Как взорвать ядерная бомба в майнкрафт industrial craft 2
- Usage
- General Run Down
- Meteor Ores
- The Hell Zone
- Usage
- Ударная волна и атомный гриб
- Подробнее о предметах плагина NuclearMC:
- Assembly!
- Higgs Boson from a Particle Accelerator
- Danger
- Types
- The Satellites
- Radiation Bombardment of Uranium Ore
- Custom Missiles
- Construction
- Trivia
- The Burner Press
- Крафт ядерной бомбы
- Крафт добавляемый плагином NuclearMC:
- Uses
- Usage
- Operating Instructions
- Ядерная бомба[править | править код]
It is not recommended to completely fill it with pure schrabidium pellets, as it would run poorly and be unsafe. Ideally, it uses a good combination. Remember, higher «ranking» pellets provide more energy per tick, but have poorer multiplier stats and deplete faster, while lower-ranking ones provide less power per tick, they have better multiplier stats and last longer.
Pellet Stats
Pellet | Type | Maximum Age (ticks) | Power Per Tick (HE) | Power Multiplier | Heat Provided | Heat Multiplier | Decay Multiplier |
Pure Schrabidium | Fuel | 50,000 | 14,000 | -2.5% | 200 | +5% | +5% |
HES | Fuel | 108,000 | 6,500 | 0% | 85 | 0% | +2.5% |
MES | Fuel | 216,000 | 2,300 | +2.5% | 50 | 0% | 0% |
LES | Fuel | 432,000 | 700 | +5% | 15 | 0% | -2.5% |
Beryllium | Moderator | 864,000 | 5 | +5% | -5% | +2.5 | |
Neptunium | Fuel | 216,000 | 300 | +10% | 25 | +10% | +0.5% |
Advanced | Moderator | 216,000 | 100 | +10% | -0.5% | -1% | |
Lead | Reflector | 1,728,000 | -5% | -5% | -5% |
Pellet Notes
(In order from the table above)
Good for producing power quickly, but poor stats and lifespan require moderators.
Alternative for Pure Schrabidium, slower, but safer.
It only has a power multiplier, but it still makes good energy.
Makes very little power, but it has good stats to negate higher tier pellets’.
Very good stats and lifespan, except for its decay multiplier.
Very good power multiplier, but poor heat stats, irrelevant if you control your heat production.
Expensive, but the overall best moderator, decent lifespan, and decent stats other than power.
Cheap, but bogs down power production, just let a Pure Schrabidium pellet decay into one.
General Run Down
The Watz Power Plant needs pellets and a Titanium Filter to work, every pellet has his own statistics like max-age (how many ticks the pellet lasts at a maximum), power per tick (how much power it generates every tick), power multiplier (multiplies the power generated with each pellet), heat provided (how much heat the pellet generates, which effects waste per tick), heat multiplier (multiplies the heat generated with each pellet) and decay multiplier (multiplies the decay rate for every pellet in the power plant).
Emergency ejection
When a pellet reaches its end of life and depletes, it turns into a lead reflector and begins the cycle again. These lead reflector pellets turn into lead powder when they themselves deplete.
If the Poisonous Mud internal buffer of the power plant is full, the power plant will automatically eject the waste trough a random access hatch.
Typical «meltdown»
The Watz Plant has no maximum heat limit, but since heat also correlates with waste production, you may want to keep it down to prevent waste overflow.
If the waste overflows even emergency ejection, it will completely break off its casing from the overflow and leak mud all over the place. However, there is a small chance that the Watz will explode into a Fölkvangr Field like a F.L.E.I.J.A.
Meteor Ores
Meteors have several specials ores that have generally better outputs outputs when smelted
Meteor ores.
The random meteor ores are weighted so some of them are more common than others. Weights are listed below.
Meteor ores include:
Meteor uranium (3/52 chance) gives 2 uranium ingots when smelted,
meteor thorium (5/52 chance) gives 2 th232 ingots when smelted,
meteor titanium (6/52 chance) gives 3 titanium ingots when smelted,
meteor sulfur (7/52 chance) gives 2 sulfur when shredded,
meteor copper (8/52 chance) gives 3 copper ingots when smelted,
meteor tungsten (5/52 chance) gives 3 tungsten ingots when smelted,
meteor aluminum (7/52 chance) gives 3 aluminum ingots when smelted,
meteor lead (6/52 chance) gives 3 lead ingots when smelted,
meteor lithium (4/52 chance) gives 1 lithium cube when smelted,
and meteor star metal (1/52 chance) gives 1 starmetal ingot when smelted.
Note: These do have ore dictionary support, so even stuff that gives less than 3 output can be processed by machines from other mods to give more.
The Hell Zone
The nether has not changed significantly since installing Nuclear Tech, aside from two things:
- There’s now a couple of ores spawning in the nether, most notably uranium, tungsten and sulfur, all of which are also found in the overworld
- The nether in its entirety is now slightly radioactive
The last fact might frighten you, but be assured it’s just a mild 0.1 RAD/s which isn’t all that big of a deal. It would take almost 3 hours for you to die in the nether from radiation, so take your time and get some quartz. Might as well use some phosphorous, but watch out for the white ingots — they’ll set you on fire if you don’t have a suit to protect yourself from them. There’s also plenty of uranium which becomes interesting later.
The hadron core itself has a buffer of 10 MHE, 2 input slots, 2 output slots, and 3 buttons. The first button is the power button, it will not operate if it is off, however, if the hadron is already running and is turned off in the middle, it will still operate fine. The second button is to toggle «hopper mode», which is to improve hopper automation compatibility by only operating if there are more than 1 item in both slots, leaving 1 behind in each slot to not be used. Normal mode uses all inputs if possible. The second button toggles between circular and linear modes. The two modes determine which recipes can be used and may be dependent on your design. A linear style hadron can only use linear recipes, but a circular style one can use both linear and circular recipes.
Example hadron GUI
Coil Strengths
Ranking from weakest to strongest coils (all are prefixed with «dense» in game). Multiply by 8 to determine segment strength:
- Superconducting: 10
- Gold: 25
- Neodymium: 50
- 4000K Superconductor: 100
- Schrabidic: 250
- Schrabidate: 500
- Starmetal: 1,000
- Chlorophyte: 2,500
- Mese: 10,000
Power Consumption and Management
Basic power consumption chart for recipes and coils
The total power drain of the Particle Accelerator can be calculated by a simple formula: (coil strength)x(number of coils)x(10kHE). This must be calculated separately for different types of coils.
The Particle Accelerator is a very power hungry machine, often requiring GHEs of power. If you do not have enough power, the operation will fail and your ingredients will be wasted.
For max efficiency, it is always best to have the exact amount of coil strength needed for the most powerful operation you will be using. For example, if the most powerful recipe you will be using is the Sparkticle, then it is always best to have coil strength exactly equal to 500,000.
The same applies to power usage. The Particle Accelerator will ALWAYS consume the full amount of power you give it. If you use 100GHE plugs, it will consume 100GHEs per operation! Clearly, this is not ideal (considering that the power cost for the Digamma Particle is 10GHE). Don’t be afraid to use a combination of different plugs to exactly match the power consumption of your coils.
Below is a comprehensive list of recipe costs (assuming you have the exact coil strength needed for operation):
- Chicken Nugget: 100kHE
- Antimatter: 800kHE
- Antischrabidium: 800kHE
- Muon: 10MHE
- Higgs-Boson: 40MHE
- Dark Matter: 1GHE
- Strange Quark: 1GHE
- Sparkticle: 5GHE
- The Digamma Particle: 10GHE
- Note that these are per operation.
Below is a comprehensive list of the power consumption of each coil type:
- Superconducting: 100kHE
- Gold: 250kHE
- Neodymium: 500kHE
- 4000K Superconductor: 1MHE
- Schrabidic: 2.5MHE
- Ferric Schrabidate: 5MHE
- Starmetal: 10MHE
- Chlorophyte: 25MHE
- Mese: 100MHE
Ударная волна и атомный гриб
При отрыве ударной волны от огненного шара меняются характеристики излучающего слоя и резко возрастает мощность излучения в оптической части спектра (так называемый первый максимум). Далее конкурируют процессы высвечивания и изменения прозрачности окружающего воздуха, что приводит к реализации и второго максимума, менее мощного, но значительно более длительного — настолько, что выход световой энергии больше, чем в первом максимуме.
Вблизи взрыва все окружающее испаряется, подальше — плавится, но и еще дальше, где тепловой поток уже недостаточен для плавления твердых тел, грунт, скалы, дома текут, как жидкость, под чудовищным, разрушающим все прочностные связи напором газа, раскаленного до нестерпимого для глаз сияния.
Наконец, ударная волна уходит далеко от точки взрыва, где остается рыхлое и ослабевшее, но расширившееся во много раз облако из конденсировавшихся, обратившихся в мельчайшую и очень радиоактивную пыль паров того, что побывало плазмой заряда, и того, что в свой страшный час оказалось близко к месту, от которого следовало бы держаться как можно дальше. Облако начинает подниматься вверх. Оно остывает, меняя свой цвет, «надевает» белую шапку сконденсировавшейся влаги, за ним тянется пыль с поверхности земли, образуя «ножку» того, что принято называть «атомным грибом».
Подробнее о предметах плагина NuclearMC:
• Урановая руда может быть получена путем добычи. Различные руды / блоки имеют настраиваемую вероятность выпадения урановой руды при добыче.
• Урановая руда бесполезна до тех пор, пока ее не обогатят путем плавки. Обогащенный уран используется для изготовления топливных стержней для реакторов и ядерного оружия.
Ядерные реакторы
• Чтобы создать ядерный реактор, вам необходимо разместить 1 активную зону реактора, 3 котла, 1 бункер и 1 печь в конфигурации, показанной ниже (примечание: печь должна быть размещена последней):
• Чтобы использовать ядерный реактор, просто поместите топливные стержни в бункер. По умолчанию 1 топливный стержень будет питать печь столько же времени, сколько ведро лавы (1000 секунд).
• Радиоактивные ядерные отходы будут образовываться во время работы реактора и будут помещены в бункер или сброшены на землю, если бункер заполнен.
Ядерные отходы будут излучать игроков, если они будут держать их в своем инвентаре или стоять рядом с ними, когда они лежат на земле. Носите защитное снаряжение, чтобы уменьшить его эффект!
• Пока реактор работает, он израсходует воду в котлах. По умолчанию каждые 30 секунд используется 1 уровень воды в котле.Если в реакторе закончится вода, он расплавится (взрыв + радиация в окрестностях)
Ядерное оружие
• Есть два вида ядерного оружия: атомная бомба и водородная бомба.
• Оба оружия вызывают сильный взрыв при ударе и излучают окружающее пространство, но водородная бомба более мощная.
• Чтобы запустить ядерное оружие, щелкните предмет, глядя в том направлении, в котором вы хотите запустить ракету, и она взорвется при ударе.
• Уровень радиации игроков отображается на панели босса, как показано ниже (панель босса исчезнет, когда их уровень излучения будет равен 0).
• Источники излучения включают: хранение ядерных отходов, стояние рядом с ядерными отходами, аварии реакторов, ядерное оружие и регионы Worldguard с флагом рад в секунду.
• Эффекты излучения настраиваются, но по умолчанию эффекты следующие: слабость, начинающаяся с 25 рад, тошнота с 50 рад, увядание с 75 рад и вред со 100 рад.• Уровень радиации игроков будет медленно снижаться с течением времени, или они могут использовать таблетки радиации, чтобы значительно снизить уровень радиации.
• Количество радиации, получаемой игроком от источника радиации, можно уменьшить, надев защитную экипировку. Для каждого элемента защитного снаряжения, который носит игрок, количество получаемых рад уменьшается на 25%, поэтому, если игрок носит полный защитный костюм, он полностью защищен от любого излучения. По умолчанию,Рецепты изготовления хазматов такие же, как и у обычных доспехов, но материал — губка.
The assembler is the most important machine you’ll make. Almost all other machines or items are made using the assembly machine. The interface might seem a bit confusing at first, but don’t worry, it’s simple. At first, the assembler must know what it’s supposed to make. Many recipes make use of the same base ingredients, so there has to be a way for it to know whether it should make, for example copper plates or copper wires. Luckily, we have our template folder for just that: Get some paper and dye in your inventory, open the folder and look for the shredder (it’s a small dark gray machine with a red top). Click on it, and it should give you the required template. Putting the template into the template-shaped slot will make the small red !-indicator disappear (which, when hovered over, should inform you about a template being required). Hovering over the template, or by using NEI, you can check which items are required to make the shredder. Gather them, put them into the assembler and…!
Nothing. The assembler needs electric energy in order to work. For now, the only obtainable generator will be the combustion generator. Craft one, place it down next to the assembler so the wires on the sides connect to it (or use wire blocks to connect them), feed the generator some water buckets and coal and now wait. One generator may not be enough to power the assembler on its own, resulting in the power being wasted. Either get multiple generators, or remove the template from the assembler and insert it once the assembler’s battery has charged up. Now witness the might of the crafting automaton, creating advanced machinery in mere seconds!
Higgs Boson from a Particle Accelerator
The final way to produce Schrabidium is to use a Higgs Boson particle produced from a Hadron-type Particle Accelerator. This method is extremely simple, however, it requires massive amounts of work prior.
Simply surround 8 natural unenriched Uranium ingots around a Higgs Boson capsule to produce 8 Schrabidium ingots.
Schrabidium recipe from Uranium and a Higgs Boson particle
Pros and Cons:
+ Extremely simple.
+ Makes a lot of Schrabidium from simple Uranium.
— Schrabidium will probably have to be either used in as DFC fuel or a non-power production method for it to be worth the effort.
— Requires a powerful Particle Accelerator.
— Requires gargantuan amounts of resources to construct the Hadron.
Make sure the reactor has a steady supply of coolant when active and water at the ready, otherwise it will overheat and violently explode in the meltdown. Coolant consumption depends on the strength of the fuel. The water cooled down by steam turbines may be pumped back inside, but it will eventually run out due to the reactor not converting at 100% efficiency. Using a remote reactor block and setting automatic shutdown to on will prevent meltdowns.
If the reactor runs out of Coolant, its core temperature will rise until it reaches its maximum capacity and melts down.
If the reactor runs out of water, its hull temperature will rise until it reaches its maximum capacity and subsequently causes the core to increase in temperature, making coolant ineffective, as it can no longer move heat to the hull. It will also meltdown if its core reaches its maximum temperature capacity.
Either of those scenarios can be caused by external modifier blocks, such as ones that have heat modifiers and the reactor itself is running high strength fuels also, such as Plutonium.
Special Meteors!!!
A video displaying all the specials meteors.
Each special type has a 1 in 300 chance of spawning. Disabled by default in the config
Large nuclear meteorite
A large meteorite which generates the outside entirely of treasure, and the inside entirely of stereotypical green ooze. WARNING: this is highly radioactive.
Giant ore meteorite
A giant meteorite with the outer layer generating meteor blocks, and the inner layer (basically a large meteor) entirely meteor ores.
Atomic meteorite
Creates a nuclear explosion on impact. The fallout spreads very far and creates a lot of radiation in the process. A direct hit from one of these meteors can very easily destroy your base.
The Satellites
Orbital Death Ray
The orbital death ray is a satellite that lets you «summon» death rays with 15 seconds cooldown, those death rays play an animation then initiate a small N² Explosion and shoots out blue/purple energy projectiles for extra destruction, open the linked interface and a map will show near surroundings, left click to death rays the coordinate it shows.
Also, the ray will fall, impact, and stop at the first surface it touches, this means if you are inside a cave and then use this ray, it will not fall to your Y position bypassing all stone blocks, but will instead hit the surface.
Surface Mapping Satellite
It displays currently loaded chunks, that’s it. Open the satellite control interface and it will show you a basic map of them.
Xenium Resonator
Allows teleportation with no cooldown using a satellite designator linked to it. Does not support dimension jumping.
Asteroid Mining Ship
This one needs a cargo landing pad, this rocket periodically will come back to earth and return to space, it will deploy its cargo in the cargo landing pad, the items that it can give you are (all in the form of powder, unless otherwise specified):
- Vanilla materials
- Coal (very common)
- Iron (common)
- Lapis Lazuli (common)
- Redstone (very common)
- Diamond (common)
- Mod materials
- Fluorite (very common)
- Aluminium (very common)
- Titanium (uncommon)
- Copper (very common)
- Lead (common)
- Desh Blend (uncommon)
- Thorium (common)
- Uranium (uncommon)
- Plutonium (uncommon)
- Energy Powder (uncommon)
- Nitanium Blend (uncommon)
- CMB Steel (very rare)
- Crystals and Misc.
- Phosphorus Crystals (very common)
- Aluminium Crystals (uncommon)
- Tungsten Crystals (uncommon)
- Gold Crystals (uncommon)
- Lithium Crystals (semi-rare)
- Diamond Gravel (rare)
- Uranium Crystals (rare)
- Plutonium Crystals (rare)
- Trixite Crystals (very rare)
- Starmetal Crystals (very rare)
It is perhaps the most useful satellite in the mod.
(The landing cargo pad will require a satellite ID-chip with the same frequency as the satellite itself too.)
Radiation Bombardment of Uranium Ore
When uranium or nether uranium ore is exposed to the intense radiation and pressure of a nuclear blast, it is converted into Schrabidium at high efficiency (within ore). However, normal nukes are too expensive and destructive to be of use in this function, something smaller will be needed.
The cheapest way is to set off (which can be crafted or found in the Desert Atom structure) with TNT. High-Yield Mini Nukes can also be used. The ore must be placed outside of the destruction zone but not too far that they are not affected by the fallout. You can block the destruction wave using a concrete «bowl» too if you wish, this will also prevent environmental damage.
There is a 1/100 chance the ore will transmutate, if it fails, it becomes «Scorched (Nether/Schist) Uranium ore», which cannot be reused in Schrabidium production, but fortunately the Uranium can be extracted just fine for other methods. If baby mode is enabled, scorched ore can be «washed» with water and reused.
Uranium ores arranged around a concrete «bowl» where the High-Yield Mini Nuke
Result after using a High-Yield Mini Nuke, note only 2 transmutated out of the bunch
Pros and Cons:
+ Fairly easy to achieve
+ Radioactive waste barrels easy to obtain
— Pointless after gaining your first Schrabidium ore
— Extremely low chance to trigger transmutation
— Ores cannot be reused
— Least efficient method by far
— Requires a lot of ore and only ore
Custom Missiles
Targeting Circuits
Name | Inaccuracy |
Tier 1 Missile Targeting Circuit | 10.0% |
Tier 2 Missile Targeting Circuit | 5.0% |
Tier 3 Missile Targeting Circuit | 1.0% |
Tier 4 Missile Targeting Circuit | 0.5% |
Tier 5 Missile Targeting Circuit | 0.0% |
Name | Size | Type | Strength | Weight | Health | Variant | Loot Box Rarity |
Size 10 HE Warhead | 1.0m | HE | 15 | 1.5t | 5HP | ||
Size 10 Incendiary Warhead | 1.0m | Inc | 15 | 1.5t | 5HP | ||
Size 10 Bunker Buster Warhead | 1.0m | Buster | 5 | 1.5t | 5HP | ||
Size 10 Micro Nuclear Warhead | 1.0m | Nuclear | 35 | 1.5t | 10HP | Tater Tot | |
Size 10 Nuclear Warhead | 1.0m | Nuclear | 75 | 2.5t | 15HP | Chernobyl Boris | |
Size 10 Tainted Warhead | 1.0m | Taint | 15 | 1.5t | 20HP | Uncommon | |
Size 10 Pink Cloud Warhead | 1.0m | Cloud | 15 | 1.5t | 20HP | Rare | |
Size 15 HE Warhead | 1.5m | HE | 50 | 2.5t | 10HP | ||
Size 15 Incendiary Warhead | 1.5m | Inc | 35 | 2.5t | 10HP | ||
Size 15 Nuclear Warhead | 1.5m | Nuclear | 125 | 5.0t | 5HP | Auntie Berta | |
1.5m | Nuclear | 125 | 5.0t | 15HP | Discount Bullet Bill | Uncommon | |
Size 15 Boxcar? | 1.5m | TX | 250 | 7.5t | 35HP | Legendary | |
Size 15 N² Mine | 1.5m | N² | 100 | 5.0t | 20HP | Rare | |
Size 15 BF Warhead | 1.5m | BF | 100 | 7.5t | 15HP | Legendary |
Name | Size (Top) | Size (Bottom) | Fuel Type | Fuel Amount | Health | Variants | Loot Box Rarity |
Size 10 Kerosene Fuselage | 1.0m | 1.0m | Kerosene | 2.5kl | 20HP | ||
1.0m | 1.0m | Kerosene | 2.5kl | 20HP | Camo | Common | |
1.0m | 1.0m | Kerosene | 2.5kl | 20HP | Desert Camo | Common | |
1.0m | 1.0m | Kerosene | 2.5kl | 20HP | Sky Camo | Common | |
1.0m | 1.0m | Kerosene | 2.5kl | 20HP | Sick Flames | Uncommon | |
1.0m | 1.0m | Kerosene | 2.5kl | 25HP | Orange Insulation | Common | |
1.0m | 1.0m | Kerosene | 2.5kl | 35HP | IF-R&D | Rare | |
1.0m | 1.0m | Kerosene | 2.5kl | 30HP | Bolted Metal | Uncommon | |
1.0m | 1.0m | Kerosene | 2.5kl | 20HP | Tainted | Uncommon |
Name | Size | Inaaccuracy | Health | Loot Box Rarity |
Size 10 Flat Fins | 1.0m | 50% | 10HP | |
Size 10 Cruise Fins | 1.0m | 25% | 5HP | |
Size 10 Space Fins | 1.0m | 35% | 5HP | Common |
Size 15 Flat Fins | 1.5m | 50% | 10HP | |
Size 15 Thin Fins | 1.5m | 35% | 5HP | |
Size 15 Pointy Fins | 1.5m | 25% | 15HP | Common |
Name | Size | Fuel Type | Fuel Consumption | Max. Payload | Health | Variant | Loot Box Rarity |
Size 10 Liquid Fuel Thruster | 1.0m | Kerosene | 1.0l/t | 1.5t | 10HP | ||
Size 10 Solid Fuel Thuster | 1.0m | Solid Fuel | 1.0l/t | 1.5t | 15HP | ||
Size 10 Ion Thruster | 1.0m | Xenon Gas | 1.0l/t | 1.5t | 5HP | ||
Size 15 Liquid Fuel Thruster | 1.5m | Kerosene | 1.0l/t | 7.5t | 15HP | ||
Size 15 Liquid Fuel Twin Thrusters | 1.5m | Kerosene | 1.0l/t | 2.5t | 15HP | ||
Size 15 Liquid Fuel Triple Thrusters | 1.5m | Kerosene | 1.0l/t | 5.0t | 15HP | ||
Size 15 Solid Fuel Thruster | 1.5m | Solid Fuel | 1.0l/t | 5.0t | 20HP | ||
Size 15 Solid Fuel Hexdecuple Thrusters | 1.5m | Solid Fuel | 1.0l/t | 5.0t | 25HP | Uncommon | |
Size 15 Hydrogen Thruster | 1.5m | Hydrogen | 1.0l/t | 5.0t | 25HP | ||
Size 15 Hydrogen Twin Thrusters | 1.5m | Hydrogen | 1.0l/t | 2.5t | 15HP | ||
Size 15 BF Thruster with Nuclear Preheater (Shortened) | 1.5m | BF | 1.0l/t | 5.0t | 25HP | ||
Size 15 BF Thruster with Nuclear Preheater | 1.5m | BF | 1.0l/t | 5.0t | 25HP | ||
Size 15 BF Thruster with Nuclear Preheater (Heavy Duty Nozzle) | 1.5m | BF | 1.0l/t | 7.5t | 35HP | ||
1.5m | BF | 1.0l/t | 7.5t | 35HP | Rad* | Uncommon | |
Size 20 Liquid Fuel Thruster | 2.0t | Kerosene | 1.0l/t | 100.0t | 30HP | ||
Size 20 Liquid Fuel Twin Thrusters | 2.0t | Kerosene | 1.0l/t | 100.0t | 30HP | ||
Size 20 Liquid Fuel Triple Thrusters | 2.0t | Kerosene | 1.0l/t | 100.0t | 30HP | ||
Size 20 Solid Fuel Thruster | 2.0t | Solid Fuel | 1.0l/t | 100.0t | 35HP | ||
Size 20 Solid Fuel 30-Fold Thrusters | 2.0t | Solid Fuel | 1.0l/t | 100.0t | 35HP | ||
Size 20 Solid Fuel 47-Fold Thrusters | 2.0t | Solid Fuel | 1.0l/t | 100.0t | 35HP |
Main Coils
The hadron comes in two major components for its coils, the plating and the coil itself. The coil is a 3×3 hollow circle, meaning there is 8 total coil blocks per segment, keep this fact in mind for later parts. All 12 exposed sides must be covered with plating in order to be valid. (See image) There are plating blocks provided with varying colors, but it may be expensive to manufacture (in terms of Steel) all of them especially if your hadron is very large as the recipe may require. At no point can the hollow path be obstructed or lack a coil or plating block.
Example cross-section of a hadron coil.
The core (in a circular style hadron) is ideally in the center of one of the sides of the circle. The sides must be facing into the coil paths, otherwise it will fail to operate. An access terminal is usually required to open the GUI, it may be placed on any side as long as it is in the center of the segment.
Corners follow more or less the same principle as the main coils. They must turn the traveling particle at 90 degrees. The outer edge of the corner may be omitted however. (See image)
Example corner with some plating removed to show
Analysis Chamber
Unlike most other components of the hadron, the analysis chamber is more strict in its construction. It must be exactly 3 blocks in length and sometimes requires the use of lower tier coils directly adjacent to it if problems occur. Any of the blocks may be of a window variant however. It is usually directly opposite to the core and access terminal.
Example analysis chamber with window. Different plating type adjacent is purely cosmetic in choice.
Power Plugs
Power plugs provide the core and coils with electricity to work. Coils consume a lot of power, so there are several different tiers to power plugs with different charge rates. They can be upgraded easily by taking one and adding a fuse in your 2×2 crafting grid. The charge rates however may exceed the default NTM machine power transfer rate, so a Transformer (usually a DNT-20Hz one) is used to increase the rate and simultaneously act as a large buffer.
Example power source
- There are technically three «most efficient» coil setups:
- 4000K Superconducting Coils are the cheapest method for the power. It uses heavy amounts of CMB Steel and Magnetized Tungsten, but is the cheapest option for lower tier Particle Accelerators.
- Ferric Schrabidiate Coils are the best option for those without heavy amounts of Neodymium, Starmetal, Chlorophyte, Dineutronium. It is also the best option for those without a Book of Boxcars (Black Book), which is needed for Mese coils. It requires a Fusion Reactor, heavy amounts of CMB Steel and Magnetized Tungsten, and VERY high amounts of Schrabidium.
- Mese coils are the best option for conserving space. They are VERY expensive. Note that the actual minimum amount of coils needed to make a Particle Accelerator is actually more than the amount of Mese coils needed to make the Digamma Particle. In this case, your best bet is using 100 Mese Coils and filling in the remaining space with whatever coil is cheapest for you.
- The high modularity means that technically any shape can be used to make a functional hadron.
- There exist two tutorial videos on the hadron, both use an older version of the mod that required plugs to be placed where needed instead of wherever required. Besides this, they are accurate tutorials.
- The chicken nugget texture looks the way it does because there was a contest for the texture and two tied, so both were used.
The Burner Press
The burner press uses (as the name implies) combustible materials (i.e. furnace fuel) to press ingots. Since ingots can be pressed into many different shapes, you need to make a demountable piece that helps the metal become the shape you want it to: The stamp. Flat stamps can be crafted with a desired material (for example, iron), some bricks and a pile of redstone dust. While a flat stamp does have some uses, they aren’t all that important, hence why we are going to upgrade it a little. For that, open your trusty template folder and select «Plate Stamp» on the first page, with the plate stamp’s material matching the one of the flat stamp you have just crafted. Voilà, you have created a stamp, ready for use! Now fire up your burner press, wait for the gauge to hit the yellow area, put the stamp on the top and some copper at the bottom, and now the magic starts: You have made yourself your very own copper plates. Note that even when idle, the press will burn fuel, so either remove unwanted fuel when not in use or use a lever to «pause» the press. Note that the temperature gauge will rise as long as fuel is burning, the hotter the press, the faster it will go. Don’t worry, the press will stop heating up if the maximum is reached, it cannot overheat.
Крафт ядерной бомбы
Итак, первое, что вам нужно сделать — это узнать, как именно создается ядерная бомба в «Майнкрафт». Для этого имеется специальный рецепт, который вам нужно запомнить. Для начала соберите необходимые компоненты, которые вам предстоит использовать. В центре всего будет улучшенный корпусный механизм, к которому вам нужно будет добавить две улучшенные микросхемы, а также шесть утолщенных отражателей нейтронов. Из всего этого у вас и получится полноценная ядерная бомба, которую можно будет использовать сразу же после изготовления. Стоит отметить, что в более ранних версиях рецепт отличался — там вам нужно было совмещать порох с обогащенным ураном. Поэтому если у вас не получается бомба в «Майнкрафт», то стоит проверить, какая версия мода у вас установлена. И в соответствии с этой информацией выбирать необходимый рецепт.
The Watz Reactor is currently being reworked, this article may no longer be accurate when said reworking is completed and released.
The Watz Power Plant is a multiblock reactor that generates power and Poisonous Mud using Pellets and a Titanium Filter. Using a Multiblock Structure marker is recommended when building it.
The Watz Plant is very large, here is the breakdown of all its required components:
- 96 Watz Stability Elements
- 88 Watz Reaction Chambers
- 44 Watz Supercoolers
- 88 Reinforced Control Rods
- 12 Electricity Ports
- 1 Watz Reactor Control Computer Core
- 4 Access Hatches
- 172 Reinforced Stone
Крафт добавляемый плагином NuclearMC:
Атомная бомба
Железный блок, Ядро реактора, Железный блокЖелезный блок, Топливный стержень, Железный блокЖелезный блок, Фейерверк, Железный блок
Топливный стержень
Железный слиток, ОБОГАЩЕННЫЙ УРАН, Железный слитокЖелезный слиток, ОБОГАЩЕННЫЙ УРАН, Железный слитокЖелезный слиток, ОБОГАЩЕННЫЙ УРАН,Железный слиток
Водородная бомба
Железный блок, Ядро реактора, Железный блокЖелезный блок, Звезда незера, Железный блокЖелезный блок, Фейерверк, Железный блок
Ядро реактора
Железный блок, Редстоун, Железный блокРедстоун, Алмазный блок, РедстоунЖелезный блок, Редстоун, Железный блокУрановая рудаПолучено в результате полезных ископаемых
Euphemium can be used for:
—Validating Ammo in the «Annihilation Ray ZOMG Cannon»
-Crafting the Pacifist’s Machine Gun
-Making extremely endgame items, such as Artificial Xen Crystal, Spark Blend, Euphemium Compound Plates (which can be used to make Euphemium armor), Dineutronium Dynosynthesis (Dineutronium is even more endgame), etc.
It has can be used in the Custom Nuke. It contributes 1 to its anti-mass stage. Ingots and nuggets contribute the same, so nuggets are preferred in this case.
Compound Plate Recipe
Euphemium cannot be stamped, so a plate form must be produced like this in one of the Anvils:
- 2 Euphemium Ingots
- 2 Volcanic Gems
- 1 Nether Star
(Produces 4)
Nuclear Reactor GUI.
Fill it with Coolant and Water, then put any Fuel Rods of your choosing into it and press the red button to raise the rods.
Clicking on the E-shaped button next to the heat and steam gauges will switch the steam’s compression.
It won’t generate power on its own, but instead, produce Steam that can be pumped into Steam Turbines that do.
To completely fill it with quad rods, you’d need 32 nuclear fuel ingots.
Demonstration of rods placed next to each other.
You can significantly increase the amount of heat a rod produces by placing them next to each other.
You can show the grid in the GUI by pressing ALT. This shows how rod placement affects heat distribuition throughout the reactor, and is very useful when planning to add more fuel rods.
Operating Instructions
- Make sure the reactor is connected to coolant pumps, or has enough stored coolant in the internal buffer for safe operation.
- Check that water is flowing and steam pipes are connected
- Using the reactor remote control block, make sure the automated safety system is on.
- Insert fuel rods. The amount and type of rods can vary. For testing out reactor designs, only use one Uranium Fuel Rod. For sustained operation use 8 single rods, spread out through the reactor. Quad Rods can be used when a high amount of power is needed.
- Raise control rods remotely
- check steam turbines to make sure no backup of steam is detected. If a backup occurs, lower the control rods immediately
- Check radiation levels throughout the reactor area and outside the containment building using a geiger counter.
- After reactor operations are complete, craft the depleted fuel rods nuclear waste. Place these into a spent nuclear waste drum for cooling and further processing
Ядерная бомба[править | править код]
Ядерная бомба
Тип |
Твёрдый блок, сущность (после активации) |
Действует лигравитация |
Только после активации |
Прозрачность |
Нет |
Светимость |
Нет |
Инструмент |
Нет |
Возобновляемый | |
Складываемый |
Да (64) |
Воспламеняемый |
Да (Активация) |
Первое появление |
IC v4.73 |
Активированная ядерная бомба
Нет |
ID сетевой игры | |
ID сохранения |
Ядерная бомба — самый мощный тип взрывчатки в IndustrialCraft 2. Поражает огромную площадь, при этом уничтожая 75 % выпавших блоков. Аналогичным эффектом обладает взрыв ядерного реактора при перегреве, однако реактор бьёт больше вглубь, чем на радиус. Активируется только сигналом красного камня или любым переключателем. Время до детонации 15 секунд. На слабых компьютерах взрыв ядерного заряда может понизить количество кадров. Даже на мощных компьютерах большое количество взрываемых ядерных зарядов вызовет падение производительности.
Может использоваться для облегчения обнаружения и/или добычи алмазов и других руд, в том числе и урана. Просто разместите атомный заряд на высоте примерно 15-20 блоков от коренной породы, и если у вас нет нано/квантового костюма, бегите подальше или сделайте укрытие из двух слоёв укреплённого камня, поскольку прочность обсидиана в моде IndustrialCraft 2 сильно уменьшена. Огромная подземная дыра обычно имеет на краях множество руд.
В папке имеется файл , его можно открыть с помощью блокнота. В файле имеется строчка
# Maximum Explosion power of a nuke, where TNT is 4 explosionPowerNuke=35.0
Можно выставить значение на свой вкус, но с увеличением мощности усиливается падение производительности на сервере, вплоть до его падения. Оптимальным является параметр с по .
Начиная с версии 1.106, взрыв ядерного заряда оставляет после себя заражённую радиацией область. К любому игроку или мобу, зашедшему на неё, будут применены эффекты Отравление и Голод.
Ядерная бомба, взорванная рядом с иссушителем, отнимет у него около половины здоровья. Это серьёзно облегчает битву с ним. При правильной организации места призыва иссушителя с парой ядерных бомб он может быть быстро убит, но использование более трёх бомб избыточно, и при любом использовании ядерного оружия следует учитывать его последствия в виде значительных разрушений.
В экспериментальной версии ядерная бомба активируется с помощью лежащего посередине урана или плутония и лежащих по краям блоков промышленного ТНТ.
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В последних версиях рецепт крафта, как и сам блок, перенесен в разряд секретных.
Ингредиенты | Процесс |
Утолщённый отражатель нейтронов +Улучшенная электросхема +Улучшенный корпус машины |
Использованиеправить | править код
В обычной версии ядерная бомба работает как обычный ТНТ (для активации её можно поджечь или дать сигнал красной пыли). В экспериментальной версии:
- В эти слоты помещаются промышленный ТНТ (ITNT). Количество ITNT в одном слоте будет продублировано в остальные. До 1 стопки на ядерный заряд.
- В этот слот помещается плутоний (как полный, так и кусочки) или различные виды урана. Плутоний в несколько раз мощнее, но мощность взрыва не зависит от использованной его формы. До стопки на ядерный заряд.