Моды на магию и колдовство

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A release is the distribution of the final version of a mod.


The mod developers release beta versions of release in order to garner useful feedback before releasing the final version of a mod.


The alpha release is a mod release that is still in the early testing phase.


The Electroblob’s Wizardry Mod download links from below are available for Minecraft’s most popular versions so far, for others version (likes as 1.12.1 / 1.11.1 / 1.10.1 / 1.9.2 / 1.8.8 / 1.8.4 / 1.7.2 / 1.6.4 / 1.6.2 / 1.5.2 / 1.4.7) please visit the official website above!

Before starting to download any files from our website, please agree to follow rules:

  • We do not host any Electroblob’s Wizardry files on our website.
  • We do not modify or edit the Electroblob’s Wizardry in any way.
  • We provide the original download links directly from the author of that particular Minecraft mod. Therefore, they are completely safe and secure.
  • Download links are constantly updated, you will always download the latest available versions.
  • If you have any problem with Electroblob’s Wizardry Mod, please leave a comment below and we will help you as soon we can.

Specifying wizardry as a dependency

Next you’ll need to specify Wizardry as a dependency for your mod, which is done in your annotation using the following syntax:

This will do two things:

  1. It ensures Forge will always load your addon after wizardry. This is important for registries (and a few other things) to work correctly.
  2. If a user tries to run the game with your addon installed, but without wizardry, Forge will display a message telling them that wizardry must be installed.

It is also possible to define this information in your file instead, if is enabled in your `@Mod’ annotation.

Now you’re ready to start adding content to your addon mod! Check out the page on adding spells for a tutorial on how to add spells. Alternatively, take a look at the other tutorial pages on this wiki, or have a read of wizardry’s code — I endeavour to write useful Javadoc comments for all of the important classes and methods; you can learn a lot just by reading through the code itself.

Attaching Wizardry’s source code

Whichever way you chose to set up your workspace, if you look inside the wizardry jar and open up any of the classes you’ll notice they’re completely unreadable. To get a readable version, you’ll need to attach the source code. The source code for all versions can be downloaded as a from GitHub as follows:

  1. Go to the releases page for wizardry’s GitHub repository (you can also access this from the main page by clicking releases on the right of the page)
  2. Find the release you’re developing for in the list
  3. Click the little icon below the release version number to download a zip file of the entire repository at that release

Once you’ve downloaded the source code, rename the file extension from to and move the file somewhere sensible (don’t put it in or Forge will think you have duplicate mods). Now use your IDE to attach the source jar to the compiled jar — again, if you don’t know how, you’ll need to look up how to do this for the IDE you’re using.

Attributes and Equipment

Wizards have a 50% chance to spawn as specialists in one of the seven elements (about a 7% chance for each element), and a 50% chance of having no element. Wizards with an element wear the corresponding elemental armour and carry an elemental wand of that element, whereas wizards without an element wear regular wizard armour and carry a non-elemental wand. A wizard’s element affects the types of spells they cast and the trades they offer, though it does not currently give a potency bonus to their attacks. Wizards with an element also have special names such as ‘Pyromancer’ and ‘Earth Mage’.

Wizards spawn with a random tier of wand, but it is always powerful enough for the spells they cast. All wizards spawn with magic missile and three other spells chosen at random, with a high weighting on their element if they have one. In addition, all wizards know heal and use it independently from the rest of their spells, except healers, who know greater heal instead. They never drop their equipment, regardless of looting enchantments. Wizards also spawn with one of six randomly chosen skins, which have different hair and eye colours.


  • Wizards currently use the same sounds as NPC villagers
  • Not all spells can be cast by wizards; see Spells for more information
  • Zombies (and their variants) will seek out and attack wizards the same way as they do for NPC villagers, making them the only mob that actively attacks wizards without being provoked
  • Wizards will fight each other if they accidentally hurt one another; combined with the zombie pigmen-style group mechanics this makes for some interesting fights between two groups of wizards
  • Right-clicking a wizard with a spell book in creative mode will randomly change one of the wizard’s spells for that spell — this was a debug feature, but it’s fun to play around with so it was left in

Next Steps

Congratulations, you’ve successfully begun your journey towards mastering the arcane! Wizardry, like Minecraft, is very open-ended — you can do whatever you want with your newfound magical powers. One thing you might want to do is to craft yourself a set of wizard armour — besides providing essential protection, it’ll also make you really look the part.

I also suggest going exploring: a world of wizards, magical artefacts, and of course spells, is out there to be discovered! Perhaps you want to conquer the deepest dungeons, wand in hand? Perhaps you want to seek knowledge from fellow wizards? Or maybe you want a magical library of every known spell? Better get collecting, there are no less than 172 of them!

So what are you waiting for? A world of arcane wonders awaits!


If the Baubles mod is installed, artefacts may be equipped by placing them in the appropriate bauble slot. Otherwise, an artefact is considered equipped when placed in a hotbar slot. Only the first two rings, and first one amulet or charm, can be active at any one time, with the leftmost hotbar slots taking priority.

Some artefacts require a particular spell to be bound to a wand on the player’s hotbar in order to function. The spell will be cast as if the player had cast it directly with the wand, so the wand must have enough mana to cast it. If there is more than one wand with the spell equipped, the leftmost wand will be used.

First Steps

The very first thing you’ll want to do is collect magic crystals. These small items are a central part of wizardry — they’ll supply your wands with mana and you’ll need them in various crafting recipes. To start with, you’ll need at least 15 or so. You’ll find most crystals underground in the form of crystal ore, but there is another, quicker way to get them in early-game — I’ll leave that for you to work out! (Or you could just look it up on this wiki, but that’s boring…)

You should also gather a few other resources: some smooth stone, a handful of lapis lazuli pieces, some wool, a few gold nuggets and a couple of books.

Electroblob’s Wizardry Mod Screenshots

Wizard Armour — A full set of regular wizard armour.

Black Hole — One of my personal favourite spells, black hole, in action.

Wizard Tower — A wizard tower in a forest.

Wizard — An ice mage chilling in his tower, wearing some ice mage robes.

Lightning Ray — Another of my favourite spells, lightning ray.

Summoned Minions — From left to right: ice wraith, blaze minion, lightning wraith.

Arcane Workbench — The wand floats above the arcane workbench, as if held by some ethereal force…

In the Nether — Fighting fire with fire. Always a good strategy.

Frozen Skeleton — Why let monsters bother you? Freeze them solid instead!

Spirit Horse — Summon forth your very own spirit horse, complete with saddle, and ride your translucent companion across the landscape.

Excessive use of magic — Do not try this at home, or there might not be much home left!

Petrified Creatures — Wizardry 1.1 includes this neat visual improvement to the petrify spell. Turn things to stone in style!


Wizards start out with four trades: three randomly chosen trades, and one trade which allows any spell book to be traded for 5 magic crystals (all wizards have this trade). Each time a player trades with a wizard, there is an 80% chance for the wizard to unlock a new trade, signified by them emitting pink potion particles for a few seconds. A maximum of 8 additional trades can be unlocked. The more trades a wizard has, the greater the chance that new trades will sell more valuable items, such as higher-tier spells and wands. For the statistically inclined, the exact chances are listed in the following table:

Trades completed Basic Apprentice Advanced Master
0 (starting trades) 50% 25% 18% 8%
1 46% 25% 20% 9%
2 42% 24% 22% 12%
3 38% 24% 24% 14%
4 34% 22% 26% 17%
5 30% 21% 28% 21%
6 26% 19% 30% 24%
7 22% 17% 32% 28%
8 18% 15% 34% 33%

Chance for each tier of item when unlocking a new trade. Number of trades completed excludes the initial four trades. Wizard armour items are treated as apprentice tier, and wand upgrades are treated as advanced tier.

When generating a trade for a wand, spell book or wizard armour, there is an 80% chance that its element will match that of the wizard, unless the wizard has no element.

The Arcane Workbench

Take your new arcane workbench and place it down somewhere (it doesn’t matter where you put it for now, you can always pick it back up again with a stone pickaxe or better). Now right-click on it and you should see a GUI appear which looks something like this:

The arcane workbench GUI

The central slot is where you can place wands, wizard armour and scrolls. Place your new magic wand in there — you should see five more slots appear in a circle around the central slot. These slots are for spell books, and each one corresponds to one of the spell slots on your wand. Unless you were lucky enough to find a spell book on your travels, you’ll only have one — the magic missile spell book you crafted earlier — so place it in one of the five spell book slots.

The other thing you probably noticed when you placed your wand in the arcane workbench was the tooltip that appears to the right. If you take a look at that, you’ll see that your wand currently holds no mana. Mana is the magical energy used to cast spells, and without it your wand isn’t much use, so let’s fix that! Take some magic crystals and place them in the slot in the bottom-left corner. Now click the big shiny confirm button (bottom-right), and the crystals should vanish! Don’t worry though, they’ve been turned into mana, which is now stored within your wand.

The arcane workbench GUI with wand

You’ll notice that the tooltip has changed in two ways: firstly, your wand will now have some mana — 100 times the number of crystals that were used up, to be exact — and secondly, there should now be a list of five spells that are bound to your wand. One of these will be magic missile, but the rest will probably say ». You can fill those up later once you get some more spells, but for now you’re done with the arcane workbench, so take your wand and let’s cast some spells!


Special wand upgrades can be applied to wands using an arcane workbench. To do this, the wand is placed in the central slot and the upgrade is placed in the lower of the two slots on the left. Pressing the ‘apply’ button applies the upgrade to the wand, consuming it in the process. Up to 3 upgrades of a single type may be added to a wand, and the total number of special upgrades that may be applied to a wand depends on its tier — 3 for novice wands, 4 for apprentice wands, 5 for advanced wands and 6 for master wands.

Wand upgrades stack, so the more upgrades of a single type a wand has, the greater the effect will be. For example, a single storage upgrade will increase the amount of mana a wand can hold by 15%, two will increase it by 30%, and a maximum 3 storage upgrades will increase the mana capacity by 45%.


Wizards are normally friendly towards players and passive animals, but are hostile towards mobs and will attack them on sight using magic. Wizards will show interest in nearby players and watch them when they are within a certain range. Right-clicking on a wizard will display a trade GUI, similar to that of NPC villagers, allowing the player to trade with the wizard — see for more details.

If a player angers a wizard, either by hurting them or by breaking a block in their tower, the wizard will become hostile towards that player and start attacking them. This behaviour is similar to that of zombie pigmen, and like zombie pigmen, nearby wizards will also become hostile towards the player in question. If any of the wizards succeeds in killing the player, the wizards will no longer be hostile towards that player. Wizards will not trade with a player that has angered them. However, if a hostile mob attacks the wizard while the wizard is angry at a player, the wizard will stop attacking the player and attack the mob instead.

When in combat, wizards will select different spells at random to use against their opponent, incurring that spell’s cooldown each time. These are usually attack spells, but can also be defensive or utility spells such as blink or forcefield. When on less than full health, wizards will heal themselves periodically. When severely injured, they will heal themselves more often.


  • A reasonable knowledge of the basics of modding with Minecraft Forge: an understanding of simple Java, how to make blocks, items and such like, and familiarity with the registry and event handling systems. That said, I have made every effort to explain things as clearly as I can along the way.
  • A modding environment set up. I used eclipse for several years and recently switched to IntelliJ IDEA, but you can use any IDE — I won’t be referring to anything specific to either of those IDEs. Make sure you have the correct version of Minecraft Forge for the version of wizardry you intend to use. Usually this will be the latest version of Forge for the version of Minecraft you are using.
  • A mod set up ready to add spells to (main mod class and proxies, plus a lang file).

Electroblob’s Wizardry Mod Installation

This is a simple tutorial that will helps you to install Electroblob’s Wizardry Mod for Minecraft 1.13, 1.12.2 and others version successfully!

  1. The first thing to do is make sure you installed Minecraft Forge.
  2. Download the Electroblob’s Wizardry Mod below or from anywhere, make sure the mod is compatible with the version of Forge installed.
  3. Locate the Minecraft Application Folder:
    • On Windows open Run from the start menu, type and click Run.
    • On MAC OS X open finder, hold down ALT and click Go then Library in the top menu bar. Open the folder Application Support and look for minecraft.
  4. Place Electroblob’s Wizardry into your Mods folder. If you don’t have one, create it now.
  5. Now, just launch Minecraft with Forge profile!

Setting up your workspace

There are two different ways to set up your workspace:

  • Using the wizardry jar file, stored locally (easier, but in some cases implementing won’t compile)
  • Using CurseForge’s Maven repository (more advanced, but more powerful)

Using a local jar file

Next, make a folder called inside your project folder (the one with build.gradle in) and put the wizardry jar in there. Now if you launch Minecraft in your development environment, wizardry should be fully working in-game.

Using Maven

Maven is a build tool that allows dependencies to be fetched automatically from a URL, rather than downloading the jar file manually. As part of hosting mods, CurseForge provides a Maven repository allowing both compiled and deobfuscated versions to be fetched using Maven.

Open up your file and add a block if you don’t already have it:

Inside the block (the top-level one, not the one inside ), add the following:

Now, inside the block, add the line:

replacing the numbers and with the Wizardry and Minecraft versions you are using (make sure you keep the before the Minecraft version). The part in the quotes is referred to as a Maven classifier.

Finally, run , restart your IDE if it’s open, and refresh the Gradle project (, or in IntelliJ IDEA you can click the refresh button in the Gradle tab). If it errors, check that you have typed all addresses and maven classifiers correctly, or try repeating the gradle commands (it can behave a bit weirdly sometimes!)

Types of Upgrade

Storage Upgrade

Storage upgrades increase the mana capacity of wands. Each storage upgrade increases the amount of mana a wand can hold by 15%. This means, for example, that a single storage upgrade applied to a novice wand will increase its mana capacity from 700 to 805. A master wand with a maximum of 3 storage upgrades applied will have a mana capacity of 3625.

Siphon Upgrade

Siphon upgrades cause wands to extract mana from creatures their wielder kills. When a player kills any creature, the first wand on their hotbar* which has a siphon upgrade will gain a small amount of mana. The kill can be with anything, it does not have to be the wand with the upgrade — any kill that counts as a player kill will grant siphon mana. The mana gained is a random number from 3-5 per siphon upgrade. This means that a wand with 1 siphon upgrade will gain 3-5 mana per kill, a wand with 2 siphon upgrades will gain 6-10 mana and a wand with 3 siphon upgrades will gain 9-15 mana. Only the first wand on the player’s hotbar* gains mana for a kill, even if there are other wands with siphon upgrades on the player’s hotbar.

* The exact order of precedence is main hand, then offhand, followed by the rest of the hotbar left-to-right.

Condenser Upgrade

Condenser upgrades cause wands to slowly regenerate mana over time. When a wand with a condenser upgrade is in a player’s inventory or in an arcane workbench, it will gain 1 mana per condenser upgrade every 1.5 seconds. Unlike siphon upgrades, all wands with condenser upgrades will gain mana simultaneously, even if a player is carrying more than one.

Range Upgrade

Range upgrades increase the range of spells cast by a wand. Projectiles will fly further and faster, constructs can be created from further away, and ray-type spells will have a longer reach. Each range upgrade increases a wand’s range by 25%, so a maximum 3 range upgrades will give a 75% range increase. A few spells such as phase step have special behaviours with range upgrades; see individual spells’ pages for details.

Duration Upgrade

Duration upgrades increase the length of time spells cast by a wand last for. Summoned creatures will last for longer before vanishing, potion effects will last for longer, and conjured items and constructs will last for longer. Each duration upgrade increases the duration of spells by 25%, so a maximum 3 duration upgrades will give a 75% duration increase.

Cooldown Upgrade

Cooldown upgrades reduce the length of all spell cooldowns for a wand. Each cooldown upgrade reduces the cooldown time of spells by 15%, so a maximum 3 cooldown upgrades will decrease the cooldown time by 45%. This effect also stacks with the font of mana status effect.

Blast Upgrade

Blast upgrades increase the blast radius or area of effect of spells cast by a wand. Explosions will be bigger and spells with an area of effect will affect a larger area. Each blast upgrade will increase the radius of the area of effect by 25%, so a maximum 3 blast upgrades will give a 75% blast radius increase.

Attunement Upgrade

Attunement upgrades increase the number of spells that can be bound to a wand. Each attunement upgrade grants one additional spell slot, so a maximum 3 attunement upgrades will increase the number of spells a wand can hold from 5 to 8.

Melee Upgrade

Melee upgrades allow a wand to deal more melee damage at the cost of some mana. Each melee upgrade adds 2 damage (1 ) to the wand’s melee damage, and consumes an extra 4 mana on each melee hit. This results in the following values:

Melee upgrades Damage dealt Mana consumed
1 (0.5 x )
1 3 (1.5 x ) 4
2 5 (2.5 x ) 8
3 7 (3.5 x ) 12

In addition, having 1 or more melee upgrades applied decreases the wand’s attack speed to that of a regular sword.

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