War of the chosen

Avenger Defense[]

Main article: Avenger Defense

Avenger Defense is an optional mission that has two ways of being triggered:

  • A UFO hunts the Avenger as a result of the Hunt XCOM Dark Event (there is a chance that the Avenger evades the UFO) or
  • After the storyline missions or (whichever one is completed first), the UFO will intercept the Avenger 20-30 days later. (In this case, there is a chance to evade the UFO only if you have already completed an Avenger Defense mission earlier in the current campaign.)

Since completion of the two storyline missions is required to progress the game, this mission can only be avoided if finishing the campaign before it triggers. This is possible (at least on normal difficulty) if you’ve built the Shadow Chamber very late into the game.

The mission is critical, and does not grant rewards. Failure will lead to an instant loss of the game. Players are required to destroy a device that is grounding the Avenger with an electromagnetic pulse and prevent enemy units from reaching the Avenger’s ramp.

Reinforcements occur every turn, and do not stop until all of the XCOM soldiers are back on the ramp. The Avenger Defense mission does not begin in concealment or have a limited time window. The mission will fail if all soldiers are killed or incapacitated and the Disruptor has not been destroyed, or if an enemy remains on the Avenger’s ramp for one turn.

In addition to the normal squad, Central Officer Bradford will send reinforcements in the form of additional XCOM soldiers every other turn from the Avenger’s Barracks. Wounded soldiers can be used for this mission both as squad members and reinforcements. The Defense Matrix facility will grant four recycled ADVENT Turrets for this mission to guard the Avenger’s ramp and attack enemies.

After the Disruptor has been destroyed, any troops who are outside of the Avenger’s ramp when it lifts off will be abandoned and considered KIA. Unconscious or bleeding out soldiers who are on the ramp are considered safe, while dead soldiers on the ramp will have their weapons recovered.

If the War of the Chosen DLC is enabled, there is a variant of the Avenger defense mission that may occur if one of the Chosen is able to acquire sufficient information. That Chosen will lead a mission which includes several smaller vehicle mounted artillery pieces and one large cannon with a separate power source. These cannons will attack and gradually damage the Avenger, as indicated by a display in the upper right corner. All of the cannons must be destroyed before they destroy the Avenger, which will result in failure. All the cannons, as well as all hostile units, include whichever Chosen is leading the attack must be destroyed to succeed. Upon success, that Chosen will have to begin tracking the Avenger all over again, while the game will end if the mission is failed.

In both situations, enemy forces will be numerous and commensurate with a Very Difficult mission. You will be able to immediately deploy a double squad, and you will also have the option to deploy troopers who are still recovering from previous wounds.

Фракции Сопротивления

Аддон XCOM 2: War of the Chosen устанавливается поверх оригинала и перерабатывает практически все имеющиеся в нем механики, а также добавляет новые.

У каждой из этих группировок есть своя четко прописанная история. Например, Жнецы — это наиболее радикальные из повстанцев под началом русского ксенофоба по кличке «Волк». Они полностью отрицают использование инопланетных технологий и воюют по старинке — собираются в партизанские отряды и устраивают диверсии с СВД наперевес.

Еще одна фракция — Заступники — представляет собой «забракованный» отряд «Адвента», который восстал против Старейшин (это самые главные у пришельцев) и решил мстить им за то, что они превратили их из людей в гибридов.

Фракции харизматичные и по-своему уникальные, но вот незадача — все они ненавидят друг друга, а потому использовать возможности всех сразу будет трудно. Да и не особо-то они горят желанием сотрудничать с XCOM, ведь эта организация уже один раз проиграла войну.

Чтобы склонить их к сотрудничеству и возможно даже помирить между собой, придется выполнять новые миссии, оказывать поддержку во время нападений «Адвента» и вообще помогать любыми способами. Наградой за поддержку станут новые бойцы — по одному новому классу на каждую фракцию.

Брошенные города и Странники

С приходом фракционной механики появились и новые задания и даже полностью новый тип карт — брошенные города. Они стали первой целью пришельцев еще в первой части, и за годы биологических атак людей в них уже не осталось, только странные зеленые наросты повсюду и толпы безумных человеческих оболочек.

Последние в игре именуются Странниками, на деле это самые обычные зомби. В отличие от всех остальных врагов в XCOM 2, Странники берут числом, нападая группами по 5-8 особей. Они довольно быстрые, но атакуют только вблизи, поэтому главной задачей при встрече с ними становится правильная логистика. Если персонажа окружат, то он, считай, труп.

Чтобы наиболее правдоподобно отобразить всю «зомбоидную» сущность Странников, девелоперы даже изменили боевую систему. Если член отряда убивает зомби своим основным оружием, то он получает еще одно очко действия.

Его можно потратить на тактическое отступление или сделать еще один выстрел. Таким образом, за один ход персонаж может убить целую кучу врагов, если, конечно, у него достаточно патронов.



  • Supply Extraction missions require retrieval of at least 4 crates to be a success (previously they were too easy to abuse for free mission XP)
  • Early Intel Raid missions have 1 or 2 fewer enemies than before
  • There are two new covert actions you can run:
    • Obtain a resistance MEC
    • Recruit resistance rebels
  • Disabled the Captured Soldier covert action risk completely (it was too much of a disincentive considering the soldier ranks at stake and the Intel cost required to remove the risk)
  • Covert Action ambush chance now works on a pseudo-random basis — the initial chance is now much lower (down to 5-10% from 15-20%) but it increases every time a covert action completes without being ambushed, resetting back to the initial chance once an ambush does finally proc
  • Restored the Guardian Angel resistance order (prevents ambushes on covert actions)
  • Alien Loot covert action now awards some alloys and elerium, with the quantity depending on how far into the campaign you are
  • Removed the Left Behind dark event (the one that added capture risk to all covert actions)
  • Removed the Counterintelligence Sweep dark event (the one that reduces rebel intel generation by half)
  • Rescued soldiers are now healed for a significant portion of their health to compensate for time spent captured
  • Class abilities purchased with AP when another class ability at the same rank has already been picked once again incur a cost multiplier, though a smaller one than it used to be — the aim being to discourage all AP being funnelled into the A team
  • Snap Shot and Death From Above are mutually exclusive now, because it’s a brokenly strong combo that’s very cheap
  • When a region is liberated, all job prohibitions due to failed mini retals are immediately cleared


  • Slowed down reinforcements on invasions and recruit retaliations to make these missions a little less oppressive
  • Sectopods should now use their Lightning Field ability on XCOM
  • Shieldbearers will now prioritise good shots over shielding just themselves (but shielding allies still takes precedence over all)
  • Rebels now get Stock Strike and Get Up
  • SPARKs can now trigger and benefit from Focus Fire

Избранные и глобальная карта

В то время как люди перевооружаются и организуются в мощное Сопротивление, инопланетяне тоже постоянно развивают свою военную доктрину. В XCOM 2: War of the Chosen были введены особые противники — Избранные.

Всего их три штуки, и каждый представляет собой очень сильного босса, который всеми силами стремится уничтожить «Мститель» (мобильную базу игрока) и весь его персонал. Старейшины пообещали подарить всю Землю тому, кто сделает это первым, так что это действительно серьезный повод для волнения.

Каждый Избранный контролирует определенный регион на карте. Каждый раз, когда игрок начинает выполнять там задание, есть шанс, что Избранный лично посетит поле боя. Убить его обычным способом нельзя, а он, напротив, запросто может перебить весь отряд.

Более того, по ходу выполнения задания Избранный может похитить наиболее ценного бойца.

Чтобы вернуть его в строй, придется провести спасательную операцию. Именно так разработчики решили заставить игрока развивать разных бойцов, а не только основной состав.

Для победы над Избранными нужно выполнять миссии в их регионах и постепенно собирать разведданные. Тогда можно выявить их слабые стороны и в конечном итоге дать решающий бой!


Two versions of the SPARK appear in-game by default. The original SPARK is a large, bulkier version of the ADVENT MEC with pale yellow paint. Its wrists, shoulders and knees are decorated with yellow and black caution stripes. A pair of glowing devices can be seen in the shoulders (presumably servomotors for the arms). Its head is similar to that of a Gremlin, albeit with a speaker in place of the stun gun and a blue light that lights up when it speaks. Like the ADVENT MEC, it has three digits on each hand; two fingers and a thumb.

Derelict MECs, exclusive to the Lost Towers mission, have several notable differences from the original SPARK. They are painted black, have a skull-like head with red eyes, and wear an armored vest with red trim along with padding on the legs. In comparison to the well-kept original SPARK, derelict MECs are notably rusty with their paint clearly peeling off.

War Of The Chosen BASE TIPS

The Advanced Warfare Centre (AWS) from vanilla XCOM 2 has been replaced with the Infirmary and the Training Centre. Build the Infirmary first.

The Hypervital Module upgrade in the infirmary is way less useful than it sounds; it uses one Elerium Core to instantly (and temporarily) restore a soldier to full combat status, but that only lasts for one mission before the effects settle in again. Worse still, each soldier can only use the Hypervital Module once in the entire game.

Supplies are way more common in the expansion, so feel free to be more adventurous in how you spend them.

The Resistance Ring should be build quickly, as it allows you to field more resistance orders which give you multiple passive bonuses every month.

Guerilla Ops[]

Main article: Guerilla Ops

Guerilla Ops are a series of missions geared to countering ADVENT’s Dark Events. Like Abduction missions from the previous game, multiple Guerilla Ops missions will appear at a time (usually between two and three, depending on the quantity of Dark Events, although one Guerilla Op is still possible in rare cases), but only one Guerilla Op may be completed at a time.

To succeed, the objective must be satisfied before the time limit. The mission will not fail if the objective has been completed and there are remaining enemies in the AO.

If a Guerilla Ops mission is skipped (ignored) or failed, then all Pending Dark Events will come to pass in quick succession.

The data tap which will need to be protected in the «Protect Device» mission.

There are 4 possible Guerilla Ops missions. All Guerilla Op missions begin in concealment, and almost all of them are timed.

Recover Item

An ADVENT container, the objective of the «Recover Item» mission. A Specialist will need to hack the container to complete the mission.

A self-detonating object is placed in a certain location, and players have a total of 6 turns to hack and disable the self-detonating charges before they are activated. The mission will fail if the object is destroyed, even if the charges have been disarmed.

Hack Workstation

Players have 8 turns to hack an ADVENT workstation before the network shuts down, rendering the data inaccessible . If the workstation is destroyed without a successful hack or the network is locked out, the mission is failed.

Destroy Alien Relay

The Alien Relay in the Destroy Enemy Device mission.

Players have 8 turns to destroy an alien relay before the data transfer is terminated and the mission is failed. The health of the device (6-8 HP) increases with the game difficulty.

Protect Device

Players must secure and protect a device before the aliens destroy it. The device has a static 30 HP. If the data tap is destroyed, the mission is failed.

Appearance in Missions[]

  • The chance for a Chosen to appear on a mission is based on territory and their own separate timer.
  • With ‘Lost and Abandoned’, the first chosen will appear during that story mission and it will always be an Assassin. Without ‘Lost and Abandoned’, you will encounter the first chosen during the first retaliation mission. Which chosen it will be is random.
  • Once a Chosen is encountered, it has 0% chance to appear on the next two missions, 50% chance to appear on the 3rd, and a 100% chance to appear on the fourth.
  • Each chosen have their own separate timer, so it is possible to encounter Chosen in two or even three consecutive missions, if those missions were done in different Chosen territories. However, you cannot encounter the same chosen twice within a 3 mission window, unless one of these missions is the ADVENT Blacksite Assault.
  • Currently, the timers and chance for appearance are the same across all difficulties.
  • The Chosen are included in the Shadow Chamber’s prediction numbers, but they will not be listed directly. For example, if it states there are 9 enemies on a mission and you scout the map and count 8, a Chosen is likely to appear after the squad is revealed.


New factions & hero classes

Three additional factions have emerged to strengthen Earth’s resistance – the Reapers, Skirmishers and Templars – each with its own unique abilities and contrasting philosophies. These factions provide powerful hero class soldiers to aid in missions and new opportunities for the strategy layer.

The Chosen

The Chosen are the most cunning enemies XCOM has ever faced, each with unique strengths and weaknesses that will be introduced with each new campaign. The Chosen are on the hunt for the Commander and will kidnap, interrogate, and kill XCOM’s soldiers to complete their objective. The Chosen can also invade the strategy layer and ravage XCOM’s global operations. Find and raid the Chosen’s strongholds to defeat the enemy for good.

New alien & ADVENT threats

The Lost were once human, but now these heavily mutated husks infest Earth’s abandoned cities. A deadly new alien known as the Spectre, capable of creating dark copies of XCOM soldiers, has snuck onto the battlefield. Adopt new tactics to counter it as well as the explosive attacks from the ADVENT Purifier and the psionically charged ADVENT Priest.

New environments and mission objectives

Engage in tactical missions across new environments from abandoned cities devastated by alien bioweapons during the original invasion, to underground tunnels and xenoformed wilderness regions.

Enhanced strategy layer

Manage XCOM’s relations with factions and counter The Chosen’s operations from the Avenger. Employ new Resistance Orders to prioritize your personal strategy. Soldiers, scientists, and engineers can now be deployed for Covert Actions that award supplies and boost faction favor if successfully completed.

Greater customization & replayability

Soldiers can develop bonds with compatible teammates for new abilities and perks. The SITREP system dynamically adds new modifiers to the tactical layer to make sure every mission provides a unique challenge. Breakthroughs and Inspirations encourage players to change their usual progression patterns by offering one-time bonuses to special research projects. Advanced campaign options allow for finer adjustments to game length and difficulty.

Challenge mode

Utilize the perfect strategy in new regular one-shot community challenges to claim the top spot on the global leaderboard.

Share the resistance

Customize and pose your soldiers, then add filters, text and backgrounds to generate your own unique resistance posters that appear in-game and can be shared with friends.

Mission Dialogue[]

Guerilla Ops

Recover Item

Menace, we’ve got a bead on the ADVENT data vault near your position. Be advised, self-detonating charges are in place at the target. Move to disarm and extract the package before its contents are destroyed.

–Central on mission start

Menace, this is Avenger. We have positive confirmation of the target package. Move to acquire.

–Central upon seeing the package

Menace, the clock is ticking — that detonator isn’t going to wait. Get to the vault and disarm it before we run out of time.

–Central at 3 turns left with no hack

Menace, status confirmed, the charges are inactive and the package is secure. Eliminate any remaining hostiles near the AO.

–Central upon successful hacking

Menace, the package has been destroyed — we’re not going to recover anything from that site. Eliminate any remaining hostiles in the AO.

–Central if the package is destroyed

Hack Workstation

Menace, this is Avenger. The access point we’re after is just ahead. Move to secure the area, expect hostile resistance.

–Central upon mission start

Menace, the ADVENT network terminal is shutting down. This is your last chance to recover the data!

–Central at 1 turn left

Transponder readings have gone dark. Enemy forces have locked out the terminal.

–Central if the terminal is not hacked within 8 turns

We’ve confirmed successful acquisition of the ADVENT files, eliminate any remaining hostiles in the area.

–Central upon successful hacking

Destroy Relay

Menace, the communications relay is up ahead. Move in and destroy the target.

–- Central upon mission start

Menace, we’ve confirmed destruction of the relay — the alien transmission is down. Eliminate any remaining hostiles and move to EVAC.

–- Central upon relay destruction

Protect Device

Menace, neutralize all remaining enemies and secure the AO. Commander, the data tap has been destroyed. We’ve lost whatever information it managed to pull from the ADVENT network.

–- Central on mission failure

Council Missions

Extract VIP from ADVENT City/Vehicle (concealed)

Menace, we have a confirmed location for the VIP. Move to rendezvous, eliminate all hostile contacts.

–-Central on mission start

Menace, hostile interceptors are on high speed approach, your window for extraction is closing.

–-Central on 5 turns left.

Menace, you’re outta time. Get to the EVAC point, NOW!

–-Central on one turn left.

ADVENT interceptors within striking distance in 30 seconds. Firebrand, clear the area!

–-Central at the end of the final turn. Any soldiers on the EVAC point will be automatically evacuated, any soldiers off the EVAC point will be captured.

Status confirmed, target is eliminated.

–-Central upon mission failure

This is firebrand, VIP is secure.

–Firebrand upon successful EVAC of the VIP

«Status confirmed, target package in custody.»

«Status confirmed, target package eliminated.»

Class Description[]

These high-powered robotic units can unleash devastating frontline attacks or absorb incoming fire and protect the squad.

–-XCOM 2, Soldier Ability Selection

SPARKs are large, bulky units similar to the MECs of XCOM: Enemy Within in that they are large mechanical units with a large health pool and heavy weaponry at their disposal. Their abilities can make them into a highly defensive/supportive unit, or a close combat damage dealer.

Like MECs, SPARKs have their own weapon and armor type, and cannot equip weapons/armor that are available to normal soldiers, and vice versa. They cannot equip utilities or receive weapon upgrades as a result. (In the War of the Chosen expansion, you can apply weapon upgrades to the primary weapon.) They also do not receive defense bonuses from cover. Unlike MECs, however, SPARKs are fully mechanical and are immune to mental effects such as Disoriented along with immunity to Burning and Poisoned. All SPARKs are automatically equipped with jump jets, allowing them to ascend any vertical distance without the need for a climbing aid like a ladder or pipe.


Skirmishers are in a state of flux right now, so expect more changes here. The current rebalance focuses on making them true «skirmishing» units that stick to the fringes of battle and make a nuisance of themselves. Note that Forward Operator was removed because it was simply broken, allowing Skirmishers to basically complete some missions solo without any risk. It may return in a modified form in a later version.

  • Now has a Master Sergeant rank.
  • Starts with Hit and Run instead of Marauder to encourage more mobility in battle. Also gets a grenade slot for utility, has a small infiltration bonus, and gets the Damn Good Ground bonus.
  • Justice and Wrath cooldowns are now 4 turns, and Whiplash has a 4-turn cooldown as well instead of having a single charge.
  • Interrupt is now a free action with a 3-turn cooldown and is an XCOM ability (like an AWC ability)
  • The GTS Parkour research decreases the Grapple cooldown to 2 from 3.
  • Total Combat is now an XCOM ability and replaced by Combat Awareness at LCPL.
  • Retribution has been moved to LCPL from SSGT
  • Low Profile and Body Shield have been added at CPL, while Zero In has been moved to the XCOM abilities.
  • Smart Macrophages and Combat Fitness have been added at SGT.
  • Full Throttle has been moved up to SSGT from SGT, where Shredder and Formidable have been added.
  • Combat Presence has been moved to the XCOM abilities.
  • Judgement has been moved from GSGT to TSGT, where Run and Gun and Aggression have been added.
  • Waylay has been removed as a Skirmisher skill entirely as has Reckoning (for now).
  • Implacable and BringEmOn have been added at GSGT.
  • Battlelord has been moved to MSGT where it is joined by Lethal and Tactical Sense

Мод для Shen’s Last Gift

«ИСКРА», пожалуй, один из самых бесполезных юнитов XCOM 2. Он стоит целых два Ядра Элериума и кучу других ресурсов, должен выступать в роли танка, но обычно гибнет в первой же более или менее серьезной перестрелке.

Mechatronic Warfare Pack серьезно улучшает «ИСКРУ», применяя к нему отрядные апгрейды брони и оружия, а также снижая стоимость юнита. Теперь «Гремлин» Специалиста и «ИСКРА» прокачиваются одновременно. Уничтоженный юнит можно восстановить (собственно, это и есть прелесть владения робовоином), поврежденный – починить. У него появляются слоты экипировки и очки способностей.

Лично я продолжал игнорировать «ИСКРУ» даже после покупки DLC, но с этим модом он становится просто великолепным бойцом. Мастхев, однозначно.


Но главная угроза, которая ждет вас в War of the Chosen — это, конечно, те самые Избранные

Эта тройка особенно мощных инопланетян попортит Сопротивлению немало крови, случайным образом появляясь в тактических сражениях. Каждый их выход сопровождается отдельными заставками и язвительными комментариями в радиоэфире. Подобно суперзлодеям из мультсериала 80-х, при поражении они не погибают, а телепортируются прочь, попутно осыпая вас угрозами в духе: «В следующий раз вам так не повезет!», а потом возвращаются еще сильнее, чем прежде. Их присутствие здорово оживляет игру: представьте, как вы отправили на простенькое задание отряд новобранцев, всего лишь ради того, чтобы поднабраться опыта, и тут внезапный мини-босс превращает рутинную миссию в жесточайшую борьбу за выживание.

Способности и слабые стороны каждого Избранного меняются от кампании к кампании, и гадят они не только в боях, но и на стратегической карте: могут снизить ежемесячный доход от региона или устроить саботаж нашей летающей базы. Избавиться насовсем от них можно лишь выполнив цепочку тайных операций и узнав нахождение логова каждого из трех. Честно говоря, после долгожданной тотальной зачистки по ним даже начинаешь скучать. Оставшаяся без этих омерзительных ублюдков сюжетная часть оригинальной кампании начинает казаться довольно пресной.


Основными противниками XCOM выступают всё те же пришельцы при поддержке солдат ADVENT — организации, которая сотрудничает с инопланетными захватчиками.

Силы «Адвента»

  • Солдат «Адвента» — костяк армии ADVENT. Оснащены автоматическими винтовками Гаусса.
  • Офицер «Адвента» — командиры подразделений, оснащенные красной броней и винтовками Гаусса.
  • Копейщик «Адвента» — солдаты ADVENT, применяющие в бою оглушающие дубинки.
  • Чистильщик «Адвента» — солдаты с огнеметами, применяющиеся для зачистки территорий от Странников. Доступен только в War of the Chosen.
  • Жрец «Адвента» — солдаты с пси-способностями, способные как усилить других солдат, так и поместить в стазис солдата XCOM. Доступен только в War of the Chosen.
  • Турель «Адвента» — статичное автоматическое орудие, прикрепленное к крышам автомобилей или на земле. Может быть взломан хорошо модернизированным «Гремлином».
  • МЭК «Адвента» — очень прочные и опасные роботизированные войска ADVENT. Может выпускать мини-ракеты.
  • Щитоносец «Адвента» — тяжело-бронированные единицы ADVENT.
  • Сектопод «Адвент» — огромный сверхтяжёлый робот, способный уничтожить всю команду XCOM на первом ходу.
  • Сектоид — гибрид человека и инопланетянина. Сильный псионик.
  • Вайпер — истинная и смертоносная форма дохляка из XCOM: Enemy Unknown.
  • Мутон — выносливый боец ближнего боя, вооруженный плазменным оружием.
  • Безликий — монстр, способный маскироваться под местных жителей, но ужасно омерзительный в своей истинной форме.
  • Призрак — пришелец, способный переходить в нематериальную форму и создавать копии своих врагов. Доступен только в War of the Chosen.
  • Берсерк — яростный боец ближнего боя.
  • Архонт — замена летуну из XCOM: Enemy Unknown. Способен выстрелить в группу бойцов ракетами и проткнуть/выстрелить в солдата организации копьём.
  • Андромедон — инопланетянин, использующий огромных размеров боевой скафандр.
  • Криссалид — четвероногий монстр ближнего боя.
  • Кодекс — пришелец, способный телепортироваться и создавать своего клона.
  • Привратник — кажущийся слабым на вид пришелец, способный воскресить группу противников.
  • Аватар — мощный псионик, предвещающий конец человечества. Являются заменой эфириалам из XCOM: Enemy Unknown.
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