The vaulters
- Elections
- Traits
- Production Bonuses
- Part 2 (A) [Saved the Core]
- Боевая система
- Игровой процесс[]
- «Ваше видение — их будущее»
- Глобальная стратегия нового поколения
- Strategy
- Empire Development
- Игровой процесс
- Conquest
- Endless Space 2 не загружается. Решение
- Lore
- Военные действия[]
- Lore
- Access to System Development Projects
- Science
- Colonizer
Every 20 turns (on Normal speed), an election will take place, determining which political parties are represented in your senate. All governments are allowed to influence elections to lesser or greater degrees (with the extreme case of a Dictatorship/Autocracy being able to just select a ruling party by fiat).
These influence actions modify some game-internal variables we don’t fully understand — from datamining, we have their names and values, and we’ve printed those on this wiki to at least give you an idea of the magnitude of the effect. The two variables are: and with the variable values ranging from 10-100 and 5-40 depending on the action.
On Election Day (at the end of turn), the election process starts with the results from the latest survey. This survey is purposefully not 100% accurate with your population’s true political support. Your populations political support will also not fully correspond to votes’ distribution between parties.
What actually happens during the election process is that the population support gets converted into Representatives during the second stage of Election Day. The way this conversion works is by first computing how many Representatives each of your systems will have — this is equal to your system population if the government is a Democracy or Republic, but in the case of Autocracy, Dictatorship and Federation governments the system representative amount will be calculated by (1 + (3 x System Level)).
«Then, for each Representative, it will randomly pick a politics to vote for, based on the support of the politics. If there are several votes to cast at once, the ones that aren’t randomly selected become slightly more likely to be selected next, so that there are more chances of getting a balanced system.»
Representatives are therefore not directly chosen by your populations political support, but by random chance based on your populations political support.
Under «Political Trends», bars to the different parties then gets filled up by the number of their Representatives (votes). The winning parties of the Political Trends then move to the next stage.
In this stage, a last determining calculation is made to the winning parties. Here, the votes of the losing parties are taken into account and redistributed between the winning parties, as seen by hovering over the political symbols around the winner portait’s votes bar. This can therefore completely change the winners’ rankings from the «Political Trends». The losers’ votes are redistributed according to their alignment in the politics wheel seen in the Population Overview, prioritizing their votes to their political neighbours.
The political party wheel mentioned just now is this one:
Hissho Affinity |
Honor Bound:
• Can accumulate Keii and use it to launch Keii actions to boost the military and production capacities of systems • Keii also determines empire and system Obedience, which replaces Approval • +40% Keii gain after a space battle under the Keii zone of Behemoths The loyalty of the Hissho to their leaders depends on the sense of honor and glory accrued to the empire. Completing quests and taking part in battles are the sorts of activities that improve this rating. |
Hissho | +2 per Turn, +1 . Ideology. |
Illo Citizens | +1 Illo Citizens on home system. |
Sacred Tradition | • The government type does not change when in rebellion
• Systems rebel when an empire is in Anarchy due to low or . • Can see paths and destination of Fleets of empires you are at war with. While leaders may be overthrown, Hissho do not question the form of government that has led them successfully for centuries. |
Observances | With every election, a new Observance becomes available. Sacrificing a population will give your empire the effects of the Observance.
The Hissho maintain a rotating calendar of traditional Observances to gain favor with their gods. These may be seen as gruesome and bloodthirsty by outsiders, but to the Hissho they are part of ancient tradition. |
Resource Recoverers | • Mining Probes can collect FIDS resources of a planet and add them to the Home System’s resource generation.
• -1 Systems occupied before triggering expansion disapproval on Empire • -5% per Systems above over-colonization threshold on Systems. Expertise in both interstellar mining and galactic transport allow mined resources to augment the Home System’s income. |
Pirate Slayers | Pirate Slayers cannot interact diplomatically with the pirates, but earn twice as much loot when destroying a pirate lair.
Pirates may have a romantic image, but truly honorable species will not put up with the realities of piratical ruin and pillage. |
Behemoth Builders | +1 Behemoth Production Limit on Empire
Familiar with the complex technology of Behemoth hulls and the management of complex military hierarchies, this empire can manage more of these giant ships. |
Behemoth Discoverer | Faction starts with an Economic Behemoth on its Home System
Owning the first of these ancient, multi-purpose platforms to be discovered and put into action, the faction starts with an Economic Behemoth. |
Xenolinguistics | Starts with this Technology already discovered |
Rare Earth Foams | Starts with this Technology already discovered |
Production Bonuses
Resources used in the System Development projects dictate which attributes and how (flat bonus, per Pop, percentual) are boosted. In general, Tier 1 resources provide flat production bonus, Tier 2 increase per Population production and Tier 3 resources provide a percentile boost.
Luxury Resource Effects
The effects of all the luxury resources are listed on a dedicated page.
The number of resources required depends on their tier (above), as shown here:
Tier 1 | Tier 2 | Tier 3 | |
Basic System Development (L2) | 25 | 20 | 10 |
Advanced System Development (L3) | 75 | 40 | 20 |
Endless System Development (L4) | 125 | 60 | 30 |
Note how the all-important Level 4 is about a 4:2:1 ratio (Tier 1 to Tier 3). In other words, an income of, say, 5 of a Tier 3 resource needs to be balanced by an income of about 20 of a Tier 1 resource, to keep usage even. (More, if you’ve used a particular resource for more than one level’s slots.)
That said, by the time you want to make Level 4 starports, you have probably already built most of your early systems to Level 2 or 3, and other systems you might occupy may also be built up already … you probably won’t be building all your newly-gained systems from scratch.
A final factor is that particular resources tend to cluster in particular regions of the galaxy. Stated another way, you already have a good idea of most of the goods income you’ll have to work with for Level 4, at the point you choose its components. Still, you might find a particularly nice new system with 2 or 3 of some resource, which can really boost your balancing for a desirable component.
Strategic Resource Effects (Material Expertise)
Factions with the Material Expertise trait (The Vaulters) can also use the Strategic Resources for System Development projects. The effects of these are also listed on the same dedicated page luxury resources are listed on.
Again, the amount of required resources depends on their tier, although the costs are slightly different from the luxury resources listed above.
Tier 1 | Tier 2 | Tier 3 | |
Basic System Development (L2) | 30 | 24 | 12? |
Advanced System Development (L3) | 90 | 72 | 36? |
Endless System Development (L4) | 150 | 120 | 60 |
Part 2 (A) [Saved the Core]
After analyzing the core, you learn that the aliens’ homeworld was attacked by a malevolent race of extraterrestrials who conquer planets, quickly strip them of their resources, and them move on. In addition, the core gives you algorithms to predict their next target. They move fast, though, and won’t stay at the site of their last victory for long. If you hurry, you can intercept them before they leave… or you can head to their next destination and lay a trap for them
Choose an Objective
- They are dangerous, and a carefully planned trap may be a wiser move than dashing in and attacking them.
- Orbit around until enemy fleet appears (10 turns)
- Reward: 50 Hyperium
- They are settled in their new home—or at least as settled as they can be while they constantly watch for their aggressors
- There is no time to waste; traps take effort and planning yet this extraterrestrial plague needs to be stopped now.
- Reach
Reward: 50 Hyperium
in less than 10 turns to intercept the evil guys
Боевая система
Космические сражения в Endless Space 2 проходят в режиме пассивного наблюдения, однако сам бой — это что-то вроде итогового результата решений игрока. И сделать их придется немало!
Во-первых, все корабли нужно собирать вручную из имеющихся модулей. Это и двигатели, и оружие, и защитные системы, и различные вспомогательные «примочки». Сначала выбор небольшой, но если изучить определенные технологии, то можно будет создавать очень эффективные комбинации.Во-вторых, каждая модель корпуса имеет разное количество слотов под модули разного типа. При этом один и тот же тип корабля у одной расы может отличаться по комплектации от аналога другой расы.
Это значит, что нужно постоянно следить за тем, чтобы техническое оснащение кораблей не только было максимально продвинутым, но и отвечало конкретной задаче. Супер-перехватчик планету не захватит, ведь в нем не нашлось места для десантников. А дредноут с кучей защитных модулей едва ли будет полезен во время наступательных операций.
Также непосредственно перед боем можно выбрать одну из карточек-тактик. По умолчанию их всего три, но позже их количество можно увеличить, обеспечив своему флоту большую гибкость.
Игровой процесс[]
Каждый игрок в начале, выбрав одну из восьми гуманоидных и негуманоидных рас, получает одну колонизированную звёздную систему и одну заселённую планету. Каждую из уникальных рас характеризует целый ряд черт, воздействующих на ведение войн, развитие науки, рост населения и тому подобные параметры. Эти черты могут заметно повлиять на стратегию игры, давая преимущество в достижении определённого типа победы: дипломатической, научной, военной, территориальной или «чудесной».
Галактика, где и происходит действие игры, генерируется случайно: старые и молодые звёзды окружаются различными типами планет и связываются космическими струнами в случайном порядке. Впрочем, на выбор формы галактики можно влиять, выбирая соответствующий пункт в меню, как и выбирая количество ресурсов, число планет в системах и некоторые другие показатели. Расширяя свои империи, игроки воюют, торгуют и вступают в альянсы. Но первоначально все находятся в состоянии «холодной войны» и могут направить развитие взаимоотношений в ту или иную сторону, возможен обмен технологиями, ресурсами, реликвиями.
В Endless Space 2 используется пять основных ресурсов, влияющих на экономику: еда, промышленность, пыль (эквивалент денег), наука и влияние (в оригинале этого ресурса не было) (англ. Food, Industry, Dust, Science, Influence). Возможно исследование технологий в области науки, экономики, войны и развития инфраструктуры, сами технологии поделены на эры. У каждой фракции есть цепочка основных квестов, а в игровой вселенной есть миссии, связанные с планетами и аномалиями.
Государственный строй в игре может быть демократией, диктатурой, республикой и федерацией. В выборах в сенат участвуют шесть политических партий (пацифисты, учёные, индустриалисты, экологи, военные и теократы), в случае победы они могут влиять на принимаемые игроком решения и издаваемые законы.
Реакция игрока на случайные события напрямую влияют на взгляды и политические предпочтения подвластного населения. Каждая фракция имеет собственную сюжетную кампанию, основанную на квестах.
Игрок может нанимать героев, способных в дальнейшем развиваться по четырём путям развития (искатель, страж, надзиратель и советник). Класс обладает общими и уникальными способностями, самих героев можно поставить руководителе флота или сената.
«Ваше видение — их будущее»
Еще на этапе анонса игры разработчики провозгласили этот девиз, подчеркнув свое стремление сделать политику более живой. В Endless Space 2 полностью переработана система взаимодействия игрока с подконтрольным ему населением. Разработчики выделили целую плеяду политических течений: милитаристы, ученые, теологи, экологи, пафицисты и промышленники.
Каждое из этих сообществ имеет собственное мнение насчет правильного пути развития. Это выражается в доступных законотворческих актах, которые в значительной степени могут изменить государство.
Но это не значит, что можно выбрать что-то одно и сплестись в объятьях братских. Мнение носителей политических взглядов складывается не только из действий игрока, но и из других событий, которые происходят сами собой. Все это в комплексе может создать множество интересных ситуаций.
Допустим, большой и добрый народ долгие годы ведет мирную политику, но идиллия прерывается нападением агрессивного соседа. Чтобы сохранить позиции приходится собирать военный флот. И каждый построенный корабль, каждый проведенный бой, каждая по защите своих миров или захвату чужих — все это медленно меняет мировоззрение населения.
И вот уже война выиграна, и прошел парад на родной планете агрессора, но некогда мирный народ уже привык воевать, а пацифизм остался в прошлом.
А может выйти иначе: «мирные» покидают свои миры и заселяют другую часть галактики. Чтобы адаптироваться к новым условиям проживания, придется изучить соответствующие технологии. И тогда в один ряд с пацифистами встанут ученые. А может и возглавят всю расу…Каждая условная единица населения имеет не только свои политические взгляды, но и расовые особенности. Одним подавай науку, другие любят воевать, третьи вообще хотят, чтобы правитель не вмешивался в дела других жителей галактики и вел политику изоляционизма.Безусловно, постепенно расклад сил на политическом поле можно изменить. Но для этого придется соответствовать новому курсу, а не просто нажать одну кнопку. И, конечно, как в реальной политике, ничего не происходит мгновенно: население нельзя «перепрошить» в один миг.
Глобальная стратегия нового поколения
Пока Сид Мейер (Sid Meier) занимался профанацией, пересобирая Civilization 5, французы и Amplitude Studios внедряли абсолютно новую систему внутренней политики. Пока Paradox делали интересную, но все-таки безликую Stellaris, Amplitude прописывали свою собственную уникальную вселенную, населенную интересными расами.Это не значит, что конкуренты выпускают плохие игры. Вовсе нет, шестая «Цива» очень хорошо играется, а Stellaris — это отличное развлечение на 10-20 часов для любителя глобально-стратегического «покраса». Но обе эти игры всем своим видом говорят о том, что их создатели не собираются двигать жанр. Они выпускают новые части, строго дозируя нововведения. Им нужен стабильный продукт на продажу.Если же сравнить сиквел с оригиналом 2012 года, то огромная разница сразу же бросается в глаза. Даже тем, кто и не любит 4X-стратегии. Впрочем, после выхода Endless Space 2 таких явно станет меньше.
Смотреть все скриншоты Endless Space 2 →
Все скриншоты из Endless Space 2 можно посмотреть здесь.
- Во что поиграть: лучшие стратегии всех времен!
- 20 лучших статей о Civilization 6: все, что нужно знать об игре
- В Endless Space 2 начались бесплатные выходные; вышло обновление Galactic Statecraft
Because «» is a complicated design feature unique to ES2, this merits a (long) explanation. There are really two ways to take planets in ES2. You either blockade the planet, which slowly kills the defenders via orbital bombardment, and then actually land your troops once the defenders are all dead. Or, you kill all the defenders by immediately landing your troops and just fighting fire with fire (but you take heavy losses doing this).
Conquest via Blockading and Bombarding
Killing all the defenders with a blockade and the implicit bombardment is so slow (normally) that you could spend 50 turns orbiting a reasonably-defended system, and only deplete the ground forces by half. The one way to accelerate this, is to buy «Titanium A2S Slugs», which are a support module. Even a large fleet will natively do only ~25 damage per turn; but if you equip, say, 16 of these modules on support ships will boost this up to ~250, which means an average system with ~1200 ground forces can be emptied in 4 turns.
Broadly speaking, this is probably the best strategy. The AI’s been programmed to do this explicitly (if you ever see ships titled «S. Invader», they’re ships which have been outfitted by the AI expressly for this purpose). The major downside to this is that these have to go on your ships in lieu of other modules — you’re equipping them at the expense of shield boosters and other things you might really need to win the battles in space. Either that, or you’re even building a special ‘follow-up’ ground bombardment fleet with alternate equipment loadouts that follows your main fleets around (and will be a big investment in a second, somewhat weaker fleet, which will probably die quickly if you don’t win the battle with your first fleet).
Direct Assault with Ground Troops
If you immediately assault their ground forces without any blockade time, you will lose a lot of troops.
Because of the cheap cost of (and the early availability of) most of the «ground troop lethality/survivability» upgrades, during most mid-game fights your troops will be roughly equal in fighting power to most opponents. Unless you’re very lucky, and catch an early colony before it gets the «standard defensive upgrades» built, taking even one colony will mostly deplete even a large (10 command point) fleet’s available manpower.
Furthermore, if you haven’t actually conquered the planet at this point — if you’ve mostly wiped out the defenders, but have run out of troops before actually finishing them off, you’re in a real bind, because you really don’t want to retreat and refill — the moment you lift the blockade, the planet will very rapidly refill, wasting all of your effort. Your only way out is to have the attacking ships patiently keep the blockade up whilst a second fleet comes in with a full stock of their own . This is where this law shines — you can do a ground assault, take heavy losses, and refill them at a reasonable rate without having to leave or swap out fleets. One fleet can do the work of two.
Post-Conquest Troop Replenishment
After you conquer a system, you will get back all of your troops who survived the ground assault. This is a one-time replenish on the ships in the assaulting fleet. You’ll only have a fraction of the original troop percentage, since of course many of them will be KIA.
What’s less clear is what happens to your fleet immediately after that. Your fleet will not automatically refill troops when parked over the newly-conquered system, but the mechanic I’m not clear on is when this switches back to letting you refill your troops as though you’re in friendly territory.
It is possible that this waits until «system ownership transfer» is completely finished. It would be nice to get a clarification about this from the Devs or from other players; if it really takes until complete, 100% ownership transfer, then that gives a lot more value to this law, since it means that after any significant amount of conquest, you would have to travel quite a ways to move a fleet back to friendly territory to replenish its troops, which would dramatically slow down ongoing conquests.
Empire Development
The technologies in this tree cover a broad spectrum, from new ship hull types, food growth, diplomacy, minor faction interactions, new government types, faction alliances, overcolonization penalties and the Wonder Victory construction. Each Empire also has a unique technology in this tree to research.
Tier | Name | Unlocks | Base Cost |
Empire Development Tier 1 | |||
1 | Planetary Landscaping |
Intensive Cultivation
Sustainable Farms |
Off-World Agribusiness |
Infinite Supermarkets
Xenosynergy |
Empire Development Tier 2 | |||
2 | Efficient Shielding |
Protector-hull Behemoth-upgrade |
Botanical Scanning | |||
Xenology | |||
Adaptive Bureaucracies | |||
Behemoth Blueprints
(Supremacy DLC) |
Behemoth-hull | ||
Empire Development Tier 3 | |||
3 | Agri Drugs |
Enhanced Protector
Patriot Pills Plant |
Extreme Composites |
Enhanced Attacker
Exotic Rations |
Split-Second Ablatives |
Adamantian Jammer Improved Behemoths |
Applied Cryogenics |
Antimatter Lenser Flexible Behemoths |
Xeno Anthropology | |||
Inter-Species HR | |||
HyperPACs | |||
Citadel Blueprints
(Supremacy DLC) |
Citadel Specialization
Behemoth C3 Center |
Empire Development Tier 4 | |||
4 | Liquid Composites |
Behemoth Maximization |
Faction Unique Tech Militarized Management Harmonized Shadows Coupled Collaboration |
N-Dimensional Industry | |||
Dependency Algorithms | Enhanced Coordinator | ||
Low-temperature Construction | Enhanced Hunter | ||
SLC (Supra-Light Content) Systems | |||
Cultural Invertics | |||
Perfect Negotiations | |||
Citadel Basic Upgrade
(Supremacy DLC) |
System Battery
System Shield |
Empire Development Tier 5 | |||
5 | Far Halo Shipyard | Enhanced Carrier | |
Chlorophyll Chemistry | |||
Chaotic Meteorology | |||
Nano Aquaculture | |||
Dust-9 Production | |||
Citadel Advanced Upgrade
(Supremacy DLC) |
Advanced System Battery
Coordinated Bunkers |
Citadel Extensions
(Supremacy DLC) |
Scientific-Military Complex
Weaponized System |
Игровой процесс
Базовый концепт все тот же, что и много лет назад, когда появились первые 4X-стратегии — eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, eXterminate (исследуй, расширяй, эксплуатируй, уничтожай).
Выбрав одну из 8 доступных рас, необходимо привести ее к победе. Способов сделать это — целая масса, но, так или иначе, сначала необходимо исследовать ближайшие звездные системы, а затем начать постепенное заселение наиболее пригодных из них.
Уже на этом этапе игра предлагает огромное количество опций: разные типы систем и планет, различные аномалии, специфические особенности, случайные находки в виде ресурсов или даже древних руин других цивилизаций!Дальше — больше. Развитие каждой системы представляет собой задачку на оптимизацию. Практически из каждой комбинации планет можно сделать какую-нибудь специализированную единицу в масштабах новоявленной космической империи. Но чтобы подобрать правильный «рецепт», придется хорошенько подумать.
Постепенно все сильнее начинают проявляться и другие механики. Происходят первые контакты с другими цивилизациями, начинаются переговоры о разделе сфер влияния в галактике, происходят первые военные конфликты.Как и в случае с любой другой 4X, рассказать подробно о всех элементах игры не представляется возможным без превращения статьи из обзора в мини-энциклопедию. В случае с Endless Space 2 это верно на все 200%. В этой игре очень много всего. Поэтому далее акцент будет сделан на ключевых элементах, которые выделяют проект на фоне других представителей жанра.
To win a conquest victory you must control a certain percentage of the star systems in the galaxy.
A first warning message will be displayed when a faction or alliance controls half of the required ratio.
A second warning message will be displayed when a faction or alliance controls three quarters of the required ratio.
Keep in mind that being in an alliance will increase the number amount of colonies required to get a Conquest victory, your allies total system amount will also be added to your system amount required to achieve Conquest victory.
(Note: For the Nakalim, systems converted to the Academy also counts as systems required to progress to this victory condition.)
The number of star systems you have to control depends on the size of the galaxy. However the galaxy density does not increase the required systems but does add 33% more systems.
First Warning | Second Warning | Victory Condition | |
Tiny | 8 | 12 | 16 |
Small | 9 | 14 | 19 |
Normal | 11 | 17 | 22 |
Large | 14 | 21 | 28 |
Huge | 16 | 24 | 32 |
Colossal | 18 | 27 | 36 |
Gigantic | 20 | 30 | 40 |
Endless Space 2 не загружается. Решение
Так как партии в игре длиться по 10-20 часов, отыграть даже одну из них за «присест» практически нереально. Так или иначе придется сохраняться и возвращаться к игре через некоторое время.Так вот, после некоторых обновлений пользователи сталкиваются с тем, что их сохранения попросту не загружаются. Разработчики с досадой признают, что отказ при загрузке почти наверняка связан с несовместимостью сохранений старой версии с новыми патчами.Это происходит из-за того, что обновленный дистрибутив игры пытается считать также и обновленные данные, которыми «набиваются» сохранения. Но вместо них они получают информацию, относящуюся к одному из прошлых билдов Endless Space 2, и вот тогда и происходит ошибка.Разработчики хоть и обещают, что следующие обновления будут гораздо стабильнее работать со старыми сохранениями, но исключить полностью такую проблему нельзя. Поэтому лучше всего не обновлять игру до финала партии, чтобы не потерять свой прогресс.
The United Empire developed from a fleet of Mezari settlers on a temperate, resource-rich world. For decades, commercial and industrial effort went into the conquest and development of the planet. Once the planet was largely colonized and controlled, a more or less inevitable event occurred: The Great Continental War. This planet-wide military conflict occurred at a technological level that might have led to total extermination of life, and the rulers were wise enough to pull back from the brink of this collective suicide. The dominant force at the end of the war, known as the Alliance of Nations, imposed its will across the entirety of the planet through a mixture of rebuilding loans, military threats, and moral persuasion.
Advanced space technologies have thus been developed under a single body that put a great deal of effort into it, and space exploration occurred at a rapid rate. The Mezari–now calling themselves Raians–launched manned probes to distant bodies within their solar system, and as technology advanced, the next steps back to the stars were inevitable.
The current emperor is Maximilien Zelevas, and the unification of diverse national entities into the Empire as it is today can be attributed to his visionary, if brutal, leadership.
During this process of consolidation, a number of powerful family groups formed in support of Zelevas’s project. Deeply entrenched in Empire society, they built up economic and political power bases to the point where they could declare themselves as Dukes, Barons, and Counts. For decades, they have constituted an unofficial court that acts as a check and balance on the power of the Emperor. One critical right that they have wrested from the government is to have their appointees act as governors, with full imperial backing, on star systems that they develop. They can therefore create, ex officio, small empires of their own. As the Empire grows, as new systems are discovered, and as the dominion of the Empire expands, these nobles are in a position to create viable, competing mini-empires.
The first Mezari starships arrived millennia ago, landing on a green, virginal–and empty–planet of breathtaking, fecund wildernesses. Today, Raia proudly shows its pioneering, frontier past as it tamed the wild lands and storm-wracked seas, its landmasses now brimming with mighty industrial swathes and vast urban powerhouses. On the oceans stand huge mining platforms, Raia’s riches now the United Empire’s riches. Above, half-built starship yards orbit the conquered world, as the Empire prepares to take its glorious civilization to the rest of the galaxy.
Ancient legends mention that the Mezari originated in the long-lost planet of Mezan.
The pursuit of wealth and the belief in science and industrial development have replaced most traditional forms of religion. Forms of meditation–stemming either from mysticism or martial arts–still exist, though they are not widely practiced. Frankly, the government of the United Empire prefers that it be worshiped, not some imperceptible deity.
The Empire’s society is oriented towards creating ever more powerful machines of conquest and control. The reasoning is that, within a given arm of a galaxy, viable planets and available resources are limited. If the Empire doesn’t seize them, another race will, thereby gaining the upper hand and putting the future of the Empire at risk.
Военные действия[]
Отношения, начинающиеся с «холодной войны», которая позволяет сражаться только в нейтральной части галактики, скоро перерастают в мирные или в войну. Нейтральный дипломатический статус позволяет торговать, обмениваться технологиями, редкими ресурсами. Альянс даёт более выгодные условия сделок, но игрок обязан вступить в войну при любом конфликте союзника, иначе же альянс будет расторгнут.
Войны также связаны с развитием технологий, открывающим новые типы кораблей и оружия для них
Существуют три вида орудий нападения и защиты, из-за чего их правильный подбор в соответствие с возможностями врага становится важной частью стратегии. Дополнительные модули позволяют увеличить запас жизни, дальность передвижения, количество полезной нагрузки и возможность колонизировать планеты.
Космические и наземные бои проходят автоматически, игрок может определить тактику боя и построение.
The Lumeris are a society that revolves around trade, economic deals, economic growth, and doing business. Expansion and acquisition are the bywords of their culture, and as an amphibious people they are prepared to make money in any environment. Their society is organized around a series of families that have traditionally run different parts of their economy, and the balance of power and negotiations between the families is what drives progress — or blocks it.
The Lumeris faction is also known as the Four Families as these four power blocs have been running the society from the shadows for many years. Traditional alignments are the Meos family running farms and agricultural products, the Omokar handling construction and union issues, the Lancellum building ships and ports, and the Arrakyo dealing in politics and legislation.
The current leader is Jenestra Omalfi’Meos, voted by the Four Families.
While infighting and backstabbing occur on a regular base in the interest of vengeance or profits, there is a consensus that the families must coordinate to take on the really big opportunity that is the galaxy.
Jenes, an atoll planet full of tropical islands and tropical storms, is the home of the Lumeris civilization and the home base of the Four Families that rule it from behind the scenes. Their oceanic environment necessitated the ability to adapt to the water, yet the need to create fire and build advanced technologies drove them to the land. From there they are now challenging the heavens themselves, bringing their unique style of economic development to an unsuspecting galaxy.
Lumeris society has long been organized around families, clans, and dynasties — a natural outgrowth of the multinational, island-based history of their society. In the modern world this means that governments cannot stay in power without the support of the various families who have traditionally controlled different sectors of the economy and the lesser families that are part of their power structure. As a result, despite the growth and evolution of their civilization, family and lineage remains a strong pillar of their culture.
With the aristocracy a distant memory and no dramatic religious fervor driving its populace, economic status is the only major legacy to be left for one’s descendants. As a result Lumeris society revolves around trade; one seeks their career and passion in life in the interest of securing wealth for the future of their family and to improve one’s standing within it.
Access to System Development Projects
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Stage 3, 4 and 5 of the Economy and Trade tech tree have to be unlocked to access the Basic (L1), Advanced (L2) and Endless System Development Project (L3), respectively. No is required to build them, only certain amount of turns (1, 2 or 3, respectively) and resources selected in the System Development Screen are needed.
The selection of the resources for these projects can be done only once per project level, when set and confirmed it cannot be changed. L1 allows selecting 1 resource, L2 allows 2 resources and 3 can be used for L3. If multiple resources are to be selected then each has to be different, i.e. you cannot select Jadonyx twice for L2 to get +120 boost from building it.
Research all four Endless technologies to win. The amount of technologies required to complete this victory increases when you are in an alliance. The more factions you are in an alliance with, the more Endless technologies the Alliance will have to have researched.
Might of the Endless is unlocked for research, once you have researched three tier 5 technologies in each of Military and Empire Development.
Wealth of the Endless is unlocked for research, once you have researched three tier 5 technologies in each of Military and Economy And Trade.
Genius of the Endless is unlocked for research, once you have researched three tier 5 technologies in each of Military and Empire Development.
Power of the Endless is unlocked for research, once you have researched three tier 5 technologies in each of Military and Empire Development.
The Lumeris do not have a colonizer ship. Outposts can be created on all unlocked planet types within vision. Once created, the outpost still goes through the normal intake process to reach full Colony status. This isn’t shown as an action on the ship panel, but will show up if you view the planets in a system.
Strategic Implications
The Lumeris save a good deal of production (really relevant only in the early-game) by not having to build (and use up) colony ships. On the other hand, the tradeoff on this is that every early colonization effort hits your bank account during the point in the game where it’s weakest. Because of this, you’ve got an extra incentive to invest in your economy, early.
You can also decolonize for full refunds (scaling with the colonization price) at any point when the outpost/colony system is not under blockade and fully owned by you.