Glsl shaders mod 1.18/1.17.1 (change appearance of minecraft world)

Recommended Shader Mods

Not Arranged By Rank

The mods listed below are not listed by rank. Players can check each one out and see which one suits them best. Also, mods written below have been recently updated, making them highly compatible with recent patches.

List Of Best Shaders 2021

Click on the shader for more info!!!

Name Description
BSL Shaders combined with with LexShino shaders. Graphics are a bit pinkish, giving the environent a «dream-like» appearance.
Chocapic13′ Shaders is something you’d want if you want to push your Minecraft to its limits. It has several shaders available for different system configurations.
Beyond Belief is a classic shader mod remade to work with modern Minecraft. Unfortunately, the mod has system limitations that prevent it from running on some systems.
Complimentary Shaders is a shader mod based on widely known BSL Shaders, just with more optimization. Includes a resource pack.
A mod that retains the classic look of Minecraft without introducing drastic changes. Has better clouds and shadows than the vanilla version.
Changes the blocks to a lighter and warmer color, reminiscent of being in the tropics. Great for building your own tropical paradise.
Introduce fancy fog effects, lighting, and dynamic shadows into your Minecraft. This shader mod makes Minecraft a bit realistic on the eyes.
Another realistic shader mod. Voyager retains cold colors but adds realistic shadows and lighting.
A long time project, SEUS brings realistic lighting to Minecraft. Very optimized and easy to run.
A base shaderpack that also introduces optimization features to Minecraft. You can customize the appearance of Minecraft to have a more realistic and more detailed adventure.
This shaderpack introduces a shader that does not require high specification computer for Minecraft. All effects that come with this shader can be tweaked and customized!
This shader gives a more vibrant coloring to the Vanilla Minecraft. It also alters the visual quality of water and vegetation.
This shader pack that can run on Optifine 1.12 or newer, and supports nVidia and AMD videocards. Also, this shader is compatible with two OS, Windows and Linux
Potato Shader aims to stay playable with even a potato PC, one with low specs. However, note that Intel HD 5000 Graphics and older are NOT supported on Windows!
This shader was designed to improve Minecraft’s appearance without heavily taxing your system. It runs exceptionally well on most systems and can even be run by low-end computers
This shader changes the graphics quality of your Minecraft in many aspects. It adds more detail by tweaking the appearance of shadows, lightings, custom clouds, realistic water, and vivid color grading!
This is an edited shader from Chocapic13. With that said, it still gives a decent quality level even at the lowest possible preset. With the most recent update of this mod, the low preset looks almost the same as the extreme preset!
This shader is a modified version of Chocapic 13’s shaderpack. It includes realistic plants, flowers, and wheat. New additions to this shader also include new rain drops, lighting colors making it vivid, and ambient colors.
Windom Shaders is a shader pack that adds and improves the visuals of Minecraft. It has this film grain-like effect but is still enjoyable as it focuses on smooth performance.
Sunflawer Shaders is a modified version of the popular BSL Shader Pack that adds and improves the visuals of Minecraft. It brings with it customized visual features such as clouds, reflections, and shadows, while also including optimization tweaks. It is pretty light and can be run with low-end PCs.

What Are Shader Packs

Better Minecraft Graphics

Shader Mods are «mods» that you can use to configure the how Minecraft appears. It allows users to customize the graphics of the game, changing the color, and brightness. Some shaders also modify in-game objects such as water, clouds, and trees!

Better With Textures

Texture Packs replace the face of Minecraft blocks. When combined with shaders, both can drastically change the appearance of Minecraft.

Best Texture Packs 2021

May Require Better Hardware

As these mods will configure how the game looks, expect them to require higher system requirements. This may also cause some problems with systems that have modest hardware. Do check for compatibility first before applying them!

Check Out Minecraft’s Recommended Hardware Here!

Requires The Optifine Mod

Optifine is an optimization mod that graphically overhauls the settings of Minecraft. It also supports the HD textures and effects, allowing modders to create their own graphical mods. All mods written below require Optifine to run smoothly.

How To Install Optifine & Shaders

Why Iris?

There are plenty of reasons why Iris is unique from other shader mods. Here are some of them:

  • Sleek Design: Iris has been created to be easy to update and extensible at the same time. With this, you won’t have to wait for weeks just to utilize shaders on the latest version of Minecraft.
  • Open Source and Free: Given that Iris is open-source, this means that anyone is free to contribute to it. Iris is made by and for the community, and the team of creators believes that Iris can improve through constant collaborative efforts.
  • Impressive Mod Compatibility: Iris prioritizes its prime goal to ensure mod compatibility. It recognizes the different issues that arise with compatibility that are most often encountered. With Iris, you’ll find that it is fully functioning with plenty of your favorite mods.

Iris Shaders — Download Links

️ Before starting the game, be aware that

️ Please note that some Shaders have not been appropriately updated to 1.18. Still, all have been tested and work correctly in Minecraft 1.18.️ All download links are original and from the creator himself. We never host or edit any files. We only distribute them as a direct link to our users, ensuring security and quality. If you doubt this, don’t forget to read our Terms. ️ It is noteworthy that the links may stop working with each new update. Even with all our efforts to keep everything updated, these things can happen; if any link is not working, please let us know. ️ Leave feedback below on what you think of this Shader Pack; it helps the authors improve their packs.

coderbot is the author of Iris Shader

Download Links:

How to Install Iris Shaders Mod

The most recommended way of installing is using Iri’s installer, it avoids all manual work installing Sodium automatically, without the need to use Optifine.

  1. Download Universal JAR – Download link bellow (if you prefer to do the manual work then download the other options)
  2. The installer is made based on Java, install java.
  3. Run the Iri’s installer you downloaded. The installer gives you multiple choices, choose the “Iris & Sodium” edition. Change the game version to the one you want. click on the “Install” button.
  4. After completing the installation, in your Minecraft Launcher choose the profile “Iris Standalone” and click “Play“. (A popup will appear asking you to confirm that you are starting a modded version of Minecraft)
  5. The next step is to download the shader packs you want, we have a list with the best shaders to download. Choose yours and have a great game.

Before opening any existing worlds from a version prior to 1.18 please make a backup and/or run them in a different folder from your main worlds.

See also: How to install shaders packs.


  • Version: WebGL 2.0
  • Arithmetic: ( ) + — ! * / %
  • Logical/Relatonal: ~ < > <= >= == != && ||
  • Bit Operators: & ^ | << >>
  • Comments: // /* */
  • Types: void bool int uint float vec2 vec3 vec4 bvec2 bvec3 bvec4 ivec2 ivec3 ivec4 uvec2 uvec3 uvec4 mat2 mat3 mat4 mat?x? sampler2D, sampler3D, samplerCube
  • Format: float a = 1.0; int b = 1; uint i = 1U; int i = 0x1;
  • Function Parameter Qualifiers: , in, out, inout
  • Global Variable Qualifiers: const
  • Vector Components: .xyzw .rgba .stpq
  • Flow Control: if else for return break continue switch/case
  • Output: vec4 fragColor
  • Input: vec2 fragCoord
  • Preprocessor: # #define #undef #if #ifdef #ifndef #else #elif #endif #error #pragma #line

Shadertoy Inputs

vec3 iResolution image/buffer The viewport resolution (z is pixel aspect ratio, usually 1.0)
float iTime image/sound/buffer Current time in seconds
float iTimeDelta image/buffer Time it takes to render a frame, in seconds
int iFrame image/buffer Current frame
float iFrameRate image/buffer Number of frames rendered per second
float iChannelTime image/buffer Time for channel (if video or sound), in seconds
vec3 iChannelResolution image/buffer/sound Input texture resolution for each channel
vec4 iMouse image/buffer xy = current pixel coords (if LMB is down). zw = click pixel
sampler2D iChannel{i} image/buffer/sound Sampler for input textures i
vec4 iDate image/buffer/sound Year, month, day, time in seconds in .xyzw
float iSampleRate image/buffer/sound The sound sample rate (typically 44100)

What the DMS Shaders Pack is About

The Shader pack is about performance, it has minimal requirement so players with low-end PCs can still run it and enjoy the game with it.

Mild Dark Fantasy Touch

The pack features a mild dark-fantasy feel to it and features de-saturated, gloomy, and lightly faded visuals. The pack is perfect for medieval themed gameplay, but would also look good on gloomy sci-fi scenes.

Optimized Codes

Although the pack started with unoptimized code, the creator DWP gained experience and re-coded and optimized the codes for the Shader pack. With time, the pack slowly improved in performance and reduced the strain on the computer.

Minimized Features

To optimized performance and make the pack usable for low-end computers while maintaining a solid gameplay, the pack features less effects and flashy visuals than your average Shader pack. However, this works well with its dark fantasy theme. Even with the minimized features, the pack still contains waving grass, waving waters, and more.

Should You Use It?

The pack features a mild dark fantasy themed that, in our opinion, looks quite nice even in vanilla Minecraft. The pack shines when combined with medieval type mods, structures, and worlds. Performance-wise, the DMS Shaders Pack is quite lightweight and does not eat up much of your computer’s resources. The pack is very playable on low-end computers and the graphics are also quite nice. If you are running a PC with low spec and want to try a Shader pack, or if you are looking for Shader pack that does not make your gameplay crawl, then we recommend trying the DMS Shaders Pack and see for yourself.

How to install DMS Shaders?

Installing Shader packs is actually quite simple, but for people who are new to mod and pack installations, it is sometimes a little tricky. Keep in mind that all Shader packs require at least the Optifine mod to be installed (or the GLSL Shader mod for older Minecraft versions. Your graphics card must also have OpenGL v2.1 support, GPU Shader 4 support, and has been updated to the latest driver.

Follow the steps below for a successful installation.

  1. Requisite: Download and install Optifine Mod
  2. Download the DMS Shaders Pack from below.
  3. Launch Minecraft with the mod Optifine installed.
  4. Go to Minecraft home screen > Options > Video Setting> Shaders> then press “Open Shaderpack folder”.
  5. A new window will pop up. In this window, copy and paste the downloaded Shader pack.
  6. Use the Shader pack inside Minecraft.
  7. Have fun!

Built-in Functions:

  • type radians (type degrees)
  • type degrees (type radians)
  • type sin (type angle)
  • type cos (type angle)
  • type tan (type angle)
  • type asin (type x)
  • type acos (type x)
  • type atan (type y, type x)
  • type atan (type y_over_x)
  • type sinh (type x)
  • type cosh (type x)
  • type tanh (type x)
  • type asinh (type x)
  • type acosh (type x)
  • type atanh (type x)
  • type pow (type x, type y)
  • type exp (type x)
  • type log (type x)
  • type exp2 (type x)
  • type log2 (type x)
  • type sqrt (type x)
  • type inversesqrt (type x)
  • type abs (type x)
  • type sign (type x)
  • type floor (type x)
  • type ceil (type x)
  • type trunc (type x)
  • type fract (type x)
  • type mod (type x, float y)
  • type modf (type x, out type i)
  • type min (type x, type y)
  • type max (type x, type y)
  • type clamp (type x, type minV, type maxV)
  • type mix (type x, type y, type a)
  • type step (type edge, type x)
  • type smoothstep (type a, type b, type x)
  • float length (type x)
  • float distance (type p0, type p1)
  • float dot (type x, type y)
  • vec3 cross (vec3 x, vec3 y)
  • type normalize (type x)
  • type faceforward (type N, type I, type Nref)
  • type reflect (type I, type N)
  • type refract (type I, type N,float eta)
  • float determinant(mat? m)
  • mat?x? outerProduct(vec? c, vec? r)
  • type matrixCompMult (type x, type y)
  • type inverse (type inverse)
  • type transpose (type inverse)
  • vec4 texture( sampler? , vec? coord )
  • vec4 textureLod( sampler, vec? coord, float lod)
  • vec4 textureLodOffset( sampler? sampler, vec? coord, float lod, ivec? offset)
  • vec4 textureGrad( sampler? , vec? coord, vec2 dPdx, vec2 dPdy)
  • vec4 textureGradOffset sampler? , vec? coord, vec? dPdx, vec? dPdy, vec? offset)
  • vec4 textureProj( sampler? , vec? coord )
  • vec4 textureProjLod( sampler? , vec? coord, float lod)
  • vec4 textureProjLodOffset( sampler? , vec? coord, float lod, vec? offset)
  • vec4 textureProjGrad( sampler? , vec? coord, vec2 dPdx, vec2 dPdy)
  • vec4 texelFetch( sampler? , ivec? coord, int lod)
  • vec4 texelFetchOffset( sampler?, ivec? coord, int lod, ivec? offset )
  • ivec? textureSize( sampler? , int lod)
  • type dFdx (type x)
  • type dFdy (type x)
  • type fwidth (type p)
  • type isnan (type x)
  • type isinf (type x)
  • float intBitsToFloat (int v)
  • uint uintBitsToFloat (uint v)
  • int floatBitsToInt (float v)
  • uint floatBitsToUint (float v)
  • uint packSnorm2x16 (vec2 v)
  • uint packUnorm2x16 (vec2 v)
  • vec2 unpackSnorm2x16 (uint p)
  • vec2 unpackUnorm2x16 (uint p)
  • bvec lessThan (type x, type y)
  • bvec lessThanEqual (type x, type y)
  • bvec greaterThan (type x, type y)
  • bvec greaterThanEqual (type x, type y)
  • bvec equal (type x, type y)
  • bvec notEqual (type x, type y)
  • bool any (bvec x)
  • bool all (bvec x)
  • bvec not (bvec x)
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