Сиды для майнкрафт 1.15.1
- Все биомы (включая все редкие варианты биомов)
- Troubleshooting
- Как использовать семена 1.18
- What is Minecraft?
- Requirements
- 12-Eye End Portal Seed
- The Township
- Summary
- Bedrock сиды
- Usage
- Requirements
- How to find the seed of a Minecraft world
- Biome Melting Pot
- 10 лучших семян Minecraft 1.18 для Bedrock и Выпуски Java
- How to find the seed of Minecraft server
Все биомы (включая все редкие варианты биомов)
В этом сиде есть все, что вам может понадобиться, и даже больше.
Если вы думали, что 11 биомов минтимонов в сиде появления были хорошими, то вы определенно захотите добавить этот сид в свою коллекцию. BigBrain5Head сорвал джекпот мира Minecraft, создав мир с каждым биомом и всеми редкими вариантами биомов. Это означает, что вы можете обустроить свой дом и мгновенно получить доступ к лучшим ресурсам игры.
Что еще лучше, каждый биом находится в радиусе 2500 блоков от точки возрождения. Это мгновенно сокращает надоедливые переходы между каждой областью, экономя вам огромное количество времени. BigBrain5Head, безусловно, достоин своего имени.
If none of the below helps, please report in the comments and include your seed, platform and version, and coordinates.
Common user errors
If your in-game world doesn’t match the map here at all, it’s most likely due to one of the following:
- you entered the wrong seed or coordinates
- you selected the wrong edition or version (the one used to generate the region you look at)
- you used mods or resource packs that affect world generation
- (for slime chunks) you didn’t wait long enough, since they have a very low spawn rate even in slime chunks
Known limitations
Many features are not 100% accurate, i.e., locations can be wrong or missing. These include:
- Dungeons
- End Cities on Bedrock Edition
- World Spawn Positions
- Amethyst Geodes (near caves, mineshafts, etc.)
Various other structures such as villages and igloos can sometimes fail to generate in-game as well, but this should happen far less frequently than for the features mentioned above.
Mixed version worlds
If you started your world on an older version, you’ll have to switch between the versions in the app. Always select the version that was used to generate the chunks you’re looking at.
Как использовать семена 1.18
Minecraft 1.18 еще не выпущен, поэтому, если вы хотите играть с этими сидами, вам понадобится экспериментальная версия игры! Хотя было подтверждено, что в будущем будет совместное использование семян, похоже, что он еще не полностью реализован.
Для Java вам нужно будет перейти в раздел установки Minecraft Launcher и выбрать последний вариант моментального снимка под версией. Сохраните эту установку, а затем откройте ее в меню «Воспроизведение».
Если вы используете Bedrock, это будет Pocket Edition, PS4, Xbox One, Windows 10 или Nintendo Switch, то при создании мира обязательно проверьте & ldquo; Пещеры и скалы & rdquo; в разделе «Эксперименты» в настройках игры.
What is Minecraft?
Minecraft is an open-world sandbox video game that has survival components and lets you create massive structures in its blocky world. It was developed by Markus Persson as his side project and later started a studio “Mojang” which handles the updates and publishing the game. The studio was bought by Microsoft in the year 2014 for $ 2.5 billion dollars and is now the intellectual property of Microsoft. The game is a massive hit amongst the gaming community with over 126 million copies sold over different platforms as of 2020. The game is available on PlayStation, Xbox, PC, Android, IOS, and more.
Minecraft is a quite ‘straight on point’ game. Consisting of two major modes as a default. The Creative Mode and the Surviving Mode. You can create great interesting structures using the creative mode. And then need to survive in it for as long as possible in the Surviving mode. You can also examine the ‘never-ending’ block world. Can also create cool craft tools, exclusive self-designed weapons for surviving, have cute pets of your choice, create any type of items, build structures of earth built structures and the list just keeps on going. You can even choose the mode for a number of players. You can either keep it single player or multiple players mode. These multiplayers will have access to build and destroy things in your surroundings at the same time as you.
In the surviving mode, the player of the game has the task to search and fight off for the resources available in the surrounding for surviving the game. Also fighting for the shelter.
In the creative mode of the game, you will be provided with unlimited resources for surviving. You will be able to do anything with complete ease.
Note: Landscape can be changed by any player at any time even when you are active in the same world. This makes it more interesting and more revengeful and fun.
Refer to our blog on Minecraft adventure maps
What is a seed?
Now seeds in Minecraft are codes for the world or the map that you interact with within the game. However, this code or seed is auto-generated in the game and happens every time you spawn in the world of Minecraft. The seed tells the game as to what location to spawn you in like a desert or dungeon or grassland. Whenever you enter the seed for a map the game spawns you in that particular section of the map with a unique biome, this lets you choose your starting point in the game. And this is useful when you plan to play survival mode honestly and you get spawned on a small island with limited resources.
This makes many people leave the game early or have them bad experience of the game. You can try to have a pre-made structure in the world of Minecraft by entering the right seed or play on the same map as your favorite YouTuber. Now you can choose to play or compete with friends in the same world to see who can survive more or build better structures with the same resources. So the seed is a very amazing tool for all players and if you want to have some awesome experience then you should check out the lower section.
Don’t miss our : Pokemon series
For technical reasons, you need to know the seed of your world to use Seed Map, unless, of course, you want to find a seed for a new world. If you’re playing SSP, the app is able to fetch the seed from your savegame. Alternatively, you can use the /seed command ingame. In SMP, you can use the same command if you have sufficient rights. Otherwise, however, you’re dependent on the server owner, who started the world and has access to the savegame and config files.
This app uses some relatively new web technologies. As a result, some features may be disabled for older browsers. I recommend using the latest version of a major browser such as Chrome, Firefox, Edge or Safari.
12-Eye End Portal Seed
Minecraft seeds in which your world’s End Portal generates with all 12 Eyes Of Ender already assembled and activated are extremely rare. You won’t just stumble upon one by chance, most likely. Here’s one you can load up to use for your own survival adventures. When you’re ready to hit the fortress, head to coordinates X: 1146, Y: 63, Z: -637. Right beneath you is the room adjacent to a fortress’s activated End Portal. Before you rush off to the dragon though, you’ll probably want to hit up the nearby desert and jungle villages for supplies.
Source: MinecraftSeedsEveryday
(Image credit: Mojang)
The Township
If you’re looking for a Minecraft shipwreck to explore, it doesn’t get easier than this conveniently unwrecked ship that appears to be docked in a village. It’s right by spawn too, so you’ll be able to immediately load up and start digging through the treasure on this helpfully abandoned and not-so-sunken ship. Hey, it might even make a nice home if you decide to move into town. As a note, the placement of the ship isn’t as perfect if you generate this seed in 1.17, but you can certainly create your world in 1.16.1 initially and then play it in 1.17 after!
Source: /r/Minecraftseeds
Image 1 of 2(Image credit: Mojang)
Image 2 of 2(Image credit: Mojang)
We saw How to find the seed of a minecraft world in an offline map or on a personal server and how to copy it. However, finding the seed of a map on a server can be tricky. We would suggest you download the map files of the servers from the net rather than taking the seed way. But if you need to find the seed of that particular map, we mentioned the mod you will be required to achieve the same.
Note that in the case of Minecraft PE we are using version 1.16.2, and the seeds may not work for older versions. We tried several seeds from other sites and they were not working for the latest version. It is safe to say that most of the sites are outdated as of August 2020. And if you want to take a short way in then check out our video.
Bedrock сиды
Большая редкость
В этом сиде вы найдете все редкие вещи рядом друг с другом, начиная с Особняка, который генерируется недалеко от спавна. Этот сид идеально подходит для игроков из-за того, как редко эти вещи генерируются, и тот факт, что они генерируются так близко друг к другу, намного лучше. Следуйте ключевым начальным точкам ниже, чтобы увидеть, что может предложить этот удивительный сид.
- Ключевые Стартовые Позиции
- Особняк: 548 -1077
- Биомы джунглей: 1065 -1060
- Биом льда: 120-2120
- Грибной биом: -650 700
- Портал #1: 985 -1060
- Портал #2: 810-813
Сумеречная зона
В этой деревне есть что-то странное. Жители деревни кажутся странно тихими и общаются только с помощью неодобрительного ворчания и торговых запросов. По ночам из-под земли доносятся стоны, и в овраге, разделяющем деревню, царит непреодолимое ощущение зла. Что там внизу? Вам придется пройти небольшое расстояние от спауна, чтобы увидеть.
- Ключевые места
- Деревня: 965 80 120
- Крепость: 965 60 130
- Шахта № 1: 1080 40 -170
- Шахта № 2: 1270 40 -70
- Спавнер пауков: 575 26 -105 | 584 24 -106
Одинокая месса
Вы появляетесь в биоме Мезы рядом с двумя заброшенными деревнями на этой карте. Биомы Мезы, как известно, очень эстетичны, и это ваш идеальный шанс разгадать секрет того, почему близлежащие деревни заброшены. Легенда гласит, что где-то на карте есть дом деревенского жителя на плавучем острове. Может быть, тамошние жители узнают секреты?
- Ключевые Места
- Деревня №1: 2700 80 200
- Деревня №2: 2650 80 520
- Шахта: -2120 40 375
- Крепость: 1956 40 -1020
- Деревня на Плавучем острове: 3994 102 -233
Простое Начало, Большие Возможности
Как вы можете видеть на изображении выше, этт сид обеспечивает классический опыт появления Minecraft. Начните свое приключение на острове, но будьте готовы покорить почти все, что может предложить игра! Этот сид был поставлен в центр внимания, потому что вы можете найти почти каждый тип структуры в пределах 2000 блоков от спавна. Это включает в себя не только структуры Верхнего Мира, но и структуры Нижнего мира. Если вы хотели найти лучшие конструкции для лучшего снаряжения, это ваша начинка карты!
- Ключевые Места
- Карта мира
- Памятник океану: 135 40 203
- Деревня: -653 90 -349
- Портал: -519 80 -583
- Лесной особняк: -900 80 -999
- Овраг с крепостью и шахтой: -1390 50 -994
- Пустота
- Остатки бастиона: -7 50 -93
- Крепость преисподней: -47 50 -164
Вызов грабителю
Этот сложный сид обеспечивает вам увлекательный квест прямо во время вашего появления на свет! Это порождает вас в нескольких минутах ходьбы от Деревни, Особняка и Аванпоста Грабителей. Для тех кто любит сразу приступать к действию, когда вы появляетесь, вы можете бросить вызов себе, чтобы защитить город и завоевать Аванпост и Особняк. Если вы добьетесь успеха, этот сид предоставит вам идеальную отправную точку для мира выживания!
- Ключевые Места
- Деревня: 1060 80 460
- Лесной особняк: 1660 80 330
- Аванпост грабителей: 1480 80 350
- Крепость: 1630 1040
- Памятник океану: -310 -660
Seed Selection
The first thing you should do is select a seed and version. You can either type it in manually, or you can load it from your savegame. The latter can be done by clicking on «Load from Save. « and selecting your level.dat, or by drag&dropping the level.dat file into your browser window. Level.dat is a small file located in the folder of every Minecraft savegame. You can find the savegames in the saves folder of your Minecraft installation. On Windows you can use %appdata%\.minecraft\saves to get to that folder.
You should also know that a seed is always a number (up to around 20 digits). If you type in anything else (like letters), it will be converted to a number. The app does this the same way Minecraft does, so it’s safe to use letters (and other characters) as well.
Dimension and Feature Selection
Below the seed and version, you can also choose the Minecraft dimension that you want to view (Overworld, Nether or End). This, and the version you use, will affect which features can be enabled. To toggle certain features, click on the icons in the features box just above the map.
You can also expand and collapse features box by clicking the arrow on the right side of the box to show the full names of the features, as well as some more options.
Note that some features will only show if you zoomed in enough. This is to keep the app fast and to not flood it with icons. The app will show a warning and all affected features will be highlighted once that happens.
Once you entered all the options you can start using the map. To scroll, use your arrow keys while your mouse cursor points at the map, or move your mouse while holding down the left mouse button. You can use the slider below the map or your mousewheel for zooming. The lower inputs allow you to go to a specific point (e.g., your base) of the map and set a marker there. You can always remove and add the marker by double clicking on the map. The «Save Map» button allows you to save the currently shown map as png image file.
Selecting structure locations
You can click or tap on the icons on the map to see their exact coordinates in the game. For some structures, additional details are shown as well.
When using a touch-enabled device, an extra option for enabling/disabling touchscreen control will appear below the map. With that option enabled, you can drag the map with your finger to navigate, you can pinch to zoom in and out, and you can tap and hold to set a marker on the map. By double tapping on the map, you can quickly enable/disable the functionality as well.
For technical reasons, you need to know the seed of your world to use Seed Map, unless, of course, you want to find a seed for a new world. If you’re playing SSP, the app is able to fetch the seed from your savegame. Alternatively, you can use the /seed command ingame. In SMP, you can use the same command if you have sufficient rights. Otherwise, however, you’re dependent on the server owner, who started the world and has access to the savegame and config files.
This app uses some relatively new web technologies. As a result, some features may be disabled for older browsers. I recommend using the latest version of a major browser such as Chrome, Firefox, Edge or Safari.
How to find the seed of a Minecraft world
In this part we will be discussing how to get the seed of an offline map, so skip to the next part if you want to see how to get seed for an online map.
Note: This guide is for the java version of Minecraft which is available on Windows and macOS.
Steps to find the seed of a Minecraft world
Now follow the simple steps to get the seed of your Minecraft map.
- Power on your device and open Minecraft.
- Open the chat window in the game by pressing “t” while you are in the Minecraft map.
How to find the seed of a Minecraft world
- Once the chat window opens, enter the command “/seed” in the window.
- Press enter and the seed will be visible in the command window.
- Now click “t” again and select the seed, the seed will be visible in your command window. Press and hold “Ctrl” and use the arrow to navigate, once the seed is selected, press “Ctrl + C” to copy. And now you can minimize the game and paste the seed wherever you want.
Biome Melting Pot
This Bedrock edition seed doesn’t dump you right where you want to be, but trust us it’s totally worth teleporting to. After you spawn, use the /tp command to send yourself to the coordinates (-185, 64, 117). You’ll find yourself right at the edge of a mushroom biome looking across a very small ocean at a badlands biome, a jungle, some mountains, a tundra, and even some ice spikes. It’s quite a lot of rare, desirable biomes all tucked into one area—perfect for anyone looking to sample just a little bit of almost everything Minecraft has to offer. If you head into the ice spikes, you’ll find a tundra village not too far away too.
Source: /r/Minecraftseeds
(Image credit: Mojang)
10 лучших семян Minecraft 1.18 для Bedrock и Выпуски Java
В новой части 2 «Утесы и пещеры» разработчики оптимизировали движок для обоих выпусков, чтобы он соответствовал требованиям « World Seeds & # 8221; работать друг в друге. Короче говоря, это означает, что с этого момента большая часть World Seeds будет работать в обеих версиях Minecraft. Вы можете обратиться к изданию, которое использовали создатели, на этой странице. С учетом сказанного, вот лучшие семена Minecraft 1.18 для Bedrock и Выпуски Java:
Огромное озеро со всеми биомами поблизости
- Семя: 8624896
- Версия: Java
- Кредит: u/Zero_CTRL
Если вы хотите увидеть истинную красоту Майнкрафт 1.18, то этот сид — идеальная демонстрация. С массивными горами и озером с достаточно хорошей глубиной у этого Мирового Семени есть 3 деревни, все биомы поблизости, застава грабителей и многое другое в пределах вашего поля зрения.
- Seed: 5417330148
- Редакция: Java
- Кредит: u/Zero_CTRL
Бухта джунглей: ~ 200 блоков от источника
- Семя: -8540485574773389519
- Версия: Java
- Предоставлено: u/Silvergiant22
- Семя: 4689217688887109866
- Версия: Java
- Предоставлено: u/holyshitem8lmfao
- Seed: -1986195318
- Редакция: Bedrock
- Кредит: u/Spooky_SWTOR
Шедевральные горы
- Семя: 174892384634290
- Версия: Java
- Кредит: u/mpn01
Массивные скалы и Стоуни Пикс
- Семя: 888476504
- Издание: Бедрок
- Кредит: u/Ахиджави
- Seed: 4434552796268815362
- Версия: Java
- Предоставлено: u/Dreamy321
- Семя: 2138362508
- Издание: Bedrock
- Кредит: u/AverageWelshy_
- Seed: 8588567124446287583
- Edition : Java
- Предоставлено: u/NovaStar479
Бонус: новое очень эпическое семя для Minecraft Java 1.18
- Seed: 598
- Edition: Java
- Предоставлено: u/SwartyNine2691
Это 10 лучших семенников Minecraft 1.18 для Bedrock и Выпуски Java. Пока вы здесь, не забудьте проверить список лучших пакетов текстур 1.18 , лучшие шейдеры Minecraft 1.18 , как сделать частный сервер , 1.18 Гайд по распространению руды , как загрузить Minecraft Forge для модов и многое другое.
How to find the seed of Minecraft server
Now getting the seed of a map from a server can be difficult because players can not enter commands which means “/seed” will not work. The commands will only work if you are the admin of the server or are given admin privileges.
But if you like a server’s world and want to make it your server’s world or just want to play privately on it, you can use World Downloader Mod. Click here to visit the site. Using this mod you can download the world from any server and can use the seed command, or play with your friends in your own Minecraft world. And in case the server is yours or you have the admin privileges, you can copy the Minecraft world file and paste it in your private worlds folder. But in case you are playing on someone else’s server, there is no easy way of getting the seed easily. But there are some ways you can get the seed, we will be using the reverse mod for the guide.
Note: The following guide is for Minecraft version 1.15.0 or later.
Follow the simple steps to get the seed:
- Visit the “Fabric” and download the mod on your device and click here to visit the site.
- Click on “Download installer (Windows/.EXE)”. Once it downloads, install it and a pop-up must open.
- Now select the version of your current Minecraft version by clicking on “Minecraft Version”.
- One done, click here to visit the Github link for “SeedCracker”. Or you can click here to directly visit the latest version of the mod.
- Click on “seedcracker-0.2.2-beta.jar” and once it downloads, open your Minecraft folder and create a “mod” folder. Simply create a folder for the mod with any name.
- Once done copy the “seedcracker-0.2.2-beta.jar” in the “mod” folder.
- Now open your Minecraft and select “fabric”.
- Select “fabric-loader” and click on “Play”.
- Now join the server of your choice and open the command box with “t”.
- Enter the command “/seed data bits” and the seed will appear. Just copy the seed by clicking on the seed and pressing “Ctrl” and using the arrow key to select, press “Ctrl + C”.