
Режимы игры

Игра имеет два режима — это кампания и своя игра. Когда вы играете в режиме своей игры, вы можете полностью настроить предстоящий игровой процесс. А именно: выставить сложность уровней, режим технологии, выбрать типы мира, указать погодные явления и размер мира. В режиме кампании все немного по-другому. Здесь игра предусматривает открытие новых рецептов крафта предметов, в о время когда вы двигаетесь по дереву технологий. Так жк здесь присутствуют такие уровни, после прохождения которых, открываются новые дополнительные уровни. Но для открытия нового уровня должно выполняться обязательное условие. А именно — восстановление портала между мирами. Существуют несколько уровней кампании: Подземный мир (Земля опасных пещер), Пустыня (Земля сухих ветров), Снежный мир (Земля зимних небес) и Лесной мир (Земля новых надежд). В режиме своей игры тоже есть свои режимы. Скажем пару слов о них. Песочница — это режим, где не используется дерево технологий. Любой предмет можно сделать в самом начале игры. Дерево технологий — режим, где мир построен на продвижении по дереву. Это значит, что рецепты новых предметов становятся доступны только после выполнения неких условий.

Advancement speed[]

  • Shamelessly use the portal spell, especially in the early game, when leveling up happens more frequently, replenishing the mana pool.
  • You can instantly build anything by manually controlling a dwarf because you have access to all items.
  • Mine second background layer of material by replacing with dirt.
  • Destroy the goblin camp for loot to give yourself time to advance before they spawn another camp.
  • Skeletons and Goblins sometimes drop better weapons and good loot, so fight them often, especially in the early game.
  • Use scaffolds for construction, mining and even in fighting … be creative.
    • Scaffolding is erected immediately and doesn’t require assembly by dwarfs.
    • Removing scaffolding is instant, and doesn’t require assembly by dwarfs.
    • Constructing a foreground block on top of a scaffolding immediately return the scaffolding to your inventory—there’s no need to haul it back to the stockpile.
  • Build a vertical shaft above the stockpile and put crafting stations in a column over it with ladders between levels. Dwarfs will drop crafted items onto the stockpile for faster gathering.
  • You can have more than one wagon on the same rail track to quickly transport more than one dwarf horizontally.
  • Place an elevator at the top of a vertical shaft. The elevator mechanism requires a 3×2 area, but the shaft below only needs to be 1 block wide, and can contain ladders.
  • Tea, beer, and wine makes dwarfs move quicker.


Earth blocks may contain minerals, following this behavior for naturally generated foreground and background blocks at the same spot:

THE MOST TYPICAL: Foreground and background blocks with no minerals at all.VERY USUAL: Foreground block contains a mineral and background block contains nothing.REGULAR: Foreground and background blocks both containing the same mineral.RARE: Foreground and background blocks containing different minerals.IMPOSSIBLE: Foreground block contains nothing, while background block contains some mineral.

There are 5 kind of earth blocks available in the game:

The Soft Earth:

40 Strength

This kind of block produces earth but they have also a chance to produce grain (5% chance).

The Rocky Earth Light:

70 Strength

This kind of block produces earth but they have also a chance to produce sand (30% chance).

The Rocky Earth:

250 Strength

This kind of block produces earth but they have also a chance to produce coal (25% chance) or Stone (15% chance).

The Volcanic Earth:

610 Strength

This kind of block produces earth but they have also a chance to produce iron ore (25% chance).

The Deep Volcanic Earth:

1070 Strength

This kind of block produces earth but they have also a chance to produce gold ore (3.5% chance) or mithril ore (3% chance)

Craft the world две крепости где магазин

Эта публикация удалена, так как она нарушает рекомендации по поведению и контенту в Steam. Её можете видеть только вы. Если вы уверены, что публикацию удалили по ошибке, свяжитесь со службой поддержки Steam.

Этот предмет несовместим с Craft The World. Пожалуйста, прочитайте справочную статью, почему этот предмет может не работать в Craft The World.

Этот предмет виден только вам, администраторам и тем, кто будет отмечен как создатель.

В результатах поиска этот предмет сможете видеть только вы, ваши друзья и администраторы.

I am happy to announce that I have started translating the guide in English!>>Unfinished version here

Со временем он превратился в полноценный развёрнутый труд, в подробностях освещающий большинство аспектов игры.Пожалуйста, обратите внимание! Мы много работали, чтобы создать этот гайд, однако теперь у нас нет времени своевременно пополнять и корректировать его. Некоторые данные, указанные в руководстве являются неточными, или даже вовсе устаревшими

Разработчики, к счастью, продолжают работать над игрой, и многие новые детали мира вам придётся узнавать самостоятельно. Руководство можно использовать как сборник базовых знаний для комфортного начала игры. Благодарим за понимание 🙂


Already familiar with the basics of Craft the World and looking for more? Visit the Main Page.


You control a tribe of dwarves in real-time by giving them commands to dig in certain places, attack enemy creatures, and build houses and other structures. You’ll need to provide your dwarves food and clothing, as well as help them with magic when fighting against other inhabitants of the world. You start the game with one dwarf and gain additional dwarves as your experience level increases.

Sandbox game

Each game level has many layers of earth to explore, from the sky down to boiling subterranean . The level is randomly generated as an island, restricted by natural boundaries: oceans on the edges, lava beneath it, and the sky above. Other features include day and night and changing weather conditions. The worlds differ in size, humidity, temperature, terrain, and flora and fauna. Abandoned halls and rooms with treasure are hidden somewhere deep within the islands.


Every world consists of blocks, and the player can collect almost every block. While the dwarves gather resources by digging dirt, cutting trees, and breaking blocks, they find scrolls with recipes of new blocks and items. One feature of the game is a user-friendly system of recipes for crafting. The recipes are organized and easily accessible. You can craft dozens of different items: building blocks for houses, furniture, decorations, weapons, armor, ammunition, and food for your dwarves.


At the outset you find the recipes for basic tools and items, and build a small house with places to sleep and eat. Then, the size of the tribe increases and catches the attention of other inhabitants of the world. Most of them are night creatures and dwell underground. The worlds are full of fantasy creatures like zombies, skeletons, goblins, beholders, ghosts, giant spiders, and others. Some of them pay little attention to the dwarves, as long as the dwarves do not come into their field of vision. Others gather into quite large groups and try to break into the dwarves’ residence.

Tower defense

Especially dangerous are the waves of monsters that appear from time to time from portals. So, do not neglect to build a safe haven with strong walls and numerous trapdoors, cells, firing towers, and secret passageways.


As a divine being, you possess various magic spells that cost mana to cast. You can speed up the movement of the dwarfs, open small portals, illuminate dark caves, evoke natural magic in the form of rain or tree growth, hurl fireballs at the ’ heads, and find useful resources and hidden rooms underground, thereby helping to speed up resource extraction, exploration of the world, and the population growth of your assistants.

Different worlds

When a player’s tribe has increased to a large number of dwarfs dressed in sturdy armor, and behind them stands an imposing castle, it’s time to make every effort to find and restore the portal whose ruins are hidden deep within the level. The portal will help you to open a pathway to the next new world. Perhaps you will enter an icy, mountainous country, where you will have to conquer territory held by the evil yeti, or a wild jungle world where there is a constant tropical downpour and it is easy to drown.

Гайд по прохождению

Чтобы хоть как то облегчить ваше знакомство с этой замечательной игрой, было решено написать небольшое пособие по управлению, выживанию, строительству и социальным аспектам.

Можно ли пройти игру?

Да, игра хоть и песочница, всё же пройти её можно. Для этого нужно обнаружить под землёй разрушенный портал и восстановить его. Как только все части будут собраны и поставлены на место, вы можете покинуть уровень, перейдя к следующему. На момент крайней правки этой статьи (1.2.006), существует четыре мира:

Как управлять: принцип контроля и способы управления

Гномы выполняют поставленную им задачу

Задания и приоритеты

В первую очередь работники идут к ближайшим объектам. То есть если около дома находится куча ресурсов, а задание на рытьё тоннелей стоит чуть дальше, то, естественно, работы по сбору ресурсов будут выполнены первыми, а всё, что находится дальше, откладывается до завершения ближайших заданий. Вообще, чем больше гномов, тем больше шанс, что рабочих рук хватит на всё. В связи со случайно выбираемой профессией работника гномы выполняют приказы лучше по своей специализации эффективней. То есть кузнец будет ковать предметы быстрее, чем повар.

Вся игра поставлена на маршрутах, которые гномы формируют при выполнении задания. Этот маршрут меняется, если даже его выполнение пошло.

Как защищаться: постройка города, организация обороны

Как построить дом, где гномы будут спать, есть и работать?

Проверить границы дома можно увидев звёздочки, летящие по периметру стен, они очертят безопасное пространство и укажут на дыры.

Как организовать быт?

В доме всегда должно быть, как минимум, одно рабочее место на каждую группу материалов:

В доме всегда должны быть кровати на каждого работника. Гномы не могут спать на одной кровати по очереди. В доме обязательно должен быть обеденный стол. На кухне ваши работнички будут готовить себе еду (по вашей инициативе, конечно же), а на стол вы сами будете выкладывать то, что считаете нужным.

Заметьте, чем лучше накормлены ваши работники, тем лучше они будут работать. Уставший и недоедающий гном будет еле-еле волочить ноги, а когда загрузится ресурсами, так вообще поплетётся как улитка. Но если вы накормили его от пуза, то он начнёт носиться, как электрический веник! Для хорошего откорма нужно очень много разнообразной еды. Одним видом еды гномы не наедаются, немного погодя едоки начинают жаловаться на однообразие. Выкладывайте: один вид простейший: шишка, кокос, а второй — чуть более сложный в производстве. В идеале, для экономии угля у вас на столах должны лежать 2 вида, не требующих термообработки: шишка + салат, шишка + сало, шишка + грибной салат. Этого будет достаточно.

Не менее важным является уют жилища. От него зависит скорость восстановления здоровья ваших поселенцев и пропорционально ускоряет время, необходимое на сон.

Как организовать оборону?

Учтите, за убийство врагов будут давать опыт и если вы просто начнёте их игнорировать не вступая в бой, вы не получите ничего.

Кстати, убитый гном не воскрешается, на его место просто приходит новый не прокачанный персонаж (по истечении определённого времени). То есть все его изученные навыки обнуляются, а амуниция остаётся лежать на месте смерти(В более новых версиях есть возможность воскрешать убитых гномов)

Male and female differences[]

Originally the game featured only male dwarfs as the playable race. The female characters, available with the Sisters in Arms DLC, are equivalent in everything: A.I., behaviour, carring capacity, tasks assignments and skill progression. They only differ in visual appearance, in voice timbre and in few attributes, like health, base armor and speed (walking, running, jumping, climbing and swimming).

Male dwarf
Attack 0.3 without weapon
Walking speed 105+50% on .
Climbing speed 5580 on ladder/scaffolding
Swimming speed -50%
Health 10
Life regen 1 point / 5 min
Drowning time 180s
Base armor 0.2
All his equipment.
Female dwarf
Attack 0.3 without weapon
Walking speed 120+50% on .
Climbing speed 6080 on ladder/scaffolding
Swimming speed -50%
Health 8
Life regen 1 point / 5 min
Drowning time 180s
Base armor 0.18
All her equipment.
The hard-working dwarves will be joined by their charming sisters in arms. Female dwarves have a little less health than their male counterparts, but their movement speed is significantly higher. They will defend the shelter and explore the dungeons along with the male dwarves.
~ DLC — Sisters in Arms announcement

Other Craftworlds

Lugganath Craftworld View

  • An-Iolsus — Made an alliance with the Imperium against Chaos during the Gothic War.
  • Altansar
  • Arach-Qin
  • Aringhe
  • The Black Library
  • Ctho — Known as «the legendary lost Craftworld»
  • Dolthe
  • Dorhai — Avoids contact with all other Craftworlds, believing themselves to be the only pure survivors of the Fall.
  • Elathec
  • Eyslk-Tan
  • Furta-Rith
  • Il-Kaithe
  • Il’sariadh
  • Ilmaren
  • Invincible
  • Iybraesil
  • Jielthwa — Assaulted by the Ultramarines Legion during the Great Crusade, possibly destroyed.
  • Kaelor
  • Kal’raktri
  • Kinshara
  • Lan’edin
  • Lugganath
  • Meros — Known as «the doomed Craftworld»
  • Meud-Wyaid
  • Miandrothe
  • Miel Carn
  • Mymeara
  • Mynathensar
  • Nacretineï
  • Nyatho
  • Olhn-Tann
  • Os’tara
  • Sethoywan
  • Stel-Uit
  • Telennar
  • Tuathal — Lost Craftworld. Heavily infested by Nurgle’s influence, evacuation started to Lauriach, but holded by Mechanicus Exterminatus of that planet during Hive-Fleet Garm invasion on sector.
  • Tir-Val
  • Ul-Khari
  • Ulthwé-Na-Daan
  • Varantha
  • Yme-Loc
  • Zahr-Tann
  • Zandros — Lost Craftworld. Home to the Slicing Orbs Aspect Warriors

Since the Fall some Craftworlds have been destroyed:

  • Anaen
  • Aon’tai
  • Bel-Shammon
  • Féin-Cineál
  • Ila-Manesh
  • Idharae — Destroyed in all-out siege by the Invaders Chapter of the Adeptus Astartes
  • Kalth’se — Velderon comments that the actions of the Seers saved the spirit stones of this Craftworld that powered Wraithlords who stopped the Necron advance on Jukiinas.
  • Kher-Ys
  • Lanimayesh — Fell to the Realm of Chaos after the Khorne Daemons Incursion and disrupting ritual of Farseer of the Biel-Tan
  • Lu’Nasad — Corrupted by the Ruinous Powers during the Fall and inhabited by their possessed armours known as Aspect Shell.
  • Magc’Sithraal — Destroyed by the Imperium during the Great Crusade
  • Malan’tai — Devoured in 812.M41 by the Doom of Malan’tai
  • Mor-rioh’i — Destroyed by the Imperium in the Great Crusade
  • Muirgaythh — Destroyed by the forces of Slaanesh
  • She’enshar
  • Taial’shara
  • Theminarae — Crashed on Quintus
  • Thuyelsa — Destroyed by the Tenth Company of the Space Wolves during the Great Crusade
  • Tuonoetar
  • Uthuriel
  • X’amot
  • Zaisuthra — Taken over by Genestealer Cult. Later purged by Ynnari.
  • Zu’lasa


Biomes can be played in single player, PvP or coop.

Entering a Biome

  1. Craft the improved portal;
  2. Open the Craft Menu in the Equipment tab and place the spell in slot of the quick bar;
  3. Select the spell in the quick bar and left-click in any place in the world.

A popup window will show the following options:

  • Mode: PvP or Cooperative
  • Invite friend: yes or no
  • Biome (more than one is chooseable)

Single player

To be sure to play a biome in single player mode:

  1. Cast the spell
  2. Deselect all biomes except 1 and put it first on the list
  3. Deselect PvP and select Coop
  4. Check the «Invite friend» option
  5. Close the Steam friends popup list, and wait for the next popup:Enter the biome in single player mode?
  6. Click «Yes».



Archers are skill based dwarfs, but to use a a dwarf does not need this skill. The best bow for an archer is the heavy bow. Archers can improve their skill by fighting monsters/animals (with their bow), using archer skill books and wearing archer’s glove.


Mages are one of the skill based dwarfs you can create. The best weapons and addition to this dwarf are a mithril wizard’s staff, a bag of elixirs and a beautiful witch hat, if playing during the Halloween event days.

Mages will also spontaneously use some elixirs, and it is not possible for the player to control this. They can:

  • heal another dwarf with the health elixir;
  • transform an enemy into slug with the elixir of transfiguration; and
  • use magic attacks with the elixir of fire and the elixir of ice arrow.


Warrior or Swordsman dwarfs are dwarfs with the warrior skill. Dwarfs can improve this skill by reading warrior skills books, by placing a Gunnar Ironfist Statue, and using good .

Base layout[]

You will be fine just building one-level-thick stone walls to enclose your base for at least the first few hours of the first level, upgrading later to two layers thick, then upgrading one or both levels to bricks as you get them.

Try not to think of your base as being an unbreakable nut to crack, but more as a way to funnel attackers so you control the engagement. For example, a long corridor filled with doors will allow you to attack even with without getting hit back. Using spikes and traps will give your missile troops more time to kill enemies. A row of spike traps will also give you extra time.

Armor your melee dwarfs initially. If you need to put armor on your / to protect them, your base layout needs improvement. Once you start going after guardians though, you’ll definitely want to armor everyone up.


  • While melee monsters are attacking a door/hatch, you can attack them from inside safely without getting damaged. Ranged enemies like skeleton archers though can shoot through the door/hatch and damage dwarfs. Use stone loopholes to reduce the damage received.
  • Build terrain traps
    • You can create pits around your shelter to trap monsters. Most monsters cannot climb, unless they find a shield stair.
    • Sand walls may be used as a good defensive setup.
  • Craft defensive traps
    • Use wood/iron cages to hold monsters and delay them as much as possible.
    • Wisely use wooden/iron traps to kill/injure monsters and to kill animals near your base, instead of running after them. Note that traps will be consumed in the process and re-crafting traps will quickly deplete your wood/iron resources, so limit their use.
    • Spikes are so good at delaying hordes but consume resources, so limit your their use too (creating many 2*2 stone block pits from both base sides are more effective, and some stone can be retrieved after it is destroyed).
  • Seal your base under three layers of dirt, only venturing to the surface using the portal spell.


There are four biomes, each one with their special creatures and loot:

Biome Creatures Loot
Beetles Biome  Warrior-beetle Worker-beetle Queen beetle Matriarch 50-60  Poison Arrow
1-2  Pincer Necklace The Ring of Speed
0-1  Poisonous Thorn Mace Beetle in a stone
Elven Biome  Ice Elf Spearman Ice Elf Bowman Elven Witch 1  Elven helmet Elven armor Elven boots Elven bow Elven halberd
Forest Biome  Dark Lord 0-1  Knight’s horned helmet Cuirass of the Dark Lord Armored boots of the Dark Lord
0-1  Dark Lord Servant’s halberd Sword of the Dark Lord
Underground Biome A huge Cave Goblin Camp 5-10  Enchanted Berries Battle frenzy infusion
0-2  Shaman’s Staff Goblin Shaman’s hat

В общем об игре

Доброго времени суток, дорогой друг! Сегодня мы представим хоть и не новую, но довольно интересную игру в жанре двухмерного платформера под названием Craft The World. Разработали ее ребята из Dekovir Entertainment. И доступна игра как на ios, OSX, так и на Windows. Очень интересная и необычная игра, где вам предстоит заняться сбором различных предметов, крафтов, построением крепостей и конечно же сражением с монстрами. Если вы уже все знаете про игру, то предлагаем вам скачать Craft The World через торрент по кнопке ниже. Ну а для тех, кто хочет сначала разузнать об игре, ознакомиться со скриншотами и видео, мы продолжим скромное описание к проекту.


Bows and firearms

Item Damage Accuracy Range Acquired by Restricted to
 Wooden Bow 20 70% 3 crafting
 Frostling Bow 25 50% 3 drop: Frostling world: Snow
 Longbow 30 60% 4 crafting
 Heavy Bow 43 50% 5 crafting
 Thunderbolt Bow 40 100% 6 secret ingredient + crafting DLC: Bosses & Monsters
 Flamethrower 10 100% 3 secret ingredient + crafting DLC: Bosses & MonstersWorlds + biome: Underground
 Pistol 20 85% 3 crafting world: Underground
 Rifle 30 70% 4 crafting world: Underground
 High-Powered Rifle 50 60% 5 crafting world: Underground


According to the type of ranged weapons dwarfs are equipped with—bows, electric bow, flamethrower or guns—they will automatically select the related kind of ammo: arrows, electric charges, fuels or bullets, respectively. Each type of weapon has a default basic unlimited ammo (infinity symbol), so dwarfs can shoot at will as soon as they’re armed. This basic ammo is always «enabled» (green check) in the «» menu for dwarfs using a related ranged weapon.

For the purpose of increasing the damage applied, special ammo can be crafted and used on most critical battles. These items have to be crafted individually on crafting stations and carried to the stock for then become available in the «Equip» menu, where they can be enabled/disabled for each dwarf separately. They are disabled by default for all dwarfs. But equipping a dwarf with a (new) ranged weapon automatically enables all types of special ammo related to that (new) weapon and already existing in the stock. When more than one type of ammo is enabled for a dwarf, the most effective will be used first.

Item Damage Acquired by
 Simple Arrows +0
 Fire Arrows +20 crafting
 Silver Arrows +40 crafting
 Lightning Arrow +30
 Lightning Ball Cartridge +50 crafting
 Flamethrower Cartridges +10
 Forge Fire Cartridges +20 crafting
 Simple Ammo +0
 Steel Ammo +30 crafting
 Incendiary Ammo +50 crafting
Item Damage Range Hits Acquired by Restricted to
 Wooden Staff 10 4 1 crafting
 Fire Whip Staff 20 5 1 crafting ?
 Wizard’s Staff 20 5 2 crafting
 Mithril Wizard’s Staff 30 6 3 crafting
 Living Forest Staff 15summon ticks 5 3 secret ingredient + crafting DLC: Bosses & Monstersworld: Forest
 Shaman’s Staff 25 6 4 reward biome: Underground


Game version Release Changes
? ? Halved the amount of resources that could be transported from biomes to worlds:from 10 per dwarf and a total of 70, to 5 per dwarf and a total of 35 of each resource.
1.4.015 25 Sep 2018 Fixed gathering of loot by dwarfs in biomes near a stockpile.
1.4.013 25 Dec 2017 Fixed: biomes did not show resource icons on zoom out.
1.4.002 24 Mar 2017 Fixed: the player always got into the same biome, regardless of the settings.
1.4.000 21 Mar 2017 Now the cost of a spell is displayed near the cursor if it increases while moving away from the stockpile.
1.3.005 2 Nov 2016 Fixed layering of texts in the biomes dialog.
1.3.004 27 Oct 2016 Many new sounds have been added, including sounds of creatures in the biomes.
1.2.010 26 Jun 2016 Beetles Biome was introduced.Now you can send resources to another player at the biome.Added chat: you can press Enter and send messages to another player at the biome.Resources gained by dwarves become temporarily unavailable for another player to steal them.The items made by one player are inaccessible for some time for collecting by another player.Restart level button now unavailable at the biomes.Fixed incorrect displaying of waiting multiplayer icon over the main stockpile.Fixed generation of the biomes chests in the air.Fixed several bugs with opening chests at the boost rooms and magic forest spell at the biomes.Added colonies of giant ants.
1.2.005 13 Jan 2016 The initial quantity of resources at the entrance to biomes is increased.Fixed: problem of synchronization of construction of blocks.Fixed: it was possible to connect each other with different versions of the game
1.2.004 24 Dec 2015 Increase in number of dwarves in the biome to 6.Fixed: appearance of ending dialogue in the biome when it should not be.
1.2.001 19 Dec 2015 Introduced as the first multiplayer environment of the game.


Some melee weapons come with a inherent hit rate bonus; mostly swords and spears. It’s exact values aren’t visible for players inside the game. Algthough it is noticeable that some weapons make dwarfs hit faster than others. A great example of this disparity is the Mithril Sword with a speed bonus of +200% and the Mithril Hammer with no bonus at all.

Item Damage Hit Rate Acquired by Restricted to
 Stone Knife 10 x 1,5
 Club 15 x 1,5 crafting, drop: Big Yeti
 Steel Club 20 x 1,0 crafting
 Steel Sword 25 x 1,5 crafting
 Silver Sword 35 x 2,0 crafting
 Yatagan 40 x 2,0 crafting
 Mithril Hammer 45 x 1,0 crafting
 Mithril Sword 45 x 3,0 crafting
 Goblin Spear 20 x 1,0 drop: Goblin world: Forest
 Frostling Spear 20 x 1,0 drop: Frostling Leader world: Snow
 Skeleton’s Rusty Mace 17 x 1,0 drop: Skeleton
 Skeleton’s Mace 17 x 1,0 drop: Skeleton with Shield
 Skeleton’s Saber 17 x 1,0 drop: Skeleton, Skeleton Builder
 Mummy’s Saber 17 x 1,0 drop: King Mummy world: Desert
 Cave Goblin Spear 23 x 1,0
 Cave Goblin Worn-Out Saber 20 x 1,5 drop: Cave Goblin Warrior world: Underground
 Cave Goblin Saber 25 x 1,5 drop: Cave Goblin Warrior world: Underground
 Cave Goblin Excellent Saber 40 x 1,5 drop: Cave Goblin Warrior world: Underground
 Dark Lord Servant’s halberd 30 x 1,0 reward biome: Forest
 Sword of the Dark Lord 30 x 1,0 reward biome: Forest
 Dragon Warrior’s Sword 40 x 2,0 Lunar New Year
 Funny Skeleton Mace 48 x 1,0 Halloween

Avoiding danger[]

  • Only goblins steal items from your stockpile, so if there are too many enemies for your tribe, you can move all your dwarfs to a safe place and return in the morning without having items stolen.
  • Destroy graveyards as soon as possible in order to reduce the number of skeletons you encounter during night time. Do it during day time so any spawned skeletons die immediately. Or do it during night to get some extra easy experience. Leave one or two graveyards as you may need to kill the spawned skeletons to get skeleton’s bones for crafting and for keeping your dwarfs challenged, improving their fighting skills. And as a bonus, loot weapons can be disassembled to iron ore & other materials.
  • Use beware sign to limit and prevent dwarfs from moving into dangerous locations, like deep waters, heights or enemies.
  • Stay away from guardians until you have mythril weapons.
  • When a dwarf falls into lava (the bottom of the «world»), it takes severe damage and dies unless they manage to get out. Dying in lava destroys equipment (armor, weapons, etc.) rather than leaving loot that other dwarfs can collect.

Types of blocks by layer[]

Manipulable blocks are spatial in the sense that they can occupy either the foreground or the background layer in a .

Background block

Background blocks do not prevent dwarfs and creatures from traversing them.

All dwarfs and a few types of creatures (like the giant spider) can use background blocks to climb.

Background blocks be placed on any empty , including spaces in the sky, with no connection between them.

Foreground block

Most foreground blocks act as barriers.

Foreground blocks can only exist or be placed in front of a background block.
Placing, for example, an earth item in an empty block space, will create a background block of earth.
Placing earth again on the same spot will create the foreground block of earth.

Each block, depending on its material, has specific behavior, hardness and dropped items or minerals.


For the complete list of foods, see the main article: Food.
Put some kind of food on the table, like apples. The dwarfs will take the food on their own when they are hungry.
~ Task «»

The satiety of each dwarf is represented by 3 slices of bread — . All full slices represent the maximum of 10 satiety points.

As the time passes, the dwarfs become hungry and the slice more on the right will shrink until it disappears. The losing of satiety points follow this rule:

  • -1 point each 9 minutes of ingame time, if dwarf is idle.
  • -1 point each 6 minutes of ingame time, if dwarf is working.

So, more tasks the dwarfs receive, more food should be served on the table.


When a dwarf has less than 1 , he/she will become hungry. The player will then be notified with the sign below.


If there is one or more dwarfs hungry, this sign appears on the left side of the screen. Clicking on this icon will show one by one all hungry dwarfs.

When all are gone, the dwarf starts losing .

Monotonous food

If a dwarf eat 3 times in a row the same food, there is no other kind of food served and he/she have less than 2, he/she will state:

X?! I can’t eat this anymore!

Being «X» the food eaten 3 times. This dwarf will have to eat at least 1 time another nutriment before he/she can eat that food again. So, there is no need to have a huge variety on the table. If the player can serve at least 2 kinds of food, there will be no monotony problem.

Regen bonus

All dwarfs with more than 7 satiety points receive a health regeneration bonus of 1 health point each 5 minutes. So, if food with healing properties — like apples (growing only in the forest world) — are hard to get, it’s still possible to heal the dwarfs by keeping them well fed.


Besides the special loot, biomes are useful to ensure that there is no shortage of raw resources in worlds, even when the whole map is dug up.

To take resources from the biome, items like ingots, armors, helmets, weapons, etc. must be disassembled to the state of nuggets, because only raw resources are transferred back to the world.

And there is a limit for the amount of each resource to be transferred. This amount is five times the number of dwarfs alive plus five for each resource. As the max number of dwarfs in a biome is six, the maximum amount of each resource that can be transferred to the world is , so, thirty-five of each resource.


Sea indestructible rock
Earth: 1st layer
Earth: 2nd layer
Earth: 3rd layer
Earth: 4th layer
Earth: 5th layer
Burning area
indestructible rock Sea

All worlds are generally composed with air on top, sea on both sides and various earth layers in the large middle. These earth layers are the deposit of minerals like iron, silver, gold and mithril, as well as crystals of various colors.

Columns of indestructible rock separate the earth from the seas.

In the Underground World, floating islands (around five) will appear in the air and there is no sea. The right and left edges of the map are delimited with the indestructible rock from top to bottom.

Surface of the world

The contact with the first earth layer and the air is called the surface of the world. This is where the flora grows and animals and some monsters spawn.

In the Forest, the Desert and the Underground Worlds water from the rain will occasionally form water ponds, specially if it falls over a large stone surface. In the Snow World, snow will fall instead, forming a one-to-three blocks-high snow layer over the entire surface. Some bushes will grow from snow blocks.

In the Desert World, there is no first earth layer. A thin sand layer will cover the major part of the surface, allowing a steppe-like vegetation growth. In the Desert, the second earth layer will sometimes appear in the surface, allowing the natural spawming of palms. An artificial first earth layer can be created by dwarfs to facilitate the growth of more palms.

Under all earth layers there is lava, and just above the lava, an area where everything — except background blocks and creatures — will burn.


The following topics are all configurable parameters while creating a custom game, with the exception of .


See the main article World size.

Regarding the size, worlds can be:

  • small,
  • medium or
  • large.

The Underground World is an exception: it can only be large.

Weather events

Weather events always include:

  • rain, in the Forest, Desert and Underground Worlds,
  • snow, in the Snow World, and
  • tornados, in the Desert World.

And the frequency of these events can be:

  • rare,
  • average and
  • frequent.


Topography is a pre-set characteristic that only appears in campaign games and cannot be configured by any means.

It can be seen:

  • by pressing ESC while in a campaign game or
  • in a saved game.


See the main article Difficulty levels.

And concerning the difficulty level, worlds can be:

  • very easy,
  • easy,
  • normal,
  • hard,
  • very hard or
  • nightmare.



The carpenter skill increases the dwarf’s speed of production by 2x% while using a workbench, being ‘x’ the skill level. This skill can be increased by using carpenter’s books, by crafting items on the workbench and by equipping a handsaw.


The cook skill increases a dwarf’s cooking. This skill can be increased by using cook books, by cooking food and by equipping a serving spoon.


The fisher skill increases a dwarf’s fishing. This skill can be increased by using fisher’s books, by fishing and by equipping a bucket of worms.


The hunter skill increases a dwarf’s hunting. This skill can be increased by using hunter’s books and by hunting animals. There is no specific equipable item to boost the hunting ability.


The logger skill increases a dwarf’s ability to cut down trees by x%, being ‘x’ the skill level. This skill can be increased by using logger’s books, by cutting trees and by equipping a handsaw.


The miller skill increases a dwarf’s ability to prepare flour on a mill. This skill can be increased by using miller’s books or by preparing flour. Equipping a sieve while working on it will make skill increase faster.


The miner skill increases a dwarf’s mining. This skill can be increased by using miner’s books, by mining blocks, by placing a Statue of Rorry Stoneskin, and by equipping a portable lamp.


The smith skill increases a dwarf’s crafting when using a forge. This skill can be increased by using smithing books, by crafting using a forge and by equipping a smithing apron.


The stonemason skill increases a dwarf’s crafting when using a workshop. This skill can be increased by using stonemason books, by crafting using a workshop. There is no specific equipable item to boost the stonemason ability.

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