Обзор total war saga: troy. миф против истории
- How is battle different in TROY?
- 战斗
- Who are Rhesus and Memnon?
- Камень преткновения
- What role do the gods play?
- 战斗平衡性调整
- Campaign Balance Changes
- A Total War Saga: TROY FAQ
- Battle Balance Changes
- Campaign AI Changes
- 多人游戏
- На своих двоих
- Battle balance changes
- What is a Total War Saga title?
- Multiplayer
- 多人游戏测试版
- Аристея
- Campaign Balance Changes
- Battle AI Changes
- UI/UX Improvements
- Assembly Kit
- 英语
- Ахиллес (Фтия)[править | править код]
How is battle different in TROY?
There is a strong infantry-VS-infantry focus in TROY’s combat to reflect the realities of the age. With greater variances in speed and mass between light, medium and heavy infantry classes, fighting will be dynamic and tactically rich.. Many new active and passive battle abilities fuel this dynamism – so elite defensive warriors may be immune to flanking for example, while elite assault troops may be expert Flankers, increasing the negative effects of flanking on the units they outflank.
Horses were scarce and rarely used in conflict of this age; those that were pressed into service were generally used to haul chariots. Consequently battles in TROY will require new subtle, and not so subtle, masteries of battlefield tactics.
- 掠袭骑手与猎骑手部队现在可以使用游击模式
- 修复了在非常快速游戏速度下矢石数量无法正确更新的问题
- 修复了攀爬梯子时人物会穿墙而过的问题
- 修复了双击敌方英雄图标会使其在战斗中失去隐藏状态的问题
- 修复了会造成射手诡诈师与射手突袭兵在自定义战斗中不需要额外成本的问题
- 库瑞忒斯部队使用盾墙阵型能力时现在会有视觉效果了
- 总览选项获得了一些呼声很高的改动:
- 部队状态条现在也会显示/隐藏部队的生命条
- 英雄肖像现在也会显示/隐藏所有部队图标,而不仅仅是英雄肖像
- 关闭部队状态图标现在也会隐藏部队舷窗头像附近的三角形按钮(按下该按钮可现实状态图标)
- 带有部队旗帜图例的教程提示的可见度现在与玩家选择的《Total War》等级挂钩:
- 如果选择了新手难度,提示条会默认显示直至玩家将其关闭
- 如果选择了告知我,提示条只会在第一场战役战斗中显示,随后就会关闭
- 如果选择了别管我,提示条会默认关闭
- 此外在教程战斗中,提示条总是会默认显示
- 提示条的可见度可在总览面板里在战斗中随时打开或关闭
- 修复了丧胆状态图标在效果失效后仍显示在部队旗帜上的问题
- 修复了停止按钮的提示条在战斗中不可用的问题
- 修复了战斗总览设置中的重置按钮不会将数值设置为默认值的问题
- 修复了在战斗中一些占领点 – 城门会被错误地标注为堡垒瞭望塔的问题
- 修复了下马、自由射击与游击模式的快捷键无法正常使用的问题
- 移除了部队在自定义战斗中的收兵选项
- 保存录像时,你现在可以正确编辑输入的文本了
- 快捷键设置现在可以在战斗中重新绑定了
- 重新平衡了希波吕忒射手战马的技能特化,现在它比射手骏马的版本更加强大了
- 重新平衡了亚马逊诡诈师与奇袭者射手战马的技能特化,现在它比射手骏马的版本更加强大了
- 现在所有英雄都可以在骑乘状态下使用辉煌时刻了
- 亚马逊部队平衡调整:
- 初启者的士气从50下调至45
- 初启者的近战攻击从35下调至28
- 初启者的近战防御从32下调至30
- 女猎人与猎骑手的远程穿甲杀伤从24下调至19
- 快速突袭部队速度从52下调至47
- 女骑手的基础近战杀伤从30下调至26
- 希波吕忒亲卫的基础远程杀伤从24下调至20,远程穿甲杀伤从12下调至11
- 部队生命值低于50%后,血战到底能力现在会为部队提供+10近战攻击和+10近战防御(之前时+12近战攻击和+12近战防御)
- 枪折刀尽能力提供的效果从15%降低到10%
Who are Rhesus and Memnon?
Rhesus and Memnon are two new Epic Heroes from Homer’s Iliad who have come to bolster the defenses of Troy in its time of great need.
Rhesus, the mighty king of Thrace, is a latecomer to Troy’s defense and has promised to repel the Greeks and conquer their strongholds. With his introduction, a new playable faction is revealed – the blood-thirsty and fierce tribes of Thrace. Rhesus’s roster is unique and relies on fierce charges and mighty chariots.
Memnon, half-cousin of Paris and Hector, is a warrior-king of the far sun-drenched lands of Aethiopia, which is a vassal state of Pharaonic Egypt. Memnon leads a horde-style military expedition to prevent the bloody assault on Troy by defeating the Achaean forces. Beginning his campaign on the island of Rhodes, he must call upon reinforcements from the Pharaoh to aid his war efforts.
Камень преткновения
Техническое исполнение игр Creative Assembly — это извечный камень преткновения для фанатов стратегий. Практически каждая часть серии Total War имеет те или иные проблемы, и «Троя» — не исключение. Мы играли в самую последнюю предрелизную версию из Epic Games Store, и она то и дело подтормаживала на довольно мощном компьютере с процессором Intel Core i7-9700F и видеокартой GTX 1070 Ti.
И это при том, что системные требования не изменились по сравнению с Total War: Three Kingdoms. Графика тоже на уровне «Трех королевств», разве что улучшилась детализация главных полководцев и некоторых других моделей. Конечно, в случае с прошлой игрой ситуацию исправили патчи и новые драйверы, но как так вышло, что игра с аналогичной картинкой тормозит на компьютере, который полностью соответствует рекомендованным системным требованиям?
Впрочем, никаких критических проблем в Total War Saga: Troy мы не заметили, хотя провели в игре больше двадцати часов. Ни вылетов, ни сбоев сохранений, ни серьезных багов в кампании. Просто будьте готовы, что до выхода патчей игра будет немного подтормаживать. Ровно настолько, чтобы это было заметно, но при этом не мешало комфортно играть.
Теперь понятно, почему на закрытом показе разработчики упорно обходили вниманием режим глобальной карты и другие классические механики. Дело в том, что Total War Saga: Troy сделана по тем же лекалам, что и прошлые части — Three Kingdoms и Thrones of Britannia
Увы, новизну нельзя отнести к сильным сторонам игры.
Конечно, тут есть и нововведения, но в основном они затрагивают определенные составляющие геймплея и мало влияют на общее впечатление. Главным преимуществом игры можно назвать сеттинг, который сочетает миф и историю, а также слегка обновленную боевую систему с большим разнообразием пехотных войск. Также здорово видеть в игре полную русскую локализацию и мультиплеер, который уже давно не меняется, но исправно поставляется вместе с игрой.
Впрочем, трудно требовать чего-то изысканного от бесплатной игры. А «Троя» именно такая, потому что завтра, в день релиза, ее будут раздавать в Epic Games Store всем желающим. Поэтому если вы в последние годы обходили проекты Creative Assembly стороной, то обязательно заберите Total War Saga: Troy. Эта игра ничем не уступает платным частям.
- Нельзя пропустить: эпичную стратегию Total War Saga: Troy уже скоро раздадут на ПК всего за 24 часа
- Троянский конь в деле: появился геймплей Total War Saga: Troy с осадой города
- Превью Total War Saga: Troy — герои и монстры Троянской войны
What role do the gods play?
Gods and Favor is a new gameplay system for a Total War Saga: TROY. Similar to our truth behind the myth approach to mythical creatures, the Greek gods within TROY are a purely spiritual representation, but they influence the game in similar ways to their Homeric counterparts. Rather than the gods directly intervening with the conflict itself, it is the faction’s belief that the gods are intervening on their behalf which determines the bonuses they receive. Afterall, the more fervently a leader devotes themselves to a deity, the more likely their people are to espouse and live those beliefs. These bonuses are specific to each god and provide a range of benefits from strategic warfare buffs to growth and resource increases.
- 所有英雄的战车坐骑在自定义战斗中的花费提升150
- 所有射手英雄的破甲杀伤降低20%
- 所有标枪部队(不含神话部队)的破甲杀伤提升10%
- 所有投石兵部队的装填速度降低7-8%
- 所有战车的转向速度降低50%
- 特洛伊贵族和特洛伊王子的矢石数量从26提升至32
- 特洛伊贵族和特洛伊王子的生命值提升10%
- 特洛伊贵族的射程从165提升到180
- 特洛伊王子的射程从180提升到190
- 阿伽门农的护卫和盾友的生命值提升10%
- 阿伽门农的护卫和盾友的破甲杀伤提升10%
- 阿伽门农的护卫和盾友在对抗英雄时会获得少量加成
- 希波吕忒亲卫的破甲杀伤提升25%
- 蓝晶战团的护甲从35提升到45
- 弓骑手的士气从50提升至60,护甲从30提升至40
- 提欧纳西斯的杀伤和破甲杀伤提升大约20%
- 复仇女神的生命值提升10%
- 复仇女神的破甲杀伤从13提升至17
- 枪骑手的生命值提升15%
- 枪骑手的护甲从40提升到50
- 女骑手的护甲从30提升到35
- 女骑手的破甲杀伤从10提升至12
- 恨男勇士的破甲杀伤从8提升至12
- 洛克里斯投石兵的杀伤降低20%
- 洛克里斯投石兵和洛克里斯宿将投石兵的破甲杀伤降低15%
- 洛克里斯投石兵的射程从190降低至180
- 洛克里斯宿将投石兵的射程从180提升至190
- 部队能力赫耳墨斯之踵现在会提升部队15%的速度,而不是25%
Campaign Balance Changes
- Antagonist aggressiveness across the board has been increased
- Increased Seer’s life from 8 to 10 turns
- Baseline, strength, and threat evaluations of military alliance, defensive alliance, military access and non-aggression pact have all been rebalanced
- Fighting rebel armies now provides 20% of the normal experience
- Increased the wood recruitment cost of chariots
- Increased the bronze upkeep cost of chariots
- Replaced food recruitment cost with gold on higher-tier chariots
- Reduced the effect of Blessed in Failure from 5 to 3 happiness after completing a Ritual
- Reduced the effect of Soothsayer from 3 to 2 happiness after completing a Ritual
- Besieging armies now cause -8 happiness in the besieged settlement
A Total War Saga: TROY FAQ
A Total War Saga: TROY will reconstruct one of the greatest stories ever told. Inspired by Homer’s Iliad, TROY will let you forge a heroic legacy in the late Bronze Age, the furthest back in time the Total War franchise has ever travelled.
TROY will challenge you to uncover the truth behind Homer’s Iliad. An epic tale mixing legend with history, you will peel back the layers of fable, of gods and monsters, to reveal the truths that might have inspired them.
In TROY, the fate of Aegean civilisation will be in your hands – each choice you make will shape the lands from the mythical heights of Mount Olympus to the arid deserts of Lemnos. Experience history as it might have happened or shape the legend for yourself in this unique chapter of Total War.
The battlefields will tremble under the feet of renowned warriors like Achilles and Hector but it will take more than brute force alone to lay claim to the legendary city of Troy. You will need to deftly manage a barter economy, conduct diplomacy among friends and foes, and direct the beliefs of your people in the worship of the gods, all before etching your name in the annals of history.
Battle Balance Changes
- Removed the Missile Resistance stat from all Heroes
- Added the Siege Attacker trait to all Archer Hero types (Trickster and Skirmisher) in campaign
- Rebalanced weapon length of all weapons to reduce animation attacks missing their targets
- Slightly reduced charge speed of all chariots
- Chariots now have less mass and will find it harder to completely pass through enemy lines
- All chariot units have had their melee defence reduced by 15%, which will make them take more hits from melee units
- All chariots now have their own ground type interaction group
- All chariots will now have greatly reduced speed when trying to pass through a forest
- All chariots will now have greatly reduced speed when trying to pass through mud
- All chariots will now have reduced speed when passing through tall grass
- All chariots will now have greatly reduced melee defence and attack when fighting in a forest
- All chariots will now have greatly reduced melee defence and attack when fighting in mud
- All chariots will now have reduced melee defence when fighting in tall grass
- Chariots will now do extremely small damage to city gates
- City gates now have increased health and require more time to be destroyed
- Bonus versus Heroes stat has been increased by 10% for Archer Heroes
- Bonus versus Heroes stat has been increased by 15% for Warlord and Fighter Heroes
- Bonus versus Heroes stat has been increased by 20% for Defender Heroes
- Harpies’ missile damage has been reduced by 23
- Added +30% battle speed increase to the Strafe (Speed) specialisation
- Reduced Shield Block Chance of Renowned Swordsmen from 75% to 65%
Campaign AI Changes
- Before the Story/Sandbox dilemma is spawned, factions now should act more in line with their initial starting setup (they honour their initial treaties)
- Choosing Story on the Story/Sandbox dilemma should enable Pillar boosts not only to the player Alliance but to the enemy Alliance as well
- All factions will try and facilitate the Danaan/Trojan conflict slightly earlier
- The AI prioritises recruitment for garrisoned AI armies instead of armies on the field
- Increased the AI’s priority on garrisoning armies that are recruiting or about to recruit, instead of recruiting next to a region that already has a garrisoned army
- The priority of some tier 2 units for AI recruitment has been slightly increased
- The priority of some tier 1 units in the early game has been slightly decreased
- The priority of tier 1 units post turn 70 has been significantly decreased
- 修复了多人游戏中大厅在玩家试图添加更多拥有大规模军队或额外资金的AI时卡死的问题
- 修复了在部署阶段中开始战斗按钮上方的图片由于不正常的着色而突然变红的问题
- 修复了多人游戏大厅中,玩家在按下开始战斗时对手离开或切换队伍造成的被卡死无法操作的问题
- 修复了自信的文本与对应的图标在战斗部队提示框中重叠的问题
- 修复了基础小型村镇地图部署区域在攻击方和防御方之间交换的问题(攻击方的部署区位于村镇中,而防御方却位于村镇外)
- 现在,在多人战役/战斗列表中筛选时,游戏大厅在刷新后仍会存在
- 修复了战前面板上第二名玩家的菜单条不正常的问题(现在按钮都能正常起作用了)
- 修复了玩家从多人合作战役战斗中退出时,没有退到战役中,而是进入了多人游戏大厅的问题
- 修复了多人合作战役中,客方增援房主时,客方在全部部队完成进场之前主动投降会导致房主无法控制新到部队的问题(AI同理)
- 修复了多人战役中使用萨尔珀冬的“奇珍异宝”势力机制后出现的失去同步问题
- 修复了有势力被毁灭事件信息时,事件下拉菜单中出现多余的叹号图标的问题
- 修复了多人战役中,玩家附庸其他势力后,会收到称该势力被敌方势力附庸的错误消息的问题
- 修复了多人游戏中,扮演埃涅阿斯完成史诗任务“渡冥河寻求先祖箴言”时失去同步的问题
- 修复了多人战役中难度数值条在4k分辨率下渲染不正常的问题
На своих двоих
Как и раньше, после столкновения двух армий на глобальной карте начинается сражение в реальном времени. В целом «боевка» Total War Saga: Troy во многом похожа на битвы Thrones of Britannia и другие игры серии. Но есть несколько важных отличий. Именно благодаря им игру интересно осваивать, так как многие старые тактики в «Трое» работают немного по-другому.
Троянская война — это конфликт, в котором участвовали в основном пехотные армии. И мифы тут ни при чем: в то время лошадей массово не приручали. Так что воевать придется пехотой, которая в игре делится на легкую, среднюю и тяжелую, а также может по желанию менять оружие.
Конечно, в Troy есть конные отряды, но их мало, и они весьма примитивны. В большинстве случаев это просто всадники-копьеметатели. Увы, традиции конного боя в те времена только зарождались. Благо инженерия уже была более-менее развита, иначе без осадных башен взятие крепостей стало бы сущим адом. А крепостей тут много: практически каждое поселение стремилось оградиться от опасностей высокой каменной стеной.
Чтобы разнообразить сражения, разработчики добавили новые типы местности. В грязи и песке войска двигаются медленнее, а в высокой траве могут спрятаться от войск противника.
Battle balance changes
- All Hero chariot mounts have had their cost increased by 150 in custom battles
- All Archer Heroes have had their Armour Piercing Damage reduced by 20%
- All Javelin Units (excluding mythic units) have had their Armour Piercing Damage increased by 10%
- All Slinger Units have had their reload speed decreased by 7-8%
- All Chariots have had their Turn Speed reduced by 50%
- Trojan Nobles and Trojan Princes have had their ammo increased from 26 to 32
- Trojan Nobles and Trojan Princes have had their Health increased by 10%
- Trojan Nobles have had their range increased from 165 to 180
- Trojan Princes have had their range increased from 180 to 190
- Agamemnon’s Guards and Companions have had their Health increased by 10%
- Agamemnon’s Guards and Companions have had their Armour Piercing Damage increased by 10%
- Agamemnon’s Guards and Companions will now have a slight bonus when fighting Heroes
- Hippolyta’s Chosen Armour Piercing Damage has been increased by 25%
- Korynites have had their Armour increased from 35 to 45
- Hippotoxotai have had their Morale increased from 50 to 60 and their Armour increased from 30 to 40
- Toxoannases have had their Damage and Armour Piercing damage increased by roughly 20%
- Furies have had their Health increased by 10%
- Furies have had their Armour Piercing damage increased from 13 to 17
- Hippomachoi have had their Health increased by 15%
- Hippomachoi have had their Armour increased from 40 to 50
- Horsewomen have had their Armour increased from 30 to 35
- Horsewomen have had their Armour Piercing Damage increased from 10 to 12
- Styganores have had their Armour Piercing Damage increased from 8 to 12
- Locrian Slingers have had their Damage reduced by 20%
- Locrian Slingers and Veteran Locrian Slingers have had their Armour Piercing Damage reduced by 15%
- Locrian Slingers Range has been reduced from 190 to 180
- Veteran Locrian Slingers Range has been increased from 180 to 190
- Heels of Hermes unit ability will now increase the speed of units by 15% down from 25%
What is a Total War Saga title?
Total War Saga titles take the grand strategy and real-time battles of a core Total War game and channel them into an intense flashpoint of history, letting you experience and ultimately determine the outcome of pivotal moments in history when the future of entire nations hung in the balance.
Having all the depth, features, and mechanics of a major era Total War game, Total War Saga titles offer a comparable number of factions, heroes, and settlements to their core counterparts as well as hundreds of hours of gameplay potential.
Total War Saga titles are our chance to think differently in our designs, often leading to new ideas, mechanics, and perspectives that go on to influence future era titles.
For more information on different types of Total War title, .
- Fixed an issue with multiplayer where the lobby would freeze if trying to add more AI armies with large army/ultra funds
- Fixed an issue where during deployment phase the image asset above the Start Battle button would suddenly turn red due to an incorrectly applied shader
- Fixed a bug in the multiplayer battle lobby where players could get stuck and not do anything after pressing the Start Game button if opposing players left or switched teams
- Fixed a bug in battle unit tooltip where Confident text would overlap with the respective icon
- Fixed a bug where deployment zones for base level minor settlements maps were swapped between attacker and defender (attackers start inside villages and defenders are outside)
- Now sorting in the multiplayer campaign/battle list lobby will persist even after refreshing
- Fixed an issue with the menu bar during the pre-battle screen for the second player (buttons now function correctly)
- Fixed confusing behavior where player could withdraw in a multiplayer co-op campaign battle and then try to quit to campaign but instead of leading to campaign it led to the multiplayer lobby
- Fixed an issue in multiplayer co-op campaign where if the client was reinforcing the host and the client conceded defeat before all their units entered the playing area the host was left unable to control the newly arrived units (along with the AI)
- Fixed a desync in multiplayer campaigns after using the Sarpedon’s Precious Resources faction mechanic
- Fixed an issue in the events dropdown where an unnecessary exclamation mark icon would be displayed whenever there was a Faction Destroyed event message
- Fixed an issue in multiplayer campaign where after the player vassalized a faction they received a message stating that an enemy has vassalized that faction instead
- Fixed an issue with a multiplayer desync when completing the Whispers From Hades Epic Mission as Aeneas
- Fixed an issue in multiplayer campaign where the difficulty bar would render incorrectly on 4K resolutions
《A Total War Saga: TROY》的多人游戏测试版上线了!多人游戏中包含其他《Total War》系列游戏中拥有的绝大多数功能,它主要由两个元素构成:多人战役和多人战斗。我们在接下来的几个月中还将加入更多内容!
- 任何玩家都可以创建新的多人战斗房间,或者加入已有的房间,自定义您的游戏体验
- 自定义选项包括:战斗类型、战斗地图、战斗难度、时间限制、金钱、时间、天气以及部队规模(《Total War》系列新增的功能!)
- 其它可以调整的设置包括部队限制、真实战斗、大规模军队以及是否开启神话部队
- 允许同一方的玩家通过地图标记功能,在游戏内的地图上画标记,从而进行交流
- 完全支持使用模组制作的社区自制地图
- 任何玩家都可以创建新的多人战役房间,或者加入已有的房间,或者读取存储的游戏
- 自定义选项包括:游戏模式(对抗或合作二选其一),回合时间,战斗限制,默认战斗解决方式(可以设定在玩家没有及时确认时将如何进行战斗——默认自动解决,默认战斗等),部队规模以及战役难度
Герои принимают непосредственное участие в сражениях, и даже в одиночку способны уничтожить отдельные вражеские отряды. Но лучше всего персонаж работает в связке с определенным отрядом. Например, воитель Гектор отлично себя чувствует с тяжелой пехотой, а царевич Парис, вооруженный луком, может защищать городские стены вместе с другими стрелками.
По мере прохождения кампании полководец получает опыт и изучает все новые и новые способности. У каждого эпического героя своя линейка доступных навыков. Также персонаж может экипировать трофейную броню или оружие. В целом ролевая система почти не изменилась по сравнению с прошлыми частями.
Впрочем, кое-что новенькое разработчики все же припасли, а именно механику под названием «Аристея». В древнегреческой поэзии это слово означает особенно героические моменты в жизни каждого героя. В Total War Saga: Troy это мощные способности, которые можно использовать ближе к концу боя, когда герой набрал достаточно очков ярости. Очень часто «Аристея» либо завершает бой, либо становится его поворотной точкой.
Campaign Balance Changes
- The Descendant of Zeus trait now gives 40 to a Hero’s melee damage instead of 4
- The gold granted by Gift of Gold in The Pharaoh’s Gift dilemma has been reduced from 250 to 150
- Now all playable factions have unique 20-unit garrisons of late-game units while occupying the city of Troy
- Envoys recruitment cost effects have been toned down to prevent an exploit that meant players could recruit army units for free
- The Lament Your Fate option in the A Destiny Ordained dilemma for Achilles now provides +70 favour to Zeus so it’s more appealing with the Divine Will thresholds
- The Ellopian army, which provides the initial battle challenge for Achilles, has had its units decreased by four, making the early progress of this faction easier
- Poison the Well spy action is balanced to inflict modest but effective damage to both Heroes and army units
Battle AI Changes
- Fixed an issue where the AI units sometimes ignored the player’s Hero
- Improved defending AI behaviour when the player has a lot of hidden units
- AI will defend all walls more accurately when needed and properly match the player’s deployment
- Fixed an issue where attacking cavalry and chariot units were staying idle outside the city gates
- Fixed an issue where AI gate crushers sometimes do not enter the city after destroying the gate
- Improved defending AI reaction to units moving near the victory point
- Improved AI behavior when capturing the victory point on some maps
- Harassment missile units now do not try to outflank units that are not in melee
- 将赫淮斯托斯添加到了神恩面板上,他将拥有自己的神恩等级和祈祷效果
- 为标准势力和游牧势力添加了赫淮斯托斯的神庙建筑链
- 添加了赫淮斯托斯神庙所带来的装备(可以用装备升级部队,提高他们的护甲和近战攻击)
- 添加了事务官神之工匠,在赫淮斯托斯神恩等级达到3级之后可以征募
- 添加了地区限定赫费斯提翁建筑(新开始战役后才能建造)
- 为埃涅阿斯的“神谕天命”势力机制添加了赫淮斯托斯专属任务
- 为埃涅阿斯的荷马史诗胜利添加了一个胜利条件,需要您获得赫淮斯托斯的眷顾(开始新战役时此条件生效)
- 将赫淮斯托斯神庙建筑链中的一级建筑包含在了游戏早期的任务中(即需要您建立任意一级神庙的任务)
- 将女祭司的忠臣信徒技能及其特化替换为在女祭司使用祈福仪式行动时带来额外赫淮斯托斯眷顾的新技能
- 扮演彭忒西勒亚时,将一些战役地图上的战利品替换为能带来赫淮斯托斯眷顾的新战利品
- 为女祭司事务官添加了赫淮斯托斯追随者的初始特性,它能带来赫淮斯托斯的眷顾
- 为阿耳忒弥斯和赫淮斯托斯神庙添加了普里阿摩斯之嗣任务
- 添加了赫淮斯托斯神像物品
- 为赫克托耳添加了感激事件,该种事件能带来阿耳忒弥斯和赫淮斯托斯眷顾
UI/UX Improvements
- The Strategic Threat level of a faction will now be displayed as a new icon above the faction leader’s portrait in the Diplomacy panel
- The faction’s current greatest threat will also be displayed upon hovering over the icon
- Factions from culture groups that can be confederated by the player’s faction will now be marked with a special icon in the faction list
- Treaty propositions that have a negative repercussion to the player’s reliability rating will now be marked with a warning icon both in the Treaties panel and the treaty buttons
- Floating notifications that inform the player of various instant actions, such as results of agent actions and armies changing stances, have been redesigned to communicate their key information more clearly
- All icons in overlays have been updated with a dark background to make them stand out better against the parchment background
- The Homeric Character trait now has its own icon
- Additionally, the Homeric Character trait will now be visible in the Recruit Hero panel if a Hero has the trait
- Added colour blindness support for enemy unit markers in battle – Tritanopia has been set to use red, while Protanopia and Deuteranopia use white
- Added colour blindness support for the deal evaluation labels in the Diplomacy panel
- A tooltip has been added to the hourglass icon that indicates an ancillary in transit and explains the transition mechanic and duration
- New explanatory text has been added to the “None” item slot in Ancillaries to warn the player that unequipping an equipment will always put it in transit
Assembly Kit
- Assembly Kit custom maps are now marked with their own icon
- Fixed an issue in the Assembly Kit Launcher where long mod names would cause versions and dates to misalign
- Fixed a script_error triggering for missing infotext entries when selecting the settlement of Troy
1.5.0更新是《A Total War Saga: TROY》的下一个重要更新,将与《Ajax & Diomedes》DLC和《Hephaestus》FLC一起推出。该更新修复了玩家在社区中提出的众多问题,也进行了许多平衡性调整、系统微调、稳定性调整和优化调整。
- 赫淮斯托斯的加入
- 阿伽门农将更频繁地在击败敌方势力后进行附庸操作(概率提高了200%)
- 射手英雄现在可以在骑乘射手骏马和战马坐骑时享受到隐蔽(树林)和神射手能力带来的加成了
- 修复了统计面板中不包括港口村镇战斗的问题
- 修复了亚苏瓦盟势力机制UI中按文化和地域筛选时出现的问题
- 为皮洛斯添加了丢失的名牌图标,提示您此处可以建造特殊建筑
- 优化了选择大规模部队时,势力间冲突的表现
- 现在部队在险恶地形上的冲锋速度会正确地有所降低了(战车部队向敌人冲锋的能力会在沼泽和森林地形中大幅削弱)
- 修复了库瑞忒斯在使用盾墙能力后模型分裂的问题
- 在游戏设置中添加了一个新选项,玩家可以选择是否在加载界面上显示“继续”按钮
Ахиллес (Фтия)[править | править код]
В составе армии Ахиллеса присутствуют универсальные, быстрые и манёвренные отряды. Он также обладает наибольшим числом уникальных отрядов среди прочих героев.
Пехотаправить | править код
Название | Тип | Класс |
Ополчение | Пехота с дубинками и щитами | Лёгкий |
Юные солдаты с копьями | Пехота с двуручными копьями | Лёгкий |
Копьеносцы | Пехота с копьями и щитами | Средний |
Лёгкие мечники | Пехота с мечами и щитами | Лёгкий |
Эгинские бегуны | Пехота с мечами и щитами | Лёгкий |
Фтийские солдаты с копьями | Пехота с копьями и щитами | Тяжёлый |
Славные воины с дубинками | Пехота с двуручными дубинками | Средний |
Фтийские заступники | Пехота с дубинками и щитами | Тяжёлый |
Фессалийская морская пехота | Пехота с двуручными копьями | Лёгкий |
Тяжёлые мечники | Пехота с мечами и щитами | Тяжёлый |
Славные фтийские копьеносцы | Пехота с копьями и щитами | Тяжёлый |
Пелагические фесаллийцы | Пехота с двуручными копьями | Средний |
Мирмидонские копьеносцы | Пехота с копьями и щитами | Средний |
Мирмидонские мечники | Пехота с мечами и щитами | Средний |
Стрелковая пехотаправить | править код
Название | Тип | Класс |
Ахейские пращники | Пехота с пращами | Лёгкий |
Метатели дротиков | Пехота с дротиками | Лёгкий |
Лучники | Лучники-пехотинцы | Лёгкий |
Эгинские метатели дротиков | Пехота с дротиками | Лёгкий |
Метатели тяжёлых дротиков | Пехота с дротиками | Тяжёлый |
Славные бронированные пращники | Пехота с пращами | Средний |
Тяжёлые ахейские лучники | Лучники-пехотинцы | Средний |
Всадники и колесницыправить | править код
Название | Тип | Класс |
Колесницы | Колесница воина с двуручным копьём | Средняя колесница |
Прочные колесницы | Колесница воина с двуручным копьём | Тяжёлая колесница |
Мифические существаправить | править код
Название | Тип | Класс |
Авангард гигантов | Пехота с дубинками и щитами | Лёгкий |
Дикие кентавры-воины | Всадники с копьями и щитами | Тяжёлая конница |
Бронированные гиганты-копьеносцы | Пехота с копьями и щитами | Тяжёлый |
Кентавры-заступники | Всадники с копьями и щитами | Тяжёлая конница |
Кентавры-старейшины | Конные лучники | Средняя конница |
Гиганты-заступники | Пехота с двуручными дубинками | Тяжёлый |