University GUI
When accessing the University’s hut block by right-clicking on it, you will see a GUI with different options:
- Hut Level: Tells you the type of hut and the build level of the building you have selected.
- Worker Assigned: Tells you the worker assigned to this building and their worker level. The worker levels up in time by working. The higher their level, the faster and more efficient they will be.
- Manage Workers: Lets you change which worker is assigned to work at this hut. There can only be one worker at each hut. Note: this only works if you have turned the worker hiring mode in the Town Hall block to manual, otherwise your citizens will be hired automatically.
- Recall Worker: Recalls the worker at this building to their hut block. You might use it if they are stuck somewhere, you want to see what they have, or want to give them something directly.
- Build Options: Lets you create a build, upgrade, reposition, or repair build order for this hut. To learn more about the building system, please visit the Builder page.
- Delivery Priority: You can set the priority that a Courier will visit this hut and pick up items (when the worker at this hut issues a request), or you can tell Couriers to never visit this hut to pick up items. You can also tell a Courier to do a pickup now using the Request Pickup Now button. (For the pickup priority, 10 is the highest.)
- List of Recipes and Teach Recipe: When clicking the list of recipes button, you see all the recipes you have taught this hut and can remove them. When clicking teach recipe, it opens a crafting grid which allows you to teach this hut recipes (not the worker).
- Inventory: Here you can access the hut block’s storage, where the worker at this hut takes and deposits materials. They will also use any racks or chests that were placed in the hut when it was built or upgraded, so be sure to check those as well!
- ?: Some huts have an in-game guide. Press the ? button to access it.
- A chest icon: Click this button to see all the items in the hut’s storage (including the hut block’s inventory and any racks/chests that came with the hut). Clicking the ? button next to an item’s count will highlight the storage container it’s in.
Page 2 of the GUI will show you the options for each research tree.
Once you click on a research tree, you will see the options for each research branch. Each option will tell you the requirements and how long it takes to research that option. The time is real-world time spent in-game. However, Researchers will sometimes use offline time to work on researches. Researchers’ Knowledge skill affects the amount of research time they get from the offline time (it’s not a 1:1 ratio), and their Mana skill affects the max amount of research time they can get.
To see a description of each of the researches, please visit the Research System page.
Crafter Recipes
While Item Tags determine the recipes that workers can be taught, colonists can also automatically learn special Crafter Recipes. These recipes can be different than those available to the player or even reflect items that can’t be made in any other way. Unlike Tags, Crafter Recipes can and must hold a large number of properties, some containing arrays or objects of properties themselves. Supported properties include:
Crafter Recipe Key Name | Object Name | Type | Description |
string | to add a recipe, and to disable one. | ||
string | The name of the worker who will learn the recipe. Mandatory. | ||
Array Of Objects | The s and s of the required input items that will be consumed for the recipe. | ||
string | The Resource Location identifier of an item consumed by the recipe. | ||
integer | The number of that item consumed by default. If not present, defaults to 1. | ||
string | The Resource Location identifier of the item the recipe produces. | ||
integer | The count of items that should be returned. If not present, defaults to 1. | ||
string | The Resource Location of a loot table, used for outputs that require some randomization. | ||
Object | The and of a single additional output item. | ||
string | The Resource Location identifier of an item consumed by the recipe. | ||
integer | The number of that item consumed by default. If not present, defaults to 1. | ||
Array Of Objects | Contains the and of alternative output items. These consume the same inputs, share the same “loot-table”, and return the same “additional-output” as the main recipe, but produce a different result on demand through the Request System. | ||
string | The Resource Location identifier of an item consumed by the recipe. | ||
integer | The number of that item consumed by default. If not present, defaults to 1. | ||
string | The Resource Location identifier of a block required to craft the item, typically a furnace. | ||
string | The Resource Location identifier of a research that is automatically learned after the colony has a research completed, if all other requirements are met. | ||
string | The Resource Location identifier of a research that automatically causes the recipe to be unlearned. Most commonly used to replace a default recipe. | ||
integer | The minimum building level, inclusive, at which the recipe may be automatically learned, if all other requirements are complete. | ||
integer | The building level where the recipe will be automatically unlearned, if the building meets or exceeds it. | ||
boolean | A special requirement. If a recipe matching the output exists, automatically adds all as recipes. | ||
boolean | If true, displays the building that can craft the recipe, as well as any requirements to unlock the recipe, as a tooltip for the item. | ||
string | A Resource Location of a different crafter recipe to remove, preventing buildings from learning it. Requires . All other properties are ignored. |
On existing worlds, removing a Crafter Recipe through data packs will automatically remove it from existed constructed buildings that have learned it.
For example crafter recipes, and their canonical names, see GitHub here and here.
При выбора места для колонизации необходимо учитывать ряд различных условий и рекомендаций, потому что это будет непосредственно влиять на постройки и само их разнообразие, а также то, что без хорошего вида из окна нельзя будет сказать, что ты создал поистине дом (деревню, город) своей мечты. Благодаря пейзажу, условий местности и наличием определенных ресурсов возле нее складываются первые очертания своих будущих творений и следовательно, лучше сразу выбрать красочное и удобное место для его застройки под колонию.
Первое, о чём следует подумать во время поиска места для основания колонии, это расстояние от базы до предполагаемого места основания. Если оно слишком маленькое, то колонизация не будет проблемой, но очень близкая колония не имеет большого смысла и не приносит практической пользы. Если оно большое, то возникнут трудности с установкой коммуникаций с базой, ибо придется проделывать немалый путь пешком для передвижения между базами в первое время, а именно до постройки железной дороги. Среднее расстояние — самое то для колонизации! После чего можно приступать к выбору наиболее удобного для Вас места.
Если вы достаточно развились и имеете немало обсидиана, то можно организовать транспортную систему Нижнего мира для быстрого перемещения между базами.
Легкость постройки
Второй момент, который следует учитывать во время выбора места для колонии, это легкость постройки. Если у Вас недостаточно места для строений, например в горном биоме, то вам придется потратить достаточно много времени, чтобы расчищать и выравнивать территорию. Также не рекомендуется выбирать места, где много лавы или воды.
Доступность ресурсов
Последнее и не менее важное, это доступность ресурсов. Основная цель колонии, как правило, это производство ресурсов, особенно, если каких-либо ресуров недостаточно вблизи Вашего родного дома
К примеру, если ваша основная база находится в пустыне, где не хватает древесины для производственных нужд, то постройка колонии в лесу может быть очень кстати.
Hut Blocks
The Town Hall is listed here, but you can only craft it after placing the Supply Ship/Camp.
The Barracks Tower is not listed here because it cannot be crafted. You must craft and place the Barracks instead.
Name | Ingredients | Recipe |
Apiary | Any Planks + Build Tool + Beehive | apiary |
Archery | Any Planks + Build Tool + 3 Bows | archery |
Bakery | Any Planks + Build Tool + Wheat | baker |
Barracks | Any Planks + Build Tool + Iron Block | barracks |
Blacksmith’s Hut | Any Planks + Build Tool + 3 Iron Ingots | blacksmith |
Builder’s Hut | Any Planks + Build Tool + Any Wooden Door | builder |
Chicken Farmer’s Hut | Any Planks + Build Tool + Egg | chickenfarmer |
Combat Academy | Any Planks + Build Tool + 3 Iron Swords | combatacademy |
Composter’s Hut | Any Planks + Build Tool + Barrel | composter |
Concrete Mixer’s Hut | Any Planks + Build Tool + White Concrete Powder | concretemixer |
Cowhand’s Hut | Any Planks + Build Tool + Raw Beef | cowhand |
Crusher’s Hut | Any Planks + Build Tool + 2 Cobblestone + 1 Iron Ingot | crusher |
Courier’s Hut | Any Planks + Build Tool + Leather Boots | courier |
Dyer’s Hut | Any Planks + Build Tool + Any Dye | dyer |
Enchanter’s Tower | Any Planks + Build Tool + Enchanting Table | enchanter |
Farm | Any Planks + Build Tool + Wooden Hoe | farm |
Fisher’s Hut | Any Planks + Build Tool + Fishing Rod | fisher |
Fletcher’s Hut | Any Planks + Build Tool + String | fletcher |
Flower Shop | Any Planks + Build Tool + Poppy | flowershop |
Glassblower’s Hut | Any Planks + Build Tool + Glass Block | glassblower |
Graveyard | Stone + Build Tool + Bone | graveyard |
Guard Tower | Any Planks + Build Tool + Bow | guardtower |
Hospital | Any Planks + Build Tool + Carrot | hospital |
House | Any Planks + Build Tool + Torch | house |
Library | Any Planks + Build Tool + Bookshelf | library |
Forester’s Hut | Any Planks + Build Tool + Wooden Axe | forester |
Mechanic’s Hut | Any Planks + Build Tool + Redstone Block | mechanic |
Mine | Any Planks + Build Tool + Wooden Pickaxe | mine |
Mystical Site | Any Planks + Build Tool + Diamond | mysticalsite |
Plantation | Any Planks + Build Tool + Cactus | plantation |
Rabbit Hutch | Any Planks + Build Tool + Raw Rabbit | rabbithutch |
Restaurant | Any Planks + Build Tool + Apple | restaurant |
Sawmill | Any Planks + Build Tool + Wooden Axe | sawmill |
School | Any Planks + Build Tool + 2 Feathers | school |
Shepherd’s Hut | Any Planks + Build Tool + Shears | shepherd |
Sifter’s Hut | Any Planks + Build Tool + 3 String | sifter |
Smeltery | Any Planks + Build Tool + Iron Ingot | smeltery |
Stonemason’s Hut | Any Planks + Build Tool + 3 Stone Bricks | stonemason |
Stone Smeltery | Any Planks + Build Tool + 1 Furnace + 2 Stone Bricks | stonesmeltery |
Swineherd’s Hut | Any Planks + Build Tool + Raw Porkchop | swineherd |
Tavern | Any Planks + Build Tool + Decorative Barrel | tavern |
Town Hall | Any Planks + 2 Build Tools | townhall |
University | Any Planks + Build Tool + Books | university |
Warehouse | Any Planks + Build Tool + Chest | warehouse |
How to install MineColonies Mod 1.18/1.17.1
- First remember that you must download or have installed Minecraft Forge
- Followed by this, download the .jar file from MiniColonies Mod
- Now open the Minecraft initiator and then select Forge profile
- Locate the applications folder .minecraft / mods.
- On Windows computers, you should open> Run from the start menu and type in lowercase the word% appdata% \. Minecraft \ and then click> Run again. On Mac computers, you should open
- Finder, hold down the ALT key and click> Go to> Library just in the top menu bar to start the installer correctly
- Following these steps, you should open the Application Support folder and search for Minecraft
- Now place the .jar file that you have downloaded from MiniColonies Mod in your Mods folder. Remember that if you do not have this folder, you must create a mandatory
- If you followed all these steps correctly, once you restart Minecraft, you can count on this modification
Build Options Details
Before Hut is Built
- Style (top left): Here you can verify the style of schematics you have currently. You can change the style to see the list of items required for other styles, but it’s not recommended that you change a different style from here since it will most likely be in a different position (since each schematic is different).
- Builder: Here is where you can choose what Builder you want on the project. If it is out of your Builders’ range, this is where you can manually assign one.
- List: This is the list of resources that the Builder will need for the schematic style selected.
- Repair: Not needed, as the building hasn’t been built yet.
- Build Building: This is where you tell the Builder to build the building with the style selected.
After Hut is Built
- Schematic Style: Here you can verify the style of schematics you have currently. You can change the style, but it’s not recommended that you change it since it will most likely be in a different position.
- Builder: Here is where you can choose what Builder you want on the project. If the hut is out of your Builders’ range, this is where you can manually assign one.
- List: This is the list of resources that the Builder will need for the schematic style selected.
- Repair: This is to repair a building according to its schematic. This will remove any changes that a player has made to the current building.
- Upgrade: When you are ready to upgrade to the next level. Upgrading will come with benefits, like more furnaces for a Smelter to use (for example).
- Deconstruct: To deconstruct the building. After the Builder is done breaking the building, click the Pick Up button, which will appear where the Deconstruct button was. You will get the building’s hut block, which will keep its current level. This is so you can place it somewhere else using the build tool.
Colony Commands
Command | Command Description |
Default permission level: All | Adds an officer to a colony. For more information on officers, visit the Town Hall page and look at the Permissions section of the GUI.Example: |
Default permission level: OP | Adds or removes the ability to spawn raiders in a colony.Example: |
Default permission level: OP | Claims a specified number of chunks for a colony (or removes claimed chunks) based off the player’s location.Example: |
Default permission level: All | Deletes a colony and all MineColonies buildings (as long as the hut block is still placed).Examples: |
Default permission level: All | Teleports a colony owner back to the Town Hall of their colony.Example: |
Default permission level: All | Shows some basic information about the colony specified (ID, name, mayor, citizens, coordinates, last contact with mayor, and if the colony can be deleted or not).Example: |
Default permission level: All | Shows a list of all the colonies in this world and their ID, name, and coordinates.Example: |
Default permission level: OP | Loads all colonies from a backup.Example: |
Default permission level: OP | Loads an individual colony from a backup.Example: |
Default permission level: OP | Schedules a raid for the specified colony. You can choose if it starts now or the next Minecraft night, as well as its type.Example: |
Default permission level: All | Refreshes a specified colony’s request system, making all workers resubmit requests.Example: |
Default permission level: OP | Refreshes all colonies’ request systems, making all workers in all colonies resubmit requests.Example: |
Default permission level: All | Sets a colony to abandoned and without a mayor.Example: |
Default permission level: OP | Sets whether a colony can be marked for auto-deletion or not.Example: |
Default permission level: All | Changes the owner of a colony.Example: |
Default permission level: All | Teleports the player to the specified colony.Example: |
Items and Blocks
The ancient tome is not on here as it cannot be crafted and must be obtained as a drop.
The calipers are not on here as they cannot be crafted and can only be obtained in creative mode.
Neither of the gates are on here as they can only be crafted by the Mechanic.
None of the scrolls are on here as they cannot be crafted by the player, only by the Enchanter.
The Raider’s Bane enchant is not on here as it cannot be crafted and must be obtained by the Enchanter.
Name | Ingredients | Crafted At | Recipe |
Cactus Planks | Cacti | Sawmill | cactus_planks |
Cactus Slab | Cactus Planks | Sawmill | cactus_slab |
Cactus Stairs | Cactus Planks | Sawmill | cactus_stairs |
Cactus Door | Cactus Planks | Sawmill | cactus_door |
Cactus Trapdoor | Cactus Planks | Sawmill | cactus_trapdoor |
Cactus Fence | Cactus Planks + Sticks | Sawmill | cactus_fence |
Cactus Fence Gate | Cactus Planks + Sticks | Sawmill | cactus_fence_gate |
Compost Barrel | Any Planks + Build Tool + Dirt + Iron Ingot | Sawmill | barrel |
Horizontal Barrel | Any Planks + Sticks | Sawmill | barrel_horizontal |
Vertical Barrel | Any Planks + Sticks | Sawmill | barrel_vertical |
Build Tool | Cobblestone + Sticks | N/A | buildingtool |
Clipboard | Sticks + Build Tool + Leather | N/A | clipboard |
Composted Dirt | Dirt + Compost | Farm | compostblock |
Construction Tape | White Wool + Sticks | Sawmill | constructiontape |
Field | Hay Block OR Pumpkin + Stick + Leather | N/A | field |
Floating Carpet | Any Carpet + Build Tool + String | Fletcher’s Hut | floatingcarpet |
Multi-Piston | Stone + Redstone Blocks + Build Tool + Pistons | Mechanic’s Hut | multipiston |
Paper Wall | Any Planks + Paper | Sawmill | paperwall |
Placeholder Block | Any Logs + Sticks + Iron Ingot | Sawmill | placeholderblock |
Fluid Placeholder | Any Logs + Sticks + Bucket | Sawmill | fluidplaceholderblock |
Solid Placeholder | Any Logs + Sticks + Iron Ingot | Sawmill | solidplaceholderblock |
Postbox | Any Planks + Build Tool + 3 Chests | Sawmill | postbox |
Rallying Banner | Iron Swords + Guard Towers + Yellow Banner + Bows | N/A | rallyingbanner |
Rack | Any Planks + Build Tool + Iron Nuggets | Sawmill | rack |
Resource Scroll | Stick + Build Tool + Leather | N/A | resourcescroll |
Scan Tool | Iron Ingot + Stick | N/A | scantool |
Shingles | Brick + Stick + Matching Planks | Sawmill | shingleclay |
Shingle Slabs | Brick + Stick | Sawmill | shingleslab |
Stash | Any Planks + Build Tool + Chests | Sawmill | stash |
Supply Camp | Chests | N/A | supplycamp |
Supply Ship | Any Boats | N/A | supplyship |
Timber Framed Blocks | Primary Plank + Secondary Plank + Build Tool | Sawmill | timberframeplain |
Waypoint | Any Planks + Build Tool | N/A | waypoint |
Мысли на будущее[]
В будущем можно будет возвести дополнительные сооружения.
Линия коммуникации
По существу, это прокладка рельс по пути, который вы проложили, чтобы добраться до колонии. Железная дорога позволит транспортировать вещи (посредством вагонеток с сундуками), мобов и себя самого. Прокладывайте маршрут только если колония будет постоянной. Осветите дорогу, чтобы монстры не появлялись рядом с вами (особую опасность представляют собой криперы, способные бескомпромиссно прервать линию коммуникации). На заметку: монстры не могут спауниться на рельсах.
Довольно скучный вид линии коммуникации, однако безопасный (если освещения достаточно). Вообще, туннель довольно легко сделать, достаточно копать его размером шириной в блок и в два в высоту, это если копать под землёй. Ежели вы хотите построить туннель на поверхности, то вам придётся тратить по 5 блоков на каждый метр дороги (4 по бокам и один сверху).
Если Ваша колония играет большую роль достаточно долгое время, Вы её часто посещаете либо уже живёте там, то почему бы не усовершенствовать её? Колония может стать вашей второй базой, и, возможно, основной. Создайте все удобства для хорошей жизни!
Kill Commands
Command | Command Description |
Default permission level: OP | Kills all raiders (barbarians, pirates, vikings, or egyptian raiders) inside all colonies.Example: |
Default permission level: OP | Kills all animals (peaceful mobs) inside all colonies.Example: |
Default permission level: OP | Kills all monsters (hostile mobs) inside all colonies.Example: |
Default permission level: OP | Kills all chickens inside all colonies.Example: |
Default permission level: OP | Kills all cows inside all colonies.Example: |
Default permission level: OP | Kills all pigs inside all colonies.Example: |
Default permission level: OP | Kills all sheep inside all colonies.Example: |
Builder’s Hut GUI
When accessing the Builder’s Hut block by right-clicking on it, you will see a GUI with different options:
- Hut Level: Tells you the type of hut and the build level of the building you have selected.
- Worker Assigned: Tells you the worker assigned to this building and their worker level. The worker levels up in time by working. The higher their level, the faster and more efficient they will be.
- Manage Workers: Lets you change which worker is assigned to work at this hut. There can only be one worker at each hut. Note: this only works if you have turned the worker hiring mode in the Town Hall block to manual, otherwise your citizens will be hired automatically.
- Recall Worker: Recalls the worker at this building to their hut block. You might use it if they are stuck somewhere, you want to see what they have, or want to give them something directly.
- Build Options: Lets you create a build, upgrade, reposition, or repair build order for this hut. To learn more about the building system, please visit the Builder page.
- Delivery Priority: You can set the priority that a Courier will visit this hut and pick up items (when the worker at this hut issues a request), or you can tell Couriers to never visit this hut to pick up items. You can also tell a Courier to do a pickup now using the Request Pickup Now button. (For the pickup priority, 10 is the highest.)
- List of Recipes and Teach Recipe: When clicking the list of recipes button, you see all the recipes you have taught this hut and can remove them. When clicking teach recipe, it opens a crafting grid which allows you to teach this hut recipes (not the worker).
- Inventory: Here you can access the hut block’s storage, where the worker at this hut takes and deposits materials. They will also use any racks or chests that were placed in the hut when it was built or upgraded, so be sure to check those as well!
- ?: Some huts have an in-game guide. Press the ? button to access it.
- A chest icon: Click this button to see all the items in the hut’s storage (including the hut block’s inventory and any racks/chests that came with the hut). Clicking the ? button next to an item’s count will highlight the storage container it’s in.
By pressing the arrow button in the top right corner of the GUI, you will be taken to page 2 of the GUI where you will find the following:
Page 3 of the GUI:
Page 4 of the GUI:
A few things to consider
For the placement of the Builder’s Hut, you should consider having the hut in the middle of where you plan to have the rest of your buildings so that the Builder has less of a distance to walk between their hut and the build sites.
The Builder will not start another build assignment until they have finished the current one.
You can go into the Town Hall’s GUI and click on the work orders tab to cancel builds as well as arrange the priorities of the other build orders you have there. If you cancel a work order and it was being built already, if you assign the build order again, the Builder will continue where they left off.
If the Builder removes a block while building and/or upgrading, they will keep it in their inventory and dump any items in their inventory at the end of a build into the Builder’s Hut inventory.
Building A Hut/Schematic
Before you build any building, you need to build the Builder’s Hut. If the Builder’s Hut isn’t built, the Builder cannot build any other building.
Buildings are constructed after the hut block/schematic is placed using the Building Tool and the green checkmark clicked. If it is a hut, you must right-click on the hut block, click Build Options, and then click Build Building. Only then will a build request be created (indicated in chat). An available Builder will accept the request (also noted in chat), and head off to clear the land and start building. They will stop building if they run out of materials and will then head back to their hut and request more.
Plantation GUI
When accessing the Plantation’s hut block by right-clicking on it, you will see a GUI with different options:
- Hut Level: Tells you the type of hut and the build level of the building you have selected.
- Worker Assigned: Tells you the worker assigned to this building and their worker level. The worker levels up in time by working. The higher their level, the faster and more efficient they will be.
- Manage Workers: Lets you change which worker is assigned to work at this hut. There can only be one worker at each hut. Note: this only works if you have turned the worker hiring mode in the Town Hall block to manual, otherwise your citizens will be hired automatically.
- Recall Worker: Recalls the worker at this building to their hut block. You might use it if they are stuck somewhere, you want to see what they have, or want to give them something directly.
- Build Options: Lets you create a build, upgrade, reposition, or repair build order for this hut. To learn more about the building system, please visit the Builder page.
- Delivery Priority: You can set the priority that a Courier will visit this hut and pick up items (when the worker at this hut issues a request), or you can tell Couriers to never visit this hut to pick up items. You can also tell a Courier to do a pickup now using the Request Pickup Now button. (For the pickup priority, 10 is the highest.)
- List of Recipes and Teach Recipe: When clicking the list of recipes button, you see all the recipes you have taught this hut and can remove them. When clicking teach recipe, it opens a crafting grid which allows you to teach this hut recipes (not the worker).
- Inventory: Here you can access the hut block’s storage, where the worker at this hut takes and deposits materials. They will also use any racks or chests that were placed in the hut when it was built or upgraded, so be sure to check those as well!
- ?: Some huts have an in-game guide. Press the ? button to access it.
- A chest icon: Click this button to see all the items in the hut’s storage (including the hut block’s inventory and any racks/chests that came with the hut). Clicking the ? button next to an item’s count will highlight the storage container it’s in.
On page two of the GUI, you can select the plant you want the Planter to grow. Just click the button to cycle through sugar cane, bamboo, or cactus.
Note: If you have completed the Double Trouble research in the University (which lets the Planter plant two crops at a time), this button will choose what will NOT be planted.
Наступило время заняться непосредственно строительством. Желательно иметь несколько районов, включая железнодорожную станцию, дом для проживания, фермы и т. д.
Перед строительством убедитесь, что у Вас достаточно места для каждого проекта, который Вы собираетесь воплотить в жизнь. Желательно расчистить территорию 30 на 30 блоков, но эти числа могут варьироваться в зависимости от масштабности Вашей задумки. По возможности расчищайте больше территории, чем вам необходимо, если Вы планируете расширять постройку (а это желание может появиться в любой момент). Прикидывайте всегда, как будет выглядеть то или иное сооружение, проверьте, что оно не станет мешать другим зданиям. На расчищенной территории расставьте факелы, чтобы там не появлялись или появлялись намного реже враждебные мобы.
Оптимально расходуйте ресурсы
Старайтесь экономно расходовать ресурсы, в данном случае стройматериалы. Если вы израсходуете всё, то Вам придётся искать возможность получить больше, например, разрушая ранее построенные сооружения. Чтобы расход материалов был оптимальным, используйте их только тогда, когда Вы на самом деле нуждаетесь в этом. Например, если Ваши инструменты были сломаны либо требуется починить важную постройку.
Список дел
Дела, на которых вы должны сосредоточиться в первое время.
- Построить небольшой домик;
- Выровнять достаточно пространства;
- Фермы пшеницы, картофеля и прочих культур, различных животных, дерева, иное при необходимости;
- Шахты;
- Стена либо забор для защиты от монстров;
- Сторожевые башни (можно поставить в них снежных големов);
- Различные экспансии;
- Строиться дальше.
Composter’s Hut GUI
When accessing the Composter’s Hut block by right-clicking on it, you will see a GUI with different options:
- Hut Level: Tells you the type of hut and the build level of the building you have selected.
- Worker Assigned: Tells you the worker assigned to this building and their worker level. The worker levels up in time by working. The higher their level, the faster and more efficient they will be.
- Manage Workers: Lets you change which worker is assigned to work at this hut. There can only be one worker at each hut. Note: this only works if you have turned the worker hiring mode in the Town Hall block to manual, otherwise your citizens will be hired automatically.
- Recall Worker: Recalls the worker at this building to their hut block. You might use it if they are stuck somewhere, you want to see what they have, or want to give them something directly.
- Build Options: Lets you create a build, upgrade, reposition, or repair build order for this hut. To learn more about the building system, please visit the Builder page.
- Delivery Priority: You can set the priority that a Courier will visit this hut and pick up items (when the worker at this hut issues a request), or you can tell Couriers to never visit this hut to pick up items. You can also tell a Courier to do a pickup now using the Request Pickup Now button. (For the pickup priority, 10 is the highest.)
- List of Recipes and Teach Recipe: When clicking the list of recipes button, you see all the recipes you have taught this hut and can remove them. When clicking teach recipe, it opens a crafting grid which allows you to teach this hut recipes (not the worker).
- Inventory: Here you can access the hut block’s storage, where the worker at this hut takes and deposits materials. They will also use any racks or chests that were placed in the hut when it was built or upgraded, so be sure to check those as well!
- ?: Some huts have an in-game guide. Press the ? button to access it.
- A chest icon: Click this button to see all the items in the hut’s storage (including the hut block’s inventory and any racks/chests that came with the hut). Clicking the ? button next to an item’s count will highlight the storage container it’s in.
By pressing the arrow button in the top right corner of the GUI, you will be taken to page two of the GUI.
- Items to compost: Here you will see a list of all the items that were recognized for the composter to use, including modded items. All items are off by default. You can then select which items you want the composter to use by clicking on the button. (The black box at the top lets you search for items.)
- Compost/Dirt: You can select which item you want the composter to make, compost or dirt. Just click on the button to change the setting.