Space hulk
Вместо игральных костей и линейки — прожимание кнопок
Опыт разработки Deathwing студии пригодился, и в Tactics она сделала все, как в каноне — пошаговый, тактический, асимметричный игровой процесс. Космодесантники-терминаторы тяжелые и неповоротливые в узких коридорах Скитальца, но хорошо вооружены. Генокрады юркие и проворные, сильны в ближнем бою, но умирают с пары выстрелов.
Первые две механики роднят Tactics с X-Com, но ассиметричность фракций убивает привычную многим фанатам жанра игровую механику. Дело в том, что у терминаторов, помимо оружия, есть целый ворох самых разных тактических действий, отряд в полном составе появляется в начале раунда и легко перекрывают проходы не на один раз, а пока патроны не кончатся.
Генокрадов же нужно «высаживать» через непростую систему призыва, причем появляются самые простые — остальных можно призвать путем улучшения имеющихся. Смертоносность в ближнем бою далеко не так опасна, как это описывают, а вот умереть от очереди проще простого. Поэтому первые 4-5 ходов приходится прятаться по углам, набирать численность, чтобы атаковать толпой и наверняка.
Кроме того, управлять генокрадами можно только поодиночке, никакой командной работы с отвлечением внимания или массированной атакой.
Музей Warhammer 40.000
Space Hulk: Deathwing с первых минут будет радовать фанатов Warhammer 40.000 огромными, детально проработанными локациями, выполненными в духе франшизы и полностью соответствующими архитектуре летающих готических соборов!
Сразу предупреждаем, что качество графики на скриншотах не соответствует игровомуСразу предупреждаем, что качество графики на скриншотах не соответствует игровому
Сразу видно, что большую часть из трех лет разработки сотрудники StreumOn потратили на проработку локаций. Каждая из них имеет свое функциональное назначение, в точности соответствующее архитектуре космического Скитальца из Кодекса, но при этом они отличаются друг от друга незначительно и очень удачно переходят одна в другую.
Каждая локация имеет несколько больших и средних уровней, заполненных машинами циклопических размеров, огромными механизмами, готическими соборами с большими статуями и крупными ангарами-генераторами-складами-цехами.
С чем это связано до сих пор не понятно — то ли проблема в игре, то ли в средствах захвата изображенияС чем это связано до сих пор не понятно — то ли проблема в игре, то ли в средствах захвата изображения
Соединяются эти участки разными по назначению нитями, которые с оговорками можно назвать коридорами. Не все из них будут свободны — многие участки разрушены, завалены или переходят в узкие норы врагов. Постоянно нужно искать обходные пути, порой расшибая препятствия силовыми кулаками, и это не может не радовать! Контроль со стороны Games Workshop позволил избежать несоответствия в мелочах при дизайне уровней, что порадует фанатов Warhammer!
Отрадно, что цветовая гамма правильно подобрана — Warhammer никогда не была фэнтези или антиутопией, это жестокая и мрачная вселенная, и Space Hulk: Deathwing все время будет напоминать об этом.
What is NBA Esports betting?
In gaming history, NBA 2k is among the longest-running franchises. The first model was released in November 1999 by Visual Concepts. The National Basketball Association has offered support for every new version released annually. Currently, it is an initiative of the NBA and Take-Two Interactive. NBA 2k is a simulation of basketball video games that is based on the real NBA teams and players.
NBA 2k league version 1.0 was released in 2018 and it started with 17 teams. They have expanded to 23 teams in 2020. That means there is a large amount of data available for individual players and teams on performance before every championship begins. As a gambler, it makes it easy to analyze the performance before placing your stake. The NBA 2k esports betting allows you to bet on your preferred player or team using availed odds and parameters. It is different from other esports games such as FIFA. Each team has five players who play one of the five positions, similar to the standard Basketball teams. NBA franchises manage both teams and players directly. 2K Sports helps in management, making it the first time an American sports league has joined the esports sector.
NBA 2k Betting Odds
Betting odds are a representation of a probable outcome as availed by the betting sportsbook. They also reflect the amount you are likely to win or risk losing based on the outcome of the games and the amount invested for the stake. If an event like winning or losing is likely to occur, then the betting odds will be lower. If the event is unlikely to happen, then the odds are likely to be quite high.
If the expected results are likely to happen, the betting odds will be low. That means you have to bet more money to win less cash. Consequently, if an event is not likely to happen, then you can bet less money to win more.
Just like other esports games, there are different betting odds available for NBA 2k league gamblers. American odds also referred to as Moneyline odds, are commonly used in the NBA 2k in the United States and Canada. They are very easy to understand. They have +(plus) and – (minus) signs centered around $100 as the betting stake. When the betting odds are negative, it shows the amount you require for wagering to win $100. If the odds are positive, it shows how much a $100 stake is worth if you decide to place the bet.
The easiest betting odds section to understand is the match winners category. In this, you decide to vouch for the team you feel is likely to win and place your bet. It is the same as real-world basketball games. Some sportsbooks provide that allow you to bet when the has already begun and the odds keep changing depending on the performance of the teams. They also allow cashouts before the game ends, saving you the risk of losing all your money if your team was on the receiving end.
Accumulator betting odds are also common in the NBA 2k League. This a good way of making good returns after initially placing a low stake. This allows you to choose on different teams with diverse possibilities, with all the games playing at different times. This is an option for confident gamblers. If one of the outcomes is different from what you had chosen, then you will have lost the bet. However, the payout is quite high if you are right!
Plot and Setting
- Main article: Timeline of the Warhammer 40,000 Universe
The original Space Hulk game is set in the fictional Warhammer 40,000 universe, the game’s history states mankind was already able to cover vast distances of space in a short time via the warp, where extra-dimensional creatures exist. These creatures invaded human space and conquered large territories. The strongest psyker, the eventual Emperor, drove them back, and with his armies forged the fragmented human territories into the Imperium of man 10,000 years ago. The game takes place in the grid-sectioned interiors of Space Hulks, humongous bulks of starships jumbled together, drifting in and out of warp space, and home to Genestealers.
- Main articles: Dark Angels and Genestealer
{C}The Dark Angels are one of the many chapters of Space Marines, genetically enhanced humans trained to fight for the human Imperium and its Emperor. Wearing their toughest power armour, the Terminator suits, the veteran Deathwing company are able to withstand dangers of the Space Hulks, provide visual and audio feeds to their commanders, and go against the Genestealers, four-armed horrors of teeth and claws easily tearing through the toughest of steel, which are almost impossible to defeat hand-to-hand. The Genestealers lurk aboard Space Hulks, seeking to capture organisms for reproduction. Their captives’ DNA are altered to ensure offsprings are Genestealer hybrids who can do likewise to other organisms, until the fourth generation hybrids which reproduce purestrain Genestealers. Gaming-wise, the Genestealers and Space Marines were designed to be assymetrical foes, in terms of range and speed.
The campaign consists of a series of 21 missions, and is exposited by pre-mission briefings. The game manual’s prologue states the Dark Angels Chapter repelled a Genestealer incursion in the Tolevi System many centuries before the current events in the game. One of their heroes and his men were aboard the invading Space Hulk, the Sin of Damnation, when it vanished into the Warp. The current campaign starts off with the player being sent to investigate a Dark Angels distress call from the Tolevi System. A nest of Genestealers is instead uncovered on the planet Ma’Caellia, and their has to be destroyed. However the Genestealers are too many, and the player is forced to execute a fighting withdrawal. As the infestation on the planet is wiped clear by with virus bombs, the Sin of Damnation enters the system, and the player is ordered to invade the Space Hulk. The player’s squads destroy the Genestealers’ gene banks, and their . The ending has the player going deep into the Space Hulk to find out the source of the distress call.
Почувствуй себя владельцем ведра
Что StreumOn действительно не удалось — так это разобраться в возможностях Unreal Engine 4.
Во-первых, игра тормозит в произвольных местах на карте, не справляется с обработкой крупных уровней в локациях, подтормаживает при резких поворотах камеры и при подгрузке следующего куска локации. И самое главное — во время экшена FPS падает ниже комфортных 24 кадров практически на любой системе и не зависит от уровня графики!
Это очень обидно, поскольку в такие моменты игра не должна тормозить вовсе, но, видимо, большое число сложноскроенных NPC, эффекты и расчет физики делают свое черное дело. К сожалению, долгое молчание перед датой выхода и перенос на кону, после провального бета-тестирования, были сигналом того, что разработчики не успевают с оптимизацией. Остается только надеяться, что они исправят эти проблемы в ближайших обновлениях.
Но проблемы с серверами — вполне решаемыНо проблемы с серверами — вполне решаемы
Можно согласиться с тем утверждением, что системные требования задраны для такой картинки. Выше мы уже предупреждали, что на скриншотах визуальное качество не соответствует игровому — в игре лучше, но эта графика должна работать без тормозов на компьютерах с более скромными системными требованиями.
Все эти проблемы наблюдаются не только у владельцев РС, но и, в меньшей степени, у обладателей консолей, хотя они играют на низких уровнях графики.
Начало игры выглядело многообещающеНачало игры выглядело многообещающе
Главное — не заснуть!
Space Hulk: Tactics еще и очень медленная игра, что прямо вытекает из пошаговости и неторопливости всех участников.
Обычная партия в кампании занимает всего 8-12 ходов, но по времени растягивается на 20-40 минут. В мультиплеере немного поживее, интересно наблюдать за действиями друг друга, но на 16-20 ходов требуется 60-80 минут!
Дополнительно геймплей замедляется постоянными кат-сценами вылезающих генокрадов и стрельбой по ним. По идее, они должны добавлять пафос и превозмогание, но на деле только тратят время.
И если в мультиплеере почти нет игроков, то кампания достаточно интересна. По сюжету Tactics, халк вышел из варпа недалеко от планеты-кузни Горгонум и угрожает её уничтожить. На помощь прибыли космодесантники Кровавых Ангелов. Командуя отрядом из пяти бойцов, игрок колесит по всему кораблю, сталкиваясь с постройками эльдаров, орков и хаоситов.
В кампании за генокрадов можно вспомнить былое — нашествия Ультрамаринов и разных других космодесантников.
Отличную атмосферу создает мрачную визуальный стиль гигантской развалины из битых космических кораблей разных рас, несущий в себе множество опасностей. Шагающие тяжелой поступью бойцы космодесанта, гулкие очереди и дикие крики генокрадов только усиливают впечатление.
Сразу поясним, что Space Hulk: Tactics — это не видеоигра в привычном смысле этого слова, а дотошный перенос знаменитой настольной игры по Warhammer 40.000 — Space Hulk — в форму компьютерной игры.
Tactics — не первое подобное воплощение рулбука, но его самое точное и детальное. Релиз Space Hulk (2013) был смазан многочисленными проблемами, а вышедшая два года назад Space Hulk: Deathwing от все той же Cyanide — как никак шутер от первого лица и содержал геймплейные проблемы.
Идея у всех одна. На огромное скопление кораблей самых разных рас, называемое «Космический Скиталец», высаживается группа космодесантников с целью зачистить или уничтожить халк.
Он населен мутантами-генокрадами и прочим отродьем, всеми силами пытающимся уничтожить воинов света.
FIFA 20 Betting
With the establishment of professional football eSports leagues, FIFA now attracts bookmakers who offer a wide range of markets for bettors.
For beginners, there’s a dilemma; to bet or not to bet on FIFA games. Well, statistics show that FIFA betting is growing exponentially. Below are some reasons why most gamblers are wagering on the various eSports FIFA games.
Gameplay Realism
As a simulator video game, FIFA offers realistic gameplay courtesy of Frostbite game engine and Football Intelligence. The player likeness and traits are all encompassed in the game. That means Barcelona star Messi will still dribble past defenders with ease the same way he does it in real-life football. At the same time, Ronaldo’s pace and finishing are depicted.
The game also has licenses to all the prestigious football competitions and league. So whether bettors want to wager on Barclays Premier League games or the UEFA Champions League, the options are unlimited.
Easy Betting Rules
Another reason to bet on FIFA is that the betting rules are just the same as those in real-life football betting. All the football markets, odds, and rules are the same here only that the playing time is not real-time 90 minutes. Also, there are many FIFA bookies nowadays, so players are not limited as it was in the past few years.
FIFA betting is not in any way different from real football betting. Football enthusiasts can still enjoy the spectacular moves, breathtaking goals, and all the action that football has to offer.
Guide on how to bet on Counter-Strike: GO
One of the attributes that make CS: GO extremely famous is the simplicity that makes followers understand the content and know whats going on. The FPS feature makes it easy for every team to follow and know its objective. That makes it a unique e-sport for both new fans and advanced experts to bet on. Betting on CS: GO is easy as it applies similar rules like conventional sports. The most common gambling option is betting on the winning team. Other options include betting on how long the game will take before achieving in-game events. Every bet type that you chose will have diverse betting odds. Favorable teams to win will have fewer odds translating to lower win amounts in comparison to underdogs. Be sure that will reflect on odds differences.
Based on the sportsbook that you go for, the betting odds will be availed as either American odds or decimal odds. The former uses +(plus) and -(minus) signs to show how much you are likely to win or lose. The -(minus) sign shows how much you have to risk to win $100, while the + signs reps the underdog team and your probable profit from a $100 bet. The ratio remains the same regardless of the bet stake placed. On the contrary, decimal odds illustrate the total amount you can win; both placed stake and profits.
Outright winner odds are common among the fans that follow all the competitions held by Valve. That means you will bet on the team you think will win the tournament. It is straightforward and easy to follow on the progress of the team that you place your stake on when the competition begins. Odds will be lower for the favorite team to win. However, this type of betting is famous for international championships such as CS: GO Major Championships, where teams compete for cash prizes worth approximately $1 million or more.
Match betting is another option that you can choose. It applies a similar principle like outright winner betting. All you need to do is bet on the team that you think will win between the two on the specific stage of the tournament.
It is also possible to bet on individual rounds, commonly known as map betting. That means the odds have a higher likelihood of changing as the game progresses. Besides, most sportsbooks support handicap betting. That is when one of the teams is the favorite by all odds. The handicap option comes in place to help even out the odds.
CS: GO betting enhances the provision of betting on the correct score. However, this option is highly tricky. It would be hard to predict the correct scores on a 30-round tournament as chances are incredibly minimal. The last option is going for the Over/Under option. That entails betting on the number of rounds a match will last. For example, you can choose to stake that a game will last for 20 rounds. If it goes for 21 rounds, then you’ve won, and less than 20 rounds mean you have lost the bet.
The game has the player managing up to two five-men squads on missions against alien creatures aboard derelict starships called Space Hulks. Tutorials, stand-alones and a campaign make up the 50 missions, which include exterminations, object retrievals, and rearguard actions. Briefings on the background and objectives, along with a small preview map are given before missions. The player can customise the squads’ armaments with weapons such as close range Lightning Claws and devastating long range Assault Cannons for certain campaign missions. Completing a campaign mission gains experience for the squad, allowing them to shoot and fight better on their own in future missions.
The Planning Screen is where the strategic element of the game comes into play. The player uses the top-down maps to issue commands to the squad. Each Marine’s first-person perspective can be monitored on the Terminator View Screen, and the player directly controls the Marine whose view is on the primary monitor. The other squad members’ perspectives are shown in the smaller secondary monitors, and the player’s control over them is limited to weapons fire. The primary monitor’s view, and hence direct control, can be swapped over to any Marine’s. The Marines’ default artificial intelligence are set to «overwatch» mode; they will automatically fire on any obstacles or enemies in front of them. There is an element of uncertainty as the Marines’ primary long range weapon, the Storm Bolter may jam on repeated firing, rendering the weapon useless until it is cleared.
The game is played in real-time, but the player can pause the game by entering «Freeze Time» (freeze-time), and continue to issue orders while there is still time running on the freeze-time timer. Once freeze-time is exited back into real-time, the squad executes their orders as their enemies move in. The freeze-time timer can be slowly accumulated up to a minute’s worth by remaining in real-time. Fog of war is featured in the game. Unexplored areas are blacked out on the maps, and Genestealers out of the squad’s sight are represented as blips; a lone blip can represent more than one Genestealer. Genestealers spawn from marked entry points, and can only engage in hand-to-hand combat but move much more rapidly than the players’ Marines.
Your Armor and You!
Ok, this needs to be broken down a little bit. So be prepared for this!
A) Armors
These are cosmetic skins for your class, pick one you like, because it makes you look pretty. And half the battle is looking pretty, the other half is lots of violence!
B) Cool Down Reducers
This set of traits will reduce the cooldown on your skills. You can only pick one, so determine which skill is most important to you and save up for the 15K one. Its the only one you need. Lower level tiers do not stack and are not required for progression.
C) Effect Reducers
This set of traits basically will buff your defenses against a specific source of damage. Again, save for the 15K tier as lower tiers don’t stack and aren’t required to progress to the last one. It is commonly held that ACID resistance is ideal as that is the damage type that the purple explosive guys deal and at high difficulty they are a big problem. However, thats just a popular opinion, do as you please. If you find yourself being killed alot by a specific type of damage, you may want to use this catergory to fill that shortcoming you’ve got.
D) Effect Boost Adornments
This set of traits will buff either Armor, Melee Damage or Ranged Damage. So this is really dependant on your playstyle however being that these are percentage buffs, it would be ideal I think to take Armor over Melee or Ranged if you are using weapons with lower damage as they benefit less that say a Plasma Cannon would over Ranged Damage. You know what I mean? Armor also aids in survivability so thats something that is always useful, but again, it really depends on your playstyle here. Again, you can only take one trait, they don’t stack and you don’t need lower tiers to get to the higher tiers.
E) Torch Colors
This is your flashlight. Press T to turn it off and on. Medium is default. I can only assume Cold would add a bluish hue and warm would add a more amber hue. But I have heard there is no discernable difference.
- Battlefleet Gothic Rulebook, pp. 106, 108
- Citadel Journal 1, «Unseen Enemy: New Set Up Rules — Mission One: Supply Lines,» pp. 16-21
- Citadel Journal 3, «The Silent Voyager: Campaign — Emperor’s Children vs. Space Wolves,» pp. 10-18
- Citadel Journal 7, «The Designer’s Cut: Alternate Rules (Space Hulk),» by Richard Halliwell, pp. 4-11
- Citadel Journal 25, «Covert Operations: Imperial Guard in Space Hulk,» pp. 22-27
- Citadel Journal 28, «Superior Firepower Space Marine Weapon Variants (Space Hulk),» pp. 30-33
- Citadel Journal 34, «Space Hulk Campaign System,» pp. 58-63
- Citadel Journal 36, «Talons of Death: Four Mission Mini-Campaign (Space Hulk),» pp. 64-71
- Deathwatch: The Achillus Assault (RPG), pp. 61-66
- Imperial Armour Volume Twelve : The Fall of Orpheus, pg.17
- Space Hulk: Rulebook (3rd Edition) (RPG), by Richard Halliwell
- Space Hulk: Mission Book (3rd Edition) (RPG)
- Space Hulk: Rulebook (2nd Edition) (RPG)
- White Dwarf 113 (US), «Space Hulk: 1st Ed. Preview,» pp. 34-39
- White Dwarf 115 (US), «Command Units: Space Marines (Space Hulk),» pp. 20-31
- White Dwarf 117 (US), «Close Assault: Terminator Close Combat Weapons & Army List,» pp. 65-69
- White Dwarf 120 (US), «Rules for Assault, Tactical and Devastator Squads (Space Hulk),» pp. 53-65
- White Dwarf 121 (US), «Traitor Terminators: Part 1 — Chaos Terminators,» pp. 27-33
- White Dwarf 122 (US), «Traitor Terminators: Part 2 — Chaos Terminators,» pp. 26-35
- White Dwarf 133 (US), «Genestealer Invasion: Campaign Missions,» by Dean H. Bass, pp. 36-38
- White Dwarf 134 (US), «Space Crusade: New Rules,» pp. 4-11
- White Dwarf 137 (US), «The Last Stand: Space Hulk Campaign,» pp. 42-50
- White Dwarf 142 (US), «Space Hulk — Questions and Answers: Part One,» by Simon Forrest, pp. 12-19
- White Dwarf 144 (US), «Space Hulk — Questions and Answers: Part Two,» by Dean Bass
- White Dwarf 145 (US), «Renegade: A Five-Part Campaign for Space Crusade,» pp. 10-25
- White Dwarf 147 (US), «Space Hulk: Wolf Lair,» pp. 56-66
- White Dwarf 149 (US), «Strike Deep: Campaign — Uses Rules from Space Hulk, Deathwing and Genestealer,» pp. 45-61
- White Dwarf 158 (US), «Return to Kalidus: Campaign for The Wolf Guard,» pp. 30-35
- White Dwarf 195 (US), «Bringer of Sorrow: Campaign,» pp. 29-35
- White Dwarf 196 (US), «Space Hulk: Preview,» pp. 9-14
- White Dwarf 197 (US), «Space Hulk: Defilement of Honour,» by Dean Bass, pp. 81-87
- White Dwarf 200 (US), «Fangs of Fenris: Space Wolves Campaign,» pp. 85-91
- White Dwarf 201 (US), «Duty and Honor: Ultramarine Campaign,» pp. 49-55
- White Dwarf 203 (US), «The Fate of the Sword of Halcyon: Scenario — Blood Angels vs. Genestealers,» pp. 33-43
- The Bleeding Chalice (Novel) by Ben Counter
- Calgar’s Fury (Novel) by Paul Kearney
- Duty Calls (Novel) by Sandy Mitchell
- The Emperor’s Finest (Novel) by Sandy Mitchell
- Soul Drinker (Novel) by Ben Counter
- The Horus Heresy — Book Four: Conquest (Forge World Series) by Alan Bligh, pg.37-40
- Victories of the Space Marines (Anthology) edited by Christian Dunn, «The Long Games at Carcharias» by Rob Sanders
- Dawn of War II — Chaos Rising (PC Game)
- Battlefleet Gothic: Armada (PC Game)
- Space Hulk: Tactics (PC Game)