than the number of wet-floor signs present upon starting the level.)

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