Scp: anomaly breach 2 official wiki

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In-game, SCP-096 will normally be in its docile state, walking at slow speeds, and being unable to attack players. Once it has been viewed by a human class, however, it will be locked in place, and will begin to cry for 10 seconds, before entering its rage state. In its rage state, it is capable of instant killing all hostile classes, as well as breaking down all doors in the Facility (with the exception of locked, fake, elevator doors, cell doors, and blast doors). After a while, it will enter the cooldown stage (and cannot be enraged for 3-5 seconds), before returning to the docile state.

MTF Eta-10 («See No Evil») units cannot enrage SCP-096 as they wear specialized ‘scramble gear.’


Фотография SCP-860 из архивов Фонда

То же, редакция 2019 года

Фотография SCP-860-1 из архивов Фонда

То же, редакция 2019 года


Модель SCP-860 в Ultimate Edition

Его текстура

SCP-860 в своей области содержания

В инвентаре

То же, в Ultimate Edition

Дверь в комнате для испытаний SCP-860

Та же самая дверь изнутри SCP-860-1




SCP-860-1 в ранних версиях

В версии 0.9

Модель SCP-860-2 (вид спереди)

Модель SCP-860-2 (вид сбоку)

SCP-860-2 бежит за игроком

Атакует игрока

Наблюдает за деревьями

Тень Идзуми Джунко

Ранняя модель SCP-860-2

Текстура SCP-860-2

Светящаяся текстура (не используется)

Текстура глаз

Текстура листьев на спине SCP-860-2

Текстура тропы в лесу

Текстура травы

Документ об SCP-860 до версии 0.7

С версии 0.7

Документ об SCP-860-1 до версии 0.7

С версии 0.7

2 설명[편집]

SCP-096은 신장 약 2.38m 정도의 인간형 생물체이다. 대상은 매우 적은 양의 근조직을 가지고 있으며 신체 질량의 예비 분석이 약한 영양실조 상태를 보여주었다. 팔은 대상의 나머지 신체에 비해 극도로 비율이 어긋나 있으며, 각각 약 1.5 미터 길이이다. 피부는 색소가 거의 없으며 체모는 전혀 보이지 않는다.

SCP-096의 입은 보통 사람보다 네 배 더 크게 벌어질 수 있다. 다른 얼굴의 특징도 보통 사람과 비슷하나 눈은 예외적으로 역시 색소 부족이다. SCP-096이 앞을 볼 수 있는지의 여부는 불명이다. 고등한 두뇌 기능의 징후를 전혀 찾아볼 수 없으며 지능이 없는 것으로 생각된다.

SCP-096은 평상시에는 굉장히 온순하며, 격리실 내부의 압력 센서는 대상이 하루의 대부분을 시설의 동쪽 벽 주변을 돌아다니며 보낸다는 것을 보여주었다. 그러나 만약 누군가가 직접 보건 녹화된 영상이나 사진을 보건 관계 없이 SCP-096의 얼굴을 보게 된다면 대상은 상당한 심리적 괴로움을 겪을 것이다. SCP-096은 얼굴을 손으로 가리고 비명을 지르고, 울부짖고 알아들을 수 없는 말을 웅얼대기 시작할 것이다. 첫 대면 후 약 1, 2분 후에 SCP-096은 자신의 얼굴을 본 사람에게 달려갈 것이다(이 시점부터 SCP-096의 얼굴을 본 사람은 SCP-096-1로 분류된다).

기록된 속력은 시속 35km 에서 시속 ███km이고, 이는 SCP-096-1과 SCP-096 사이의 거리에 따라 달라지는 것으로 보인다. 이 시점에서 알려진 그 어떤 물질이나 방법으로도 SCP-096을 막을 수 없다. SCP-096-1이 실제로 어디 있는지는 SCP-096의 반응에 별다른 영향을 주지 못한다. SCP-096은 SCP-096-1의 위치를 아는 직감이 있는 듯하다. 주석:이러한 현상은 그림으로 그려진 얼굴을 보았을 때에는 나타나지 않는 것으로 보인다( 참조).

SCP-096-1이 있는 위치에 도착하면, SCP-096은 SCP-096-1을 죽이고 한다. 모든 사례에서 SCP-096-1은 흔적도 남지 않는다. 그후 SCP-096은 몇 분 동안 그 자리에 온순하게 앉아 있으며 그후 평정심을 되찾고 다시 한번 온순해진다. 그 다음에는 자신이 원래 살던 지역인 로 돌아가려고 시도할 것이다.

재단 기밀의 유출과 많은 민간인 피해를 포함한 대 연쇄 반응 때문에 대상의 회수는 가장 우선적으로 실행되어야 한다.

또한 ███ 박사가 SCP-096의 즉결 처분을 요청했고(면담 096-1 참조), 현재 명령 승인을 대기 중이다. 처리 명령이 승인 되었으며, ███ 박사가 에 처분을 담당할 예정이다. 참조.


SCP-096 doesn’t show much of a personality. It mostly stays in a fetal position and cries to himself and when its face is looked at it cries more heavily before furiously going after its prey.

When SCP-5731, a music box which speaks in a female voice the thoughts of the nearest non-sapient organic creatures, was put near 096 in its docile state it repeated the phrases «so sad» and «ugly, ugly» which correspond to its usual state. When 096 was in its enraged state 5731 began saying complicated equations of aerodynamics and physics in order to calculate the best way to get to its victim. This suggests that although not sapient it has high intelligence and is capable to think. When the Foundation used SCP-978 to take a photo of 096, the picture showed the same containment cell which held it, but without 096 itself. This possibly means that 096 doesn’t want to live or exist anymore, or at least to be invisible.

In the tale «(The Engine of a Film) / (The Fine Game of Nil)», three researchers planned to fix 096’s problem by using SCP-035. The plan surprisingly worked as although 035 was able to talk through 096, 096 not only retained control over its body, but became somewhat sapient, talking to the researchers in full sentences and displayed a very friendly personality, even agreeing to do pranks on their fellow researchers, including Dr. Bright, Dr. Clef and Dr. Crow who joined them, much to the annoyance of 035 who was forced to stay with them. After celebrating «Spring Break 2015», the three were sadly forced to return 096 in its usual state to its containment, but before removing 035 from 096’s face 096 confessed that it also had a great time and would not forget them. However, once a year the same researchers put 035 on 096’s face to have fun again with their friend.


SCP-096 is a tall, pale, and skinny humanoid. Its arms are abnormally long and is devoid of any body hair. The subject has been recorded to be able to open its jaw up to 12 inches. SCP-096 has been recorded to constantly weep, and is extremely docile.

However, whenever someone views SCP-096’s face, whether directly, through video feed, or a picture, SCP-096 will start screaming in fear and furiously, and will enter an extremely aggressive state.

While in this state, SCP-096 will charge at accelerating speeds towards any nearby humans, destroy non-reinforced doors that are blocking its way, and proceed to attack, killing the victim in (usually) one hit. SCP-096 will eventually calm down and return to a docile state.


SCP-096 is a Euclid-class anomalous humanoid in the containment of the SCP Foundation. It has the appearance of a greatly deformed humanoid body, with no pigmentation, hair, or significant body mass. Typically, it wanders around its containment chamber aimlessly, without any desire to escape. However, once its face is viewed, it enters an intense «rage state», where it frantically covers its face and screams, before immediately heading towards the location of whoever saw its face and violently murdering them. Even high-grade military structures and weapons cannot impede its progress towards its target. After it messily kills its target, it tries to find a path back to its natural habitat after gaining its composure and becoming docile once more. If you were to look at a photo, video or itself, it will chase you from anywhere on the planet.


SCP-096 is a powerful SCP, capable of taking down unprepared groups. SCP-096 can be countered by looking at the floor, by doing this, you will not become a target.

It is not a good idea to hide in common hiding spots from SCP-096 when you are not a target; as a smarter SCP-096 might check common hiding spots when they have no more targets. Leaving the room that SCP-096 is in will increase your chances of survival.

While stacking SCP-207 can’t make you faster than SCP-096, the speed increase might help you get to a safe place, like an elevator in time, or even get far enough away that SCP-096 focuses on closer targets. Two to three SCP-207s is often enough for this.

While SCP-096 is fast enough to run through a Tesla Gate without stopping, they may still be useful for getting away from SCP-096 as less experienced players are more likely to stop.

To take down SCP-096 successfully without the use of the Micro H.I.D., a group often needs to be very coordinated and be able to use good teamwork. A good strategy is to have some people act as bait to trigger SCP-096, then have the rest of the team shoot SCP-096 during its cooldown.

If the group is large enough, then most or all of the team can shoot at him during windup to either contain or deal massive damage to SCP-096. The most effective way to deal with SCP-096 is to shoot him during cooldown and windup. While the Hume Shield can protect with from a single person or a small group, it is always a good idea to shoot at SCP-096 if you know you are a target and there is no elevator near by. A group of targets shooting at SCP-096 during windup have a good chance of taking out his Hume Shield and damaging his HP, which can make it easier to take him down next time.

A common mistake people make is when a large group of people trigger SCP-096, only 3-4 people shoot him while the rest scatter or even close an elevator on their teammates. Doing this will make it extremely hard to contain SCP-096.



Powers and Stats

Tier: 9-A, likely higher | At least 9-A, likely higher

Name: SCP-096, «Shy-Guy»

Origin: SCP Foundation

Gender: Vaguely male, otherwise genderless

Age: Unknown

Classification: Euclid Class Anomalous Humanoid

Powers and Abilities: Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Immortality (Type 2), Berserk Mode, Extrasensory Perception (Able to innately sense when its face has been observed and the locations of who observed it), Speed Boost, Resistance to Extreme Cold and Tranquilizers, Complete Pain Immunity, Self-Sustenance (Type 1 and 2), Likely Regeneration (Low-Mid, It didn’t appear to be injured in later logs even after being almost entirely disemboweled) | Same as before, Gravity Manipulation (Able to move the sun’s orbit a noticeable amount in The Foundation’s eye in a week), bones are Resistant to Fire, Heat, Radiation and Acid Manipulation (Fire, radiation and acid was tested and proven to be unsuccessful in damaging its bones. It survived in the sun for over a week.), Resistance to Time Stop (Was able to move in frozen time)

Attack Potency: Small Building level, likely higher (Easily destroyed an E-3 AWAC. Said that «No known material on Earth» could impede its progress, able to easily break out of a 5x5x5 meter steel containment cube, peeled open a Stryker, easily capable of tearing multiple adult humans to pieces) | At least Small Building level (Reduced SCP-682 to 15% of its original body mass), likely higher

Speed: At least Athletic Human (One of its lowest recorded speeds is 35 km/h or 9.7 m/s), though it can reach speeds as high as Subsonic (Outran several UH-60 Helicopters which have a top speed of 357 km/h or 99 m/s, at the same time kept up with V-22 Ospreys which have a top speed of 565 km/h or 156 m/s), possibly Subsonic+ (Must have caught up with the E-3 AWAC before destroying it, E-3 AWACs have a top speed of 855 km/h or 237.5 m/s) with Sub-Relativistic perception (Can detect that its face had been seen faster than a high-tech computer could block the image)

Lifting Strength: Class 50 (Flipped a semi truck during a containment breach)

Striking Strength: Small Building Class (Can easily punch through reinforced steel walls, and demolish several houses by simply running through them) | Small Building Class

Durability: At least Small Building level (Was able to swim at least 9,339 meters underwater on its own, didn’t even flinch when an AT4 anti-tank gun punched a hole through its torso, completely unaffected by several shots from an XM500 anti-material rifle that should have the same power as it’s predecessor, tanked six hundred .50 calibre rounds from a GAU-19 without injury and survived the crash of an E-3 AWAC) | At least Small Building level (Was able to withstand major damage coming from SCP-682 for 27 hours, who was able to demolish a small skyscraper, though how long it took is unknown)

Stamina: Extremely High (Can run across the world without tiring)

Range: Extended melee range

Standard Equipment: None

Intelligence: Unknown, though likely non-sapient

Weaknesses: Normally docile unless someone has viewed its face. Although SCP-096s bones are incredibly hard to damage, its flesh is not any more durable than a normal human’s. When his opponent is hard to kill, SCP-096 simply gives up trying to kill it.

Key: Original File | Extended Canon


Поначалу разработкой игры единолично занимался Regalis, однако со временем к разработке игры привлекалось всё больше людей (а после публикации исходных кодов игры появились годные мододелы, которые тоже пополнили ряды Regalis). Так и образовалась команда Undertow Games. Но когда Undertow Games перешла на разработку новой кооперативной игры Barotrauma, создатели мода Nine Tailed Fox под общим названием Third Subvision Studio предложили Regalis помочь с дальнейшей разработкой SCP:CB. К сожалению, помощь продлилась недолго, команду отстранили, больше некому разрабатывать игру, её дальнейшая судьба осталась неизвестной. Известно лишь то, что:

1. Фанаты стараются поддерживать жизнь игры благодаря модификациям (самый крупный из них — это Ultimate Edition, который активно развивается и обрастает различными патчами и обновлениями) и переводам на другие языки (в том числе и русский язык).

2. Новая версия SCP:CB v1.4 разрабатывается на новом игровом движке, однако неизвестно, будет ли разработка завершена до конца.

3. Активно развивался ремейк игры на игровом движке Unity (хотя фанаты больше предпочитают называть не ремейком, а духовным наследником из-за больших различий между оригинальной игрой и игрой на Unity). P. S. Уже прекратил производство.


As SCP-096

  • SCP-096 is usually very strong when in the right position, however sometimes the charging cutscene can cause some problems if in the middle of a large group. Serpents Hands are helpful because they are able to enrage while being friendly, and can also fight other hostile classes. SCPs are unable to enrage 096.
  • If low, don’t hesitate to escape, you can still be effective as a Serpents Hand Agent, as well as being of assistance to SCPs and other Serpents Hand Agents.
  • Some players might try to shoot you and hide, then repeat it again. If you feel like they’re not worth the effort then just continue on your way. Who knows, you could tear up an entire squad with that extra HP.
  • Get your fellow SCPs to shield you. You are a strong SCP, but only in your rage state, and not if you are dead. Ask SCP-049-2 or SCP-610 instances to defend you while you are in your build up state.
  • Even if you are one of the most powerful SCPs in the game, you can still be outsmarted if you don’t play your cards right, such as getting stuck in 914 or in a room requiring a keycard (In docile state). Make sure to be aware of your surroundings and pay attention to noises like gunfire or door closing.
  • SCP-096 makes a lot of noise. While this isn’t very important when you are enraged, it is if you’re trying to launch a surprise attack. Make sure to get away from the area so they can’t hear your crying.
  • If you’re behind a door and entering your buildup state, close the door as to avoid being shot and taking damage from thrown grenades. Doing this will reduce the amount of damage you will take (Possible saving your life).
  • Stay away from Eta-10 units. They cannot enrage you, making you extremely vulnerable to attack.
  • You are the most vulnerable in your buildup state, as you are unable to move. Avoid large groups of hostiles as they could easily kill you before you have a chance to escape or attack.
  • Although Eta-10 units can’t enrage you, other non Eta-10 players still can enrage you, allowing you to kill the Eta-10 units. Use this as an advantage.

As a Hostile

  • Listen. You can hear SCP-096 crying and a different music will play if you are nearby it (see the audio section). You will be able to tell if he is outside a Gate or SCP-914, or if he’s in an elevator.
  • If you have triggered SCP-096, throw a grenade down at its feet. Frags and Incendiary Grenades will do more damage than you think. After throwing the grenade, backup while shooting SCP-096. A Flashbang will also work if you can throw correctly. 096 will be blind, giving you enough time to hide. However, timing is everything. Throwing it too early or too late can get you killed.
  • If an elevator is opened and 096 is close, the player can do a lot of damage before entering the elevator to escape, since it cannot break the door and it closes quickly. This can also be done with a gate, but it is more dangerous because it closes noticeably slower.
  • Using a run-and-hide mix may be best, rookie players won’t go through hiding places much, and seasoned gamers will do the opposite, peeking into hiding places rather than searching the halls. If you are out of stamina, hide. If you have relatively high stamina, run. If you know Shy Guy checks hiding spots, then run and vice versa.
  • If you are in SCP-914, and you hear SCP-096 outside the blast door, open the gate, but do not look at it. Attempt to bait it into SCP-914’s Containment Chamber. Once he is inside, trigger him, and while he is screaming, close the gate. Done right, SCP-096 will be trapped in SCP-914’s Containment Chamber. If there is no SCP-035 or a Serpent’s Hand spawn, it’ll be locked in there. If you nuke the facility, SCP-096 will not survive as it won’t have the time to escape. However, if the game lags and the gate slows down, SCP-096 may be able to escape in time and humiliatingly rip you apart.
  • If you know you will not be able to survive (There is not enough time to run and hide from SCP-096), do not try to. If death is imminent, attempt to damage SCP-096 as much as possible by shooting it and using grenades, until it is dead. If you try to run, you will not get far.
  • If you do not have the items (Ammo, grenades, etc…) to fight SCP-096, it is best to avoid it.
  • If you have not encountered 096 yet and you hear his scream, it is best to hide somewhere until the screams have stopped.
  • If you triggered SCP-096 and have to run, you should try to run to the left or right instead of straight ahead. Average SCP-096 players tend to believe that you ran straight ahead of instead of running around them through a different route.
  • As an Eta-10 unit, avoid non Eta-10 players as they can still trigger SCP-096.


У Фонда SCP на Посмотрели есть своя статья, где о нём можно почитать подробнее, здесь же мы скажем лишь, что это могущественная тайная организация, занимающаяся пленением и исследованием всевозможных аномальных объектов и существ. Играем мы за сотрудника класса D: это, напомним, осуждённые на смертную казнь или пожизненное заключение преступники, которых завербовали в Фонд SCP для участия в различных экспериментах с аномалиями, пообещав пересмотр приговора (на самом деле, сами понимаете, выбраться оттуда живым вряд ли получится).

Игра начинается с того, что наш персонаж, о котором мы знаем только что он носит номер D-9341 и что он совершил какие-то страшные преступления, просыпается в своей камере в учреждении Фонда. Вскоре за ним приходят охранники и ведут работать — требуется провести некое тестирование в камере знаменитого SCP-173. Опять же, если кто не знает, 173-й — это страхолюдная бетонная скульптура с аномальными свойствами. Во-первых, когда на неё никто не смотрит, она способна двигаться с головокружительной скоростью, — достаточно просто моргнуть, чтобы монстр успел передвинуться на несколько десятков метров (да, как Ангелы из «Доктора Кто»). Во-вторых, она почему-то не любит людей и стремится убить, ломая шею. Естественно, ввиду его опасности, всё взаимодействие с объектом производится силами класса D — один взаимодействует, двое на подстраховке, смотрят на 173 и моргают по очереди. По всем законам подлости, что-то пошло не так, и сначала ворота камеры монстра заклинило в открытом положении, а потом освещение начало мигать… Нашему персонажу повезло — в мгновения темноты статуя порешила его собратьев и пошла убивать охрану, а его будто не заметила.

В общем, дальше и начинается survival horror. По тёмным и запутанным коридорам огромной подземной базы бродят толпы неизвестно (пока что) каким образом выбравшихся из камер объектов разной степени чудовищности, от которых придётся удирать — способов отбиться от них почти нет. Блуждая по Зоне, точная планировка которой при каждой игре новая, D-9341 может найти различные предметы, облегчающие выживание, и, главное, карточки доступа, которые позволяют открыть некоторые двери и пробраться на другие этажи. А ещё на протяжении игры нам будут попадаться различные документы и терминалы, где можно вычитать подробности недавних событий в Зоне, по ним восстановить всю историю и понять, что и почему тут произошло. К нынешней версии игры имеется несколько вариантов концовки, две из которых можно даже назвать относительно удачными для главного героя.


SCP-096 begins the game with 2000 HP and 1000 Hume Shield. Hume Shield is similar to Artificial HP, but will absorb 100% of the damage SCP-096 takes.

When docile, SCP-096 will constantly cry and can be heard from a distance. However, SCP-096 can hold Right Click on a closed door to lean up against it, causing its crying to become near silent.

SCP-096 will become enraged when looked at or when shot at by humans. Once enraged, SCP-096 will move slower for 6 seconds before gaining its enrage buffs.

Anyone that shot or looked at SCP-096’s face will become a target, players who become targets will be given a distinct audio cue to indicate this. SCP-096’s rage will last for 15 seconds, plus an extra 3 seconds for each additional target that saw it’s face during it’s enraging period, up to a maximum of 30 seconds of rage. Targets are made visible by markers only visible to SCP-096 (targets wearing SCP-268 will still be visible).

While enraged SCP-096 can do the following:

  • Jump very high and run incredibly fast.
  • View targets through walls.
  • Perform an AOE attack with Left Click that will instantly kill any targets and deal damage to anyone who got hit by it that wasn’t a target.
  • Left Click on doors to destroy them while enraged.

    Blast gates, Checkpoint doors, Prop doors, gates, and elevator doors cannot be destroyed.

  • Perform a charge attack with Right Click that lasts 0.8s and causes SCP-096 to run at 25 m/s.

    • This attack can be used to jump over large gaps.
    • Humans in the charge’s path will be killed.
    • Doors charged at will be destroyed.
    • If SCP-096 charges at a closed gate, they will temporarily force the gate open and go through it.
      • Humans attempting to get past SCP-096 during this will be instantly killed.
      • Other SCPs may go through the temporarily opened gate unharmed.
    • The charge attack has a cooldown after being used. Charging through a gate will force the cooldown to end.

After the rage state ends, SCP-096 begins to calm down and moves slowly for a few seconds. SCP-096 will then enter a short cooldown phase before he can enrage again.

Once SCP-096’s rage wears off, if SCP-096 takes no damage for 10 seconds, its Hume Shield will slowly regenerate at 20 Hume Shield per second.


In order to contain SCP-096, players must be a member of the Rapid Response Team or Mobile Task Force as viewing SCP-096 without SCRAMBLE Goggles will result in SCP-096 entering a rage state. Another way to re-contain SCP-096 is to let it follow the player back into its containment chamber, however this is nearly impossible due to the speed of SCP-096. Once it is bagged, a grey sack will appear over its head and it will either run or teleport back into its containment chamber. While bagged, players can look at SCP-096 without harm. Its containment chamber resembles a large steel cube with the text «096» labeled on it, that can be lifted to reveal SCP-096 inside.

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