Freestyle 2

Стоимость проживания в гостиницах «Фристайл» — сезон 2021/2022

Категория номера Стоимость проживания за номер в сутки, в рублях
Низкий сезон
Высокий сезон
Новый год
Проживание в гостинице «Фристайл 1»
Двухместный (2сп.кровать, ТВ, душ, туалет) 4500  5000  5500
2-х местный бл (кровать, ТВ, душ, туалет на блок) 3000 3500  4000
1-местный бл (кровать, ТВ, душ, туалет на блок) 2000 3000 3500
Студия 4 чел. 6000 7000 9000
Люкс (2 комнаты, кровать, мебель, ТВ. WC) 5500 6000 6500
Полулюкс кедровый 5000 5500 6000
Апартаменты кедровые (на 4 чел.) 6000 7000 9000
Семейный (4 осн. + 4 доп. места)(3 комнаты, 3 кровати, 2 дивана, кухонная зона) 9000 11000 15000
Дополнительное место 1000 1000 1000
Примечание Завтрак платный 250р. с человека
Скидки на проживание свыше пяти дней – 15% (низкий сезон).
Дети от 0 до 5 лет бесплатно, без предоставления отдельного места.
Расчётный час: Заезд в 14:00, выезд 12:00
Проживание в гостинице «Фристайл 2»
Флигель (4 основных места, кухонная зона) 6000 7000 8000
Апартаменты (4 основных) 6000 7000 9000
Двухместный (2сп.кровать, ТВ, душ, туалет) 5000 5500 6000
Люкс (2 комнаты, кровать, мебель, ТВ. WC) 5500 6000 6500
Дополнительное место 1000 1000 1000
Примечание Включен завтрак 250 руб.
Скидки на проживание с понедельника по пятницу (пять дней) – 30% (низкий сезон).
Дети от 0 до 5 лет бесплатно, без предоставления отдельного места.
Расчётный час: Заезд в 14:00, выезд 12:00
Проживание в гостинице «На трассе»
Двухместный (2сп.кровать, ТВ, душ, туалет) 4500 5000 5500
Люкс (на 4 чел.) 6000 7000 9000
Номера на подъемнике (4 чел.) 6000 7000 9000
Дополнительное место  1000 1000 1000
Примечание Завтрак за отдельную плату 250 руб.
Скидки на проживание свыше пяти дней – 15% (низкий сезон).
Дети от 0 до 5 лет бесплатно, без предоставления отдельного места.
Расчётный час: Заезд в 14:00, выезд 12:00

Бронирование номеров: +7-905-903-3811 с 8:00 до 22:00 часов в будние дни, сб, вс — выходной.

Green User Grade

AP/Class (Previous) – in April Green User Grade (2019/04)
Diamond G5 — Green User Point: 10500 Points
Platinum G4 — Green User Point: 9000 Points
Gold G3 — Green User Point: 7000 Points
Silver G2 — Green User Point: 6000 Points
Bronze G1 — Green User Point: 4500 Points

The Compensation for the User Grade Change will be as follows:

User AP Package Reward
Diamond + Platinum  Premium Card Sub Att Changer x10
Gold Card Sub Attribute Changer x20

Introducing the Green User System! The Green User System is our new User
Grade System. There is a new button locatable at the top of your screen to easily
go to the Green User Grade Section.
This is the Overview of your Green User Grade System. To Participate, you need
to click first on the Verify button, this immediately credits your account to G1.
Similar to the old User Grade System, you will also receive rewards and benefits
depending on the Level of your Grade.

Green  User Grade Grade Standards Grade Benefits
G5 10500 above Green User G5 Package/Free Card Mover
Exclusive Shop’s Free Purchase Coupon x1
3 Additional Card Moves
Ability to purchase All Star World Card Mover
Additional 2% on Mileage earned
Ability to purchase Effect/Item Ball outfits through the Exclusive Shop
G4 10499 — 7500 Green User G4 Package
Additional 2% on Mileage Earned
G3 7499 — 4500 Green User G3 Package
Additional 1% on Mileage Earned
Lucky Chance Activated
Green User Free Skill Slot (in development)
Exclusive Shop’s Free Purchase Coupon x1
G2 4499 — 2500 Green User G2 Package
Skills purchaseable for free (in development)
Item Ball, Card Ball, Capsule Guarantee System (in development)

Participate in the Green User Campaign

Extra Benefits in Web Events

Click on the «Participate Green User Campaign» to get started! Your grade will
automatically reflect on the overview.
In order to increase your Grade Level, you need to complete quests which is
locateable beside the Benefits Tab.
You can check the contents of the package you receive for achieving the specific
Like the old User Grade System, we also are introducing a new item Shop for
the Green User Grade. You can buy Limited outfits here, even an Allstar World
Card Mover!
Curious about the X-Machina Set? Heres a preview!
An Event that was loved and requested by many is now easily available by
achieving Grade3 on the Green User Grade System! Lucky Chance is readily
available whenever you want to!
One of the most requested features in the Card Mover, additional Card Moves,
can be easily acquired by ranking up in the Green User System!
We hope you enjoy our new and improved User Grade System!

Ведение записей [ править ]

Как это принято в баскетболе, FreeStyle Street Basketball предлагает систему подробного учета.

Следующая статистика сохраняется в игре, когда игрок завершает матч 1 на 1 в своей лиге:

Победные очки 1 на 1 (+2 за каждый выигранный матч 1 на 1)

Следующая статистика сохраняется в игре, когда игрок завершает матч 2 на 2 или 3 на 3 в своей лиге:

  • Статистика побед и поражений персонажа и процент побед
  • Набранные очки
  • Очки за игру (PPG)
  • Захваченные подборы
  • Подборов за игру (ролевая игра)
  • Сделанные голевые передачи
  • Голевые передачи за игру (APG)
  • Конвертированные кражи
  • Кражи за игру (SPG)
  • Преобразованные блоки
  • Блоки за игру (BPG)
  • Очки, набранные за счет преобразования 3-х очковых бросков
  • Процент попаданий 2-х очковых бросков
  • Процент попаданий 3-х очковых бросков
  • Минуты в матче
  • Награды лучшего игрока матча (MVP / POG в зависимости от версии, только 3 на 3)

Ежемесячные рейтинги составляются для всех вышеупомянутых статистических данных по лиге. Карьерная статистика также сохраняется для всего, за исключением средних значений и процентов, и поэтому карьерный рейтинг также присутствует.

Приз игрока матча вручается наиболее статистически значимому игроку, выигравшему в матче 3 на 3. Игрок с наибольшим (скрытым) количеством очков MotM в команде-победителе получает награду.

Есть специальная формула для очков MotM

Каждый набранный балл = 1

Каждый собранный отскок = 2

Каждая сделанная голевая передача = 3

Каждый преобразованный блок = 4

Каждый конверсионный краж = 5

Тот, кто финиширует с наибольшим количеством очков MVP, получает награду. В случае ничьей награду получает персонаж, занимающий крайний левый слот в команде.

Поскольку для получения награды Лучшего игрока матча обычно требуется впечатляющая статистика, часто используют эти награды вместе с отчетом о победах и поражениях игрока, чтобы судить о качестве неизвестного игрока.

Ping Booster Support for FreeStyle 2.

“FreeStyle 2: Street Basketball” is the MMO Sports game that was focusing on players versus players (3Vs3). The game offers a massive challenge that lets players competitive with each other. Every step and decision are counts. Moreover, a good connection is key to succession. What happens if you are going to get some great-shot but suddenly the lag made you miss that chance. What happened in the game that you are barley get a chance to fight back but then you are disconnected from the server. It’s a nightmare to all players who fought hard in their games.

So what if you can avoid those issues! Ping Booster the best gaming VPN now supports FreeStyle 2 (Steam version). For every shot you made, For every steps you move, Every trick you play, We will make it count. With PingBooster VPN service, we can reduce your lag and ping up to 50%. Now even Asia, Europe and North America we can help you create your legend.

PingBooster VPN now available for FreeStyle 2

Ping Booster can help you. Free Trial :

Download & Install Manual : PingBooster Client

Link: Optimize Ping Bypass Freestyle 2 with VPN PingBooster

Ссылки [ править ]

  1. ^ «Gravity Interactive. И JC Entertainment запускают уличный баскетбол в стиле хип-хоп в стиле фристайл» . IGN. 2010-11-29 . Проверено 20 сентября 2018 .
  2. ^ «Архивная копия» . Архивировано из оригинала на 2013-11-09 . Проверено 7 ноября 2013 .
  3. ^ «Завершение работы по уличному баскетболу в стиле фристайл» . . Проверено 20 сентября 2018 .
  4. ^ Архивировано 13 апреля 2014 г. в Wayback Machine.
  5. Hatfield, Daemon (29 июня 2007 г.). «Обзор уличного баскетбола FreeStyle» . IGN . Проверено 28 апреля 2010 . Такую игру, как эта, с таким количеством ошибок и сложностей, мешающих игровому процессу, было бы трудно рекомендовать… если бы за нее пришлось платить. Но тот факт, что вы можете играть в FreeStyle бесплатно прямо сейчас, сводит на нет многие проблемы, о которых вы только что прочитали. Когда я, наконец, смог попасть в игру, я действительно хорошо провел с ней время.

What is FreeStyle2: Street Basketball game?

FreeStyle2: Street Basketball

FreeStyle2: Street Basketball is a Basketball MMO developed and published by Joycity. With unique gameplay and stunning graphics, the game set up players to a street-style league, where they can team up and enjoy the excitement of experiencing teamworks and performing freestyle moves.


FreeStyle2 have a basic gameplay like Street Basketball. The teams compete in the half-court 3 on 3 games which will be the eighth position.

1. Center — C

2. Power Forward — PF 

3. Small Forward — SF

4. Shooting Guard — SG

5. Point Guard — PG

6. Swingman — SW

7. Dual Guard — DG

8. Control Tower — CT

Gameplay will focus on style of play that freedom without boundaries. Players will be divided into team of 3 people or 3 VS 3 with the rules of the game are easy to understand. If a player makes a field goal from within the three-point line, the player scores two points. If the player makes a field goal from beyond the three-point line, the player scores three points. When any team scored, they would switch to the other side until the end of the game. Team that score higher than it wins. The system controller, simply use the arrow keys to move with the W A S D keys.

Other system in game



Toy is a system provided to players to enhance their character’s performance in a match in a random way. Players can acquire Toys, EXP items or Battery items by using Toy Coins.


Card is a feature provided to players to enhance their character’s ability.


The system allows players to disassemble unused items to acquire materials at a random rate. The materials can then be used to create new accessory items with unique animations or exclusive consumable items which are not available for purchase in Shop.

SPC Collection

A system introduced to players as an additional way to add more attributes to their character. Each character can equip up to 2 titles.

How to download Freestyle 2?

FreeStyle2 can download from steam and web FreeStyle2

1. If you download from Steam. After setup and open game, FreeStyle2 with steam will log your user and password so you can play it. 

Green User Grade

AP/Class (Previous) – in April Green User Grade (2019/04)
Diamond G5 — Green User Point: 10500 Points
Platinum G4 — Green User Point: 9000 Points
Gold G3 — Green User Point: 7000 Points
Silver G2 — Green User Point: 6000 Points
Bronze G1 — Green User Point: 4500 Points

The Compensation for the User Grade Change will be as follows:

User AP Package Reward
Diamond + Platinum  Premium Card Sub Att Changer x10
Gold Card Sub Attribute Changer x20

Introducing the Green User System! The Green User System is our new User
Grade System. There is a new button locatable at the top of your screen to easily
go to the Green User Grade Section.
This is the Overview of your Green User Grade System. To Participate, you need
to click first on the Verify button, this immediately credits your account to G1.
Similar to the old User Grade System, you will also receive rewards and benefits
depending on the Level of your Grade.

Green  User Grade Grade Standards Grade Benefits
G5 10500 above Green User G5 Package/Free Card Mover
Exclusive Shop’s Free Purchase Coupon x1
3 Additional Card Moves
Ability to purchase All Star World Card Mover
Additional 2% on Mileage earned
Ability to purchase Effect/Item Ball outfits through the Exclusive Shop
G4 10499 — 7500 Green User G4 Package
Additional 2% on Mileage Earned
G3 7499 — 4500 Green User G3 Package
Additional 1% on Mileage Earned
Lucky Chance Activated
Green User Free Skill Slot (in development)
Exclusive Shop’s Free Purchase Coupon x1
G2 4499 — 2500 Green User G2 Package
Skills purchaseable for free (in development)
Item Ball, Card Ball, Capsule Guarantee System (in development)

Participate in the Green User Campaign

Extra Benefits in Web Events

Click on the «Participate Green User Campaign» to get started! Your grade will
automatically reflect on the overview.
In order to increase your Grade Level, you need to complete quests which is
locateable beside the Benefits Tab.
You can check the contents of the package you receive for achieving the specific
Like the old User Grade System, we also are introducing a new item Shop for
the Green User Grade. You can buy Limited outfits here, even an Allstar World
Card Mover!
Curious about the X-Machina Set? Heres a preview!
An Event that was loved and requested by many is now easily available by
achieving Grade3 on the Green User Grade System! Lucky Chance is readily
available whenever you want to!
One of the most requested features in the Card Mover, additional Card Moves,
can be easily acquired by ranking up in the Green User System!
We hope you enjoy our new and improved User Grade System!


<This position CT (Control Tower) can be played in various roles such as:>

  • Defender CT/Paint Control: In this role, CT are being bullied by Cs and PFs because they lack in Box Out Swarm and Putback Dunk, which Cs and PFs have, to rival their rebounding capabilities. Actually, this kind of play must withdraw doing layups and shooting (3’s and Mid Shots) unless if it is wide open. This play-style should be Power or Balanced and equipped with: Manual Block, Chip Out, Box Out (crucially), SP Box Out, Deny Intercept (optional), Tip In Shot, Tap Pass and/or Power Tab Pass (exclusively against Cs and PFs). P.S. Focus on Defense and Rebound.
  • Support: Usually pair with other Biggies or not, «Decoy» is an unrestricted role (Power, Shrewd, or Balanced) since they are playing mid-way games. This play-style is played with the following skills like Alley-oop Pass, Non-stop Pass, Jump Pass, Quick Jumper, Shoot Touch, etc. for Offense. On Defense, Box Out, Tip In Shot, Tap Pass, etc. (if paired with Biggies) if not, add Power Tab Pass, Chip Out, etc. The main role of this play-style is to disrupt the defenders (playing mind games :3) yet it takes a lot of dry runs to master.
  • Pillar — CT will be playing in various positions:

Pillar CT — usually all Bigs should provide a screen for the scorer and ready to retrieve or rebound the ball whenever it is blocked. Recommended Skills: Screen Body Check (it is a must for this play), SP Screen (very crucial for Pillar play-style), SP Stamina I or II and SP Speed I or II (new updated skills but optional).

Scorer — as the name suggests, CT should often help on offense while making open shots when the scorer is in a tight situation. Add at least Shoot Touch for offense while the rest for rebound and defense.

Double Dash — this type of play is similar to Pillar but acts to misdirect the defenders. This play-style usually plays in Balanced or Shrewd Type. Equipped Skills: Pick & Move, SP Screen, Pass & Run, Shoot Touch, SP 3pt Shot, Quick Change (Deck Name: I’m here) are mainly on offense.

Carry CT

This role can be played in three (3) positions:

Semi-Swing: CTs are mainly composed of Shoot Touch, Turn Around Fade Away, Pass & Run, Sky Hook Shot, Post Up Quick Change, Hook Shot, Turning Shot, Jump Pass, Double Clutch (Deck Name: Play Together) etc. for the offense. Note: This Offensively role must not exceed beyond the 3pt line, Good Luck or Do your worst >:P .

Pseudo-playmaker: This carry style CT only draws the attention of the opposing Big to provide an easy basket to a dash teammate against them. This build type must be Power or Balanced. This playstyle must concentration offensively only in Passing and shooting outside the paint or Middle Shot, but not doing layups and post shot unless if wide open, with the following skills: Alley-oop Pass (crucial for faux-dash plays), Shoot Touch (vital if your guard doesn’t pay attention), Post Up Keeping, Hand to Hand Pass, etc. While in Defense, spend some points in Tussle since if you’re against Paint Big and try to harass with Deny Intercept (Note: This skill will activate on certain time, chances or luck so usually it is optional), Manual Block, Power Block, etc. while the others such as: Block Pass, Block & Catch, etc. are optional if you know how to use it. Lastly, Rebounding must be the priority before the Offense.

3PT CT: This kind of play-style is precisely to shoot 3’s as much as possible and played in Shrewd Type. 3PT CT must consider and attain with SPC Collection (Buzzer Beater, 3pt After Rebound, Naughty Kitties are Dominating the Court or Counterattack Chance! depending upon its choice), 3pt Toy (if kinda lucky >0< ), and having good set of Cards (SP#5 Toy Edition Deck) *Ahem*


Who are they?

Control Towers are gifted with Power Forwards’ Tussle and Centers’ Rebound, and the rest of the attributes are all well-balanced. Initially, they are well-known for Offensive and Defensive purposes since it’s equally distributed. As you notice all of the stats/attributes are not in <100.

What can they do?


  • Very all-rounded position among the Biggies, due to their skillset Quick Jumper, Jump Pass, Alley-oop Pass, etc.
  • Can be a threat to both offense and defense.
  • Has the best offensive stats among the Bigs. E.g. 3pt Shot and Middle Shot.
  • CTs have almost obtain guards’ skills among the Biggies.


  • Really struggling to play against Cs, PFs and Power Type CTs.
  • Due to being versatile set, they don’t have particular skill combo.
  • CTs are not «Carry» positions instead of «Support» Biggies.
  • CTs are outmatched by Cs and PFs in playing the post and under the rim.
  • CTs are not compatible with full swing play-style.

Специальные команды и персонажи [ править ]

  • Майами Феникс ( Майами, Флорида , США )

    • Алиса Андерсон (охранник, капитан)
    • Фрэнсис Кэхилл (нападающий)
    • Вой Качина (В центре)
  • Yokohama Choco Ships ( Иокогама , Япония )

    • Сачи Такенака (охранник, капитан)
    • Микако «Адог» Судзуки (нападающий)
    • Ёсино Сайонджи (Центр)
  • Вена Вайс Риттер ( Вена , Австрия )

    • Зигмунд «Зиг» фон Шенберг (гвардеец, капитан)
    • Офелия (нападающий)
    • Раймонд (Центр)
  • Los Angeles Gold Bugs ( Лос-Анджелес, Калифорния , США )

    • «Богомол» (в центре, капитан)
    • «Паук» (Нападающий)
    • «Медоносная пчела» (Страж)
  • Tokyo Fruit Basket ( Токио , Япония )

    • «Микан»
    • «Ринго»
    • «Ичиго» Эшли
  • Горячий карнавал в Рио ( Рио-де-Жанейро , Бразилия )

    • Гарсиа Лоренцо
    • Лиза Сильва
    • Коко Жениться
  • Wonder Hup ( Республика Корея ), на основе корейской женской группы » Wonder Girls «

    • Сохи
    • Сунье
    • Сонми
    • Ыын
    • Юбин
  • KARA Cats ( Республика Корея ), основанная на корейской женской группе » KARA «.

    • Гу Хара
    • Хан Сынён
    • Кан Джиён
    • Николь
    • Парк Гюри


~ CTs against among the big men (Cs and PFs). Let’s assume that they are in Balanced Type.


  • Post Shot: C (178) > CT (153) = PF (153)
  • Middle Shot: CT (140) > PF (114) > C (102)
  • 3pt Shot: CT (114) > PF (89) > C (76)
  • Short Dunk: C (178) > PF (153) > CT (127)
  • Long Dunk: PF (178) > CT (114) > C (102)
  • Short Layup: C (186) > PF (165) > CT (127)
  • Long Layup: CT (114) = PF (114) > C (89)
  • Pass: CT (153) > PF (114) > C (102)


  • Rebound: C (191) = CT (191) > PF (178)
  • Tussle: C (178) > PF (153) = CT (153)
  • Speed: CT (114) > PF (102) > C (76)

Stamina: CT (127) > PF (102) > C (89)

CONCLUSION: As you can see CTs offensively excel outside the paint (Long Layup, Middle Shot, 3pt Shot and Pass) rather than playing on the paint. Quite decent in defense having a closer gap points between Cs and PFs in Block and have an edge in Steal. In talent, Cs and CTs are tied in Rebound and tied in Tussle along with PFs next to Cs but excels in Speed and Stamina. Overall, CTs are well-balanced similar to SFs (equally only in Offense).

Attribute Distribution[]

i The following section contains play guide from one or more players. Therefore, it is subjective and may not work for everyone.
Total point: 136
Post Shot
Middle Shot
3pt Shot
Short Dunk
Long Dunk
Short Layup
Long Layup
Post Shot
Middle Shot
3pt Shot
Short Dunk
Long Dunk
Short Layup
Long Layup
Post Shot
Middle Shot
3pt Shot
Short Dunk
Long Dunk
Short Layup
Long Layup
Post Shot
Middle Shot
3pt Shot
Short Dunk
Long Dunk
Short Layup
Long Layup
Post Shot
Middle Shot
3pt Shot
Short Dunk
Long Dunk
Short Layup
Long Layup
Post Shot
Middle Shot
3pt Shot
Short Dunk
Long Dunk
Short Layup
Long Layup

Play styles[]


On offense, DG has second highest layup and jumper, combine these two thing with second highest speed stats, DG can be deadly offensively.

As a layup specialist, DG has lots of useful movesets, such as layup pass, floater, double clutch, eurostep,drive in jumper and fake pass. Those skillsets makes DG as the best layup specialist in this game.

As a jumpers, DG also have interesting move like pull up jumpers, jump pass, backdrive and quick jumpers and no mark shot. Those ability makes DG really decent shooter. Keep that in mind,

As a three pointers, DG has some decent stats, with SP II. Keep that in mind DG is not a great 3pt shooter as SG, but can knock down three point shot in wide open.

DG really good at ISO and Swing. Decent at Dash shooter (great dash speed but no shot resist), and pillar (drift shot not viable).


On defense, DG has second highest steal, and speed, combine this two things with SP III steal, DG really can put pressure on the ballhandler and defend Dash very well. Keep that in mind DG has somewhat high tussle to keep him doing bump-steal. also DG can be a blocker too, with Athletic master and manual block.

DG really lackluster on off-ball defense, due to his weak intercept ability, and no overpass intercept.


Default Skills

Kill Pass I

Allows you to make a quick pass while heavily defended or Initiate a quick pass on your open teammate. Kill Pass: speed↑ +24

Post Push I

While Defending, move your opponent away from the post Acquire Post Push

SP Middle Shot III

When Equipped, your success rate for a Middle Shot becomes substantially high Middle Shot success↑ +48


When Equipped, Pass speed increases and you are less likely to be Intercepted Entry Pass Speed +48

Entry Pass Intercept resistance +48
Kick out Pass speed +48
Kick out Pass Intercept resistance +48

Post Shot Focus III

When Equipped, Post Shot is less likely to be affected by Defense Post Shot: def. resist.↑ + 48

SP Middle Shot Focus II

When Equipped, Middle Shot is less likely to be affected by


Middle Shot: def resist +24
LV: 24 P 0 (Suggested)

Skill Shop

Turning Shot III

From under the post, perform a turn shot Turning Shot: success↑ + 48
LV: 2 P 1000

Box Out I

Push your opponent to get a better rebounding position Acquire Box Out
LV: 2 P 5000

Hook Shot III

Perform a shot from your side avoiding frontal defense Hook Shot: success↑ +48
LV: 4 P 2000

Direct Pass I

Select which teammate to pass with Q/E Acquired Direct Pass
LV: 6 P 3000

Deny Intercept I

Automatically catch the ball when you defend a pass Deny Intercept: success↑ +48
LV: 8 P 9000

Tip In Shot III

Tip the ball back in after a shot bounces off the rim Tip In Shot: success↑ +48
LV: 10 P 5000

Quick Jumper II

Perform a quick Jump Shot as soon as you receive a Pass Quick Jumper: Act. speed +36
LV: 10 P 6000

Manual Block III

Manually select the direction of your block extending the range Manual Block: range↑ +48
LV: 12 P 5000

Non-stop Pass I

Pass the ball quickly as soon as you receive a pass Acquire Non-stop Pass
LV: 14 P 4000

Pass and Run I

Make a short dash after making a pass Acquire Pass and Run
LV: 16 P 7000

Post Up Keeping I

Confuse your opponent by driving left or right while Post Up Keeping State Acquired Post Up Keeping
LV: 16 P 5000

Manual Layup II

Perform a Layup on your chosen direction Manual Layup: angle↑ +36
LV: 18 P 6000

Block Pass III

Successfully block the ball then pass towards your teammate Block Pass: success↑ +48
LV: 20 P 4000

Alley-oop Pass I

Perform an alley-oop pass, your teamate must press F Acquire Alley-oop Pass
LV: 22 P 7000

SP Screen II

Increases the width of your screen Screen: collision angle↑ +24
LV: 24 P 7000

Tap Pass I

Pass the ball to the closest teammate for Rebound. Acquired Tap Pass
LV: 24 P 12000

Chip Out II

Chip the ball out of your opponents reach when you are Rebounding from a disadvantaged position Chip Out: range↑ +36
LV: 24 P 5000

Backwards Two Step II

Confuse the opponent with a drive step back drive maneuver while using Post Up Drive Backward Two Step: speed↑ +36
LV: 24 P 6000

Power Tab Pass I

Tap the Ball towards your teammate denying the opponents Acquire Power Tab Pass
LV: 24 P 6000

Post Up Drive Fake II

Change direction twice while Post Up Drive Acquire Post Up Drive Fake
LV: 24 P 4000

Sky Hook Shot III

Perform a hook shot with a higher shooting arc and side angle Sky Hook: Shot success↑ +48
LV: 24 P 8000

Power Block I

Block the ball with a strong motion to bounce it off the court floor Acquire Power Block
LV: 24 P 8000

Shoot Touch II

Successfully matching the shooting gauge will increase shot success rate and deny defense Shoot Touch: success↑ +36
LV: 24 P 9000

Hand to Hand Pass I

Pass to a teammate while in a Post Up Keeping or Post Up stance Acquire Hand to Hand Pass
LV: 24 P 10000

Pick & Move II

Move faster after a fake Screen or move faster when defender and screen crash. (Pick & Slip/Roll/Pop is available.) Pick & Slip/Roll/Pop is available.
LV: 24 P 15000

Turn Around Fade Away III

Perform a Fade Away shot while in a Post Up keeping or Post Up stance Turn Around Fade Away: success↑ +48
LV: 24 P 12000

Jump Pass II

Fake a layup or Dunk and instead perform a pass Jump Pass: range +36
LV: 24 P 10000

SP 3pt Shot I

Increases the chance of a successful 3pt shot 3pt : success↑ +12
LV: 24 P 10000

SP Box Out II

Increases the speed of your Box out movement Box Out: speed↑ +36
LV: 24 P 11000

Post Up Quick Change II

As soon as you receive a pass during Post Up you can drive in faster Post Up Quick Change: speed↑ +36
LV: 24 P 12000

Block & Catch I

Block and catch the ball simultaneously when your opponent makes a shot, layup or dunk Block&Catch: success↑ +24
LV: 24 P 12000

SP Dunk Activation II

Increase your chance in performing dunks Short Dunk: success +24

Long Dunk: success +12

LV: 24 P 20000

SP Dunk Success II

Increase the chance of a successful dunk Short Dunk: success +24

Long Dunk: success +24

LV: 24 P 18000

SP Dunk Focus II

When equipped, your dunks are harder to defend Short Dunk: def resist +24

Long Dunk: def resist +24

LV: 24 P 22000

Геймплей [ править ]

Все версии игры предлагают половину корта 1 на 1, 2 на 2 и 3 на 3 с другими игроками онлайн.

Матчи 1 на 1 рассчитаны на 3 минуты, матчи 2 на 2 — на 4 минуты и матчи 3 на 3 — на 5 минут.

Применяются стандартные правила стритбола с таймером для броска и механизмом :

  • Выстрелы внутри трехочковой дуги приносят 2 очка.
  • Выстрелы за пределами 3-х очковой дуги приносят 3 очка.
  • Игроки не могут вести мяч после того, как завершили ведение.
  • Нет выхода за пределы игры.
  • Никаких фолов.
  • Мяч должен быть выбит за пределами трехочковой линии после смены владения.
  • 24-секундный таймер для броска.
  • Одноминутные сверхурочные периоды, если счет равный по окончании основного времени, если счет ничейный после дополнительного времени, играется еще один дополнительный период до тех пор, пока одна команда не наберет больше очков, чем другая.
  • Команда, набравшая наибольшее количество очков в конце правила, становится победителем.

Три на три матча пять минут длиной, и являются уникальными в том , что игра начинается с прыжка мяч , а не хозяев , получающего мяч.

Матчи два на два длятся четыре минуты, а матчи один на один — три минуты. Оба матча отличаются от матчей три на три тем, что хозяева поля всегда начинают с мяча.

Каждый игрок может использовать свои собственные навыки, то есть движения, которые можно активировать, нажимая необходимые уникальные входы и «Свободные стили», или модификаторы обычных движений, которые есть у всех персонажей, которые либо появляются случайным образом на месте обычного хода, либо занимают его разместить в установленном порядке.

Из-за аркадного характера игры некоторые аспекты импульса и физики были проигнорированы, чтобы стимулировать более быстрый темп. В результате возникла совершенно другая метагейм, использующий эти недостатки для защиты от эффектных и нелогичных ходов.

В игре есть система уровней, основанная на опыте. Когда игрок достигает определенного требования к опыту, он поднимается на уровень и получает в награду очки атрибутов. Очки атрибутов используются для улучшения таких навыков персонажа, как бег, прыжки, ведение мяча, воровство и пас.

Во время создания персонажа представлены три основные позиции. Это Центр (C), Нападающий (F) и Страж (G). Это классификация от 1 до 15 с разными навыками в зависимости от позиции игрока. На уровне 15 гвардейцы и нападающие дополнительно специализируются на своей позиции, выбирая между разыгрывающим / атакующим защитником и малым форвардом / мощным форвардом соответственно. После выбора позиции игроку предлагается выбрать имя, пол, тип лица, телосложение и рост своего персонажа. Положение, пол и рост — единственные не косметические факторы создания персонажа. После того, как персонаж успешно создан, игрок сразу же переходит к основному обучению игры.

Play Styles[]

SG is mainly used in 3 styles:

Swing Style

Main Composition: SG — PG — C/PF

Pure Swing Style — Focusing on drive-in dribbles and then able to take a long range 3 pointer or a 2 point jump shots quickly away from the defense. They can also focus on long layup attribute to play more flexible using floater, manual layup, double clutch, or jump pass. This is a play style that could extend in varieties of play styles with custom skill sets. However, floater is known to be the best when an SG has reached the height of 175 cm or higher.

Floater + Alley-Oop(Flly-oop) Style — Specialized on floater with maximum long layup range. They can also mix jump pass, double clutch, and alley-oop as a combo, to play mind game against opposing big. This is a very common play style in Korea with SG’s above 175 cm height.

  • Suggested main attributes: 3pt Shot, Long Layup, Running Speed, Middle Shot
  • Suggested sub attributes: 3pt: Success↑, Shoot Touch: Success↑, 3pt: Def Resist↑, Long Layup: Range↑, Manual Layup: Angle↑, Move: Speed↑, Drive: Speed↑

Dash Style (Away Style)

Main Composition: SG — PG/DG — C/PF

Using away screen move skill and get open quickly, very effective if you have better sub attributes on your card such as 3 pt success and long range shot. The reason SG is the best at this is because the long range skill and high 3 point shot def resist that allow you to have more space to dash away from the defense and get more 3 point shots.

  • Suggested main attributes: 3pt Shot, Middle Shot, Running Speed, Stamina
  • Suggested sub attributes: 3pt: Success↑, Shoot Touch: Success↑, 3pt: Def Resist↑, Stamina: Recovery↑, Stamina Max↑, Move: Speed↑


Main Composition: SG — PG/DG — PF/SF

The long layup range is tied for 2nd best with DG (SW has the best with 191, but lacks middle and 3pt and starts with 127 at each stat). The SG lines up in the middle at around the foul line, with both players on each side for quick pass from a double team, and does a manual layup, a mid, or a fade. A variation is also to start from the 3 line and draw the defense close then goes for the layup.

  • Suggested main attributes: Long Layup, Middle Shot, Running Speed, 3 Pt Shot
  • Suggested sub attributes: Long Layup: Range↑, Manual Layup: Angle↑, Move: Speed↑, Shoot Touch: Success↑


SG has more block than PG or DG, but lacks the skills they have (SP steal, and sp dive, as well as pg only has overhead int), it also has less speed and stamina. Overall it can block, but it is better suited to let your PF block in the paint if you have the choice.


Name Team Height (cm)
Jerome Basic 198
Cecile Basic 185
Edwin Basic 200
Jack* Buzzer Beater 193
Big Joe* Buzzer Beater 205
Leo* Buzzer Beater 200
Lyoid* Buzzer Beater 215
Hakkai The West 190
Gojyo The West 210
Liu Naughty Kitties 189
Grace Noble 190
Nick Black Lightning 202
Simon Rick Team SLAM 194
Giant-G Team SLAM 205
Cloud Ace of Wulin 190
Rain Ace of Wulin/

Moonlight Creed**

Dr. Isaac Team Prototype 201
Jasime** Silver Foxes** 171
Anne** Silver Foxes** 173
Ashley** Silver Foxes** 175
M.C. AA** Cold Eyes** 190
Dominic** Wild Rookies** 203
Snow** Moonlight Creed** 180

* Buzzer Beater characters such as Leo, Lyoid, Jack and Big Joe are now available to become CT (Control Tower). Position Breakers used to be only level 12 at the start but you can now create level 1 character.

** Since due to insufficient and unavailable articles, with further ado and apology, it is restricted to develop further informations about these Characters and Teams.

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