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Java 1.18 Seeds

Jungle Eclipse

Screenshot by Pro Game Guides

Seed: 2038737658577796220

This is a wonderful Jungle spawn that puts you on a Jungle island that, from above, appears to be eclipsing another island. You can opt to enjoy solace in the middle of the ocean, or you can travel a few hundred blocks east or west to find plenty of other biomes! This seed provides everything you might need for Jungle living.

  • Key Locations

    • Cluster of Ruins: -248 72
    • Shipwreck #1: -344 152
    • Shipwreck #2: -360 -184
    • Shipwreck #3: 232 184
    • Nether Portal: 360 136

Rock and Water

Screenshot by Pro Game Guides

Seed: 3969420520284585470

You spawn on a rather large island in this seed with several other islands nearby. This seed is great for starters because it starts you in an area that you can roam for weeks or months, but you’re not too far off from mainland when you’re ready to move on. You also have a beautiful view from the mountain, where you can see the surrounding structures, which includes two Villages and an Ocean Monument!

  • Key Locations

    • Village #1: -280 328
    • Village #2: 216 664
    • Ocean Monument: 136 168
    • Shipwreck #1: 200 296
    • Shipwreck #2: -456 248

Как торговать с жителями?

Самая большая причина, по которой большинство игроков будут заинтересованы в деревнях, – это глубокая торговая система, встроенная в сельских жителей. Это позволяет вам получить вещи, которые обычно были бы очень трудными в вашем районе или совершенно невозможными.

Жители деревни в майнкрафт, у которых есть профессии (например, библиотекари, мясники, кузнецы и т. д.), Могут торговать с игроками. Безработные сельчане и малолетние сельчане не в состоянии торговать. Каждый раз, когда вы взаимодействуете с сельским жителем, который может торговать, открывается специальное торговое меню, которое показывает вам, какие сделки доступны.

Эти профессии меняются от крестьянина к крестьянину, и многие профессии возможны только с определенными профессиями. Например, библиотекари часто продают бумагу или книги, а мясники хотят мяса.

У сельских жителей также есть система выравнивания, которая открывает дополнительные сделки по мере их продвижения. Всего существует пять уровней: новичок, ученик, подмастерье, эксперт и мастер. Регулярная торговля с сельскими жителями – это то, как они приобретают опыт для перехода на следующий уровень, так что это взаимовыгодные отношения.

У вас не только есть отношения с отдельными сельскими жителями в отношении того, какие профессии доступны, но вы также развиваете отношения с деревней в целом. Это называется вашей популярностью. Чем выше ваша популярность, тем лучше цены для сделок. Чем ниже ваша популярность, тем выше цены.

Хотя предметы, выставленные на продажу, сильно различаются, общий знаменатель для всех сделок – изумруды. Изумруды – это, по сути, валюта в Майнкрафт, и вы захотите собрать их, если считаете, что торговля выгодна для вас.

Получить изумруды можно тремя способами:

  • Добыча полезных ископаемых. Изумруды находятся в нижней части Надземного мира, в той же области, что и алмазы. Хотите верьте, хотите нет, но изумруды на самом деле значительно реже, чем алмазы, поскольку они встречаются только в горных биомах, и вы можете найти только один за раз. Я определенно рекомендую приобрести кирку с чарами Фортуны , чтобы вместо этого вы могли собрать 2 или 3 изумруда за находку.
  • Мародерство. Изумруды можно найти в сундуках повсюду, особенно в деревнях. Куда бы вы ни пошли, следите за сундуками, и, возможно, вам повезет.
  • Торговля. Это не удивительно. Вы можете получить изумруды на торгах, если у вас есть что-то, что нужно сельскому жителю. Это целая экономика, и она работает в обоих направлениях.

Однако сделки имеют другой уровень сложности. Как и в реальном мире, здесь играет роль спрос и предложение. Сельские жители Майнкрафт имеют ограниченный запас своих товаров в любой момент и могут пополнить запасы только тогда, когда вернутся на место работы.

Если житель понимает, что вы много торгуете на определенный предмет, цена этой торговли будет неуклонно расти каждый раз, когда он пополняет запасы. Если вы не используете эту сделку какое-то время, цена снова будет постепенно снижаться. Это влияет на предметы в целом, поэтому вам нужно будет чередовать разные сделки, чтобы не допустить, чтобы завышенные цены испортили вам удовольствие.

Вот как воспользоваться торговой системой в Майнкрафт:

  1. Найдите профессию, которая вас интересует. Жители одеты по профессии. Например, если вам нужен меч, поищите крестьянина, одетого как кузнец.
  2. Откройте торговое меню. Левый триггер или правый щелчок, как и все остальное с меню.
  3. Ищите ту сделку, которую хотите. Если вы не видите профессию, которая вас интересует, поищите других жителей деревни или помогите сельским жителям повысить уровень и открыть новые возможности торговли.
  4. Оплатите стоимость. В сделке будет указана ее стоимость и что вы получите взамен. Это будет либо предмет (ы) за изумруд (ы), либо наоборот.
  5. Повторение. Нет предела тому, сколько сделок вы можете совершить, если вы можете оплачивать затраты и опасаться системы спроса и предложения.

Изящный трюк, который вы можете использовать для анализа доступных сделок, – это удерживать предмет, который вы хотите обменять. Если сельский житель увидит, что вы держите в руках предмет, который его интересует, он покажет вам предмет, который обменяет на него. Если с вашим предметом связано несколько сделок, они будут проходить их циклически. Это поможет вам с первого взгляда оценить, какие жители в Майнкрафт могут вызвать у вас наибольший интерес.

Bedrock 1.18 Seeds


Screenshot by Pro Game Guides

Seed: -1863639429

It’s not a perfect representation to the Hawaiian islands, but it’s pretty close by Minecraft world generation standards! In this seed, you spawn on the largest of a cluster of islands, right next to a Village. This is a great starter seed for new players or for players who want to get used to Minecraft 1.18. Be sure to explore the area to find the Buried Treasure and the Ocean Monument!

  • Key Locations

    • Village: 56 232
    • Buried Treasure #1: 136 8
    • Buried Treasure #1: 72 -40
    • Buried Treasure #1: 72 -104
    • Ocean Monument: -200 -200

Survivor’s Delight

Screenshot by Pro Game Guides

Seed: -413557441

If you were looking forward to experience Minecraft 1.18 in true solitude on a basic survival island, this seed is for you. This is the ideal formation for players who enjoy life on the see, with one half of the spawn island a breezy beach, and the other half full of wood and stone for you to establish a nice home.

  • Key Locations

    • Mushroom Fields: -26 66
    • Ruins Cluster: -280 8
    • Buried Treasure: -696 72
    • Shipwreck #1: -760 24
    • Shipwreck #2: -920 -120

Bedrock Seeds

Frozen Mushroom Island

Seed: -2109507520

In this seed, you don’t start at the featured island, but it’s not too far away! And the coordinates are easy to remember: 0, 0! This is a unique island seed where the two biomes mushed together are Frozen Tundra and the all-too-rare Mushroom Biome. Be sure to pick up all the tree saplings you can as you journey here from spawn; you won’t find any trees. Once you make it, nestle in to the warm village and build your empire from there!

  • Key Locations

    • Snowy Village #1: 250 240
    • Snowy Village #2: 220 -350
    • Mushroom Biome: 335 245
    • Stronghold: 596 -636
    • Ocean Monument: -855 230

Gulla Gulla Island

Savannah islands are one of the rarer types of islands in Minecraft, and this one has a beautiful one right at the coordinates 0 0. This is not only a great island seed, but a great Survival seed in general. This is a well-protected island with hollowed out mountains, plenty of lava sources and a Savanna Village at the very tip. This is an ideal paradise for new players who are still learning the ropes, or veteran players who are looking to start a world in the most peaceful way possible.

  • Key Starting Points

    • Village #1: 135 55
    • Village #2: 150 600
    • Village #3: 580 555
    • Spider Spawner: -25 -63
    • Zombie Spawner: 109 -37

If you want to add some additional excitement to some of these seeds, then check out our Best Minecraft Mods post!

Java 1.16/1.17 Seeds

Bamboo Island

Seed: 6622662217031624373

This is a unique seed that starts you off on a small bamboo island, complete with a Jungle Temple and a pair of Pandas! This island seed is perfect for players who love Pandas, a somewhat rare mob in the game. You don’t start off completely dry, though. There are plenty of trees for getting logs, the Temple provides some decent material, and the Pandas provide company.

  • Key Locations

    • Jungle Temple #1: 25 55
    • Jungle Temple #2: 615 75
    • Jungle Temple #3: 675 -215
    • Stronghold: 1524 212
    • Ocean Monument: -280 -230

The Mushroom Island Portal

On this map, you don’t start on the island being featured, but it’s not far off from the world’s spawn point. The massive island is half Birch Forest with a village and half Mooshroom Island. However, as rare as that is, what’s more fascinating is that directly below the village is a completed 12 Eye Portal inside a Stronghold. If you’re looking for a killer seed that will get you to the Enderdragon fast, this one is perfect for you.

  • Key Locations

    • Stronghold Stairway: -2124 -732
    • Mineshaft: -2150 -600
    • Ocean Monument: -2460 -800
    • Zombie Spawner: -1989 -514
    • Taiga Village: -2200 -775


Found on Reddit by the user u/MCDodge34. The seed contains an above water Shipwreck, an Ocean Monument with nearby Ocean Ruins to loot from, and a nearby Spider dungeon under the island.

The island itself is big to build on with plenty of trees at your disposal.


Spider DungeonCoordinates: X: -42.678 / Y: 30.02 / Z: 161 Right next and under the island, you’ll find the dungeon.Ocean Monument:Coordinates: X: -175.6 / Y: 61.50 / Z: 176.14 West of the island, there will be an Ocean Monument.Ocean Ruins:Coordinates: X: -203.35 / Y: 51.06 / Z: 249.59 Left side of the Monument, there is a nice amount of Ocean Ruins to loot from.Above Water ShipwreckCoordinates: X: -69.424 / Y: 68.01 / Z: 326.43 Right close to the island there will be above water Shipwreck. A great aesthetic addition to the world.

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Although right next to the mainland, you will spawn in an area with 2 nice small islands in the ocean.

The first island will have nothing but we do have another island near us that we can choose to build our base as it does have a decent number of trees.

You can always go to the mainland if resources are scarce.


Ocean Monument:Coordinates: X: -208.71 / Y: 61.0 / Z: -209.09From either of the two islands, there’s an Ocean Monument right next to themShipwreck:Coordinates: X: -411.16 / Y: 61.54 / Z: -177.53There are a multitude of Shipwrecks surrounding the area to loot and salvage, but here’s the nearest Shipwreck location. Zombie Dungeon:Coordinates: X: -517.810 / Y: 12.42/ Z: -227.53Further right of the mainland at the ocean, there’s a Zombie Dungeon connected to a nicely big cave system.

Minecraft Island Seeds

The Shortlist

  • 1.18: Because 1.18 is still new, Mojang may change the world generation in a way that might affect the seeds. While we don’t believe it will cause major changes to the environment, this may cause some of the key locations for each seed to be inaccurate.

    • Java

      • Jungle Eclipse: 2038737658577796220
      • Rock and Water: 3969420520284585470
    • Bedrock

      • Hawaii: -1863639429
      • Survivor’s Delight: -413557441
  • 1.17: We know some of you are still running 1.16 and 1.17! We will cycle these out in the coming months, but here are the last seeds we had for the best island seeds for 1.16+.

    • Java

      • Bamboo Island: 6622662217031624373
      • The Mushroom Island Portal: -3908250054731677001
    • Bedrock

      • Frozen Mushroom Island: -2109507520
      • Gulla Gulla Island: 339777425


Constructing a shelter

After collecting wood to create planks, build a crafting table in a convenient place. A door and wooden pickaxe are the essential things required for now.

If the island has a steep slope, or wall of dirt anywhere, it is simplest just to dig a cave into it, and place a door at the entrance. If possible, have the entrance face east so that the sunrise is visible through the door.

For a shelter above ground, build a minimal one from dirt or sand, possibly only two blocks high inside, and place the door in the entrance. You’ll eventually be mining anyway, so if you have enough materials, make room for a crafting table, a chest, and a mineshaft or stairway leading down.

Be sure you have nothing overhanging the entrance (no tree leaves, no other blocks), otherwise zombies can gather by your door during the night and be protected from sunlight when daytime comes, trapping you in your shelter. Without any overhang for protection, zombies burn up after sunrise.

Enter your shelter at sunset. Once you are in your shelter, start making some basic tools on your crafting table:

  • Build a furnace, several stone pickaxes, and a couple of stone swords as soon as possible. Your wooden pickaxe lets you mine cobblestone, which should be easy to find by digging down a few layers into your island. Cobblestone lets you build stone tools.
  • Craft more torches. If you have not found any coal while digging for cobblestone, use planks (in Java Edition) or wood slabs (in Bedrock Edition), as fuel for your furnace to smelt logs to create charcoal, which you combine with sticks to make torches. You may have to wait for daytime to harvest and plant more trees to get more wood for tools and fuel.

If you want to expand the shelter, simply dig down a few blocks and dig out rooms underground. Add ladders to the vertical shaft to get back up and add torches as necessary and as resources permit. Even if it is not needed, it is generally recommended for one to dig underground anyway so as to find cobblestone to make a furnace and to obtain another building material so as to avoid wasting wood. Make a stone pickaxe, sword, axe, shovel, and optionally a hoe, if you are in a position to start farming.

Once you are in a position to build an actual home base, note that islands often have limited space available. Therefore, you don’t have much room to maneuver with if you build your house on the island itself, especially if it is a small island. A better approach is to build your base underground. Alternatively, you can build a platform on the water by placing a block on top of kelp to start the platform, then build your house from that starting point it and connect it to the island with a bridge.


Islands often have no sheep, so if it is impractical to find a sheep on another nearby island and shear it for wool, you can still get wool by crafting it from four pieces of string obtained from killing spiders. Once you have three wool, you can make a bed with three wooden planks.

It is advisable, however, to prioritize string to make a fishing rod for a reliable food supply before hunting down spiders to craft wool for a bed. It is often more efficient to find a sheep on another island. Occasionally a sheep may spawn on your island while you are away from it, or while you’re mining deep underground.

Surviving your first night[]

Before doing anything else, go to the nearest tree and collect the wood. If it is the only tree on the island, harvest the leaves first, because they drop saplings that can be planted to get more wood. Plant the saplings immediately after harvesting the wood. This is vital for obtaining more wood and more saplings. Oak trees can even yield apples, which can be used as an early food source.

If the island has any flowers, try putting oak or birch saplings next to a flower, to give the sapling a 1⁄20 chance of growing with a bee nest, which can be useful as a source of honey and honeycomb. Trees that don’t grow bee nests can be harvested again.

Because resources are low, craft only a minimal number of essential things.

Name Ingredients Crafting recipe Description
Planks Any Log Repeat this recipe four times to get the necessary amount of materials.
Crafting Table Any Planks Vital for crafting.
Stick Any Planks Needed for torches and most tools.

Bedrock 1.18 Seeds


Screenshot by Pro Game Guides

Seed: -1863639429

It’s not a perfect representation to the Hawaiian islands, but it’s pretty close by Minecraft world generation standards! In this seed, you spawn on the largest of a cluster of islands, right next to a Village. This is a great starter seed for new players or for players who want to get used to Minecraft 1.18. Be sure to explore the area to find the Buried Treasure and the Ocean Monument!

  • Key Locations

    • Village: 56 232
    • Buried Treasure #1: 136 8
    • Buried Treasure #1: 72 -40
    • Buried Treasure #1: 72 -104
    • Ocean Monument: -200 -200

Survivor’s Delight

Screenshot by Pro Game Guides

Seed: -413557441

If you were looking forward to experience Minecraft 1.18 in true solitude on a basic survival island, this seed is for you. This is the ideal formation for players who enjoy life on the see, with one half of the spawn island a breezy beach, and the other half full of wood and stone for you to establish a nice home.

  • Key Locations

    • Mushroom Fields: -26 66
    • Ruins Cluster: -280 8
    • Buried Treasure: -696 72
    • Shipwreck #1: -760 24
    • Shipwreck #2: -920 -120

Bedrock Seeds

Frozen Mushroom Island

Seed: -2109507520

In this seed, you don’t start at the featured island, but it’s not too far away! And the coordinates are easy to remember: 0, 0! This is a unique island seed where the two biomes mushed together are Frozen Tundra and the all-too-rare Mushroom Biome. Be sure to pick up all the tree saplings you can as you journey here from spawn; you won’t find any trees. Once you make it, nestle in to the warm village and build your empire from there!

  • Key Locations

    • Snowy Village #1: 250 240
    • Snowy Village #2: 220 -350
    • Mushroom Biome: 335 245
    • Stronghold: 596 -636
    • Ocean Monument: -855 230

Gulla Gulla Island

Savannah islands are one of the rarer types of islands in Minecraft, and this one has a beautiful one right at the coordinates 0 0. This is not only a great island seed, but a great Survival seed in general. This is a well-protected island with hollowed out mountains, plenty of lava sources and a Savanna Village at the very tip. This is an ideal paradise for new players who are still learning the ropes, or veteran players who are looking to start a world in the most peaceful way possible.

  • Key Starting Points

    • Village #1: 135 55
    • Village #2: 150 600
    • Village #3: 580 555
    • Spider Spawner: -25 -63
    • Zombie Spawner: 109 -37

If you want to add some additional excitement to some of these seeds, then check out our Best Minecraft Mods post!

Minecraft Island Seeds

The Shortlist

  • 1.18: Because 1.18 is still new, Mojang may change the world generation in a way that might affect the seeds. While we don’t believe it will cause major changes to the environment, this may cause some of the key locations for each seed to be inaccurate.

    • Java

      • Jungle Eclipse: 2038737658577796220
      • Rock and Water: 3969420520284585470
    • Bedrock

      • Hawaii: -1863639429
      • Survivor’s Delight: -413557441
  • 1.17: We know some of you are still running 1.16 and 1.17! We will cycle these out in the coming months, but here are the last seeds we had for the best island seeds for 1.16+.

    • Java

      • Bamboo Island: 6622662217031624373
      • The Mushroom Island Portal: -3908250054731677001
    • Bedrock

      • Frozen Mushroom Island: -2109507520
      • Gulla Gulla Island: 339777425

Java 1.16/1.17 Seeds

Bamboo Island

Seed: 6622662217031624373

This is a unique seed that starts you off on a small bamboo island, complete with a Jungle Temple and a pair of Pandas! This island seed is perfect for players who love Pandas, a somewhat rare mob in the game. You don’t start off completely dry, though. There are plenty of trees for getting logs, the Temple provides some decent material, and the Pandas provide company.

  • Key Locations

    • Jungle Temple #1: 25 55
    • Jungle Temple #2: 615 75
    • Jungle Temple #3: 675 -215
    • Stronghold: 1524 212
    • Ocean Monument: -280 -230

The Mushroom Island Portal

On this map, you don’t start on the island being featured, but it’s not far off from the world’s spawn point. The massive island is half Birch Forest with a village and half Mooshroom Island. However, as rare as that is, what’s more fascinating is that directly below the village is a completed 12 Eye Portal inside a Stronghold. If you’re looking for a killer seed that will get you to the Enderdragon fast, this one is perfect for you.

  • Key Locations

    • Stronghold Stairway: -2124 -732
    • Mineshaft: -2150 -600
    • Ocean Monument: -2460 -800
    • Zombie Spawner: -1989 -514
    • Taiga Village: -2200 -775

Know your environment[]

Islands often generate in remote areas. Often, no other land is visible, and the island you are on may host just one tree, or just a few trees. If the island has no trees and the Bonus Chest option is turned off, you may want to start a new world, or try to find a different island, unless you want the challenge.

When on an island, few to no animals may be present. It may be worth keeping animals alive for their resources. For example:

  • A single chicken lays eggs, which can be thrown to get a chance to spawn a chick, which then grows into a chicken and can be bred with the first chicken to produce more.
  • A single sheep is your best option for creating a bed, once you find two blocks of iron ore to smelt into ingots and create shears for getting wool. Shears and a bucket are good first uses of iron. You can also use four string to craft a block of wool, but this requires killing a lot of spiders, and string should be prioritized for making a fishing rod.

When on small island in a deep ocean, ironically, you don’t have to worry much about monsters if the island is small enough to be within the minimum 24-block spawning range. Drowned may spawn in the ocean but they typically don’t emerge from the water in a deep ocean. This is the situation with the «Ocean Monuments Ahead» seed in the Bedrock Edition seed picker. With larger islands, it is a good idea to light it up as soon as possible to prevent monsters from spawning on it.

As soon as you get the chance, look around and out to sea: are you on a solitary island or is the island you are on part of a larger group of islands, an island chain or archipelago?

If the former is the case, then you should focus on what the island you are on has to offer and try to establish yourself.

If the latter is the case, however, then it may (depending on resources, time and how far apart the islands are) be worth taking a look at what the other islands have to offer as well. They could contain what your island lacks that you need to survive.


Once you have managed to set up a stable and reliable food- and tree farm and secured your basic necessities (housing and sleeping arrangements in some form), you can now begin to look outward and get on the business of exploring the greater world around you.

A good example hotbar for exploring

Start by making sure you have the materials shown above (a boat, food, weapons and tools, torches, and other necessary building blocks). Now, you can place the boat and start traveling away from the island. Be careful near underwater ravines, as bubble columns from magma blocks give you oxygen, but these blocks may also break your boat and pull you down underwater.

You can also travel the ocean by swimming instead of using a boat. Swimming near a dolphin speeds up your swimming, and also you can dive to see if there is a ruin or shipwreck at the ocean floor. You can also explore underwater caverns, but Water Breathing is required for exploring.

While exploring the ocean, there is also a chance you might find a monument, where guardians and prismarine can be found, which is useful for your conduit. See Tutorials/Defeating a monument for more. Once the island is out of sight, you can start searching for other islands or the mainland.


If you find a beach, try looking for sugar cane. If you find some, harvest it and then return to the home island and craft the sugar cane into paper, then a map (but save some sugarcane so you can farm it to get more). Then, travel in the same direction with your map, this time bringing a lead. Use the lead to bring animals to the home island.

While you are filling your map, be sure to any islands you see, as they may house generated structures underneath them.


If you see another island, head for it immediately, light it up, and dig down. Chances are that there is a generated structure underneath.

If you discover a generated structure, it is advisable to set up a second base of operations (a home away from home, so as to say), as many of the underground generated structures can generate quite large and take a long time to fully explore.

If there is nothing to be found there (not even ores), pillar jump back up, retrieving the ladders as you go. Then, travel the same distance from your home island as you were when you discovered the other island. In other words, your compass should face sideways.

Since biomes in islands are mostly plains, there is a small chance to find plains village on islands that provide more resources. However, there’s also a chance you can find an isolated pillager outpost on small islands. It is advised to take these on later, as they can be a base or source of resources.

Frozen ocean

If you didn’t find any island, but frozen ocean or frozen deep ocean, there are also extra resources you can collect, such as snowballs from snow blocks, and packed ice and blue ice (make sure to break the ice using a pickaxe with silk touch enchantment). Despite kelp and seagrass not generated here, the surface is completely frozen (except frozen deep ocean‌[Java Edition only]), so you can walk on this biome. In rare cases, ruins and shipwreck can generate inside icebergs, providing a easy source of loot. Just make sure to have armor and weapons, as they provide ares for the undead to spawn. Polar bears can spawn during the day, which can be dangerous when near cubs, and strays also spawn at night. Polar bears can drop fish and strays can drop bones, arrows, and sometimes tipped arrows.


Indev-версия Java Edition
0.31 6 января 2010 Добавлен тип мира, в котором дно состояло из коренной породы, а в воздухе генерировались парящие острова. Позже типы мира были удалёны в Infdev.
Бета-версия Java Edition
Маркус Перссон написал в твиттере, что потратил много времени на создание нового измерения с парящими островами, однако результат получился плохим. Предполагалось, что оно будет называться «Раем».
19 мая 2011 Перссон опубликовал в Imgur несколько снимков экрана нового измерения и написал, что оно будет называться «Небесным миром».
Перссон заявил, что Небесный мир планировалось добавить в Adventure Update, однако отложил его до того момента, пока Нижний мир не будет обновлён.
12 октября 2011 Небесный мир заменён на Край — мрачное измерение, в котором обитает множество странников и дракон.
Спустя несколько лет Йенс Бергенстен сообщил о том, почему от Небесного мира пришлось отказаться — это измерение освещалось так же, как и обычный мир, из-за чего появлялись тени, которые снижали производительность. Край не имеет солнца и равномерно освещается.
Официальный выпуск Java Edition
1.13 18w19a С помощью типа мира «Ассорти» можно выбрать карту с парящими островами и любым биомом Верхнего мира, благодаря чему можно частично воссоздать Небесный мир.


Though this seed doesn’t have much to offer besides Shipwrecks, it is a wonderful aesthetic location to build a base, thanks to the Reddit user u/Harlson for finding this.

The island itself is an isolated village in the ocean with a great ocean terrain to explore.

There are various of smaller islands in the vicinity that gives the tropical atmosphere.


2 Shipwrecks:Coordinates: X: -192.37 / Y: 43.70 / Z: 348.76Coordinates: X: -233.25 / Y: 41.0 / Z: 127.29Nearest known Shipwrecks close to the VillageOcean Ruins with a Shipwreck:Coordinates: X: -73.03 / Y: 40 / Z: 42.22Look at all the loot in one spot.

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