Обзор на far cry

Far Cry 4

The 1887 returns in Far Cry 4; this time, adding a Signature Variant called the .

First-person view of the 1887.

The iron sights of the 1887.

Full View of 1887

The Signature Version of the weapon is called the , and is unlocked after collecting 4 of Mohan Ghale’s journal entries.

It features a shortened, sawn-off barrel and a reflex sight. The signature version also has greater damage capabilities compared to the regular version.

Unlike the regular version, the 87 can be used in vehicles as a sidearm due to its shorter length, but is not recommended for use in vehicles as the player will take lots of damage trying to get close to enemies since they’re sitting in the vehicle instead of moving around.


Far Cry 2 is different in a way from the previous games in the series. It features a sandbox of more than 50 km² (19 square miles) of accessible land. The player is able to ally with either the APR or UFLL resulting in a non-linear experience. The player has access to a wide range of vehicles, including cars, trucks, boats, and even hang gliders. There are various playing styles ranging from head-on assaults to stealthy infiltrations. The landscape ranges from desert to savannah to jungle.

Enemies are only human mercenaries; the Trigens from Far Cry are no longer featured. The feral abilities featured in Far Cry Instincts and its various expansions are also no longer featured; however, Far Cry 2 features a day-night cycle as well as different weather conditions such as rain, strong winds, and fog. The time of day has an effect on the enemy AI, in terms of alertness and aggressiveness. For example, an enemy might have a slightly heightened awareness at night but be unable to see the player in hiding, while during the hot part of the day the enemies might be sitting in the shade in groups but easily spot the player from a distance.

The health bar represents the health of the player. It is divided into five segments, each of which automatically refills if it is not fully depleted and the player finds cover for a few seconds. The player carries a limited number of syrettes which can be used at any time to fully refill the player’s health. Syrettes are obtained from first-aid boxes found throughout the world. If the player is nearing death (only one health bar left), the character has to perform first aid on himself. This ranges from removing bullets with pliers to popping bones back into place. The health bar can also be replenished by drinking a bottle of water, which is usually found at guard posts.


Far Cry 2 has many realistic features, such as weapon degradation and the dynamic weather system. The player also needs to hold a physical Map and GPS, a version of which is found mounted on all vehicles in the game except the Hang Glider. The player is able to tag, by use of a Monocular, certain objects and locations, such as vehicles, sniper positions/nests , stationary machine guns, ammo caches, explosive caches, fuel caches, first aid kit stations, and buildings. This allows the player to see them on their map. When vehicles are damaged, the player must perform a short repair animation, involving the tightening of one of the bolts on the radiator (assault trucks), head (buggy) or other interior part with a ratchet. The player has to deal with malaria as well. Every 30 to 40 minutes in real time, the player must take a pill in order to combat the effects of the illness. If he doesn’t, it will begin to rapidly grow worse, forcing him to take a pill even sooner. If the player continues to not take a pill, he passes out but ends up in a church or doctor’s office depending on how far he is in the story.

The game’s Dunia Engine allows complex sequences and run-events during gameplay; the game features a day-and-night cycle as well as tree and vegetation regeneration. A unique fire propagation mechanism allows a small fire to spread and eventually cause a large brush fire. The behaviour of fire is dependent on factors such as wind speed, wind direction, rain, and vegetation type. For example, a fire will not spread as easily in a lush, moist jungle environment as on a dry, grassy savanna. Fire may be used as a weapon by the player, or it may work against him.

Several species of African wildlife can be encountered in the game. They are able to distract the enemy as well as make them aware of the player’s presence. All the large animals in the game are grazing herbivores, such as zebras, wildebeest, gazelle, buffalo, impala, and gemsbok. Also domestic animals such as goats and chickens can be found. Unlike Far Cry 3, none of the wildlife found in the game pose any direct threat to the player, although they sometimes get in the way, which is fatal to them if the player is driving a vehicle.


Multiplayer is available in three different modes:

  • FFA or «Free For All» — score points by killing other opponents.
  • TDM or «Team Death Match» — score points by killing opponents in the other team.
  • Assault — a type of game where the attacking team must capture three enemy bases, one after another. The defending team must repel the enemy until the timer runs out. Victory is awarded to the team that fulfilled their mission. Note that in this mode it is important that there are not too many and not too few players. If there are too many players the game will become a stalemate, the attacking team having no chance to overpower the defending team (similar to World War I trench warfare).

Multiplayer classes

Grunt: Has the most health and carries the biggest weapons. Used for assaults on outposts.

M249, AG36, XM-29 OICW, Pancor Jackhammer, P90, grenade, Machete and the Falcon .357.

Sniper: Best for taking out targets at long range. Perfect on jungle maps, especially when ‘camping’.

AW50 Sniper Rifle, Rocket launcher, Falcon .357, MP5, smoke grenade, binocular, Shocker and Machete.

Support/engineer: Builds barriers and other equipment as well as laying bombs in the enemy base. Can also carry medkits to heal wounded teammates. Also, the fastest of the classes.

M4 Carbine, MP5, medkits (or) explosives, smoke grenades, Falcon .357 and the Wrench.


Following speculation that Vaas may have survived, Jeffrey Yohalem answered cryptically via Twitter. Instead of explicitly confirming that Vaas had died, he merely commented that the Privateers believed Vaas had died, saying «Sam and the privateers confirm Vaas’ fate. What reason do you have to question them?»

After the credits of Far Cry 6 upon completion of its storyline, Juan discusses the recent events of the story with an unnamed smuggler, who is heavily implied to be Vaas. Nothing is confirmed however.

In a secret non canon ending to his DLC, it is revealed that Vaas actually survived by avoiding his encounter with Jason, who is now sitting on a beach, talking to a tennis ball that looks like Jason.

Far Cry 3

«Way up in the fucking skies, you thought you had your finger on the pussy trigger! But hermano, down here, down here … you hit the ground.«

Vaas telling Jason and Grant that he owns them

During Jason and his friends’ trip in Bangkok, they hear about an island where you «can do anything» from Doug, the nightclub DJ that works as a spotter for Vaas. They then decided to do a blind skydive over the Rook Islands. After landing, they are soon captured by Vaas and his Pirates. While Jason and his older brother Grant are tied up, Vaas explains how he is going to ransom them for large amounts of money from their parents. It is revealed later that even after receiving the ransom money, Vaas would sell them all as slaves for increased profit.

Make a Break for It

Main Article: Make a Break for It

«Run, Forrest, Run!«

Vaas screaming at Jason to run for his life

After Jason and Grant escape and brew up an escape plan for everyone, Vaas shoots Grant in the neck, the latter of whom bleeds to death. Vaas decides that instead of killing Jason, he lets him run. This mistake would later be his undoing.

While on his campaign to save his friends, Jason learns that Vaas is keeping Liza Snow hostage personally, as a way to make Jason come to him. When Jason assaults a slave prison that is said to hold Liza, he is knocked out and captured by Vaas. When he wakes, he, Liza and Oliver are tied up in chairs in an old abandoned building, while Vaas is pouring and covering them in gasoline. He then sets fire to the building and leaves Jason and Liza to die, but he takes Oliver with him. They escape just as the building is engulfed in flames and collapses on itself.

Jason continues his campaign of saving his friends. During a meeting with CIA agent Willis Huntley, Huntley puts on a recording of a conversation between Vaas and Hoyt in which Hoyt briefly chastises Vaas for not taking matters seriously with Jason and urges him to take care of him while he searches Beras Town for a transportation manifest that holds the name of Oliver Carswell, who happens to be one of Jason’s kidnapped friends.

After being given a mission by Citra to save some of her kidnapped warriors, Jason and some Rakyat members ambush Hoyt’s men who are transporting Citra’s warriors. Jason is, however, ambushed by Vaas again, when opening a truck that he believed to house the captured warriors. Vaas then ties Jason to a cinder block and introduces him to his insanity monologue before kicking him into a cenote, intending to drown him.

Jason escapes, then proceeds to kill more of Vaas’ men to acquire a helicopter and escape. After the helicopter is shot down by an RPG, Vaas comes up to Jason and shoots him point-blank in the chest. It is later shown that Jason survived the shot by way of a lighter, the same one Vaas tried to light him and Liza on fire within the abandoned hotel.


Main Article: Payback (Far Cry 3 Mission)

«Take me into your heart. Accept me as your savior. Nail me to the fucking cross and let me be REBORN!«

Vaas, moments before being stabbed by Jason

After becoming intimate with Citra in her temple, Jason is finally given the task to kill Vaas at his compound, who is throwing a party in celebration of Jason’s «death». Jason is led to believe he is infiltrating the compound successfully but is surprised when Vaas sounds the alarm and broadcasts that he knew Jason was coming. After killing all of the pirates, Jason stumbles into a larger warehouse looking to confront and kill Vaas once and for all.

When he confronts Vaas, Vaas stabs Jason in the chest and then seemingly walks away. Jason enters a similar dreamy state in which he confronted Buck and kills several visions of Vaas, before finally confronting the true Vaas. After some struggle, Jason plunges his knife into Vaas’ chest again and again until Vaas falls to the ground wounded. In the last scene, when Jason collapses next to Vaas after the long fight, Vaas’ eyes look straight into Jason’s one more time before Jason wakes up.

As Jason approaches Citra in the final dream sequence, Vaas, or at least a voice in Jason’s head that sounds like him, says that she’s going to make him a warrior.

Far Cry New Dawn

The Judge guards the New Eden compund and will only grant The Security Captain entrance into New Eden if they have the book Joseph’s Word.
During the mission «The Prophecy», the Captain goes to Dutch’s Island and follows the Eden’s Gate symbols in order to retrieve Joseph’s Word. The book was found in Dutch’s Bunker, along with various scribbled notes detailing the Deputy’s mindset as they transformed into the Judge. After delivering the book to Ethan Seed, the New Edeners urge Ethan to have the Captain partake in their sacrament so they can journey north and retrieve the Father. The Captain undergoes this mission and brings back Joseph Seed to New Eden. Once in New Eden, Joseph hails the Captain as New Eden’s «shepherd» and rallies New Eden to wage war on the Highwaymen. Joseph has permitted the Judge to follow the Captain, making the Judge the Captain’s Guns for Hire.

Не такой уж и великий диктатор

Главным злодеем Far Cry 6 стал Антон Кастильо, истинный яранец, лидер и отец. Лицо и голос диктатору подарил не абы кто, а Джанкарло Эспозито. Видимо, ему суждено всю оставшуюся карьеру играть под разными именами Густаво Фринга, антагониста сериала «Во все тяжкие».

В трейлерах, в которых актер представал в живую в образе Антона, он смотрелся хорошо. Джанкарло толковый актер. Он ловко меняет маски, создавая полное ощущения контроля его персонажем всего происходящего в сцене. Вырисовывался такой крепкий хозяйственник с тропического острова, располагающий к себе шуткой и улыбкой, но в то же время пронзающий взглядом, если ты решил выйти за очерченные им границы. Что же мы имеем в самой игре? Получилось не ужасно, но и не очень хорошо.

Перед нами такой типичный карикатурный диктатор с пластиковым лицом, разговаривающий со своим сыном Диего цитатами волка-философа. Не дословная цитата, но бросается он вещами типа «лев сильнее овцы, поэтому он и крутой, а вот овцой быть не надо, они ведомые». Глубоко, есть прям вот над чем задуматься, если вам двенадцать лет.

Экранного времени у Антона немного, и не сказать, что он раскрывается с разных сторон. В кадре он появляется только в случае убийства одного из приспешников или глобального сдвига сил на карте не в его пользу.

Он либо даёт интервью, либо промывает мозги сыну пацанскими цитатами и историями про сложные времена в шестидесятых, либо делает диктаторские штуки. Вон того пытать, вон того запугать, а вот это поджечь.

Если бы не голос и внешность Джанкарло, то очки харизмы злодей точно потерял. Правда, и тут не без проблем. Лицо актера, как и других персонажей, похоже на восковой слепок, прилепленный к аниматронику. Чувствуется, будто мимика игровых моделей отстала на поколение по сравнению с конкурентами. Особенно это заметно на фоне недавно вышедшего дополненного издания Death Stranding.

С протагонистом Кастильо встречается лицом к лицу раза четыре и не сказать, что между ними возникает хоть какая-то динамика. Можете говорить что угодно о Пэйган Мине, но с героем Far Cry 4 у него связь была потеснее. Антон же довольно незатейливый злодей, самая интересная черта характера которого говорить одно, а делать другое.

Ну и ещё он любит использовать против американских журналистов аргумент от «а у вас там сами знаете кого линчевали, так что в мой авторитарный режим не лезьте». Это, пожалуй, один из немногих случаев, когда игра предпринимает максимально безопасную для Ubisoft попытку размыть границу между двумя крайностями, непогрешимой демократией и людоедским тоталитаризмом.

Far Cry 2 — 2008 год

В 2008 году Ubisoft выпустила продолжение основной серии — Far Cry 2. Изначально игру хотели сделать эксклюзивом PC, но из-за растущей популярности консолей Xbox 360 и PS3 издательство решило выпустить вторую часть на всех актуальных платформах.

Far Cry 2 появилась на волне популярности игр с открытым миром и стала одной из самых масштабных. События второй части происходят в Африке, игроку для исследования доступна территория размером 50 квадратных километров с разнообразными биомами — от пустыни до джунглей. Цель героя — уничтожить контрабандистов и наркоторговцев.

В Far Cry 2 разработчики начали формировать формулу, по которой серия будет работать вплоть до шестой части. Игра 2008 года — шутер от первого лица в открытом мире, где нужно зачищать аванпосты, находящиеся под контролем врагов. Без уникальных особенностей тоже не обошлось. Так, в экшене появилась система износа оружия, от которой разработчики в следующих играх отказались. Из-за этой системы у героя прямо во время перестрелки могло заклинить неисправное оружие, что скорее раздражало, чем работало на погружение. Кроме того, Far Cry 2 представила систему реалистичного распространения огня — если поджечь в этой игре траву, пламя неизбежно перекинется на всё поле.

«Мы создали систему, позволяющую огню распространяться на очень большие площади, вплоть до размеров нескольких футбольных полей», — отмечал технический директор Far Cry 2 Доминик Гуэй.

Старания разработчиков не прошли даром, и вторая часть серии стала довольно успешной. Оценка Far Cry 2 на Metacritic составляет 85 баллов.

Far Cry 3

«The F1 is a bullpup assault rifle from France that fires in 3-round bursts. It has above average accuracy and is ideal for those who prefer a high rate of fire over raw power.«

in-game handbook

«The F1 is a bullpup assault rifle, which means the gun is shorter in length, allowing for greater maneuverability, and it’s from France, which means it only works when it feels like it. A local warlord hired a group of former Legionnaires to join his private army, and they brought along a dozen crates of F1s from their regiment’s arms depot.«

The F1 first appears in Far Cry 3.

This weapon becomes free after deactivating 8 Radio Towers.


The F1 isn’t a very good damaging weapon, although it feels damaging to weaker targets. Its fire rate is quite good, though it can be faster when a fast triggering player presses the fire button enough. The F1 isn’t meant to be the strongest weapon in the Rook Islands and Kyrat, as it’s damage suggests that it’s mainly built for weaker targets and stealth. The F1 isn’t the best weapon to use while combating heavier and armored target, though the ACE is a greater choice for even the strongest enemies or weaker targets.

This is the only actual assault rifle (since the MS16 is a battle rifle) which can be fitted with a suppressor, other than the Bushman (a signature P416 with Marksman Sight, Extended Magazine and Suppressor).

The weapon fires 3-round bursts at a high fire rate and can hold up to two attachments, it is a very accurate weapon which favors precision shots rather than spray and pray tactics.

The F1 can only be purchased through the store since it is not used by any in-game faction.

Tips and Uses

  • While the 3-burst limit makes it somewhat slower firing when not using fast triggering, the F1 accuracy and its relative firepower makes it a very good all-around weapon mid-game until you can buy the ACE, especially when combined with extended magazine and a scope.
  • Keep in mind that the weapon has a slow reload speed since the player clinks the magazine around on the outside of the weapons magazine port before inserting it correctly, except if you have the Nimble Fingers skill, at which time it reloads VERY fast, but by then better assault rifles are available.
  • With a suppressor you can use it for mid-range silent assaults, when this style of combat is your preferred way.
  • The weapon pulls up a little during the 3 bursts, use this to your advantage (against pirates) by aiming high in the chest/ low in the neck. If your aim is too low you shoot 3 in the chest (for a 10 xp kill) if your aim is too high the first hit is a headshot. If your shot is spot on your 2nd or 3th is a headshot. This maximizes headshots (which garners more XP) and means you never fail to kill (as you sometimes do if you aim straight for the head).
  • Keep in mind that the F1 fires in 3-shoot bursts, so that this weapon should be used for mid-range combat, and if the target is close to player (or NPCs try to ambush the player) this weapon should not be used.

First-person view of the F1.

Iron sights of the F1.

Far Cry 4

The F1 returns in Far Cry 4. It performs similarly to the previous game’s counterpart. It can be unlocked by liberating 14 Bell Towers, since there are just 10 Bell Towers in southern Kyrat, this require reaching northern Kyrat, specifically, require completing the mission A Key to the North.


  • The FAMAS F1 in fact uses a proprietary 25-round magazine which are not compatible with STANAG magazines, while in reality the newer FAMAS G2 is compatible with STANAG magazines. 
  • Like with the LMGs and the Z93, the F1 has a bipod visible near the carrying handle, but it cannot be used.
  • The Survival Guide jokes that because this rifle is French, it «only works when it feels like it.». This is a double entendre joke: Based on the French stereotype for snobbishness and disdain of labour, and the FAMAS reputation for regularly overheating and jamming.
  • The FAMAS Infanterie is the actual type of weapon used in the game but without the Handguard (the FAMAS Infanterie was the only FAMAS with an accessory/attachment rail).
  • The real life version of this rifle has a full auto mode as well as burst fire and semi auto settings, unlike the game version which can only fire in 3 shot burst mode.


As for a Far Cry game, the open-world first-person shooter remains the same, but with many new features such as customisable vehicles and fully operational planes with dogfights. For the first time in the series, Far Cry 5 offers full character customisation. The hunting system and the ecosystem is back along with fishing but with far less exotic animals.

As opposed to previous Far Cry games, the player progresses by amassing ‘Resistance points’ from story missions, side missions as well as destroying and impairing the cult and its property. When they gain enough points in a certain region, (10,000 for Jacob Seed and 13,000 for John and Faith Seed) the player then confronts the respective lieutenant of that region, kills them and subsequently blows up their bunker to liberate the area from the cult. After killing all three lieutenants, the Father, Joseph Seed confronts the player.

Through the use of Resistance points, the player is able to freely liberate the regions at their own pace. Despite the subtle hint to start in John’s region first due to the video with Deputy Hudson, in-game dialogue states the player should start with Jacob’s region. Characters in that region have no dialogue that would make it seem the player previously completed another region, thus the player is able to explore (and potentially devastate) any of the regions they choose at the start of the game, after freeing Dutch’s island.

Land Vehicles

  • 1995 Funaki E-716
  • 1963 Jengo Peccary (No Top)
  • 1963 Jengo Peccary (Soft Top)
  • 1963 Jengo Peccary (Hard Top)
  • 1963 Jengo Warden (No Top)
  • 1963 Jengo Warden (Soft Top)
  • 1963 Jengo Warden (Hard Top)
  • 2012 KAG T.G.
  • 2012 KAG T.G. CE
  • 1952 Knox K8 PSN
  • 1967 Yuri 151 Transport
  • 1967 Yuri 151 Vert
  • 1967 Yuri 151 Penal
  • 1967 Yuri 151 Armored
  • 1967 Yuri 151 MT
  • 1967 Yuri 151 MD
  • 1967 Yuri 151 O
  • 1967 Yuri 151 A
  • 1944 Petrov HS-100 Tank
  • 1944 Petrov HS-100 B Tank
  • 1944 Petrov HS-100 Elite Tank
  • Horse


2012 KAG T.G.

2012 Kag T.G. CE

1963 Jengo Peccary (Hard Top)

1963 Jengo Warden (Hard Top)

1963 Jengo Peccary (No Top)

1963 Jengo Warden (No Top)

1963 Jengo Peccary (Soft Top)

1963 Jengo Warden (Soft Top)

1944 Petrov HS-100 Tank

1944 Petrov HS-100 B Tank

1944 Petrov HS-100 Elite Tank

1967 Yuri 151 A (Ammunition)

1967 Yuri 151 Armored

1967 Yuri 151 Penal

1967 Yuri 151 MD

1967 Yuri 151 MT

1967 Yuri 151 Transport

1967 Yuri 151 Vert

Far Cry: New Dawn — 2019 год

Far Cry: New Dawn — ещё одно ответвление от основной серии. В этот раз события разворачиваются в том же округе Хоуп, где происходило действие пятой части, но через семнадцать лет после глобальной ядерной катастрофы — в 2035 году.

Задача главного героя — одолеть близнецов Микки и Лу, возглавляющих банды безжалостных рейдеров, которые любят поживиться чужим добром. Геймплейных отличий от Far Cry 5 — минимум. Главное нововведение — вылазки, в ходе которых герой путешествует на вертолёте за ресурсами в отдалённые локации — на авианосец, в парк развлечений или в тюрьму Алькатрас.

Оценка Far Cry: New Dawn на Metacritic составляет 73 балла.


Ull is the leader of the Udam, and he commands their respect and fear. He is a brute with limbs of timber and bone on his body to make him appear more intimidating. Severe fire burns cover parts of his body, with his nose and ears have melted away leaving him with a mottled mask for much of his face. These bright-red scars came from the deadly fire arrows of the Izila tribe.

Ull fights for a better future for the Udam. They suffer constant sickness, and many Udam die young from their generations of inbreeding while others are at risk of a slow agonizing death to the «skull fires» (a type of brain disease) that plague them. During the harsh Ice Age, the Udam resorted to cannibalism for survival, which lends to their now-bleak predicament. Ull himself suffers from constant headaches and trembles from skull fire, his diet consisting of Wenja and Izila captives.

The survival of his people is foremost in his mind as he marches through Oros, desperately fighting for more plentiful lands and to earn his people a chance to recover from their hard years deep in the frozen mountains.


The game is set in a fictional 2007, where the world is suffering the aftermath of a nuclear war between the United States and Russia. Rex is an American cybernetic super-soldier. He and another American cyber-soldier named Spider travel to an Unnamed Island to investigate Colonel Sloan, an elite agent who has gone rogue. Upon confronting Sloan, he reveals his treachery, kills Spider, and knocks out Rex.

Rex is awoken by Sloan’s Canadian assistant, Dr. Darling, who after being disillusioned with the colonel’s goals, decides to betray Sloan. Rex teams up with Dr. Darling to overthrow Sloan’s plan to revert the world to a prehistoric-like state with his rockets, armed with the blood of the «Blood Dragons» that roam the island.

After liberating bases, saving scientists, and killing animals, Rex fights Sloan’s assistant Dr. Carlyle, who has used the blood of Blood Dragons to turn humans into zombie-like creatures called «the running dead». After Rex fights Dr. Carlyle’s cyber soldiers and blood dragons, Dr. Carlyle is killed by his own AI, who had been mistreated and acted out of revenge.

Rex then goes into a parallel dimension, where he fights legions of Colonel Sloan’s running dead. Upon defeating them and «testing his might,» Rex gets the Killstar, an arm-mounted laser gun that gives Rex the power necessary to defeat Sloan, at the cost of his own vitality. Following a training montage, Rex and Dr. Darling have sex, culminating in Darling’s abduction the next morning. Rex then makes an assault on Sloan’s base with the assistance of the Killstar and later, a Titanium Plated, domesticated Cyber-Blood Dragon, the Battle Dragon.

Rex confronts Sloan. However, because Sloan programmed Rex, he prevents Rex from attacking him. However, Dr. Darling’s and Spider’s memories remind Rex of his humanity despite his cybernetic nature. With renewed strength, Rex impales Sloan with his robotic hand and fires the Killstar, killing Sloan. Dr. Darling appears immediately after, informing Rex of his success in stopping Sloan’s plans, then proceeds to destroy the base. They embrace while looking on at the destruction, only for Darling to focus on the camera with a sinister gaze.


Concept Art

Concept Art : Peggies in Hope County

Concept Art : Carmina, Nick Rye’s plane

Concept Art : Church

Concept Art : Holland Valley

Key Art

Nick Rye and Casey Fixman appears in key art

«God will not let you take me.»

Jess Black, Hurk and Guns for Hire at Copperhead Rail Yard

Joseph’s Word and Tulip

Far Cry Arcade 1

Far Cry Arcade 2

John Seed and his The Cleansing

Zip Kupka

Power of Yes billboard

Clutch Nixon Challenge

Faith Seed


Tracey Lader and Earl Whitehorse

Grace Armstrong and Peggies

Jacob Seed at The Stone Ridge Chalet

Peaches, The Judges and Cheeseburger

Boatchase with Hurk and Guns for Hire

Eli Palmer, Wheaty and Tammy Barnes at The wolf’s den

Events before Far Cry Primal

Before the Udam arrived in Oros they lived in the mountains way far north where there was competition for food from predators such as the cave bear and Saber tooth. With such fierce competition for food the Udam resorted to cannibalism and killed other tribes for food. UII was the greatest warrior in his tribe and proved his strength by killing a cave bear with only a hand club. Ull had a mate who was suffering from the «skull fire» and ever since she died Ull was determined to find a safer home for his tribe and family.

At some point after the Udam arrive to Oros, Ull takes control over the Udam and begins to terrorize both his own tribe and the Wenja. Ull takes on many challengers and defeats them, with the exception of Dah. With the birth of his daughter and son, Ull begins to desperately look for a cure for the «skull fire» that weakens the Udam, and he concluded that the defeat of the other tribes would be a way to get the cure. He manages to defeat the Wenja tribe, scattering them across Oros and soon begins to prepare for more fighting with the Izila, being scarred in the process.


Завязка проста: компания американской золотой молодёжи прилетает отдыхать в Азию. Там, весело проводя время, они решают посетить небольшой тропический остров, населённый древним племенем Ракьят. На месте оказывается, что в районе зверствуют пираты, которые ловят наших горе-туристов и назначают их родителям цены за головы детей.

Один из пленников, Грант Броуди, оказывается морпехом и сбегает вместе с братом из заключения. К сожалению, сам он далеко не уходит, так как ловит пулю, а вот его младшему брату Джейсону везёт больше: его спасают Ракьят и прячут в одной из своих деревень. Теперь именно ему выпала задача найти и освободить всех своих друзей, а потом сбежать на большую землю.

Для их спасения Джейсон начинает постигать учение Ракьят о пути воина: местные жители, путём тренировок и поглощения психостимуляторов, развивают в себе воинские навыки и едва ли не сверхсилы (как, например, аналог орлиного зрения), а попутно разрисовывают себя ритуальными татуировками. Джейсон очень быстро из обычного парня превращается в кровожадного берсерка, а заодно переосмысливает своё предназначение в жизни…

Сюжет кооперативаправить

Кооперативная кампания рассказывает об экипаже круизного лайнера. Капитан сдал всех находящихся на корабле людей пиратам и сбежал с деньгами, но 4 человека смогли скрыться от злодеев. В их числе: русский наёмный убийца, английский бандит, американский продажный полицейский и бывшая военная. Четвером им придётся объединиться ради выживания и мести предателю.


Image of Omega Force soldier found on the promotional site

  • While visiting the promotional Blood Dragon website, entering the Konami Code (Up+Up+Down+Down+Left+Right+Left+Right+B+A) will change the mouse cursor into a targeting reticle, enabling for every component of the site be destroyed to reveal a picture of an Omega Force soldier.
  • The island used in the game is the Thruston Town section of the South Island in Far Cry 3 only altered to match Blood Dragon’s post-apocalyptic environment.
  • The games events is during 2007, which is the earliest setting in the Far Cry universe as Far Cry 2 is during 2008, Far Cry 3 during 2012, Far Cry 4 2014, Far Cry 5 2018, Far Cry 2025 and New Dawn being 2035


The Judge is the Father’s Shadow. They speak no words and obey the Father perfectly. The Judge is never seen without their mask, feeling ashamed of their failure to stop the destruction of Hope County (see The Junior Deputy for more details). The Father originally considered ending the Deputy’s life, but he instead chose to adopt them as a member of his new family. Over time, the Deputy became plagued by guilt and doubt over whether they made the right choices. The Deputy came to believe in Joseph, and chose to follow him unquestioningly since if Joseph spoke for God, then all his choices would inevitably be right. The Deputy asked Joseph for a mask so they can be reborn without sin as Joseph’s Judge and hide away their shameful past. The Father complied with the fallen Deputy’s wishes and gave them a mask to hide their shame. Becoming the Judge gave the Deputy the chance to live a life without sin, help without doubt, and ultimately allowed the Deputy the opportunity to seek redemption in the new world. Initially through notes left behind, The Judge didn’t feel comfortable with their new role, not believing they could be saved or that they could have their sins cleansed, but The Father kept reminding them that all is forgiven. Eventually The Judge fully accepted their role and followed The Father without hesitation.

Far Cry: Vengeance — 2006 год

В 2006 году Ubisoft выпустила и версию Far Cry для Nintendo Wii — одной из самых популярных консолей середины 2000-х годов. Правда, в устройстве было довольно слабое железо, из-за чего в Far Cry: Vengeance оказались размытые текстуры и слабый искусственный интеллект.

Тем не менее игру адаптировали под особое моушн-управление, доступное на Wii, — целиться позволили прямо с помощью контроллера. Кроме того, для Wii-версии сильно изменили сюжет: в Vengeance главный герой сражается с повстанцами на острове, а злодеем выступает персонаж с нечеловеческими способностями. Также разработчики добавили три новые локации.

Игру приняли плохо, её оценка на агрегаторе Metacritic составляет всего 38 баллов из 100.

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