Mo’creatures mod 1.10.2/1.7.10


The notification message that appears after an egg is about to hatch.


An egg’s main purpose is to hatch into a baby mob. Most eggs can be hatched by placing them on the ground with use, though eggs obtained from water mobs will need to be placed in a body of water.

A few seconds after an egg has been placed, a chat message will appear to tell the player to «KEEP WATCH!», and will also display the egg’s coordinates. When an egg hatches, a ‘pop’ sound similar to a chicken laying an egg can be heard, and the naming screen will appear. If you stray too far from the egg (about 9 or more blocks) the resulting baby mob will be wild. If this occurs, you have to start again.



— Медведи могут быть приручены мясом.

— На медведях можно ехать и надевать на них сундуки.

— Можно разделить медведей на отдельные объекты.

— Добавлена анимация атаки медведя

— Исправлена ограничивающая рамка медведей.

Если в биоме, где родился медведь, у него будет имя бамбук в его имени, оно также будет пандой.

— Медведи долго не сидят.

— Изменены модели кабанов и медведей.

— Медведи больше не появляются в пределах 8 блоков факелов.

— Исправлен баг с мордами медведей.

— Исправлен баг с морды с 1 пикселем при вращении головы у медведей.

— Исправлен баг связанный с тем, что медведи не нападают на скот.

— Снижена скорость появления медведей.


Основные изменения A.I:

— Медведи не атакуют львов, но они будут атаковать любых мобов

— Снижена скорости появления медведя до 1/3.



— Fixed ghost big cats not being able to be stored in ghost amulets.

— Tamed ligers can obtain wings by receiving an essence of light.

— Big cats move faster.

— Hybrid big cats are now separate entities.

— Fixed bug with inventories of big cats.


— Fixed bug where ghost big cats will revert to normal cats after reloading game.

— Fixed bug where amulets will disappear from tamed big cats.

— Tigers and leopards now show chests.

— Added more big cat hybrids (thanks to Cybercat5555): leoger (between leopard and tiger), pangther (between panther and tiger), liard (between male lion and leopard) and lither (between panther and male lion).


— Big cat overhaul, split the big cats into their own categories: lions, tigers, panthers, leopards.

— Big cat can be tamed by giving pork or raw fish to a cub.

— Big cats can mate by giving them pork or raw fish and keeping them in an enclosed space.

— White lions and white tigers are a rare spawn with a 1/20 chance.

— Ligers are obtained by breeding a male lion with a tiger.

— There is a hybrid between panther and regular leopards.

— Giving a dark essence to a panther gives it wings.

— Giving a light essence to a male lion, white male lion or liger will give it wings.

— There are ghost versions of the big cats that can be obtained randomly when a tamed big cat dies.

— Winged big cats, ghost big cats, hybrid big cats and manticore pets are sterile (they can’t breed).

— Fixed attributes given to sub-types of creatures (i.e. different big cat speeds).

— Big cats won’t attack players on creative mode.

— Tamed big cats will drop medallions on death.

— Fixed big cat sizes, health, attack and attackrange features.

— Fixed bug that prevented big cat cubs from being tamed.

— Fixed bug with big cats attacking unrelentlessly.

— Fixed bug with lions not attacking livestock.

— Reduced spawn rate of lions.

— Fixed bug where big cats will have their health reset every time the game loads.

— Fixed bug with big cats not finding targets.

— Changed name tag height in the big cats to improve its visibility.

— You can change the name of tamed big cats by using a medallion or a book.

— Tamed big cats can now be given a name. To set or change a name, right click on the animal while holding a medallion. To toggle individual name displays on/off, right click on the animal while holding any pickaxe.


— To tame a big cat, you will have to throw pork or fish near a small cub and then put a medallion on it.

— Tamed big cats will no longer fight between themselves.

— Tamed big cats will not destroy drops.

— Added sitting stance for big cats.

— Added a way to identify tamed cats with the medallion.

— Added different sounds for big cat cubs.

— Added whip to control big cats:

— Big cats will stay put when a whip is used near them (within 12 blocks). Also if you right click on a tamed big cat, you can toggle them between moving and staying.


— Fixed bug with snouts being off 1 pixel when rotating head in big cats.

— Added several new big cats: tigers, cheetahs, snow leopards, panthers.

— Heavy modifications to the big cats’ AI.

— Female lions and tigers will always attack the player if within range. Male lions, panthers and cheetahs will some times attack the player.

— Wild cubs will seldomly spawn. If you throw raw pork or raw fish near a small cub, you will tame it and it won’t despawn or attack you. Once it grows to adult size, it will fight mobs. Cubs will attack any other animal smaller than themselves. Bigger (almost adult) cubs won’t be tamed.

— Big cats will attack only when hungry. They will also eat raw pork or raw fish when hungry. Once they eat or kill a prey, they’ll stop being hungry for a while.

— Big cats of different breeds will fight amongst them.

— Big cats will drop big cat claws when killed. There is no use for that item yet.

— Lionesses are now more aggressive than lions.

— Added female lions.

— Male lions will not attack female lions.

— Female lions are less aggressive towards the player.

— Lions wont hunt in peaceful difficulty.

— Lions will now attack other animals, including other lions and bears.


— Reduced the attack range of the lion in Hard difficulty from 16 to 6, and in Normal difficulty from 6 to 4

— Decreased lion spawn rate to 1/3.


A python attacking the player.

Snakes wander around aimlessly, hissing occasionally. Each type of snake has their own behavior, and some may be harder to find than others.

Unlike other mobs, snakes can’t jump. Like scorpions, insects, mice and spiders, snakes can scale up blocks vertically.

If the player holds a mouse or bird near a snake and then drops it, the snake will hunt down and kill the creature.

Snakes can exist either in a passive, neutral, or hostile state, depending on the species. Passive snakes will never attack the player. Passive snakes include dark snakes and spotted snakes.

Hostile snakes are initially neutral, but if a player approaches one, they will lift their head up and begin to hiss at them as a warning. If you move out of its range, the snake will ignore you. However, if you continue to remain in its range, the snake will become aggressive and attack. The snake will still be hostile even if you stay out of its sight. If you approach the hostile snake again, it will attack without provocation. Some aggressive species are capable of inflicting poison.


Some hostile snakes can poison the player when attacking. They’re deadly if the player is touched by one, as the poison effect lasts for 7 seconds and lower the player’s health to 7 hearts in about 10 seconds. The effect makes you very vulnerable to any damage for about 20 to 30 seconds, especially if you haven’t killed the snake or if you’re not equipped with armor or milk buckets. Dirt scorpion armor and golden apples benefit you with Regeneration and Absorption, which can help with the poison.


A snake egg that was placed next to a torch, ready to hatch.

Wild snakes cannot be tamed. Instead, the player has to obtain a snake egg. When a snake egg has been obtained, place the egg in a well lit area. When the egg hatches, the baby snake will become tame and the naming screen will appear. As time passes, the snake will grow larger until it reaches its maximum size. Green snakes, coral snakes and spotted snakes stay small, but pythons and cobras can grow relatively large.

Tamed snakes can be picked up. To pick up a snake, right-click on it and it will go onto your shoulders. To release the snake, press the sneak key. Tamed snakes can be healed with raw rat.

Tamed snakes are passive, and will never attack the player. Tamed snakes that are usually hostile, such as cobras, will still lift their head up when you approach it, but it won’t attack you.


A big golem about to throw one of its blocks at the player.

Mobs are affected by the environment in the same ways as the player and Minecraft mobs: they are subject to physics, and they can be hurt by the same things that harm the player (catching on fire, falling, drowning, attacked by weapons, etc.). Some mobs may be resistant to weapons or hazards, such as ents, which are resistant to all damage except for axes, and werewolves, which can only be killed with a silver sword. Mobs can ride minecarts and other mobs, and can climb up ladders. When mobs are killed, they turn to dust and drop items which may be useful resources, including fur or hide, which is used to craft armor.

Each type of mob in Mo’ Creatureshas a certain AI (Artificial Intelligence) system with different behaviors and mechanics. Mobs will wander around at random if there is a player nearby and usually avoid walking off blocks high enough to cause falling damage. Many mobs have an advanced pathfinding system that allows them to traverse complex mazes to get to a desired object or destination. Passive mobs will flee in random directions after being hurt, while hostile mobs will face and chase/attack the player as soon as they come close. Neutral mobs, such as snakes, will remain neutral until a player or mob provokes it (usually by attacking), at which point it will turn hostile toward and attack the entity that hit or get too close to it. Most mobs are aware of players within 12 or 16 blocks of them.

Mobs can not see through most solid blocks, including semi-transparent blocks such as ice, glass, or glass panes. Mobs will not attempt to walk on rail tracks, unless pushed on by other mobs.


Some hostile Minecraft mobs can ride a few Mo’ Creatures mobs in the same way players can. this includes zombies, zombie pigmen or skeletons riding on horsemobs, wolves and scorpions. When mobs are killed, they drop various items which may be useful to the player for use in many crafting recipes. Some mobs can also only be found in certain biomes, such as mammoths, frost scorpions and polar bears, which can can only be found in «snow» biomes.

Like vanilla Minecraft mobs, every mob in Mo’ Creatures has an AI (artificial intelligence) system with different behavior and mechanics. Mobs will ordinarily wander around at random if there is a player nearby and usually will avoid walking off blocks high enough to cause fall damage.

Other mobs have more advanced AI, and as a result, have more complex behavior. This includes scorpions stinging the player if the/she get too close, ogres destroying blocks within close range of the player, or golems using blocks as a projectile. Big golems can form their body from blocks in the surrounding environment, making them a formidable and challenging enemy. Mini golems will simply throw a block at you, however, and are not considered very dangerous.


Several Songhua River mammoths in an enclosure.

Most mobs can be tamed in various ways, such as catching aquatic mobs (like fish or crabs) with a fish net or by hatching mob eggs such as wyvern, ostrich, many types of fish, Komodo dragon or shark eggs. Some mobs, such as horses, can be ridden, bred and can even transform into rarer variants, (such as a fairy horse or pegasus) with the use of essences.

Mobs can be transported, and can be placed from one area to another with the use of amulets.



Wyverns can be equipped with either saddles found in dungeons or a crafted saddle. When a wyvern has been tamed and saddled, the player can control it with the standard directional controls, jump or fly, and the mouse. You can dismount a wyvern with the dismount control, and descend with the descend control. Like other mountable mobs, a player can use any item while riding a wyvern.

A ridden wyvern will automatically run up any one block high slope. They can also run very fast, and are one of the most, if not, the fastest ridden mobs in Mo’ Creatures. Wyverns can fly much faster than pegasus or fairy horses, as well as minecarts. They can also be combined with speed potions.


Wyverns can be equipped with horse armor to reduce the damage it receives. All three types can be used, including iron, gold, or diamond. The only type of armor that wyverns can’t wear is crystal mount armor. To place armor on a wyvern, right-click on the wyvern with the armor. To take the armor off, use shears or place the wyvern in a pet amulet.


A whip can be used to make tamed wyvern sit and remain stationary, this can prevent a tamed wyvern from flying away or getting lost.

Интересные факты[]

  • Слоны — крупные мобы в Mo’ Creatures, хотя материнские виверны и виверны 2 уровня больше чем африканские и азиатские слоны.
  • В настоящее время нет еды, которой можно дать слонятам, которая может заставить их расти быстрее.
  • Для лёгкого приручения, рекомендуется приручать слонят сахарными кубиками и тортом.
  • В реальной жизни, слоны не могут прыгать, не смотря на то что слоны и мамонты будучи в состоянии могут сделать это в игре
  • Хаудах — это седло для слонов или верблюдов. Не стоит путать с одноимёнными огнестрельными оружиями.
  • В реальной жизни, мамонты вымерли, они дожили до конца плейстоцена во время ледникового периода. Но учёные решили оживить шерстистого мамонта, а для этого понадобятся его тело и ДНК.


A big golem about to throw one of its blocks at the player.

Mobs are affected by the environment in the same ways as the player: they are subject to physics, and can be hurt by the same things that harm the player (catching on fire, falling, drowning, attacked by weapons, etc.). Some mobs may be resistant or immune to certain hazards, such as hellrats, fire ogres, and nightmares which are immune to fire. Mobs can ride minecarts and other mobs, and can climb up ladders. When mobs are killed, they turn to dust and drop items which may be useful resources.

Each type of mob in Mo’ Creatureshas a certain AI (Artificial Intelligence) system with different behaviors and mechanics. Mobs will ordinarily wander around at random if there is a player nearby and usually avoid walking off blocks high enough to cause falling damage. Many mobs have an advanced pathfinding system that allows them to traverse complex mazes to get to a desired object or destination. Passive mobs will flee in random directions after being hurt, while hostile mobs will face and chase/attack the player as soon as they come close. Some passive mobs, such as turtles and deer, are shy and flee from entities when approached. Neutral mobs, such as snakes, will remain neutral until a player or mob provokes it (usually by attacking), at which point it will turn hostile toward and attack the entity that hit or get too close to it. Most mobs are aware of players within 12 or 16 blocks away.

Mobs can not see through most solid blocks, including semi-transparent blocks such as ice, glass, or glass panes. Mobs will not attempt to walk on rail tracks, unless pushed on by other mobs.

Some hostile mobs can ride several Mo’ Creatures mobs in the same way players can. This includes silver skeletons, zombies, zombie pigmen or skeletons riding on horsemobs, wolves, manticores and scorpions. When mobs are killed, they drop various items which may be useful to the player for use in many crafting recipes. Some mobs can also only be found in certain biomes, such as mammoths, frost scorpions and polar bears, which can can only be found in «snow» biomes.

Other mobs have more advanced AI, and as a result, have more complex behavior. This includes scorpions stinging the player if the/she get too close, ogres destroying blocks within close range of the player, or golems using blocks as a projectile. Big golems can form their body from blocks in the surrounding environment, making them a formidable and challenging enemy. Mini golems will simply throw a block at you, however, and are not considered very dangerous.

Several Songhua River mammoths in an enclosure.

Mobs can be tamed in many ways, such as catching aquatic mobs (like fish or crabs) with a fish net or by hatching eggs. Some mobs can be transformed with the use of essences.

Mobs can be transported, and can be placed from one area to another with the use of amulets.

Stationary objects

Although not technically mobs, litter boxes, kitty beds and eggs are subject to the same physics as other mobs in Mo’ Creatures. Kitty beds and litter boxes however, cannot be burnt, poisoned, suffocate or drown etc., but can still be deleted from the world by falling into the void.


A fully grown tamed manticore sitting.

Manticores wander and fly around aimlessly, roaring occasionally. Manticores will notice the player from a 12 or 16 block radius, and will sprint or fly towards the target to attack.

Manticores have the combination of a big cat’s high attack damage, the sting of a scorpion, and can also fly, making them a challenging threat for an unprepared or inexperienced player. Wild manticores will attack other mobs, including big cats. Big cats will retaliate against attacking manticores, which can lead to a fight. Zombies, skeletons, silver skeletons and zombie pigmen can ride on wild manticores.

Like other hostile mobs, wild manticores do not spawn on Peaceful, and despawn when the difficulty is changed to Peaceful.

To prevent the loss of pets, keep your manticore or wild manticores away or in an enclosure, separated from big cats or other mobs that they may attack. If the «AttackWolves» setting is set to «true» in the config file, manticores will attack wolves, including tamed wolves.


On any difficulty besides peaceful, green and dark manticores inflict Poison, snow manticores inflict Slowness and fire manticores will set the player on fire upon attacking by using their sting. These effects last for 3 seconds.


To get a tamed manticore, obtain a manticore egg, which can be retrieved by killing wild manticores. Place it on the ground, step a few blocks away from the egg, and it will hatch into a friendly baby manticore. To rename your tamed manticore, right-click on it with a medallion, name tag or book.

Tamed manticores can be healed with raw fish or raw porkchops. You can either right-click on them with it to feed them, or throw it on the ground and they will eat it. They can be healed this way. It is also possible to heal them with dispensers by placing raw fish/porkchops inside of a dispenser and then connecting it to a redstone clock. Manticores can also heal themselves by killing pigs or boars, as they can recover health from the porkchops they drop.

Manticores can take several in-game days to grow, but once they are fully grown, they can wear equipment. Manticores can be healed by feeding them raw fish and raw porkchops, you can also throw the meat at them and they will go after it. Like other tamable mobs, you can make a manticore sit by right-clicking on it with a whip. Manticores can also be leashed without protest.



— Исправлен краш где оборотни атаковали инструментами.

v8.0.0 DEVa

— Оборотни будут получают повышенный урон от предметов / оружия с именем «серебро» в позиции или названия материала. Они не получают дополнительный урон от золотых оружий.

— Оборотни не настолько жалуются, когда превращается из человеческой к волчьей форме.

— Улучшена скорость передвижения оборотней, когда они ударены.

— Исправлен ограничивающий бокс медведей, индеек, оборотней.

— Поменялись модели и текстуры оборотня, добавлены различные виды оборотней.

— Исправлен баг с оборотнями, которыми не находили целей.

— Исправлен баг смерти оборотня.

— Исправлены оборотни, которые наносили урон на расстоянии.

— Удалены «надоедливые» звуки оборотня / человека.

— Оборотни сейчас спаунятся только при Нормальной или нижней сложности. Также уменьшен спаун.

— Оборотни добавлены в полную версию мода.


  • For some reason, despite having mammalian features, manticores drop eggs, even though most mammals do not lay eggs (though this isn’t the case of monotremes).
  • Tamed manticores are called «ManticorePet» in-game, similar to tamed scorpions being called «ScorpionPet».
  • The manticore was originally a patreon goal, which would be added if DrZhark received $400 a month, but this has since been removed. This is mentioned on one of DrZhark’s posts at
  • Allowing a fire manticore to have a zombie pigman as its rider in the Nether can be a somewhat safe method to deal with it, since this will stop the manticore from chasing the player, but it can be hard due to the manticore’s fast speed and the high risk of hitting the pigman on top.
  • Manticores make the same sounds as big cats, including cubs.
  • They are the only mob with the combination of several other animals.
  • Tamed manticores that have been placed in a pet amulet will still have a medallion on their neck after they are released from the amulet, as it is not dropped like saddles or chests. The same thing happens if a scroll of freedom is used on them.
  • Every type of wild manticore is immune to fire, but tamed manticores aren’t, even tamed fire manticores.


  • Wyverns are based on the dragon-like creatures of the same name.
  • Despite having reptilian features, like Komodo dragons and crocodiles, wyverns do not drop reptile hide. The same applies to snakes.
  • All wyverns (with the exception of tier 2 and mother wyverns) are named after a specific biome or ecosystem found on Earth; sand, swamp, jungle, mountain, Arctic, sea, cave, and savanna.
  • After horses and big cats, wyverns have the third most variations of any mob, with 12 in total.
  • Wyverns are the largest aggressive mobs in Mo’ Creatures.
  • Wyverns fly at approximately 6 meters per second, which is about the same speed as flying in creative mode.
  • Tamed wyverns will not retaliate if attacked by another mob, even if a skeleton shoots an arrow at it, unlike wild wyverns.


Bears wander around aimlessly, roaring occasionally. Black bears and grizzly bears have similar behavior to rats in the way they attack; at day, or in high light levels, grizzly bears and black bears are neutral, but once they get into light levels of 7 or less, or if provoked, they will become hostile towards the player. Polar bears are always aggressive, and will attack the player on sight.

Pandas are the only passive type of bear, and will not react when hit. Wild black bears, grizzly bears and polar bears will stand up on their hind legs occasionally, especially when a player is near. Pandas will sit instead of standing upright.

Grizzly bears, polar bears and black bears will attack other mobs (with the exception of big cats and other bears); most of which includes cows, sheep, rabbits, foxes and turkeys. Bear cubs are passive, and will not attack if provoked.

Like other baby mobs, cubs will follow adult bears, even tamed ones.


A tamed grizzly bear equipped with a saddle and chest.

A bear can be tamed by giving a cub any type of meat, both cooked or raw (they don’t get food poisoning from consumption of raw meat). Pandas can be tamed by feeding them sugar canes. When the naming screen appears, the bear has been tamed.

Tamed bears can be healed with any meat, and can be renamed with a medallion, book or name tag. Tamed bears can be made to sit with a whip, and will not move until the whip is used again. They can also be made to follow the player with a lead, even wild ones.


Feeding tamed bears any meat together in an enclosed space will make them breed. The offspring will grow progressively larger with time until they reach their full size. The naming screen will also appear as soon as the offspring is produced, and, once named, will be tamed to the player. If the bear is born and the player isn’t nearby once the naming screen appears, the bear will become wild.

The breeding pair needs to be kept away from other bears, and also need to be kept close in order to breed, therefore it is recommended to place them in a fenced area.

Установка мода

  • Скачать Forge;
  • Скачать GUI Api;
  • Cкачать CustomMobSpawner;
  • И, наконец, скачать DrZhark’s Mo’Creatures Mod;
  • Далее необходимо зайти в папку с майнкрафтом и найти файл minecraft.jar (.minecraft/bin/minecraft.jar). Открываем с помощью любого архиватора. Удаляем папку META-INF. Далее, извлекаем содержимое Forge_Версия.zip, Перемещаем файлы из папок в minecraft.jar. Закрываем minecraft.jar. Запускаем игру. Если запустилась, и вы все сделали правильно, в папке .minecraft создадутся дополнительные файлы Forge. Примечание: следите, чтобы файлы копировались не во внутренние папки minecraft.jar, а в корень!
  • и DrZhark’s Mo’Creatures копируем в папку .minecraft/mods.
  • Заходим в игру. Если все сделано правильно, в первые же пару минут, а то и несколько секунд вы заметите новых существ.


Добавление новых существ, а с ними, соответственно, и новых предметов побудило автора создать новые рецепты.

Ингредиенты Процесс Результат Описание
Кожа +Золотой слиток Медальон Позволяют приручать животных, давать им имена и переименовывать.
Сердце нежити +Гнилая плоть +Колба Эссенция нежити Позволяет превратить лошадь в лошадь-зомби. Также позволяет превратить единорога или пегаса в единорога-зомби или пегаса-зомби. Получить можно из дикой лошади-зомби, которая спаунится по ночам.
Сердце огня +Огонь +Колба Эссенция огня Позволяет превращать полу-лошадь полу-зебру (англ. Zorse) в кошмар. Также позволяет вылечить кошмара. Сердце огня можно получить из дикого кошмара, обитающего в Нижнем мире.
Сердце тьмы +Жемчуг Края +Колба Эссенция тьмы Используется для превращения обычных мобов в тёмных. Например, с помощью Эссенции тьмы можно получить из Зебры-Лошади (англ. Zorse) Лошадь-Летучую мышь или из страуса (прирученного) — страусо-виверну (летает только вверх, но не вперёд — возможно глюк).
Эссенция тьмы +Эссенция огня +Эссенция нежити Эссенция света Используется для выведения редких лошадей. Лечит Пегасов, Единорогов и Сказочных лошадей.
Железный слиток +Чёрная шерсть Железная лошадиная броня Лошади теперь могут носить доспехи, от слабых до более крепких. Они смягчают урон наносимый лошади.
Золотой слиток +Красная шерсть Золотая лошадиная броня Лошади теперь могут носить доспехи, от слабых до более крепких. Они смягчают урон наносимый лошади.
Алмаз +Синяя шерсть Алмазная лошадиная броня Лошади теперь могут носить доспехи, от слабых до более крепких. Они смягчают урон наносимый лошади.
Стекло +Алмаз Кристальная лошадиная броня Лошади теперь могут носить доспехи, от слабых до более крепких. Они смягчают урон наносимый лошади. Кристальная лошадиная броня надевается только на сказочных лошадей
Дубовые доски +Песок Кошачий туалет Кошки будут пользоваться им, поев, после чего кошачий туалет станет «использованным». «Использованный» туалет привлекает монстров. Можно почистить туалет при помощи песка, или просто оставив его ненадолго. Подобрать можно с помощью клика ПКМ с киркой в руке. Переносить кошачий туалет можно на голове, кликнув на него ПКМ без кирки в руках.
Сырая треска +Сырая свинина Еда для питомцев
Сахар Кубик сахара Можно использовать для приручения лошадей, или для восстановления 3 () здоровья
Кожа +Кошачий коготь +Железный слиток Кнут С помощью него можно отдавать команды кошкам, BigCats или лошадям, например стоять/двигаться.
Кожа +Железный слиток Лошадиное седло Также лошадиное седло можно скрафтить, разместив посередине седло, а прямо под ним железный слиток.
Нить Клубок шерсти Завидя его у вас в руках, находящиеся поблизости кошки начнут следовать за вами. Получив клубок, кошки будут бегать и кружиться, играя с ним.
Нить Поводок С помощью него можно водить за собой несколько ручных зверей, например, BigCats, лошадей, или коз. Также с помощью него можно снимать кошек с дерева и переносить за ноги (кошки этого не любят). Животное, на которое одет поводок, не станет далеко от вас убегать. Когда вы снимете поводок, он автоматически попадет к вам в инвентарь.
Эссенция света +Око Края +Огненный стержень Посох мира виверн Посох мира виверн (Wyvern Portal Staff) используется для телепортации в мир виверн. Находясь в обычном мире вы можете телепортироваться в мир виверн откуда угодно. Но если вы находитесь в мире виверн, то телепортироваться в обычный мир с помощью посоха можно будет только находясь у кварцевого алтаря. Посох мира виверн можно использовать всего четыре раза.
Акульи зубыилиКрокодилья кожа Кольчужный шлем Кольчужная броня по эффективности немного лучше золотой и в игре без модов доступна только через торговлю. Броня из крокодиловой кожи по эффективности равна кожаной, то есть самой непрочной в игре броне.
Акульи зубыилиКрокодилья кожа Кольчужная кираса Кольчужная броня по эффективности немного лучше золотой и в игре без модов доступна только через торговлю. Броня из крокодиловой кожи по эффективности равна кожаной, то есть самой непрочной в игре броне.
Акульи зубыилиКрокодилья кожа Кольчужные поножи Кольчужная броня по эффективности немного лучше золотой и в игре без модов доступна только через торговлю. Броня из крокодиловой кожи по эффективности равна кожаной, то есть самой непрочной в игре броне.
Акульи зубыилиКрокодилья кожа Кольчужные ботинки Кольчужная броня по эффективности немного лучше золотой и в игре без модов доступна только через торговлю. Броня из крокодиловой кожи по эффективности равна кожаной, то есть самой непрочной в игре броне.


Big cats are one of the fastest, if not the fastest mountable mobs in Mo’ Creatures. Winged big cats can be used to travel far distances without the use for elytra, as well as provide support for sniping hostile mobs from above.

Big cats can be made to sit by either right-clicking on the ground or on the big cat with a whip. When stationary, they will not move. You can toggle between them sitting and moving around by right-clicking the ground or the big cat with a whip again. A player cannot mount a saddled big cat whilst holding a whip (or any other item that requires the use of right-click).


A fully grown, tamed big cat can be equipped with a normal or crafted saddle. Once saddled, the player can control it.

A ridden big cat can run very fast. Winged big cats also fly relatively fast, and are much faster than a pegasus or fairy horse, as well as minecarts. They can also be combined with speed potions. The player can make the ridden big cat jump with the jump control, get off with the dismount control, and descend on a winged big cat with the descendcontrol.


If a tamed, fully grown big cat has been given a chest, it will gain 18 inventory slots. The chest can be accessed by sneaking and then right-clicking on it.

Chests can be given to a big cat with right-click, and afterwards the chest cannot be removed, except by killing the big cat, placing the big cat in a pet amulet, or with shears. Upon death, the big cat will drop the attached chest and its contents.



— Fixed client crash when mounting bunny.

— Bunnies can be tamed again.

— Bunnies now require golden carrots in order to breed.

— Bunnies no longer breed in the wild. In order to breed a bunny, players need to feed it a carrot at full health.

— Added new config option ‘bunnyBreedThreshold’ which controls how many bunnies there can be in a world before bunnies stop breeding.

— Changed bunny textures and added a new spotted bunny.

— Bunnies follow players holding carrots.

— Removed insta-bunny killer while holding a sword.

— Bunnies will become tamed again after lifting them. They will start breeding again. Beware of bunny overpopulation!

— You can now kill the bunny pests by right-clicking on any bunny while holding any sword.

— Fixed bug with promiscuous bunnies. The Great bunny Castration has begun. You can insta-kill all the bunnies in your world by using a whip on a post sign. It will display the body count.

— Fixed bugs with bunnies not jumping in archs or not breeding.
— If you pick up a bunny it will be tamed and won’t despawn.

— Bunnies now have different furs.

— Bunnies are ready.

— Added bunnies.

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