Draconic evolution


The core is just a tiny little ball right now

First, you place the Draconic Reactor Core where you want the center of your reactor to be. This is where the actual reaction will take place, and it will grow depending on the temperature and fuel you put in it. Next, you take 4 Reactor Stabilizers and place them in a ring around the core, the recommended distance being 5 blocks. They can be one block above or below the core, and can be up to 8 blocks away, but must be in the same setup otherwise. They can also be placed vertically around the core. They must have a direct line-of-sight to the core when placed, otherwise they will not register.
Some tips when building: Sneaking while placing them makes them face towards you. Placing them 5 or more blocks away ensures that the reactor will not engulf the Stabilizers, as they do not work if they are inside the reactor.

The Stabilizers, forming a ring around the core

Placing an Energy Injector underneath the Core

Once you have the ring built, right click on any of the Stabilizers to bring up the Reactor GUI. If there is no GUI, then you have to replace the Stabilizer. On the right of the GUI is the status of the Reactor, if it says «INVALID SETUP» then you have to find the stabilizer that’s not connected, otherwise it should say «Offline». Now, you need to place an Energy Injector on one of the sides of the core that doesn’t have a Reactor Stabilizer. This block is important, because it feeds RF back into the Reactor, which is explained in detail later.

Safety First

Flux gates with Potentiometers

Before powering on the reactor, some additional safety features are probably a good idea. The Reactor doesn’t have a concept of «limits», and will give or take as much RF as it can. This will create an unstable reactor, and eventually an explosion. It’s a good idea to use a couple of Flux Gates, which limits how much RF/t can flow through it. It is also adjustable with a redstone signal, therefore it may be a good idea to place a Potentiometer on each one. The Flux Gate is directional, with the side with the purple square being the input, and the side with the orange square being the output. Place one Flux Gate with its Purple side on the back of one of the Stabilizers, then place a second Flux Gate with its Orange side facing the bottom of the Energy Injector. This allows you to control how much RF/t is going out of and into the reactor, respectively.

Besides this, another way you can stay safe is to place it 50 blocks or more above the landscape. This will make it where, if it explodes, it will destroy all your equipment used to keep your reactor stable as it would in both cases, but it won’t devastate your base and it won’t spawn a ton of lava! That’s a fair trade to me! You could also use dislocator receptacles in order to easily get from the reactor to the ground and vice versa.


Изображение Название Описание
Генератор Генерирует 80 RF/t сжигая любое топливо подходящее для печи. Топливо в нём горит меньше.
Молотилка Убивает мобов перед собой, требует RF энергию.
Генератор частиц Отображает выбранный вид частиц. Также требуется для создания мультиблочного хранилища. Использовался в старых версиях модификации.
Ядро энергостабилизатора Используется при постройке мультиблочного хранилища с 5 по 8 уровня (обязательно), ставится 3х3 на каждой из 4 сторон хранилища.
Энергетический наполнитель Заряжает RF-энергией инструменты, броню, оружие из модификации, а также блоки дракония.
Ядро реактора дракона Служит центральным блоком в мультиблочной конструкции реактора.
Стабилизатор реактора Устанавливается в 5 блоках от ядра реактора в количестве 4шт.
Реакторный инжектор Ставится по бокам от ядра в количестве 1шт. и больше.
Стабилизированный спаунер Работает как обычный спаунер, необходимо поместить внутрь душу моба, можно улучшить, поместив внутрь Золотое яблоко и Звезду Нижнего мира
Телепортационный приёмник Служит для постройки порталлов.
Пьедестал телепортатора Декоративный блок, служит в качестве подставки под телепортер. При нажатии на него телепортирует в назначенную точку
Дождевой датчик Выдаёт сигнал красного камня во время дождя.
Дизенчантер Снимает выбранные чары с вещи на книгу и впоследствии ломает вещи. Требует опыт.
Потенциометр Выдаёт определённую силу редстоуна, настраиваемую ПКМ по потенциометру.
Детектор существ Выдаёт сигнал красного камня при обнаружении существа.
Улучшенный детектор существ Имеет более тонкую настройку, чем Детектор существ. Можно замаскировать под блок
Энергетическое ядро Является основой мультиблокового хранилища энергии.
Энергетический пилон Служит для извлечения/занесения энергии в мультиблоковое хранилище энергии.
Дракониевый сундук Сундук со встроенным верстаком и автоматной плавильной печью. Он может хранить до 234 стаков предметов и имеет внутренний буфер энергии в 1.000.000 RF для обеспечения плавки, что удваивает выход печи. 5 штук выплавляются за одну операцию, потребляющую 32.000 RF на слот, в общей сложности 160.000 RF, если используются все 5 слотов. Содержимое остается в сундуке при разрушении.
Небесный манипулятор Способен изменять время и погоду по желанию владельца, требует RF.
Энергетический ограничитель Регулирует поток RF проходящий через него.
Жидкостный ограничитель Регулирует проходящий через него поток жидкости.

Bien débuter avec Draconic Evolution

Ce guide vous aidera pour évoluer dans l’évolution draconienne. Il présente les principales étapes pour grimper dans l’arbre de l’Evolution Draconique.

Ressources nécessaires

Voici une liste des matériaux dont vous aurez besoin pour progresser dans Draconic Evolution. De plus, vous devez avoir accès à l’End pour obtenir efficacement la Poussière de Draconium (Draconium Dust) ; il est recommandé de tuer l’Ender Dragon pour sa poussière et son coeur.

  1. Une ferme à Wither, car le mod a besoin d’étoiles du Nether pour créer des cœurs draconiques, et plus tard des cœurs de Wyvern.
  2. Environ 176 lingots d’or, 43 diamants et plus de 3 piles de lingots de draconium pour obtenir un ensemble complet de Wyvern avec des outils de Wyvern, un infuseur d’énergie et un coffre draconique.

Obtenir les objets de base

Il est recommandé de se procurer « Draconic Evolution Information Tablet« . Ensuite, il faut obtenir un Coffre Draconique comme unité de stockage polyvalente. L’étape suivante consiste à fabriquer l’équipement Wyvern en vue de l’équipement Draconique. Ces derniers sont extrêmement puissants par rapport au diamant, ils fournissent des boucliers, une extraction rapide et des dégâts importants.

Evoluer jusqu’au niveau draconique

Si vous avez déjà tué le dragon, vous devriez avoir un Coeur de dragon que vous pouvez utiliser pour obtenir des blocs de draconium éveillés (Awakened Draconium Blocks) à l’aide de noyaux draconiques, d’une explosion et de blocs de draconium chargés. Vous aurez besoin d’environ six cœurs pour passer au draconium complet.

Ensuite, utilisez la pierre de résurrection (Resurrection Stone) lors du rituel de la résurrection draconique (Ritual of Draconic Resurrection) pour obtenir les autres cœurs pour les outils/armures draconiques. Pour un potentiel maximum, vous devez créer un modificateur d’amélioration (Upgrade Modifier) afin de maximiser leurs outils et armures. L’amélioration au maximum nécessite beaucoup plus d’étoiles du Nether, de draconium, d’or, de diamants et de draconium éveillé. La mise à niveau utilise des noyaux ; les noyaux éveillés sont les plus efficace.

Tesson du chaos

Si vous souhaitez progresser davantage ou si vous avez besoin de plus d’énergie, vous devrez trouver une île du chaos (Chaos Island) située à chaque intervalle de 10k blocs de l’île principale, y compris les angles. Ensuite, tuez le Gardien du Chaos (Chaos Guardian) pour obtenir deux Coeurs de Dragon qui vous seront utiles plus tard. Les deux coeurs sont utilisés pour créer plus de draconium éveillé.

Maintenant, vous pouvez obtenir des Tessons du Chaos (Chaos Shards) en brisant le Cristal du Chaos au centre de l’île. Notez que cela va déstabiliser l’île, provoquant une explosion massive. Ensuite, vous pouvez maintenant créer un réacteur draconique qui peut générer beaucoup d’énergie à un certain coût. Soyez avertis, si vous ne faites pas attention, il explosera, décimant tout dans un rayon. Avec cette production d’énergie, vous devrez stocker l’énergie produite, et c’est là qu’intervient le système de stockage de l’énergie.

Keeping it Stable

The GUI of a working reactor

The last thing anybody wants is their base turning into a nuclear wasteland from an unbalanced Draconic Reactor. This requires understanding the GUI and the numbers behind it all, quite literally. Press the «Stats» button and the middle of the GUI will display a bunch of numbers about the Reactor. Combined with the 4 bars, this gives you all the information you need to know about your reactor to keep it from blowing up.

First, let’s start with the most important numbers. The Containment Field is the one thing keeping the Reactor from vaporizing you and the surrounding land into nothing. It is represented by the middle left bar, and the Field Load Rate. The stronger the Containment Field is, the more RF/t you need to keep it at that level. The Field Load Rate tells us the current RF/t we need to inject into the Reactor via the Energy Injector in order to keep it at the level it’s currently at. There is no limit to how high or low you can make the Containment Field, but you need to make sure it stays above 0%. The lower the level of the Containment Field, the less RF/t it uses and the more efficient your reactor becomes, but it also reduces the wiggle room on the output.

The second most important thing about the Reactor is Temperature. The more energy you draw from the Reactor, the hotter it becomes, producing more energy. This is represented by the far left bar and the «Temperature Load Factor» number. Hotter is better, as it means your reactor will use less fuel. However, if it goes above 8000C, the Temperature Load Factor begins to go up at an exponential rate. This means it puts more and more stress on the Containment Field the hotter it gets. This is bad news, so the optimum temperature for running your Reactor is 8000C. Additionally, if the Temperature drops below 2000C, the reaction becomes too cold to work anymore, so the Reactor simply shuts down. Additionally, you cannot break any blocks of the Reactor unless the Temperature is below 2000C.

The third more important aspect is Generation Rate and Energy Saturation, which is represented by the middle right bar. When you pull RF from the Reactor, you are actually taking it from its saturation. The Reaction then speeds up to try and replace this missing energy. How much energy the Reactor is producing is represented by the Generation Rate. The higher the Saturation, the lower the Generation Rate. Additionally, the higher the Generation Rate, the higher the Temperature of the reaction goes.

Fourth and finally, there’s Fuel Consumption. This is represented by the far right bar or Fuel Conversion Level, Fuel Conversion Rate, and Core Mass. Core Mass is how much fuel you initially loaded into the Reactor Core. It doesn’t change at all unless you insert or extract fuel and byproducts. Fuel Conversion Level tells you how much fuel you have left, or how much fuel has been converted into chaos. Finally, Fuel Conversion Rate is the most important number here. It tells you how much fuel is being spent per tick on keeping the reaction going. A perfectly stabilized Reactor burns 0 nb/t(1mB=1,000,000 nB). The longer the Reactor stays at certain power output, the more the temperature rises, meaning the more RF/t gets generated. Since it’s a constant output, the excess goes into the Saturation, lowering the Generated RF/t. This lowers the Fuel Conversion Rate, and means that the longer the Reactor stays balanced, the longer it lasts without needing to be refueled.

Draconic Additions — дополнение для Draconic Evolution [1.12.2]

Мод Draconic Additions — это аддон для популярного индустриального мода Draconic Evolution и он добавит в игру еще больше контента, несколько новых генераторов, несколько видов брони и очень мощные инструменты, бижутерию и прочее.

Аддон не имеет четкой направленности, он просто хочет расширить оригинальный мод, местами немного сбалансировать его, дать новые возможности.

  • Броня из чистого хаоса.
  • Броня на уровень ниже чем Виверновая.
  • Экстремально мощные инструменты
  • Некоторая бижутерия для улучшения энергистической брони
  • Генератор энергии работящий на броне
  • Машина производящая жидкий хаос.
  • Портативная зарядка для восполнения RF энергии для предметов в инвентаре.
  • Стабилизатор хаоса.


Powering Up

A Fully Fueled, but unpowered Draconic Reactor

A Draconic Reactor, ready to Activate

Now that you have a fully built Draconic Reactor, we need to insert fuel. The Draconic Reactor runs off of Awakened Draconium Blocks, and can hold up to 8 blocks of fuel. Once you put in the fuel, you may have noticed the core grew in size. This is a hint that you need to have the proper space for the core, otherwise it will not be stabilized properly. If it can’t be stabilized properly, the reactor will explode.

Before we power it up, it’s worth noting some minor information about the GUI. The left most bar displays the core temperature. Once this is past 2000C, the reactor will explode if you break any part of it. The bar on the middle right displays energy saturation, you do not want this to be 0 while the Reactor is on, as it will be trying to generate infinite RF/t and explode.

Now that the Reactor is loaded with fuel, we can hit the button on the bottom right called «Charge Reactor». Once this is pressed, the Reactor now needs a great deal of RF in order to charge up. This has to be inserted through the Energy Injector. If you followed the section on «Safety First», you can adjust the Flux Gate to allow more RF/t to flow into the Reactor. Once the Reactor has charged up it’s Containment Field (the middle left bar) to 50%, Energy Saturation (the middle right bar) to 50%, and it’s Temperature (the far left bar) to 2000C, the reactor can be activated. It is recommended that you read the section «Keeping it Stable» before activating the Reactor. Once it’s on, RF is extracted through the Stabilizers, and injected through the Energy Injector.

Note that the Energy Injector can consume virtually infinite RF/t, and will use the Energy consumed in one tick to either charge its Containment Field, its Saturation or to heat itself. This means that, if you connect the Energy Injector to a Power source capable of supplying infinite RF/t (such as an Energy Core), it will drain it completely in one tick without even beginning to charge the Energy Saturation.

Tool, Weapons & Armor:

  • Tools

    There are two tiers of tools and weapons except for the hoe and axe of which there is only one. The names of these are Wyvern and Draconic.There is a third, and final, extremely powerful item that is available at great cost, but well worth it.


    • Draconic & Wyvern Armor
      • Wyvern – Having enjoyed the protection of diamond for so long, you realize that you can infuse it with the power of the Draconic.
        • Leggings:
        • Boots:
      • Draconic – Further Draconic research has shown you ways to even greater protection..
        • Helm:
        • Chest:
        • Leggings:
        • Boots:
        • Full set of Draconic Armor also gives you full protection from fire!
  • Pickaxe

    • Wyvern – Weary of ordinary tools you begin to understand ways to use Draconic energy to upgrade.
      • Modes:
    • Draconic – Further Draconic research has shown you ways to even greater power..
      • Modes:
        • Shift-Right Click to switch modes: 1×1, 3×3, 5×5 and 7×7
        • Right Click to activate: Obliteration Mode – Destroys stone, cobblestone and netherrack.
  • Hoe

    • Draconic – Further Draconic research has shown you ways to even greater power..
      • Modes:
        • Will till an entire 9×9 area, just perfect for a full-size farm with water source.
        • Also will dig or replace dirt (if dirt in inventory) to make the full 9×9.
  • Axe

    • Draconic – Further Draconic research has shown you ways to even greater power..
      • Modes:
  • Shovel

    • Wyvern – Weary of ordinary tools you begin to understand ways to use Draconic energy to upgrade.
      • Modes:
    • Draconic – Further Draconic research has shown you ways to even greater power..
      • Modes:
        • Shift-Right Click to switch modes: 1×1, 3×3, 5×5 and 7×7
        • Right Click to activate: Obliteration Mode – Destroys dirt, sand and gravel.
  • Sword

    • Wyvern – Weary of ordinary tools you begin to understand ways to use Draconic energy to upgrade.
      • +15 Attack – Bonus damage on mobs with health above 10 hearts (+20% of the mobs extra health)
      • AOE – Hits all mobs in a 3×3 area (bonus damage does not apply to mobs other than the one you hit directly)
    • Draconic – Further Draconic research has shown you ways to even greater power..
      • +19 Attack – Bonus damage on mobs with health above 10 hearts (+30% of the mobs extra health)
      • AOE – Hits all mobs in a 7×7 area (bonus damage does not apply to mobs other than the one you hit directly)
  • Bow

    • Wyvern – Weary of ordinary tools you begin to understand ways to use Draconic energy to upgrade.
      • Sharpshooter – Zoom in on your target
      • Rapid Fire – Barrage your enemies in a rain of arrows.
    • Draconic – Further Draconic research has shown you ways to even greater power..
      • Sharpshooter – Zoom in on your target
      • Rapid Fire – Barrage your enemies in a rain of arrows.
      • Explosive – With gunpowder in your inventory destroy an area slightly larger than TNT with your arrows
      • Devastation (Creative Mode only) – Explodes an extreme area in rapid fire mode.
  • Draconic Staff of Power

    • After great pains you have mastered the powers of the Draconic!
      • Mining – Shift-Right Click to switch modes: 1×1, 3×3, 5×5, 7×7 and 9×9
      • Mining – Right Click to activate: Obliteration Mode – Destroys all non-valuable blocks.
      • Battle: +20 Attack – Bonus damage on mobs with health above 10 hearts (+50% of the mobs extra health)
      • Battle: AOE – in 1×1 hits 1×1 area, 3×3 hits 5×5 area, 5×5 hits 9×9, 7×7 hits 13×13, and 9×9 hits 17×17 (bonus damage does not apply to mobs other than the one you hit directly)
  • Charm of Dislocation

    • You have managed to infuse the powers of The End with your knowledge of the Draconic to create a basic teleporter, but at a cost. The energies binding them are unstable and only last for 10 uses and will take some of your life energy with each use and can only be linked to a single location but works across dimensions. Once used up, you must create a new one.
    • Enhanced Charm (pictured above)- Learning how draconic powers interract with the powers of the endermen, you have created the ultimate teleporter. You can now store up to 5 locations and using the endermen’s own pearls as fuel, created something that can teleport you across dimensions at will.
    • Both will allow you to also click on any non-boss mob and send them to the target destination.

Ritual of Ender Resurrection:

The ritual of ender resurrection allows you to summon the EnderDragon.

To set it up you will need the following items

  • (1) Resurrection Stone
  • (4) Glowstone Blocks
  • (4) Obsidian
  • (4) Diamond Blocks
  • (4) Charged Draconium Blocks (acquired by charging a Draconium block with 100M RF)
  • (12) Quartz Pillars

The pillars do not have to be in that exact configuration as long as they are within 5 blocks of the Resurrection Stone it also looks better if they are symmetrical.

Once you have that setup simply right click the Ritual stone and stand back. The ritual should start immediately if it dosnt you have done something wrong.

During the ritual all of the Ender Crystals will be re-activated. At the end of the ritual there will be a massive explosion at the centre of the structure that wont do too much damage to the terrain but will kill anything that is standing too close.

The dragon that is spawned by the ritual is almost identical to the original dragon except it has a different texture (By GreatOrator) and it gets harder to kill and deals more damage each time it is summoned (this increase is per player and stops when it reaches a certain difficulty) It also has regeneration for 25 seconds.

Гайд по моду Draconic Evolution. Часть 1.


Доброго времени суток уважаемые игроки нашего проекта! Я хочу вас познакомить с модом Draconic Evolution.

Это мод добавляет довольно большое количество вещей, от брони и инструментов, до огромных энергетических ядер.

Так вот. Для начала наша цель состоит в том, чтобы скрафтить виверн броню и инструменты. Что нужно сделать? 1)Накопать дракониевую руду.

3) Для работы этого спавнера нам нужна душа существа. Чтобы ее добыть нам нужно зачаровать меч на Жнец V. В итоге с некоторым шансом нам выпадет душа существа. С каждого моба падает своя душа, поэтому этот спавнер позволяет нам спавнить абсолютно любых мобов. В частности нам нужна душа визер скелетона. Выбили душу визер скелетона ? Отлично, теперь кликаем ПКМ по спавнеру душой и у нас есть спавнер скелетов иссушителей, а значит есть звезды ада. Еще скажу, что этот спавнер имеет несколько уровней улучшения, но на нашем сервер эти улучшения отключены. Так что не пытайтесь его улучшить, если не хотите потерять ресурсы в пустую

4) И вот вы наконец скрафтили свои первые виверн инструменты и броню, но что же дальше? Как нам получить пробужденные дракониевые слитки, чтобы скрафтить уже дракониевую броню и инструменты ? Для этого мы воспользуемся ритуалом пробуждения и воскрешения дракона. Крафтим наполнитель энергии и подаем в него энергию RF. Для этого существует специальный генератор из этого мода, но я вам рекомендую использовать солнечные панели из IC2 и с помощью преобразователя энергии конвертировать EU в RF. Примерно так это выглядит:

Не забудьте положить в преобразователь энергии 4 Улучшение «Трансформатор» из Ic2, чтобы выход энергии был 32к. Далее крафтим дракониевый блок из 9 слитков и кладем в наполнитель энергии. Нам потребуется 100 миллионов RF энергии для того, чтобы зарядить блок. Нам нужно 8 заряженных блоков. 4 для камня воскрешения дракона, и 4 для самого ритуала воскрешения.

5) И так, вот вы зарядили дракониевые блоки и скрафтили камень воскрешения дракона. Что дальше ? Дальше идем в край и строем вот такую конструкцию:

Далее клацаем ПКМ по камню воскрешения. ВУАЛЯ! Мы воскресили дракона. Убиваем его и подбираем с него Сердце дракона, то, для чего мы все это делаем.

6) И так, у нас есть это сердце. Теперь с помощью этого сердца мы проводим следующий ритуал. Что для этого нужно:

  • 4 заряженных дракониевых блока
  • 16 ядер дракона
  • Динамит
  • Рычаг

Далее ставим 4 заряженных дракониевых блока, через 1 блок динамит, рядом с динамитом рычаг

Теперь самое важное не ошибиться. Кидаем рядом с динамитом Сердце дракона и дергаем рычаг

Сердце взорвалось и начинает подниматься в воздух. В этот момент мы кидаем 16 дракониевых ядер рядом с сердцем и ждем пока закончится ритуал. В конце ритуала сердце взрывается и мы получаем пробужденные дракониевые блоки, которые можем переделать в слитки. Теперь вы можете скрафтить дракониевую броню, которая вам в будущем поможет убить дракона Хаоса.

Первая часть гайда по моду Draconic Evolution окончена. Спасибо за просмотр.



When fully assembled, RF can be introduced to and extracted from the structure through the use of Energy Pylons. These can be placed anywhere within 16 blocks of the Core, and are activated by placing a block of Glass either above or below the Pylon (depending if it is below or above the Core, respectively), which will turn into a blue orb. Pylons can be toggled between input and output mode by right clicking the orb, and can move 2,147,483,647 RF/t per face.

The amount of RF that can be stored inside an Energy Core of a given tier is:

Energy Core tier RF storage
1 45,500,000
2 273,000,000
3 1,640,000,000
4 9,880,000,000
5 59,300,000,000
6 356,000,000,000
7 2,140,000,000,000
8 9,223,372,036,854,775,807

Blocks & Items:

  • Blocks:

    • Energy Core

      Through the pinnacle of Draconic research, you have learned how to use this power to store more power than anything else invented. By using multi-block strategies, you can build ever-larger storage devices.

    • Weather Controller

      To use this block, simply place it in the world and right click it with a single emerald (you must only have one in your hand) to charge it.
      If it rains, simply apply a redstone signal and the block will activate and stop the rain. On the other hand, if you apply a constant redstone signal the block and activate it automatically, it will stop raining whenever it rains. This block can also start the rain or create a thunderstorm as needed so long as charges are available. One emerald gives 10 charges and the number of charges remaining is indicated by the gauge on the side of the block.

    • Mob Grinder

      Everyone needs effective mob farms. For the cost of a bit of solid fuel (coal, charcoal, etc.), you can kill your hearts and knowing the forces of the Draconic has your back!

    • Generator

      Ever find the need for power beyond simple coal? The generator is here to fill that need! When used in conjunction with certain blocks in the mod, it performs better at transferring power.

  • Spawner

    New spawning mechanic! To get started, right click any vanilla spawner to take control of it. You now have a empty transportable spawner (pick up with draconic tools). Use any mob soul (new drop, random 1 in 1000 chance to get one but is configurable) on the spawner to change it to that type. You can upgrade using the infused compound, draconic compound, nether star and Notch Apple (tool tips in game give more info)

  • Admin Dislocator

    If you are a server admin or map creator this block is for you! (creative or op only as there is no recipe on purpose)Created at the behest of GreatOrator, it allows for a configurable range for teleporting. What makes this different is it is purely random.Nearest player to the block when activated with redstone will be teleported to a random location (default is 1000 minimum and 10,000 maximum) from the block. If that spot would place the player in water or in the air, a block is generated below them.

  • Draconic Infuser

    By seeing the need for faster energy transfer, you have found a way to bring the infuser and had a faster transfer rate than most other mod’s RF recharge stations (and cool particle effects to boot!)

  • Particle Generator

    Purely decorative, this blocks allows for fully customizable particle effects to be created.

  • Distortion Flame

    Many of you have probably seen a graphical glitch that sometimes occurs when chunks load that allows you to see through the world and see all of the cave caves and tunnels bellow.This block replicates that effect. When you place it next to another block the face of the block it is touching becomes transparent allowing you to see through the world. This can be very useful for finding cave systems and dungeons maby even things other players don’t want you to find.Such a block dose not come cheap. It will cost you several Nether Stars and it is so fragile that once placed it can not be collected without destroying it. (not even with silk touch)

  • Sun Dial

    This is an extremely powerful block that allows you to change the time. Simply place it in the world and and apply a constant redstone signal. Once the device charges it will fire a particle beam at the sun accelerating it to 30X its normal speed. Simply shut off the redstone signal when you have the sun where you want it.

  • Player Detector

    • There are two versions available (though currently only the basic is available in recipe form)
      • Player Detector
      • Advanced Player Detector
        • Now you’re moving to the big leagues!
        • GUI to adjust any of the multiple settings
          • Range (Currently no limit to range)
          • Whitelist/Blacklist for fine tuning who you do or don’t want
          • Camouflage – Hide your detector so no one sees it
          • Inverted out put (less redstone needed!)
  • Draconium Ore

    The very basis of Draconic Research

  • Items:

    • Draconic Core

      Used to create all machines and advanced tools

    • Draconium Dust

      This is the material from mining Draconium Ore

    • Draconium Ingot

      The results of using the Draconic Dust in a furnace. Used in most recipes.

    • Infused and Draconic Compounds

      Research has found two very powerful items that will be neccessary to create powerful tools

    • Sun Focus

      With the power of draconium you find a way to harness the heat and light of the sun.

    • Dragon Heart

      Dropped by the Ender Dragon.

    • Potentiometer
    • Rain Sensor


Right-clicking the Energy Core opens an interface to select an Energy Core tier and enable a building guide. Energy Core Stabilizers need to be placed at each cardinal point around the Core, vertically or horizontally as long as it’s on the same plane, up to 16 blocks away from the Core.

Energy Core tier 5 and above instead require Stabilizers to be placed in a 3×3 square at each point instead.

Tier 1

The structure is 1x1x1 (not counting the Stabilizers) and requires (on top of the Core):

4 Energy Core Stabilizers

The structure consists solely of the Energy Core block.

Tier 2

The structure is 3x3x3 (not counting the Stabilizers) and requires (on top of the Core):

  • 4 Energy Core Stabilizers
  • 6 Draconium Blocks

Tier 3

The structure is 3x3x3 (not counting the Stabilizers) and requires (on top of the Core):

  • 4 Energy Core Stabilizers
  • 26 Draconium Blocks

Tier 4

The structure is 5x5x5 (not counting the Stabilizers) and requires (on top of the Core):

  • 4 Energy Core Stabilizers
  • 54 Draconium Blocks
  • 26 Blocks of Redstone

Tier 5

The structure is 7x7x7 (not counting the Stabilizers) and requires (on top of the Core):

  • 36 Energy Core Stabilizers
  • 90 Draconium Blocks
  • 80 Blocks of Redstone

Tier 6

The structure is 9x9x9 (not counting the Stabilizers) and requires (on top of the Core):

  • 36 Energy Core Stabilizers
  • 150 Draconium Blocks
  • 178 Blocks of Redstone

Tier 7

The structure is 11x11x11 (not counting the Stabilizers) and requires (on top of the Core):

  • 36 Energy Core Stabilizers
  • 210 Draconium Blocks
  • 328 Blocks of Redstone

Tier 8

The structure is 13x13x13 (not counting the Stabilizers) and requires (on top of the Core):

  • 36 Energy Core Stabilizers
  • 786 Draconium Blocks
  • 378 Awakened Draconium Blocks

See here.

What you will need

First, you need the actual components to build the reactor.

Actual Components Needed
Helpful Additional Items

What does this translate to in raw materials?

Raw Materials Needed

That’s 1880 Draconium Ingots and 1456 Gold Ingots!

Thankfully, you only need to visit one Chaos Island. You can’t break the crystal however until the Chaos Guardian is defeated, which is a really difficult boss fight. The reward however is virtually infinite RF.

Please note: You will also need Chaotic fusion injectors. To get 10 of these, you must go to 2 additional chaos islands… which means 2 more Chaos Guardian battles.

Are you on hardmode? Well…. you may need to visit the Chaos Guardian a few more times. Let’s say… at least 25 times, most likely more. You know what, to be safe, 30 times… Have fun! (There are recipe changes for the injectors and reactor parts).

Draconic Evolution Mod — драконик эволюшн [1.16.5] [1.12.2] [1.11.2] [1.10.2] [1.7.10]

Мод Draconic Evolution — это популярный индустриальный мод который сочетает в себе магию и технологии и позволяет создать чрезвычайно мощные предметы. Мод добавляет возможность построить энергетический реактор и энергетическое хранилище с практически бесконечной вместимостью, а так же множество других возможностей стреди которых автоматические фермы мобов, телепортация, контроль над временем и пространством, очень мощная броня, инструмент и оружие, а так же очень мощного босса.

Мод добавляет свою собственную руду — дракониум, далее она активно используется во всех вещах мода. Если вы хотите вырабатывать много энергии, тогда дракониевый реактор для вас, он очень мощный и эффективный, но будьте аккуратны, а то он разнесет вам пол карты. Такое большое количество энергии вам понадобиться, ведь мод добавляет новые пути получения материалов, а они очень энергозатратные.

Существует русская вики по данному моду, а если вы установите дополнительный мод Project Intelligence, то получите внутриигровой гайд который тоже переведен на русский. С этим разобраться с модом будет не очень сложно, это действительно офигенный мод добавляющий огромное количество новых возможностей.

What is a Draconic Reactor?

The best analogy for the Draconic Reactor is the Nuclear Reactor from IndustrialCraft 2 (IC2). It doesn’t have the complexities that IC2’s Reactor has, but it’s a lot more dangerous and can put out insane amounts of Redstone Flux (RF). Just like IC2’s Reactor, if you don’t have the proper setup, it will explode. Unlike IC2’s Reactor, there is no way to contain the explosion, and it has roughly a 300 block radius. The explosion will kill everything in sight, including players in Creative. Some recommendations are to put it far away or in another dimension like the Nether or The Last Millenium from Extra Utilities.

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